Book 7 Unit 1 New Words and Expressions 1.delay 及物动词 vt. 【delay (doing) sth.】 (1). 延缓; 使延期 We decided to delay our wedding until next year. 我们决定把婚礼推迟到明年。 Our plane was delayed by fog. 我们的飞机因大雾而误点了。 It's a bad habit to delay doing things. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 做事拖拖拉拉不是好习惯。不要把今天能做的事情留到明天做。 (2). 耽搁; 延误 The accident delayed the train for two hours. 事故使火车耽搁了两小时。 不及物动词 vi.拖延; 耽搁 I'm sorry that I've delayed so long. 我很抱歉拖了这么久。 名词 n. 延迟;耽搁[U][C] My doctor advised me to give up smoking without delay. 我的医生劝我立即戒烟。 After much delay, the results of the survey were published. 耽搁多时之后,调查结果终于公布了。 【词语辨析】: delay, postpone与put off的区别 delay普通用词,多指因外界原因推迟或耽误,也可指有意推迟。 postpone正式用词,语气较强,多指有安排的延期,常指明延期到一定的时间。 使延期,延迟,延缓[(+to/until)][+v-ing] They postponed sending an answer to a request. 他们耽搁了对一项请求的答复。 The concert has been postponed to Saturday. 音乐会延迟到星期六。 put off口语用词,与postpone同义,但较通俗。 He insisted that the meeting be put off. 他要求推迟那个会议。 【共同点】 三者均可表示将某事推迟到原订时间之后的某一时间进行,其后可接名词或动名词(但一般不接不定式)。为了表明推迟到何时,可用介词 to, till, until 等。 They delayed [postponed, put off] leaving. 他们推迟动身。 He decided to delay [postpone, put off] his holiday to [till, until] next month. 他决定把假期推迟到下个月。 【细微区别】 (1) delay 除表示推迟日期外,还可表示暂时阻挠或阻挡,因此有“耽搁”、“拖延”等意。 The heavy rain delayed my journey. 大雨耽搁了我的行程。 (2) postpone 和 put off 主要用于延期,两者常可换用,只是后者较通俗和口语化; 但是 put off 有时以人作宾语,表示借辞推脱或搪塞某人、推迟或取消与某人的约会、使某人不高兴或反感、打扰某人、让某人下车等,此时不宜用 postpone。如: He tried to put me off with more promises. 他想用更多的诺言来敷衍我。 We’ve invited friends to dinner and it’s too late to put them off now. 我们已邀请朋友来吃饭,现在取消来不及了。 Don’t be put off by the title-it’s a really good book. 别介意这书名不好,它真是本好书。 Don’t put me off when I’m trying to concentrate. 我正要集中注意力呢,别打扰我。 注:delay 也可以人作宾语,但强调的是耽搁某人的时间。如: I was delayed by the traffic. 因交通堵塞,我迟到了。 (3) delay 除用作动词外,还用作名词,其余两者不用作名词。 We must leave without delay. 我们必须马上离开。 That is the reason for my delay in answering your letter. 这就是我迟迟不给你复信的缘故。 注:名词 delay 后可接 in doing sth,但不接 of doing sth 或不定式。 【活学活用】 (1).I don't mind _____ the decision as long as it is not too late. to delay making B.your delaying making C.your delaying to make delay to make (2).It has been proposed that we _____ our decision until the next meeting. A.delay B.delayed C.can delay D.are to delay (3).You must get there within half an hour. There should be no _____ in sending the blood to the dying man. A.wait B.delay C.time D.hurry (4).I have to delay _____ the letter. answer B.answer C.answering D.answered (5).——Good morning, Doctor Brown's office. --- Hello, this is Tom Smith. Could you please tell Doctor Brown I_____? My car_____ start. A.was delayed, doesn't B.will be delayed, won't delayed, didn't D.would delay, mustn't (6).He is an hour late. He _____ by fog. Of course, that's only a possibility. A.may have been delayed B.should have been delayed C.can have been delayed D.must have been delayed (7).Due to the bad weather the plane was ____ for two hours. A.delayed B.canceled C.postponed D.put off 2. accessible形容词 a. (1)可(或易)接近的;可(或易)进入的 A manager should be accessible to his staff. 一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人。 a town accessible by rail 有铁路通达的城镇 This island is accessible only by boat. 这个小岛只能坐小船去。 (2)可(或易)得到的;可(或易)使用的[(+to)] Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children. 药品不应放在儿童容易拿到的地方。 This database is only accessible by the authorized manager. 只有授权的管理员才可以访问此数据库。 (3)易受影响的,易感受的[(+to)] He is not accessible to pity. 他不大有同情心。 (4).易被理解的;受到赞赏的 The information ought to be made more accessible. 资料应该明白易懂。 Those are his most accessible stories. 那些是他最受欢迎的短篇小说。 3.eventually副词 ad. 最后,终于 The government eventually collapsed in 1970. 该政府终于在一九七○年倒台了。 He fell ill and eventually died. 他得了病,最后去世了。 【区别】 at last, eventually, finally, in the end, lastly 这些词或词组均含有“最后,终于”之意。 (1).at last :多指经主观努力,克服各种困难后才终于达到目的。 At last she interrupted abruptly what he was saying.(最后她粗暴地打断了他的话。)(2).eventually :侧重于动作或行为的结果。 He hated his stepfather and eventually ran away from home. (他恨他的继父, 最终从家中逃走了。) (3).finally :常与at last换用,都可用于对往事的描述,但finally不带感情色彩,指一系列事情的最后结局。 After putting it off three times, we finally managed to have a holiday in Greece.(推迟了三次度假之后,我们终于在希腊度了假。) (4).in the end:与at last同义,但in the end不仅可指“过去”还可表示对“未来”的预计。 In the end, we stay at home and look after everything.(最后,我们还是呆在家里照看着一切。) (5)lastly :指连续顺序的最后,通常用在列举事情的场合。 Lastly, I must say I owe all the achievements to the encouragement and help from my colleagues and friends. (最后,我必须说我的这些成就都应归功于我的同事和朋友们的鼓励和帮助。) 4.reject及物动词 vt. (1).拒绝,抵制 The plan was rejected. 该计划遭拒绝。 He rejected their offer of a job. 他拒绝了他们给他的工作。 The board rejected all our ideas. 董事会拒绝了我们的所有想法。 (2).去除,丢弃 All apples with soft spots were rejected. 所有带软斑点的苹果都被剔除。 (3).驳回;否决 The prisoner's plea [pli:](申诉)for pardon was rejected. 该犯的赦免请求被驳回了。 (4).吐出;排斥 The patient's body rejected the heart transplant. 病人的身体排斥移植的心脏。 【词义辨析】 decline, refuse, reject, deny都有"拒绝"的意思。 decline v.婉言拒绝,谢绝,相当于refuse politely,主要用于拒绝有关社交活动的邀请或要求帮助的请求,后接名词或动词不定式,主语只能是人。 例:I invited her to join us, but she declined.我邀请她和我们在一起,可是她婉言谢绝了。 refuse 例:v.是比较普通的用词,表示"拒绝",含有非常坚决地、不客气地拒绝的意思。 reject v.抛弃,不采纳,主语可以是人或物,后接名词,不能接动词不定式。 例:He asked her to go to the movies three times, and each time she rejected him.他三次约她去看电影,但每一次都被拒绝。 deny v.否认,否定,其后可接名词,代词或that从句。 例:The defendant denied the accusations made against him in court.被告在法庭上否认了对他的指控。 【词语用法】 在指“不接受邀请、请求或提议”时,不应用reject或refuse,而应用cannot accept,cannot comply [k?m'pla?]( 依从,顺从,遵从)? with或decline等相对委婉的说法。 【活学活用】 (1).I am sorry that I must _____ your invitation owing to a previous appointment. A.decline B.reject C.accept D.receive (2).They were _____ admission to the military exhibition because they were foreigners. A.denied B.declined C.deprived D.rejected (3).Why was the suggestion that she ____ to our party rejected the day before yesterday? invited be invited C.being invited D.has been invited 5.oppose 及物动词 vt. (1).反对;反抗;妨碍[+n/v-ing] They opposed the government's new policies. 他们反对政府的新政策。 The proposed new airport will be strongly opposed by the local residents. 提议中的新机场会招受当地区民强烈反对。 He is strongly/ bitterly opposed to the plan. 他强烈反对这一计划。 I am opposed to going shopping with others. 我反对与他人一起外出购物。 (2).使相对;使对抗[(+to/against)] Don't oppose your will against mine. 不要把你的意志同我的对立起来。 Who is opposing you in the match? 你和谁比赛? Our members are definitely opposed to making concessions [k?n'se??n] (让步) on the safety question. 我们的成员绝对反对在安全问题上让步。 【词义辨析】 object,?oppose,?resist,?protest,? object:?多指因厌恶或反感而反对,但不一定明显地表露出来。 In the final analysis, I object to the proposal. 归根结底,我反对这个建议。 I objected that he was too young for the job. 我反对的理由是因为他太年轻,不适合做那份工作。 oppose:?普通用词,含义广,语气强于object。多指反对一些较重大的事,隐含其正当性。 resist:?指用力量或意志抵抗、制止对方的入侵或诱惑、影响等。 I can't resist the temptation. 我不能抵挡诱惑。 They are determined to resist invasion. 他们决定抵抗入侵。 I can never resist an ice cream. 我一见到冰淇淋就忍不住想吃。 protest:”抗议,反对,申明”一般指通过言语或文字或行为表示出的强烈抗议、反对。 He protested his innocence. 他声言自己无罪。 She protested strongly at being called a snob. 她极力反对别人说她势利眼。 They protested to the mayor that the taxes were too high. 他们向市长提出抗议说税款过高。 She protested that she had never seen the accused man before. 她坚持说她以前从未见过这一被指控的男子。 I went to the doctor under protest. 我勉强去看了医生。 【活学活用】 (1).Is there anyone who _____ the plans put forward by the committee? A.differs B.opposes C.disagrees D.refuses (2).The trade unions in this industry are _____ any reduction in wages. A.objecting against B.opposed to C.reacted to D.resisting against (3).When he was asked about the missing briefcase, the man _____ ever seeing it. A.refused B.opposed C. denied D.resisted (4).The committee is totally opposed _____ any changes being made in the plans. A.of B.on D.against 6. circumstance 名词 n. (1). 情况, 环境; 情势[P] Due to circumstances beyond our control the lecture was cancelled. 由于无法控制的情况,讲座取消了。 In normal circumstances I would have resigned immediately. 在正常情况下,我本会马上辞职的。 He was forced by the circumstances to do this. 他做此事是为环境所迫。 (2). 事件, 事实; (有关) 事项 [C] His arrival was a happy circumstance. 他的来到是一件令人高兴的事。 (3). 境况; 境遇; 经济状况 [P] They have been living in reduced circumstances since John lost his job. 约翰失业后,他们一直生活拮据。 The bad circumstances forced him to steal .他迫于贫困去偷窃。 (4). 细节; 详情[C][U] The explorer told of his adventure with great circumstance. 探险者详细叙述了他的冒险经历。 (5). 机遇; 命运[C] He became a victim of circumstances. 他成了命运的牺牲品。 Your arrival was a fortunate circumstance. 你的到来是命中注定的。 【拓展】 in/under the circumstances?在这种情况下; 考虑到这种情况 I had to give up my attempt in the circumstances.既然这样我只得放弃尝试。 in/under no circumstances?决不,无论如何都不 At no time and under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. 中国在任何时候,在任何情况下,都不首先使用核武器。 Under no circumstances should you lend him any money. 你无论如何都不该把钱借给他。 Under no circumstances shall I leave you. 在任何情况下我都不会离开你。 in the present circumstances 在目前的情况下 according to circumstances 根据情况 be in easy circumstances 经济宽裕 be in reduced circumstances 经济拮据 【词义辨析】 condition,?state,?situation,?circumstance,? condition:?一般强调产生影响的原因或环境,复数形式指笼统的情况。 Hard work is a condition of success. 勤奋是成功的前提。 The miners there worked in dreadful conditions. 那里的矿工们在极其恶劣的环境中工作。 I'll do it on condition that you pay for everything. 我可以做此事,条件是你得支付一切费用。 What's the patient's condition? 病人的情况如何? state:?普通用词,指人或物在环境、外表、心灵以及健康方面的状况,或指在某一阶段的状态或形式。 The house has fallen into a state of neglect. 这所房屋已处于荒废的状态。 His general state of health is fairly satisfactory. 他总的健康状况相当令人满意。 situation:?指明确具体的环境情况或处境。 This situation is unfavorable for us. 这样的局面对我们来说是不利的。 The company is in a poor financial situation. 该公司经济状况艰难。 He was in a dangerous situation. 他处境危险。 circumstance:?多指周围的情况或某事发生时的情况。 【活学活用】 (1).It is hard to imagine a large city without policemen, but such was the ____in London in the early 18th century. A.condition B.affair C.environment D.situation (2).The collapse of the World Trade Center has put US economy in a difficult _____ . A.position B.situation C.state D.condition (3).Though bought several years ago, the car is still in good _____ . A.situation B.condition C.standard D.position (4).The _____ of his clothes indicated too clearly that he had been playing football. A.state B.condition C.occasion D.situation (5).An important factor in determining how well you perform in an examination is the _____ of your mind. A.state C.situation D.circumstance (6).Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _____ your advice. A.follow B.had followed C.would follow D.have followed 7.rid 及物动词 vt. 使免除;使摆脱;从...清除[(+of)] I want to rid this city of corruption! 我要这座城市摆脱腐败现象! The man rid himself of debt. 他还清了债。 We must try every way to rid ourselves of these debts. 我们要想尽一切办法来摆脱这些债务。 You should rid yourself of the smoking habit.你应该改掉抽烟的习惯。 I am rid of debt now .我现在没有债务了。 I’m very glad to be rid of my bad cold.摆脱了重感冒的困扰,我非常高兴。 We'll have to get rid of him. 我们必须摆脱他。 We will be glad to get rid of him. 摆脱他,我们将很高兴。 Let's get rid of this moldy old furniture. 咱们把这件老掉牙的旧家具扔掉吧。 Book 7 Unit 1 New Words and Expressions(答案) delay 及物动词 (1)B (2) A (3) B (4) C (5) B (6) A (7) A本题解析: 【句意】由于天气恶劣,飞机晚点两个小时。【难点】delay意为“使耽搁,延迟”指事先没有计划的延误;cancel意为“取消;终止”;postpone意为“延期,拖延,缓办”,尤指因为某种原因事先作出安排,与delay不同。put off 与postpone相同 4.reject及物动词 vt. (1) A (2) A (3) A 5.oppose 及物动词 vt. (1). B (2). B (3). C (4).C 6. circumstance 名词 n. (1)D.situation 本题解析: 【句意】很难想像一个大城市没有警察,但是十八世纪初叶的伦敦就是这样。【难点】situation意为“情况,处境;状态”;condition 意为“条件,状况”;affair意为“事情,事件”;environment 意为“环境,周围情况”。condition和situation辨析:condition 指事物或人所处的环境或由其他原因产生的特殊情况;situation 指一个特定时期内的形势或局面,这种状况一般由相关的综合环境条件决定。 (2) B.situation 本题解析: 解析本题考查名词辨析。 position①位置, ②状况, 环境; situation形势, 情况; state of affairs状态, 事态; state人或物在环境、外观、心情、健康等方面的状态, 所以使用situation。 (3). B (4) A (5) A (6). B 版权所有:高考资源网(
