牛津高中英语教学设计 单  元:Unit 2 Language 板  块:Task2 课堂设计指导思想: “Task”是牛津教材区别以往及其它教材是很有特色的版块。“Task”的设计总体上是围绕本单元的主题,要求学生最终完成一个与主题相关的写作任务。该版块的设计思路是由输入至输出,对于高中学生而言,写作的输出是有一定的难度的,这种难度主要体现在:一、写作素材的不足,学生由于阅历有限,对于问题的观点及支撑观点的相关论据相对薄弱,往往无法满足写作的需求;二、写作结构、写作能力有待进一步提高。译林版牛津教材Task在设计上充分考虑到了这两个问题,有梯度地为学生铺平道路,扫除障碍,主要通过以下途径加以实现:一、通过听、读、说的训练,为学生最后的写作提供相对充足的素材积累,使学生最后的写作能够言之有物,内容充实;二、通过对学生写作结构和写作技巧的指导,帮助学生顺利完成单元的写作任务。本节课设计的是“Task”的第二课时,活动设计侧重于说、读、写等技能的操练。学生通过调查问卷,了解中国常用身势语的特点,同时课本还对于写作报告的文本结构进行了指导,并设计了相关的辅助练习,帮助学生水到渠成完成写作任务。 Teaching aims: Survey the classmates and get to know the meaning of common gestures in China; Learn to organize information properly; Organize the information collected in the listening and survey into a report on body language. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Revision Revise the tips on formulating written questions learned in the last lesson. 【设计说明】复习上节课所学内容,一方面,可以督促学生复习巩固,及时检验教学效果;另一方面,也是“温故而知新”的要求,复习内容有助于自然过渡到新授课的内容。 Step 2 Complete the questionnaire Students are asked to complete the questionnaire by finishing writing the questions in the light of the given situations. Students are allowed to state their ideas. And if necessary the teacher can offer some examples for reference: You and your friend are taking photos in a park. You are posing and your friend is holding a camera. After a flash, your friend holds up his hand with fingers pointing up and palm facing out. Index finger and thumb make an“O”. He is saying“OK”. He is asking you to pose again. Others:________________________________. You and your mother are going shopping. Your mother wants to buy a new skirt for you. She picks up a blue one and shows it to you. You shake your head from side to side. Then she picks up a green one. You nod your head up and down. You: Like the blue skirt. Are satisfied with the green one she chose. Others:______________________________. All of your family are enjoying a big dinner on Mid-Autumn Day. After the meal, you lean back and pat your stomach with the palm of your hand. You mean: Oh, I am full. It’s quite delicious. I have got a stomach-ache. Others: _____________________________. 【设计说明】完成问题的写作,是对上一课内容的巩固训练,同时为下一步了解中国身势语的内涵而进行的调查奠定基础。 Step 3 Survey your classmates Students are encouraged to conduct the survey in groups. Each student is to answer some questions in the discussion so that everyone will get the chance to talk. 【设计说明】学生通过小组讨论的形式,了解中国常用身势语的内涵,为写作中比较中美差异收集必要素材。小组讨论的组织方式有以下优点:有助于全员的参与;有助于学生自信表达;有助于提高合作意识。 Step 4 Check the answers Ask students from each group to make a presentation of the findings from their survey. The teacher makes a summary of the meaning of common gestures in China. 【设计说明】学生汇报调查结果,教师汇总共识,为写作的开展提供进一步的信息支持。 Step 5 Organizing a report The teacher gives instructions on organization of a report. Give explanations to the main elements. Tips are also offered. Practice Organize the sentences into the proper sections. 【设计说明】本环节的设计,为学生进行报告写作,清除了最后的一道障碍。通过对报告主要结构的解读,帮助学生构建合理的报告文本写作结构。通过适应性练习,加深学生对报告文本语篇结构的感性认识。 Step 6 First draft Students compare notes on the summaries of what common gestures mean in both America and China. Students are asked to finish their first draft of the report in class. 【设计说明】教师可以请前一课时作业优秀的同学总结美国体势语的涵义,让学生比较一下异同,进一步明确写作素材。学生可以在课上完成全部或部分初稿。教师需要提醒学生注意运用所学文本写作结构。 Step 7 Presentation Ask some students to read their first draft to the class. 【设计说明】在课时结束前,教师可以有意识地请写得快、尤其是写得好的同学分享他们初稿的成果,这既是一种给予学生的展示机会,可以鼓励优秀学生的积极性;同时也提供了很好的范本,可以激励更多同龄学生的效仿,毕竟榜样的力量是巨大的。 Step 8 Homework Organize your first draft of report on body language into the final version. 【设计说明】作为课后作业,让学生进一步润色完成写作任务。
