英语必修5译林牛津版Unit 2第6课时表格教案(语法) 课 题 M5U2 The environment 课时 8-6 Grammar 主备人  授 课 时 间   教 学 目 标 Learn the functions of V-ing form in sentences. 2. Enable the students to master the usage of V-ing form  教学重、难点 Why should we use v-ing from? How do we use v-ing form?  教、 学 具 slides  预习要求 workbook  教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注  Step 1 Lead in We have learned the text and the language points in it. Now please find as many sentences with V-ing form in them as you can in the text. Then let’s tell the functions of these V-ing form in the sentences. Step 2 The usage of V-ing form Today we will learn the functions of the V-ing form in sentences and how to use V-ing form as an adjective or adverb. Now please look at your books (page 28) Verb-ing form as an adjective or adverb The v-ing form can also be used like an adjective or adverb. We can use a verb-ing as the: Attribute A verb-ing form can appear before a noun. It modifies the noun as an adjective does. Practice Fill in the blanks with the verb given in its proper form 2. A verb-ing can be used after verbs like stand, sit and lie. These two actions are happening at the same time. They stood talking to each other. = They stood when they were talking to each other. Practice Rewrite the following sentences 1. When he heard the music, he began to get homesick. Hearing the music, he began to get homesick. 2. When they saw the flame on top of the mountain, they knew that another war would begin soon. Seeing the flame on top of the mountain, they knew that another war would begin soon. A verb-ing has perfect form, e,g., having worked Having worked side by side with many environmentalists, I know that a healthy environment and stable economy should be possible at the same time. Practice Rewrite the following sentences 1. She gave her opinion about the new building. Then she left the meeting. Having given her opinion about the new building, she left the meeting. 2. She made one last effort to see her husband. Then she returned home. Having made one last effort to see her husband, she returned home. Step 3 Consolidation We have learn the use of V-ing form as an adjective or adverb. Now please finish the exercise on page 2 using the grammar rules you have learnt. B. Read this new report and fill in the blanks with words from the box below. Practice 1. Multiple choice. Verb-ing phrases can express Reason We are making bigger holes in the nets, hoping to avoid catching fish that are not fully grown. =We are making bigger holes in the nets, because we hope to avoid catching fish that are not fully grown. Practice 2 Join these pairs of sentences, using the -ing form. Verb-ing phrases can express Result The factory keeps releasing smoke, making the air dirty.= The factory keeps releasing smoke. As a result, the air is made dirty. Verb-ing phrases can express Condition Preparing fully, we can achieve great things.= If we prepare fully, we can achieve great things. Practice 4 Rewrite the following sentences: 1. Meeting anywhere else, we wouldn't have recognized him If we had met anywhere else, we wouldn't have recognized him 2. Working hard, you will succeed. If you work hard, you will succeed. 2 We can also use the pattern conjunction+verb-ing to express time. The common conjunctions are when, whenever, while, once, and until. We have to take environmental protection into consideration when developing the economy. Practice 5 Rewrite the following sentences ① When working in the factory, he was an advanced worker. When he worked in the factory, he was an advanced worker ② Though willing to attend the party, he refused the invitation. Though he was willing to attend the party, he refused the invitation. 3 The understood subject of a verb-ing clause is usually the same as the subject the main clause. He traveled on the plane like this, keeping the tortoise hidden in a blanket.= When he traveled on the plane like this, he kept the tortoise hidden in a blanket 4. We put not before the verb-ing to create its negative form. He sat there, not knowing what to say. Step 5 Homework Do the exercises in students’ workbook.     高考链接—拓展阅读 Words:325 难度系数:★★ 建议用时:17分钟 I wouldn’t ask for a dressing room.My mom always asked for me. The evening before I had __1__risen from my seat and piled on excess(过量的) noodles.Then I licked(舔) my bowl with the buttered garlic bread,__2__ no evidence of the four servings I had eaten greedily.In the morning I would be forced to lie on my bed and suck in my __3__ just to button my jeans.I feared school __4__.The sale rack,with its slender size markers,knew my number continued to grow. I learned __5__ to eat from my dad:fast and without thinking.In our house,the dinner table involved __6__,with the children on defense.One __7__ move and our dinner would be snatched off our plates without warning and eaten up by our father __8__ than we could blink.We soon learned to keep a hand up while __9__ our chicken,and if mom decided to cook that night we needed to hurry and get __10__ before it was gone. Only one pair of jeans I tried on fit.I __11__ and told my mother I could button every pair but only needed the jeans that lay __12__ in my hands.We walked to the checkout. I kept my head down as we passed a group of girls.They __13__.I glanced up only long enough to know my place.Their __14__ cut at me,hands cupped over their mouths in secrecy. The shop was about to close and I __15__ two girls in my third grade class out. “I like your pants.Where did you get them?”Marcy asked Alicia.I nodded in agreement,__16__ they had removed their cupped hands and I could hear the __17__. “Really? I like yours better,”Alicia replied. “We should trade.What __18__ are you?”Marcy asked. “I don’t know...” Alicia said,finding the tag in the back of her pants.“Seven.” “Me too,” Marcy said. I __19__ in line as I held the jeans,tag folded in so __20__ could see the number on it was 12. I am not a size seven. 【解题导语】 本文讲述了主人公因贪吃而导致身体肥胖,结果只有一条牛仔裤能勉强穿上,也不敢让同学知道自己的裤子是特大号码。 1. A.hurriedly         B.hungrily C.repeatedly D.worriedly 解析:选C。“我”吃得很多,一次又一次地从座位上站起来盛面条。 2.A.leaving B.offering C.collecting D.examining 解析:选A。“我”吃过面条后把碗舔得很干净,没留下一点吃过面条的痕迹。leave no evidence of没有留下一点痕迹。 3.A.stomach B.legs C.waist D.hands 解析:选A。由于人太胖,肚子大,所以穿裤子时要吸着气使肚子变小才能扣上钮扣。 4.A.uniforms B.meals C.holiday D.shopping 解析:选D。由空白处后面的句子描述的情景暗示可知,作者害怕在校园里购物。 5.A.what B.how C.why D.when 解析:选B。how连接不定式从句作learned的宾语,即我是从我爸爸那里学会的吃饭风格。 6.A.battle B.game C.strike D.debate 解析:选A。由紧接空白处下文on defense的暗示可知,作者把餐桌比喻成战场,孩子们处于防御状态。 7.A.big B.unusual C.false D.strange 解析:选C。在餐桌上的“进攻防御战中”,一着不慎,满盘皆输。 8.A.harder B.further C.earlier D.faster 解析:选D。父亲吃饭速度之快,以至于我们一眨眼的功夫父亲就会把盘中的菜吃光。 9.A.swallowing B.biting C.tasting D.cooking 解析:选A。我们很快学会对付父亲的办法:一边吞吃鸡肉,一边举起一只手阻止父亲。 10.A.excuses B.seconds C.opportunities D.demands 解析:选B。如果母亲决定晚上烧鸡我们就需要快点吃,要趁在鸡被吃完之前抢点时间吃。 11.A.ordered B.lied C.suggested D.promised 解析:选B。尽管我的每条裤子都瘦并且钮扣都扣不上,但我还是对母亲撒谎说我每条裤子的钮扣都能扣上。 12.A.closed B.guided C.guarded D.satisfied 解析:选C。我跟母亲说我只要我拿在手里的牛仔裤。 13.A.laughed B.cried C.shouted D.whispered 解析:选D。当一群女孩儿从我身边走过时我低着头,她们在窃窃私语。 14.A.mouths B.hands C.eyes D.ears 解析:选C。她们的目光在我身上扫来扫去。 15.A.led B.followed C.invited D.walked 解析:选B。我跟着两个三年级的女孩走了出来。follow sb.out跟着某人走出来。 16.A.thankful B.afraid C.anxious D.excited 解析:选A。thankful为形容词作状语,指我看到她们把手从嘴上拿开,不再说什么悄悄话让我难堪,谢天谢地。 17.A.interview B.conversation C.question D.report 解析:选B。我能听清Marcy和Alicia之间的谈话。 18.A.number B.size C.color D.weight 解析:选B。Marcy问Alicia穿什么尺码的衣服,故应选size。 19.A.jumped B.waited C.cried D.hid 解析:选D。我听到她们谈论自己衣服的尺码后,躲在队伍中不敢露出身子。 20.A.everybody B.anybody C.nobody D.somebody 解析:选C。我故意把衣服标签叠到衣服里,不让别人看到上面的尺码型号。
