《牛津高中英语》 (模块九·高三上学期) Unit 4 Project Reporting on a historic religious site 一、Teaching goals 1.Target language: new words and sentence structure 2. Ability goals: Learn an article about a historic religious site and know how to write this kind of essay by reading the article. 3. Learning ability goals: Students are expected to choose a historic religious site and research it, and write a report about it by cooperating. 二、Teaching important and difficult points 1. Learn to write a report by reading an article. 2. How to complete the project by cooperating. 三、Teaching aids Consult materials and make designs. 四、Teaching procedures and ways The White Horse Temple Step I Lead-in 1. Show some pictures to students to enjoy and check their homework (search information about religious sites around the world)  2. There are a lot of religious sites around the world that are of historic importance. Do you know any of them? 3. Enjoy another religious site while listening to a piece of Buddhist music.  4. Tips: What will we write about if we want to tell other people about a historic religious site? ●brief introduction included Where it is located When and why it was set up Who set it up ●the story behind it ●the importance of it in history Step II Fast reading Ask students to scan the passages and find the answers to the Knowledge questions(细节复述型问题)which elicit factual answers and recognition of information, words, phrases or sentences in the passage as answers. Why is it called the White Horse Temple? When did India and China make a plan to work together to build a new Indian-style pagoda west of the White Horse Temple? Step III Careful reading 1. Listen to the recording and follow then read it carefully and judge the following sentences “True” or “False”. These questions are Comprehension questions (理解型问题) which interpret some information in the passage. 1) Before AD 67, there’s no Buddhist temple in China. 2) In the year AD64, the Emperor Mingdi of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty instructed a group of officials to go on his behalf as agents to India. 3). Qiyun pagoda was built before the Honglu Temple was renamed. 4). The White Horse Temple is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Luoyang. 2. Choose the best answer to the Analysis question (分析型问题) and Inference question(推断型问题)relating parts to the whole. 1) Which of the following statements is Not true according to the passage? A. the two Indian monks who originally traveled to China with Emperor Mingdi’s officials were buried in China. B. a dream of an emperor led to the building of the White Horse Temple. C. It’s said that if you stand about 20 meters away from the pagoda and clap your hands, you will hear someone answer you from the roof. D. The White Horse Temple had ever been destroyed at war. 2) It may be inferred from this passage that __________ A. Monks were Buddhist and were working as educators without salary. B. The Emperor Mingdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty believe in the two Indian monks. C. The architecture of the White Horse Temple is various. D. The White Horse Temple is one of the first historic buildings that the government listed to receive special state protection. 3. Finish Synthesis questions (综合型问题) that summarize the main idea or comb elements into a new pattern by dividing the passage into several parts and give the main idea for each part. Encourage students to have different opinions. Sample: Main idea  Part 1(para 1) Brief introduction of the White Horse Temple  Part 2(paras 2~5) The story behind the temple  Part 3(para 6) The architecture of the White Horse Temple  Part 4(paras 7~9) The importance of the temple  Step IV Language points 1. (L2) It was the first Buddhist temple in China, and to this day, remains one of the most important temples in all of China. 1) Analyze the sentence: This is a simple sentence. The subject of it is “It” and the predicate is “was and remains”. Pay attention to the word ‘and’ ● Have a try The tall man carrying a golden carriage, _______ the girl and went away. A. seizing B. to seize C. seized D. had seized 2) remain ① vi 剩下,遗留 ● e.g. After the fire, very little remained of my house. ② vi 留待以后去看,去做,去说 ● e.g. Much work remained to be done. ③ vi逗留,留下 ● e.g. I’ll remain to see the end of the game. ④ link v. 保持,仍是 ● e.g. The door remained closed. ★ A few flowers still ______ on the tree. A. kept B. remained C. left D. remaining ★(02全国)Having a trio abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remained _______ whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen 2. (L7) When the emperor woke up, he asked his officials to interpret his dream and tell him what it meant. (Let students analyze the complex sentence and use) ★(05安徽)Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer _____ it was 20 years ago, ______, it was so poorly equipped. A. what, when B. that, which C. what, which D. which, that 3. (L31) It was the White Horse Temple that first brought the meaning of ‘temple’ to the word ‘si’. ( Let students analyze the emphasize sentence and use) ★(05天津)It was ____ you do rather than what you say ______ matters. A. that, what B. that, which C. what, that D. what, this 4. (L41) It is called the Qiyun Pagoda and it is the first known Buddhist pagoda in China. ( Let students analyze the compound sentence and use) ★(06全国)Mary, ____ here----everybody else, stay where you are. A. come B. comes C. to come D. coming ★ Autumn ________ (come), and leaves turn yellow. ★ Homework _________ (finish), we went to bed very early. Step V writing 1. Discuss in group of four what to write about if we want to tell other people about a historic religious site 1) What historic religious site would you choose to write about? 2) What information do you need to find out and how will you record it? 3) How are you going to find information out about the site? 4) How will you organize the information? Will you use headings in your report? 5) Who will find the information and write part of the report? 6) Who will present which part of the report to the class? 2. Give some information about Yuanmingyuan and let students discuss how to write a composition about it. (Look---discuss---say---write)    颐和园内被毁前的文昌阁 圆明园琉璃塔旧址(当时唯一一座铜鎏 圆明园规月桥(现已毁) (三层,楼顶大钟指向6点 金覆钟锦罐式的琉璃塔,也是圆明 30分。据推测这张照片可能 园最高的一座塔。现已毁) 就是在此阁被毁当天或前一 天拍摄的) 圆明园始建于1709年,历时150年陆续建成。清王朝倾全国物力财力,集国内外名胜40景,建成大型建筑物145处,内藏难以数计的艺术珍品和文物。 令中华民族抱恨千古的是,这一世界园林艺术的伟大杰作,于1860年和1900年分别遭英法联军和八国联军野蛮的劫掠和焚烧,使一代明园化为废墟。 现在,经整修后的遗址,已成为人们凭吊和游览之地。 3. Discuss if it’s necessary to rebuild Yuanmingyuan. Homework: 1. Read the article again. 2. Choose any of religious sites to write a report about it cooperating in groups.
