(外研版必修3)高三英语一轮单元复习教案:Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China 知识详解 1 equal  vt. 等于,与……相等(=be equal to);比得上 adj. (大小、数量、程度)相等的;胜任的 n. 同等的人和物 (回归课本P41)All human beings are equal.人人平等。 11 归纳总结 (1)equal+n.(in+n.)(在……方面)比得上,与……匹敌;与……相等, (2)feel/be equal to sth./doing sth.等于;能胜任, (3)be equal with与……平等, (4)without (an) equal无人可比的 例句探源 ①(牛津在线)She’s the equal of her brother as far as intelligence is concerned. 论智力,她和她哥哥不相上下。 ②He somehow felt equal to carrying out the plan. 他总觉得似乎能够实行那项计划。 ③Trade should balance when supply equals demand. 供需相当时贸易便达到平衡。 ④His paintings are without equal in the Western world. 他的画在西方世界首屈一指。 即境活用 1.Running a company is not________a matter of hiring people— they also need to be trained. A.simply     B.partly C.seriously D.equally 解析:选A。句意是:经营一家公司不仅仅是雇佣工人的问题——他们也需要被培训。simply“仅仅;简单地”;partly“部分地”;seriously“严肃地”;equally“相同地”。 2.Fitness is important in sport,but of at least ________importance are skills. A.fail B.reasonable C.equal D.proper 解析:选C。该题考查形容词作定语的用法。应注意根据句意选用意义恰当的形容词。该句的正常语序为“...but skills are of at least________importance”。equal importance表示“同等重要的”。 2 order   n. 秩序;次序,顺序;整齐;命令;订购;订单;点饭(菜) vt. 命令;订购;安排 (回归课本P43)He stressed the importance of kindness ,duty and order in society. 他强调了仁爱、责任和社会秩序的重要性。 归纳总结 例句探源 ①It will be quite in order for you to make this suggestion at our next meeting. 你在我们下次会议上提这个建议很合适。 ②Then they call out our names in order and we answer yes or no. 随后,他们依次点我们的名字,我们则回答到与否。 ③The names are listed in alphabetical order. 姓名是按字母顺序排列的。 ④Some teachers find it difficult to keep their classes in order. 有些老师觉得难以维持课堂秩序。 ⑤The doctor ordered me to take a rest for a month. =The doctor ordered that I (should) take a rest for a month. 医生指示我要休息一个月。 即境活用 3.John saved his money________he can buy a bicycle. A.in case    B.in order that C.in order to D.as though 解析:选B。考查in order that引导目的状语从句的用法。本句意为“约翰为了买自行车把钱都存了起来。”in case表示“以防;万一”;as though表示“好像”,与题意不符;而若选C则应表达为...in order to buy a bicycle。 4. He ordered that the work ________at once. A.started B.was started C.start D.be started 解析:选D。order表示“命令”,后跟定语从句,从句要用虚拟语气,即sb.should do...,其中should可以省略,本句中因为从句的主语为the work,所以应用被动语态(should)be started。本句意为“他下令立即开展工作。” 3 invent  vt. 发明;捏造;虚构 (回归课本P47)For example,it is the country in which silk was first invented. 例如,丝绸最先发明于这个国家。 归纳总结 例句探源 ①The Chinese invented the compass. 中国人发明了指南针。 ②Abner Doubleday invented baseball in 1839. 阿布纳·道布尔迪于1839年发明了棒球。 ③(朗文P297) Kai invented some excuse about having a headache. 卡伊编了个头疼的借口。 ④(牛津P1075)Such changes have not been seen since the invention of the printing press. 自从发明了印刷机,这种变革还没有出现过。 易混辨析 discover,find,invent,create (1)discover发现的对象本身存在,但主语不知道,如科学真理、新的区域等,有时也泛指“发现”某种情况、丢失的东西。 (2)find作“发现”讲,其常用结构是find+宾语+补足语。find接that从句则表示“发现一个事实、一个道理”。 (3)invent指“发明”,发明以前没有的新东西,如工具、机器、材料、方法等,也可指“捏造”某种不诚实的借口、理由等。 (4)create则指有目的地把原材料制成新产品,也指创造出原来不存在的或与众不同的事物。 ①Some believe the universe was created by a explosion. ②She found that no one could answer the question. ③Edison invented the electric light. ④Police discovered a large stash of drugs while searching the house. 即境活用 5.完成句子 We must________________for our absence. 我们必须为缺席编造一个借口。 答案:invent an excuse 4 contribution  n. [C]贡献,投稿;[U]捐献,捐助;捐献的物品(或钱)(回归课本P46) 归纳总结 例句探源 ①Does smoking contribute to lung cancer? 吸烟会导致肺癌吗? ②This week’s issue has contributions from several well-respected journalists. 这期周刊有几位德高望重的新闻记者的稿件。 ③Day centres for the elderly make a valuable contribution to the overall service. 照顾老人的日托中心为整个服务事业作出了可贵的贡献。 ④I made a contribution of $10,000 to his hometown. 我向他的家乡捐献了一万美元。 ⑤He contributed generously to the Red Cross. 他对红十字会慷慨捐助。 即境活用 6.Some of the most important achievements in physics________their success to these mathematical systems. A.oblige       B.owe C.contribute D. devote 解析:选B。oblige sb.to do sth.表示“强迫某人做某事”;owe...to...表示“把……归功于”;contribute...to...表示“把……贡献于……”;devote...to...表示“把……致力于……”。根据句意“一些最重要的物理方面的成就之所以获得成功应归功于这些数学体系。”可知应选B。 7.We can see monuments here and there.Those who have made a great ________to human beings and society will never be forgotten. A.advance B.progress C.contribution D.achievement 解析:选C。考查词义辨析。achievement指“成就”;progress指“进步”;advance指“前进;进步”;这里make a contribution to表示“为……作出贡献”。本句意为“我们到处可见纪念碑,那些为人类和社会作出巨大贡献的人将永垂不朽。”所以选C。 5 bring up  抚养;教育;提出;呕吐;使(车辆等)突然停住;(船等)停下/到终点 (回归课本P43)His father died when he was young,and he was brought up by his mother. 他小的时候,父亲就去世了,他是由母亲抚养大的。 归纳总结 例句探源 ①They have brought up their sons to stand on their own feet. 他们已把儿子们抚养长大,能自食其力了。 ②All children should be brought up to respect their parents and teachers. 应该教育所有的儿童尊敬父母和老师。 ③All these problems were brought up at the last meeting. 所有这些问题都在上次会议上被提出来过。 ④The greedy child brought up all he had eaten. 这个馋嘴的孩子把吃的东西都吐出来了。 即境活用 8.He was________by his aunt in a small mountain village. A.grown up    B.come up C.brought up D. brought about 解析:选C。grow up和come up分别意为“长大”和“被提出来”,是不及物动词短语,都不能用于被动语态;bring about表示“引起;导致”;bring up 是及物动词短语,表示“抚养;养育”。本句意为“他由他的姑姑在一个小山村抚养长大。” 9.His idea of having weekly family meals together,which seemed difficult at first,has ________many good changes in their lives. A.got through   B.grew up C.turned into D.brought about 解析:选D。get through表示“穿过;完成”;grow up 表示“长大”;turn into表示“变为”;bring about表示“引起;导致”。本句意为“他的每周进行家庭聚餐的主意,起初似乎很困难,但给他们的生活带来了一些好的变化。” 6 for the first time 第一次(在句中作时间状语) (回归课本P49)With the Industrial Revolution,factories appeared and mass production became possible for the first time. 随着工业革命的发展,工厂出现了,产品的批量生产第一次成为可能。 归纳总结 the+序数词+time可作连词,引导一个状语从句。其重点不是强调某一次做了什么事,而是叙述某一动作或情况,即第几次做某事的时候。这时不能与for连用,并且time后不用when。 It is time for sb.to do sth.;It is (high) time that sb.did sth.,第二个句型用一般过去时表达虚拟语气,表示“是该某人做某事的时候了”。 例句探源 ①They came to Beijing for the first time. 他们第一次来到北京。 ②When I went to Shenzhen for the first time,it was not much bigger than a town. 我第一次去深圳的时候,深圳比一个城镇大不了多少。 ③The first time I went abroad I could hardly understand what the foreigners said. 我第一次出国时几乎听不懂老外说些什么。 即境活用 10.The little boy showed great interest________chemistry when he was doing it________the first time. A.in;for      B.on;for C.in;on D.for;at 解析:选A。show interest in“对……感兴趣”;for the first time“第一次”。 11.完成句子 ________________________,I knew that he was an honest man.我第一次见到他,我就知道他是个诚实的人。 答案:The first time I met him 句型梳理 1【教材原句】 But it was also a time when there were many great philosophers.(P43) 但那也是一个产生了许多哲学家的时期。 【句法分析】 本句中的a time表示“一段时间”,后面接定语从句时,常用when或“at/during等+which”引导定语从句,译为“一个……的时期”。 There is/was a time when...有一段时间…… It (That)is/was the first(second,third...)time that... 这/那是第一次(第二次,第三次……)…… ①It was a time when all the children were expected to study hard.那是一个人们都期望孩子们努力学习的时期。 ②There are times when I wonder what you’re talking about.有几次我不知道你在说什么。 ③Andrew’s been promoted?That’s the first time I’ve heard about it.安德鲁升职了?这事我头一次听到。 即境活用 12.There was ________time________I hated to go to school. A.a;that     B.a;when C.the;that D.the;when 解析:选B。句意:有那么一段时间,我不想去上学。句型为There is/was a time when...,意思是“有那么一段时间……”,when引导定语从句,不能省略,也不能用that替换。 13.完成句子 __________________________ we never needed to lock our house at night. 曾经有那么一段时间,我们晚上不必要锁门。 答案:There was a time when 2【教材原句】 Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is good.(P43) 孟子认为人之所以不同于动物是因为人是向善的。 ?【句法分析】 第一个that引导的是宾语从句,在宾语从句中,why引导定语从句修饰the reason;that man is good是表语从句。 the reason (why...)is that...(……的)原因是…… ①The reason why I’m late is that I missed the bus. 我迟到的原因是没有赶上公共汽车。 ②The reason why he was driving so fast was that he would be late for an important meeting. 他把车开得这么快的原因是他参加重要会议要迟到了。 【注意】 reason用作定语从句先行词时,首先判断reason在定语从句中作什么成分,如果作状语,则要使用关系副词why引导定语从句,而且why有时可省略;如作主语或宾语,则使用关系代词that/which引导定语从句。 ③I didn’t believe the reason (that/which) he gave me. 我不相信他给我的理由。 即境活用 14.The reason ________I was late for the school was ________I was held up by traffic jam in the morning. A.why;because    B.that;that C.that;because D.why;that 解析:选D。the reason后跟定语从句时,用why引导,表语从句用that引导,构成“The reason why...is that...”句型。 15.(高考上海卷)One reason for her preference for city life is ________she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants. A.that B.how C.what D.why 解析:选A。句意:她偏爱城市生活的原因之一是在城市里很容易找到像商店和餐馆一样的地方。考查名词性从句。系动词is之后是一表语从句,且从句的结构完整,不缺任何成分,所以用that引导。
