Unit 3 The meaning of colour 课 题 M9U3 课时  9-3 主备人  授 课 时 间   教 学 目 标 1. Read an internet article about national flags and an article about colors in different cultures. 2. Prepare and present an oral report about color.  教学重、难点 Understand the meaning of different colors. How to understand the same color in different cultures  教、 学 具 A projector and some slides.  预 习 要 求 Surf the internet to get some reference books to get some information about the meanings of colors.  教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注  Step1: Greeting Step2: Free talk about colors Show Ss some cards in different colors. Ask the Ss to name the colors. 1.Can you name these colours? 2.What’re the meanings of the colours? Black: conservative, mysterious, sophisticated White: purity, innocence, softness, honesty Red: action, bravery, revolution, courage, vitality Yellow: wisdom, joy, happiness, intellectual energy Step3: Sharing information Look at the four pictures at page 1. Let’s study them one by one and try to discuss some questions in groups of four. Picture 1 1.What is this building? 2. Why does each country have its own national flag with its own pattern and colors? Can you think of some reasons? Picture 2 1. What do you know about the tulip? 2. Why do you think people like tulips? Picture3 1.What colors are used for different roles in Chinese opera? 2.What do the terms ‘sheng’ ‘dan’ ‘jing’ and ‘chou’ in Beijing opera refer to? Picture 4 1.What are the colors red and white always used in western cultures? 2.What are the colors red and white always used for in East? 3.Do you think it is necessary to know about such cultural differences? Why or why not? Step4: Discussion: 1.Can you think of any examples of the use of a particular color on a special occasion? 2.Think of a foreign country. What color do you associate with that country? Why? 3.What color would you choose to represent your character? Why? (Give Ss some time to discuss the questions in groups of 4 , then ask the representative of each group to report their answers before the whole class.) Step5:Reading (Workbook) Ask Ss to read the two passages at page122 and page123.Then answer the questions below the passages. Passage1: 1.What are the sources of vitamin D? 2.How did humans develop light-colored skin throughout history? 3.What will happen if person lives in a place with strong sunlight? Passage2: 1.What are some different reasons why Africans paint their bodies and faces? 2.How do the Masai and Samburu use the color red differently? 3.What do white marks on the body of a Masai man mean? 4.What does the special ceremony of the Nuba men represent? 5.How do the Wodaabe men use black paint on their faces? Step6:Summary and homework Summarize the contents learnt in this lesson. Then ask Ss to preview the reading passage.  Black,brown, gray, pink,purple,red,silver,blue, white, yellow, green Work in groups of four Ss try to answer the questions given by the teacher. Ss discuss the questions in groups of 4. Ss read the passages to answer the questions.
