Module 9 Unit 1 Period One Reading I.Teaching Aims: To develop students’ ability of reading; To know about Canada and its features. II.Important and difficult points: Learn how to sort information into sections; Improve their reading skills by fully participating in all the activities. III.Teaching methods: Listening, skimming, scanning and discussion. IV.Teaching Procedure: Step One: Leading-in Get students to think about the following questions: 1.When we talk about Canada, What do you think of ? 2.What is Canada famous for ? 3.Can you name some famous cities in Canada ? 4.What are the official languages that are used in Canada ? 5.Have you ever heard anything interesting about Canada ? 6.Can you name some famous people from Canada ? 7.What is the capital city of Canada and where is it ? 8.Where is the largest city, Toronto, located? 9.Where is the second largest city, Montreal, located ? 10.Where is Vancouver, the city with the largest Chinese population, located ? 11.Where is Edmonton, a city in the province of Alberta, located? 12.Can you mark the areas that are inside the Arctic ? Then have a quiz about Canada. Step Two: Reading Comprehension Please go through the Reading strategy (make sure students know how to read.) First reading: Get students to read the text Read the brochure and answer the following questions What is the population of Canada ? About 30 million people. Which Canadian cities are mentioned ? Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Edmonton. How wide are Niagara Falls ? 670 metres wide. Second reading True, false or May be true 1.There are more rivers in Canada than anyone can count. 2.The border between Canada and the United States in the longest undefended border in the world. 3.Most Canadians live in cities. 4.Canada is a very beautiful country. 5.Toroto is the most multicultural city in the world. 6.The West Edmonton Mall is an underground city. 7.More Chinese live in Vancouver than in any other city in North America. 8.The UN awarded Canada the honour of being the best country in the would to live in. Complete the following 1.If you want to see historic churches built 300 years ago, you should go to ________________. 2.For the best entertainment in the evenings, I would recommend__________ ________________. 3.To view the city on the tallest tower in the world, make sure you visit ____. 4. The best city for sailing and fishing is _______________. 5.If you want to do shopping and visit art galleries or play in a water park all in one place, you should go to __________________. 6. For the most multicultural experience, you could go to _______________ Step Three:Word study Match them 1.defended A.nearly; about, more or less 2.countless B. too many to be counted 3.seemingly C. areas where groups of families live together 4.abundant D. protected from attack, guarded 5.located E. very tall buildings 6.skyscrapers F. situated 7.cuisine G. the food in a restaurant 8.awesome H. amazing, very impressive 9.Approximately I . plentiful, more than enough 10.settlements J.Apprently Step Four: Fill in the form(1) Category Description  Population ?  Location ?  Size ?  Fill in the form(2) Geography ?  Landscape ?  History ?  symbol ?  Step five:Homework Do exercise in the workbook 二次备课补充处 二次备课补充处 二次备课补充处]   V.Design for blackboard writing. VI. Note after teaching.
