(外研版选修6)高三英语一轮单元复习教案:Module 1 Small Talk 知识详解 1.absence n. [U]缺乏,不存在,缺席 (回归课本P8)Esther Greenbaum’s major shortcoming was that she had a complete absence of small talk. 埃斯特·戈林鲍姆的主要缺点是她根本不会聊天。 11 【归纳总结】 【例句探源】 ①The absence of air and water makes it impossible to live on the moon. 因为缺乏空气和水,所以(人们)在月球上居住是不可能的。 ②However,learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the absence of a native language environment. 然而,在缺乏母语环境的情况下学习作为外语的英语相当困难。 ③Every time after a long absence from school,I feel really stupid because I am a bit behind the others. 每次请过长假之后,我觉得自己笨了许多,因为比别人又落后了一些。 ④In his absence I looked to see what was on his desk. 他不在时,我看了看他桌上有什么东西。 【即境活用】 1.(江苏启东中学)There being no witness on the spot,the police were delayed by the ________ of information about the crime. A.analysis      B.disappearance C.absence D.consideration 解析:选C。考查名词。句意:因为缺乏证人,警方因信息不足而耽搁破案。 2.完成句子 ________________________________,Mr.Li is in charge.经理不在时,一切由李先生负责。 答案:In the absence of the manager 2.apology n. 道歉,致歉 (回归课本P8)“Oh,sorry,”said Esther without any apology. “噢,对不起,”埃斯特毫无歉意地说。 【归纳总结】 【例句探源】 ①(朗文P70)I must apologise for the delay in replying to your letter.未能及时复信,我必须向你道歉。 ②The worker said that the boss must make an apology to him for the dirty words. 那工人说老板因为说了脏话而必须向他道歉。 ③(牛津P78)We should like to offer our apologies for the delay to your flight today.今天航班误点,敬请原谅。 【即境活用】 3.On yesterday’s interview,he didn’t make a(n) ________ at all;what’s the matter with him? A.apology        B.appearance C.difference D.change 解析:选B。make an apology道歉;make an appearance露面,在场;make a difference有影响,使不相同;make a change有所改动。句意:在昨天的面试里,他根本没露面,他是怎么了? 4.The captain ________ an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather. A.made B.said C.put D.passed 解析:选A。考查固定搭配。make an apology to sb.for(doing)sth.因(做了)某事而向某人表示歉意。 3.purpose n. 目的;意图 (回归课本P13)What’s the purpose of your visit to London? 你到伦敦的目的是什么? 【归纳总结】 【例句探源】 ①(牛津P1609)The purpose of the book is to provide a complete guide to the university. 这本书旨在全面介绍这所大学。 ②Did you come to London for the purpose of seeing your family,or for business purposes? 你到伦敦来的目的是为了要看望家人还是为了公事? ③I haven’t got a pen,but a pencil will answer/serve the same purpose.我没带钢笔,不过铅笔也能起到一样的作用。 ④He stepped me on my foot on purpose, knowing it would annoy me.他故意踩了我的脚,知道这会激怒我。 【即境活用】 5.Forgive him,please.I don’t think he broke your ruler ________. A.with care       B.on purpose C.for fun D.with aim 解析:选B。句意:请原谅他吧,我觉得他不是故意弄坏了你的尺子。on purpose“故意地”。 6.(湖北武汉调研)After the talk both sides got what they had wanted.It was a win-win ________. A.guidance B.tournament C.situation D.purpose 解析:选C。考查名词辨析。It was a win-win situation表示“这是个双赢的局势。”guidance“指导”;tournament“比赛”;purpose“目的”。 4.imagine vt.& vi. 想象 (回归课本P13)Imagine a situation where two strangers are talking to each other after someone they both know has left the room,or the café or party,etc. 设想这样一种情形,在咖啡馆或聚会等场合,双方都认识的人离开了房间,两个陌生人开始互相交谈。 【归纳总结】 【例句探源】 ①I can’t imagine your working with such a boring man for as long as five years. 我很难想象你能与那样一个无聊的人一起工作了五年。 ②(朗文P1033)I never knew my grandmother,but I always imagine her as a kind,gentle person. 我从未见过祖母,但我总把她想象成一个心地善良、和蔼可亲的人。 ③(朗文P1033)You can’t imagine what a terrible week we had. 你简直想象不出我们经历了多么可怕的一个星期。 ④In industry there is a view that Dongyirisheng design is always“beyond imagination”. 工业界有一种说法,东易日盛的设计一直都“超乎想象”。 【即境活用】 7.It is difficult to imagine him ________ the unfair decision without any consideration. A.to accept        B.accept C.accepting D.accepted 解析:选C。imagine后面要接动名词的复合结构作宾语,即:imagine sb.doing sth.。 8.What difficulty do you imagine ________ had to get the title of Miss Chinese International ? A.she has B.has she C.having D.her having 解析:选A。句意是:你能想象到她赢得华裔小姐称号所受到的磨难吗?这句话用的是“疑问词+do you imagine+陈述句”语序。 5.in addition 除此之外,另外 (回归课本P3)In addition,you need to know how long you should stay,and when you have to leave. 另外,你要了解你应该呆多久和应该什么时候离开。 【归纳总结】 【例句探源】 ①In addition to the names on the list,there are six other applicants.除了名单上的名字之外,还有6个申请人。 ②(朗文P21)The hotel itself can accommodate 80 guests and,in addition,there are several self-catering apartments. 旅馆本身能容纳80位客人,除此之外,还有几个可供自己做饭的套房。 【即境活用】 9.The visiting Americans are also interested in Chinese food ________ Chinese culture. A.in addition       B.except C.in addition to D.except for 解析:选C。句意为:来访的美国人除了对中国文化感兴趣,他们还对中国食物感兴趣。通过also一词可知,句中有“除……之外还有”之意,且Chinese culture作宾语,排除A、B、D。except for表示“先从整体上来说,然后再指出其中的一两点毛病来”。 10.________ mountains of homework,students today are busy with all kinds of activities. A.In addition to B.In spite of C.As long as D.Instead of 解析:选A。句意是:当今的学生除了堆积如山的作业外,还要忙着参加各种各样的活动。此处要用In addition to表示“除……之外还有……”。 6.leave out 遗漏;漏掉;省略;忽略 (回归课本P10)Notice how certain words are left out in informal conversation. 注意一下某些词在非正式交际语中是如何被省略的。 【归纳总结】 【例句探源】 ①You can leave out the parts of the story that are not interesting.你可以把故事中无趣的部分省略。 ②In your written work,you left out an important detail,so you couldn’t score a high mark. 在你的书面表达中,你漏掉了一个重要细节,因此你不能得高分。 ③Leave him alone—he obviously doesn’t want to talk about it.不要打扰他,他显然不想谈这事。 ④Before we went on a journey,we left the cat with my cousin.我们出去旅行前托堂兄照看我们的猫。 【即境活用】 11.The teacher stressed again that the students should not ________ any important details while retelling the story. A.bring out     B.let out C.leave out D.make out 解析:选C。句意:老师进一步强调让学生们在复述故事时不要漏掉任何重要的细节。bring out阐述;使明白;let out发出;泄露(秘密等);leave out遗漏;make out理解;辨认出。 12.Leave me ________ of this quarrel,please—I do not want to get involved. A.off B.alone C.over D.out 解析:选D。句意为:请别把我拉入这场争吵中——我可不想牵连进去。leave out遗漏,忽略;leave off停止;leave sb./sth.alone别打扰某人/某事;leave over留下。由题意选D。 句型梳理 1.【教材原句】 In fact,she had never learnt the basic rules of social communication,and as a consequence,she made systematic mistakes every time she opened her mouth.(P8) 实际上,她从来就没有学会社交的基本规则,因此,每次张嘴都会犯与之相关的错误。 【句法分析】 every time在上文的句子中作连词使用,引导时间状语从句。 ①I get a different answer every time I add these figures up. 每次我把这些数字加起来,就会得到一个不同的答案。 (1)以名词短语的形式出现,用来引导状语从句的短语还有:the moment,the instant,the minute,the second,any time,next time,the first time,the last time,the day,the month,the week,the year,the morning,the afternoon等。 ②She came to the scene the instant she heard the news. 一听到消息她就来到了现场。 ③The moment the result came out,she told us. 结果一出来,她就告诉了我们。 (2)immediately,instantly,directly等词也可以用作连词连接两个句子,表示两个紧接着发生的动作,相当于as soon as。 ④I came directly I got your message. 我一接到你的消息就来了。 ⑤Make sure the property you are buying is insured immediately you exchange contracts. 一交换合同,就应该立刻给所购房产买保险。 【即境活用】 13.The woman will think of her own child ________ she ________ these little children. A.every time;sees     B.each time;will see C.next time;see D.all time;sees 解析:选A。every time为特殊连词,引导时间状语从句。主句用将来时,从句用现在时表将来。 14.You can have the book ________ I finish reading it. A.so that B.because C.unless D.the moment 解析:选D。句意:我一读完这本书你就可以看了。the moment在此用作连词,相当于as soon as。 2.【教材原句】 But while few Americans will worry about the questions you may ask,particularly if you clearly show you’re aware of cultural differences,they may hesitate before they ask you similar questions. (P11) 虽然没有几位美国人会担心你可能问到的问题,尤其是如果你明显地表现出你是了解文化差异的,但是他们在问你类似的问题之前也许会犹豫不决。 【句法分析】 (1)本句中的while...引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然……但是……”。如: ①While I admit that the problems are difficult,I don’t agree that they can’t be solved. 虽然我承认这些问题很难,但我不同意说解决不了它们。 ②While I accept that he is not perfect,I do actually like the person. 虽然我承认他并不完美,但我确实喜欢这个人。 ③While they are my neighbours,I do not know them well. 尽管他们是我的邻居,我对他们了解得并不多。 (2)while还有“当……的时候”;“而”;“只要”的意思。 ④I hurt my leg while playing football. 我踢足球时把腿弄伤了。 ⑤We know usually women stay at home and do all the housework while men go out to work. 我们知道,通常女人们在家里做家务,而男人们则外出工作。 ⑥While there’s life,there’s hope.只要活着就有希望。 【即境活用】 15.(山东临沂第二次模拟考试)This study shows that ________language may differ,the order in which young kids learn the parts of speech appears to be the same across different languages. A.since       B.so C.while D.but 解析:选C。句意:研究表明,虽然各种语言之间存在差异,但是小孩子学习说话的顺序好像在不同的语言中是一样的。while表示“虽然”。 16.—Are you ready for Spain? —Yes,I want the girls to experience that ________ they are young. A.while B.until C.if D.before 解析:选A。句意:——你准备好去西班牙了吗?——是的。我想让这些女孩子趁着年轻的时候去感受一下西班牙。 3.【教材原句】 If you’re not sure what to talk about,you can ask what people do.(P11) 如果你拿不准该谈论什么内容,你可以问人们从事的职业。 【句法分析】 what to talk about在此处作宾语。 “疑问词+不定式”句型结构时,疑问词可用who,what,which,when,where及how,后接不定式构成不定式结构在句中作主语、宾语、表语。注意没有why to do形式。 ①When to start has not been decided. 什么时候出发还没确定。 ②He didn’t know whether to go or not. 他不知道是否该去那儿。 ③The difficulty was how to cross the river.问题是怎样过河。 ④I can tell you where to go.我可以告诉你去哪儿。 ⑤I have no idea of how to do it.我不知道如何做此事。 【即境活用】 17.(高考辽宁卷)—It’s no use having ideas only. —Don’t worry.Peter can show you ________ to turn an idea into an act. A.how       B.who C.what D.where 解析:选A。句意:——只是有想法没有用。——别担心,Peter会向你展示如何将想法付诸行动的。本题考查疑问代词和疑问副词接不定式的用法。根据题意选how。 18.I’ve worked with children before,so I know what ________ in my new job. A.expected B.to expect C.to be expecting D.expects 解析:选B。此处用“疑问词+不定式”结构,表示“我知道新工作希望我做什么”的意思。
