2012兴化中学高考英语书面表达辅导:美国学生分类习作赏析 一、故事或人物介绍 My Mum My mum is 36 and she goes to adultschool. She works at home by cleaning, cooking ect. Her full name is Robyn Tracie Ball. She has brown hair and brown eyes, and she usually wears shorts and a t-shirt unless we are going out, then she wears either a dress or a skirt and blouse. Her personality is nice, she is kind to everyone and only yells if she has too. She is generous and often uses up her spair time with me or other family members. Mum never puts herself first, she always puts others in front of her, when they need her help or are sick or generally need her time. If she had to go to school when either David (my brother) or I'm sick she always misses school and takes care of us. Another way she puts others first is in money. Mum usually buys me or David clothes or shoes instead of buying herself things. She hardly ever buys herself new clothes or shoes unless they're desperately needed. Overall I think Mum is a great person!, and I love her very much! 二、事件 Terrorism One Tuesday, I woke up, got dressed and had my breakfast. I went to school, thinking it would be just another boring day, but I saw that the classes were not lined up. Everyone was crowded inside. Why? "Did you hear the news?" Dani, my friend, asked. "What news?" I responded. "About the World Trade Center." I did not know what the World Trade Center was, and I am still not too familiar with it. I tried acting as if I knew what he was talking about. "What happened?" I asked. "It got bombed," said Dani. "Isn't it sad?" "Yeah," I said, still not knowing what he was talking about. When the bell rang everybody went into the library. The principal talked to the classes about the attacks. Then everybody went to their normal class. Mine was P.E. Before I knew it, school was canceled for the rest of the day. I was pretty sad when I got to know more about the news. But I didn’t understand why my school closed. I thought that school was a safe place to be. (182 words) 三、地点或情况介绍 Mall of America When we arrived in Blaine, we headed straight to Mall of America. It was the biggest mall I have ever seen in my life. It must be twenty times the size of Oak View, I thought! We were really high up. When my family stepped through the doors, I lost my breath. It was gigantic! I could not believe it! There were stores after stores. I had never seen so many stores in one little section of the mall. "Wow!" I said. "This is a huge indoor amusement park!" As we walked through to buy tickets, we saw rides, games, food, toys, and clothes. Then, at the ticket stand I saw my soccer teammate Kelley. I yelled "Hey, Kelley." We said, "Hi" and our families started talking, while our dads bought the tickets. We went on all the rides together, but I skipped three. My brother wanted to go shopping and so did I, so we said good-bye to Kelley and his family. We spent three hours shopping and did not even get through 1/8 of the store. Then, we had to go back to the hotel. I had a fantastic day and I will never forget it. (198 words) 四、活动 The Roller Coaster (云霄飞车) (By Justin, Grade 7, Mason Middle School, Waterford, Michigan, USA) Beep...Beep..., I woke up, hit the alarm clock and rushed down the hall to my dad’s room and tried to wake him up. "Dad wake up! It's 8:30.We’ve got to hurry and get ready!" It was a bright and sunny Thursday morning. The reason we were in such a big rush was that we had woken up a half hour later than we were supposed to and we were going to the Children’s Palace. By the time we got ready it was 9:15. We were off as soon as we could. During the 20-minute car ride I listened to my CD player. We were finally there. I ran to the entrance and waited for my dad. We waited in line for a half an hour before we got on a roller coaster and it was awesome! We raced around the track. It felt like my heart was going to explode because of the excitement! That was one of the coolest roller coasters I've ever been on. After we got off, I knew that that was my favorite roller coaster. (186 words) 五、观点 Reasons For Becoming a Vegetarian Anyone who has visited a Canadian grocery store or restaurant has probably seen food items labeled vegetarian.These foods do not contain meat, and people who choose this type of diet are called vegetarians. Many different people of all ages are vegetarians and everyone has his or her own reasons for refusing to eat meat. Some believe eating meat is not good for you, some believe it is wrong to kill animals and some believe meat is too expensive. Some people do not eat meat because they believe it is unhealthy. Certain types of meat contain a high amount of fat. Too much fat in your diet can cause health problems like heart attacks and cancer. People can also get serious diseases or infections from eating meat that is not cooked long enough. Not everyone who eats meat will have these problems, but many people stop eating meat because they do not want to take the chance. Some people do not eat meat because they believe it is cruel to kill animals. This may be because their religion forbids it or because they do not like to think that an animal had to suffer and die just so they could have a meal. Many people who are vegetarians for this reason also avoid wearing clothes and shoes that are made of animal fur and leather. Some people do not eat meat because they believe it is too expensive. By not buying meat, these vegetarians have more money left over to buy other kinds of food. Meat is high in protein, which is an important element of food that people need to stay alive. Vegetarians make sure they get the protein their bodies need by eating other, less expensive types of food like nuts, cheese and milk. When people decide to stop eating meat, they must find alternative sources for the nutrients they need to stay healthy. After a while, a vegetarian diet becomes a regular part of daily life. 六、校园生活 My First Week of Fifth Grade On the first day of fifth grade, I was very nervous and excited. You know how everyone tries to make a good impression on the first day? Well, it took me at least one whole hour to do my hair! On Monday, we were quite busy getting adjusted to our new year of school. We learned about what the fifth grade teachers called "community service." A community service is what fifth grade students must do when they get in trouble. Some of the jobs include pulling weeds, sweeping the sidewalks, or picking up rocks from the old soccer field. On the second day, we started to put our notebooks together. That was what we did most of the day. A few days later we started to plant a tree. Nothing to it - just a bit of hard work. Every Monday after school, you can sign up to go to a singing group. In the spring we get to travel out of the state. The trips were a blast. Singing and traveling is what Grade 4 is all about! The first week of school let me see how much fun I would have in the year ahead. I'm looking forward to the rest of my year in fifth grade. 七、通知、信件等文件 Boys and girls, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. Year 5's school trip next half-term, on Friday, 5th July, will be a visit to Kentwell Hall in Suffolk, a trip back in time to the sixteenth century. We will leave school promptly at 8 a.m. and expect to return by 6 p.m. We visited Kentwell last year and, although it is a long day and more expensive than the usual school trips, it is a wonderful experience for the children and well worth the extra money and the long journey. Everyone will dress up in Tudor costume, which is very simple and details are attached to help! The children will also learn how to speak as people did in 1539 and will experience life as it was at Kentwell in the last years of Henry VIII‘s reign(统治). That’s all. Thank you. (146 words) .精品资料。欢迎使用。 高考资源网 w。w-w*k&s%5¥u 高考资源网 w。w-w*k&s%5¥u
