Lesson 1 Living in a Community 教案 Teaching aims 1. Learn news words and phrases 2. To get the general idea of the text 3. Language points and to practise using vocabulary belonging to the same semantic family. Teaching important points : 1) Words and phrases: gnarl ,Vietnamese, identification , flee, spare, stick up, commander, a couple of , unofficial , chief , ward , hug, aboard , fire brigade, procedure, mission 2) To improve students ’reading abilities . Teaching difficult points : How to use the useful and important words and phrases. How to get the general idea in a limited time . 重难点突破: 本课为阅读课,在清除单词障碍后,重点放在篇章的理解和阅读技巧上。利用课文内容补充关于战争的信息,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,利用录音培养学生的语感和听力技巧。 Teaching aids : cassette , computer 教学板书:见课件 Teaching process Step 1 New words learning Step 2 Before you start (exercise 1) a) Have students look at the pictures on the page and say what they know about World War I , World War II and the Vietnam War. b) Students work in pairs , doing the quiz on Students’ Book page 102. c) Checking their answers, have them give reasons for their choice if they disagree about any of the answers. Step 3 .Read to learn a)???? Read out the strategies to the class. Ask students which of these strategies they use, if they have to read a text and answer questions in an exam or within a certain time limit. b)???? Exercise 2.students then use the strategies to answer the questions in exercises 3,4,5 within a realistic timelimit. c)???? Check their answers Step 4 Language points 1竖起stick up 2. 厌烦be fed up with 3. 几个a couple of 4. 达成共识come to an understanding 在午夜at midnight 6. 确信make sure 7.清理clear up 8. 被炸毁的be blown off 9.对……厌倦be tired of 10.为……而战fight for Step 5 . Exercises Do some exercises ,make sure the students can use the useful phrase freely . Step 6 speaking(exercise 7) 1.read out the questions to the class.ask students to think of different war contexts. 2.students then form groups of four or five to discuss their own replies to the questions. Step 7 Summary 1.Review the new words and phrases we have learnt in this class 2. Describe the war and its sufferings according to the text . Step 8 homework 1.Recite the useful phrases and new words 2. Finish P66-67
