英语必修5人教版新课标 Unit4 导学案(1) 必修Ⅴ Unit 4 Making the news The first period The analysis of teaching materials(教材分析): This is the first period of this unit. In this period, students are expected to retell the contents of the reading passage. The purpose is to review the passage and further understand the contents of the texts. At the same time, students can have chance to practice their oral English. After that, it is very necessary to deal with the language points in the Warning up and reading passage, which helps the students to enlarge their vocabulary and strengthen their English basic skills. What’s more, there are some exercises designed to consolidate these words and expressions. Vocabulary and some important sentence patterns play an important role in learning English. So this class will focus on reviewing the words and phrases of this unit to enlarge the students’ vocabulary, such as assist, acquire, assess, inform, case, demand, approve and so on. At the same time, this class will get the students to recite ten simple sentences. The analysis of students(学情分析): Most of our students’ vocabulary is limited, and they are not very interested in English learning. Besides, they are not very willing to recite words and sentences by themselves after class. So we must pay more attention to this and try our best to help them remember more words and expressions. ● 三维目标 1. Knowledge: Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period. Words: assist, acquire, assess, inform, case, demand, approve Phrases: concentrate on, depend on, accuse … of … Sentences: ① Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills. ② A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win. 2. Ability: ⑴ Enable the students to the contents of the texts in English. ⑵ Enable the students to use the new words and expression freely. 3. Emotion: ⑴ Further understand the main idea of the text. ⑵ Encourage the students to enlarge their vocabulary and strengthen their English basic skills. ⑶ Develop the students’ quality of overcoming difficulties in study. ⑷ Develop the students’ interests of studying English. ● Teaching goals for the students(教学目标): To get the students to remember the following words and phrases : (C类) 1.________adj.值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的 2.________n.业余爱好者 3.________vt.更新;使现代化 4.________adv.故意地 5.________adj.犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的 6.________vt.出版;发行;发表;公布 7.________adj.彻底的;详尽的 8.________n.约会;任命 9.________vt.帮助;协助;援助→________n.帮助;援助→________n.助手;助理 10.________vt.递交;呈递(文件等) 11.________vt.集中;聚集→________n.关注;12.________vt.获得;取得;学到 13.________vt.评估;评定→________n.评定; 14.________vt.告知;通知→________n.信息;消息 15.________vt.指责;谴责; 16.________n.需求;要求 vt.强烈要求 17.________adj.精确的;正确的 18.________adj.年长的;高年级的;高级的→(反义词)________青年的;低下的 19.________vt.赞成;认可;批准→________n.批准;认可 20.________vt.加工;处理 n.过程;程序;步骤 Keys: 1.admirable 2.amateur 3.update 4.deliberately 5.guilty 6.publish 7.thorough 8.appointment 9.assist;assistance;assistant 10.submit 11.concentrate;concentration 12.acquire 13.assess;assessment 14.inform;information 15.accuse 16.demand 17.accurate 18.senior;junior 19.approve;approval 20.process To get the students recite the following four sentences: (1.) Anyway,I am against you going abroad for your study. (2.) The safety of the food has become the focus of the society. (3.) One of the disadvantages is that you have no chance to take exercise. (4.) The first chart shows that more accidents have happened this year. 3. To get the students to master the usage of the following words: assist, acquire, assess, inform, case, demand, approve Teaching important and difficult points(教学重难点): To get the students to master the usage of the following words: assist, acquire, assess, inform, case, demand, approve Teaching procedures(教学流程): Step One: Ask the students to read and recite the following ten sentences on Page One: 1. Anyway,the true meaning of our life is not its length,but its value. 2. Recently,the prevention of H1N1 has become the focus of the society. 3. Nowadays there is a growing concern for the safety of the daily food. 4. There is an old proverb which says “Where there is a will,there is way.” 5. The table indicates that women are more likely to be infected with AIDS. 6. It can be seen from the figures that these lakes are still seriously polluted. 7. We will appreciate it if you can provide us with many high quality articles regularly. 8. As a result,the terrible fire kept burning for 33 hours,causing a heavy loss to the city. 9. One of the advantages is that studying abroad helps know better about the foreign culture. 10. So we are strongly against the idea that we won't have listening test in the coming English examinations. Step Two: Go over the following words and phrases: assist, acquire, assess, inform, case, demand, approve、 First lead the reading these words and phrases and then get the students do the following exercises and check answers with them: 选词填空 Assist; concentrate on; inform; accuse…of; meanwhile  1. The final exam is coming and all the students are________their study. (C类) 2. It's necessary for you to________your mother of your arrival early. (B类) 3. The professor felt easy because his two students would________him with the experiment. (B类) 4. His father was________murder by the police and he might be sentenced to death. (A类) 5. Mother went shopping; in the________,I gave the kitchen a thorough cleaning. (B类) Keys: 1. concentrating on 2. inform 3. assist 4. accused of 5. meanwhile 二. 补全句子 [来源:] 1.As an adult,you shouldn't __________ (依靠)your parents. (B类) 2.___________ (不但)I meet the famous star,but also I had a photo taken with him. (A类) 3.___________ (在某些情况下)people have had to wait several weeks for an appointment. (B类) 4.Tom demanded that she ____________ (立刻回答). (A类) 5.The man ___________ (被指控)murder. (B类) Keys: 1.depend on 2.Not only did 3.In some cases 4.should answer immediately  5.was accused of Step Three: Language Points: 1.assist n. 帮助;援助;协助 (1) assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 assist sb. in/with 帮助某人某事 assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事 (2) assistance n.帮助;援助 give/lend assistance to sb. 给某人提供帮助 afford/offer assistance 提供援助 come to one's assistance 帮助某人 (3) assistant n.助手;店员 【随堂落实】运用上述词汇根据下面的情景完成短文。 (C类) After school, I often (1)________monitor to close the windows as well as the lights in the classroom. Besides, I sometimes assist her (2)________her maths. Of course, she is also a kind girl who often lends (3)________to her classmates. Whenever anyone is in trouble, she is always ready to come to his or her (4)________. 【答案】 (1)assist (2)with/in (3)assistance (4)assistance 2.acquire v. 获得;取得;学到 acquire sth.得到/掌握/获得…… acquire a taste for开始喜欢上…… acquire a knowledge of学会… 词义辨析:acquire/obtain/get acquire强调经过努力或某一过程得到某物,宾语多为知识、技能等抽象的东西;也指日积月累渐渐地获得。  obtain多指获得所需或期望已久的东西。 get是一般用语,用途很广。可指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要经过努力。 【随堂落实】 The school is giving most of these children hope for the future by providing them a chance to________knowledge. (B类) A.require    B.acquire C.achieve D.enquire 【解析】 句意:通过给他们一个获得知识的机会,这个学校使大部分孩子对未来充满希望。require要求;acquire获得;achieve达到,完成,实现;enquire查询。 【答案】 B 3.assess v.评定;评估;征税 (1) assess sb./sth.评价/评估某人/事 assess sth. at估价为…… (2) assessable adj.可估计的;可估价的 be assessable可评估的;可评价的 (3) assessment n.估价;评价 make an assessment of评估…… 【随堂落实】 Ten experts will________the value of the young scientist's invention once again. (B类) A.assess B.assist C.develop D.adopt 【解析】 句意:专家们将再一次评估这位年轻科学家的发明的价值。assess评估,评定; assist帮助;develop发展;adopt采纳,收养。由句意选A项。 【答案】 A 4.inform v. 通知;告诉 inform sb. of/about通知某人有关…… inform sb. that...通知某人…… keep sb. informed of/about... 通知某人关于……;使某人知道…… be well informed of/about精通某事;对……消息灵通 be informed of...听说;接到……的通知 【随堂落实】 Please keep us________of any change of address as soon as possible. (A类) A.informing B.informed C.being informed D.to inform 【解析】 us与inform之间为动宾关系,所以此处应用过去分词informed作宾语补足语。 【答案】 B 5.case n. 情况;病例;案例 in case of万一……;如果发生…… in case以防;万一 in any case无论如何;总之 in no case决不 in that case如果是那样的话;在那种情况下 in the case of就……来说;关于 as is often the case这是常有的事 【随堂落实】 I shall stay in the hotel all day________there is news of the missing child. (B类) A.in case B.no matter C.in any case D.in case of 【解析】 in case假使,免得,以防万一,符合句意。 【答案】 A 6.demand v.& n. 要求;需要 demand to do sth.要求做某事 demand of sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事 demand sth. of sb.要求某人某事 demand that...(should)要求…… in demand (of)需要 (no) demand for...(不)需要 make demands of/on对……提出要求 meet the demand满足需要;符合要求 注意:demand后面的从句用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,should可省略。 【随堂落实】介词填空 (C类) (1) Medical workers are________great demand in the earthquake-stricken areas. (2) Is there any demand________teachers in this city? 【答案】 (1)in (2)for 7.approve v. 赞成;称赞;批准 (1) approve sth.通过/批准…… approve of sth.赞同/赞成…… (2) approval n.批准;赞同;赞成 general approval一致同意 【随堂落实】单句改错 (B类) Finally, her parents approved her marriage. ___________________________________________________________ The government approved of a plan for supporting the housing program. ___________________________________________________________ 【答案】 (1)在approved后加of (2)去掉approved后的of Step Four Summary and homework Learn the words and phrases by heart. Exercises Ⅰand Ⅱ in Book 361° 板 书 设 计  (1.) Anyway,I am against you going abroad for your study. (2.) The safety of the food has become the focus of the society. (3.) One of the disadvantages is that you have no chance to take exercise. (4.) The first chart shows that more accidents have happened this year. 。。。。。。。 1.assist n. 帮助;援助;协助 (1) assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 2.acquire v. 获得;取得;学到 acquire sth.得到/掌握/获得…… 3.assess v.评定;评估;征税 (1) assess sb./sth.评价/评估某人/事 4.inform v. 通知;告诉 inform sb. of/about通知某人有关…… 。。。。。。  Ⅰ.单词拼写: 1.If it's a legal matter you need to seek ________?(专业的)?advice. (B类) 2.Let's give the room a________?(彻底的)?cleaning. (B类) 3.We must study hard to________?(获得)?more knowledge when we are young. (B类) 4.He made an________?(约会)?for his son to see the doctor. (C类) 5.This is an________?(精确)?statement of what happened. (B类) Keys: 1.professional 2.thorough 3.acquire 4.appointment 5.accurate Ⅱ.完成句子: 1.正在建设中的大楼将是我们的实验楼。(B类) The building being built ________________. 2.我不同意你躺在床上抽烟。(B类) I_ __________in bed. 3.陈水扁被指控向公众说谎。(B类) Chen Shuibian____________________________. 4.请来信把你的计划告诉我。(C类) Please______________________by letter. 5.大家都将帮助修理屋顶。(B类) Everyone will__________________. Keys: 1. is to be our lab  2. don't approve of you smoking  3. was accused of lying to the public  4. inform me of your plan 5. assist in mending the roof Ⅲ.单项填空 1.You can________this kind of skill by watching him painting carefully and all-heartedly. (B类) A.acquire B.achieve C.finish D.desire 2.________apologize to his wife,he managed to send his wife a card,________“Darling,please forgive me!” (B类) A.So as to;said B.So as to;saying C.In order to;said D.In order to;saying 3.?2010·西安模拟?The officer demanded that such things________from happening again. (A类) A.prevented B.prevent C.be prevented D.were prevented 4.You'd better cut your hair short. Our school does not________too long hair. (A类) A.approve of students wore B.approve students to wear C.approve of students to wear D.approve of students wearing 5.The students can't________their studies when they are tired. (B类) A.insist on B.consist of C.persist in D.concentrate on 6.The witness________the old woman________telling lies on the court. (B类) A.charged;of B.charged;for C.accused;of D.accused;for 7.She often assists me________my study,and I have made________.(B类) A.in;progress B.with;great progress C.in;a progress D.with;great progresses 8.The amount you pay________on where you live. (B类) A.depends B.accords C.departs D.depresses 9.The photos on the wall________my mother of those happy old days when a large family lived together. (B类) A.inform B.approve C.remind D.retell 10.She may have missed the train,________she won't arrive for another hour. [来源:] (A类) A.in which case B.in her case C.in any case D.in that case Keys: 1~5 ADCDD 6~10 CBACA
