英语必修5译林牛津版Unit 3第2课时表格教案 主备人  执教人  授课日期  班级   总课题 M5U3 总课时  分课时  1 课型 复习  课题 M5U3 Reading  教学目标 1. use some useful phrases to state their “for and against” opinions on an atmosphere. write a persuasive article using supporting details. do conversion between book knowledge and their own knowledge. persuade using their voices. concern more about the relationship between science and nature.  教学重点 Words , phrases and sentence patterns  教学难点 Practical usage  教具 Blackboard , slides and handouts   教学内容 教法学法  Step 1 lead in (PPT 4-5) Start the lesson by a brief review of what students have talked about cloning. Present the learning objective of this period, which is to get more knowledge about cloning, and grasp effective ways to express positive and negative opinions. Prediction based on the title. What attitude does the author hold towards cloning, positive or negative or neutral? [Explanation] 基于上一课时已经对克隆这一话题有所涉及,本节的导入以单刀直入、承上启下为特点。因为阅读的内容相对比较多,因此要让学生在一开始就了解到本节课的学习目标,才能保证阅读的有效性。根据标题猜测作者的态度,进而在文章阅读完之后解决这个问题,体现了阅读的层次性。 Step 2 First reading (PPT 6-14) 1. Activity 1: Divide the whole class into 6 groups and set them off to dealing with separate paragraphs. Require them to make each paragraph into a short drama, a monologue or a small press conference dependently. Allow them five to six minutes to do speed reading and preparations. Requirements: They need to get the main idea of each paragraph across to their peers with very short performance and they need to pay attention to some details. 2.Before students’ performance, hand out question sheets to be completed so that students can better understand what is being performed and they can be more focused. 3.Check the answers. If there’s any information missing, they can do a second reading. [Explanation] 本节阅读部分内容比较多,如果单纯安排学生速读或听读的话,时间比较长,而且比较枯燥。在学生演绎各段内容的同时,让学生根据他们所看到听到的把相应的问题回答出来,可以锻炼他们“注意听”的能力。 Step 3 Second reading (PPT 15-19) Ask students to read the passage on P42 again and it they find any sentence difficult to understand, they can ask. What’s the author’s attitude? (neutral) What phrases can be used to state both positive and negative attitudes towards an item? ( On the one hand; on the other hand; and state different facts)) If you want to state “for” or “against” only, how or what can you write to make your arguments more persuasive? Free discussion. Ask students to read the two letters on P43 and ask students to do a brief summary. (Use “if” to state the possible consequences it can bring about, facts, quotes, etc.) Activity 2: Who’s got the most persuasive voice? Situation: I’m blind. I can’t read. How can I be persuaded? Just pretend they are in a debate. Ask students (divided into two groups) to practice reading the two letters using persuasive voices. This skill is a must for debaters and will be useful when they do debates in Project. [Explanation] 从两个方面的观点过渡到对单一观点的表达,让学生通过分别阅读这两封信来发现其写作内容的特点和方式的特点。同时让他们练习用辩论的方法把这两封信读出来,让学生在轻松的气氛中学会如何去用声音表达自己支持或反对的意见,也为后面Project部分的辩论打下一个基础。 Step 4 Summary (PPT20) 1. Skills to make your writing persuasive. 2. Whether the copy is perfect or not, it’s already happening. What matters most? It is how we take advantage of science instead of preventing science going forward. [Explanation] 在课堂的最后,利用两三分钟进行总结,进一步点题。   教后记:   高考链接—拓展阅读 Words:353 难度系数:★★ 建议用时:15分钟 Every morning a woman baked Chapati, an Indian cake, for her family and an extra one for a hungry passerby.She would place the extra cake on the __1__ for someone to take it. She noticed a hunchback (驼背) came every day and took the extra cake.Instead of expressing __2__, he would mutter (嘀咕) the following words as he went his way: “The evil you do remains with you.The good you do comes back to you!” This went on day after day.The woman felt very __3__.One day, she decided to __4__ him.She added poison to the cake she prepared for him! As she was about to place it on the window, her hands __5__.She threw his cake into the fire __6__, prepared another one and put it on the window. As usual, the hunchback came, __7__ the cake and muttered the same words.The hunchback proceeded on his way, __8__ nothing about the fight in the mind of the woman. The woman had a son who had gone to a distant place to __9__ his fortune.Every day, as the woman placed the cake on the window, she offered a __10__ for him.For many months she had no news of him and she prayed for his __11__ return. That evening, there was a knock on the door.Opening it, she was surprised to find her __12__ standing there.He had grown thin and lean.His clothes and shoes were __13__.He was hungry, starved and __14__. Looking at his mother he said, “Mom, it’s a(n) __15__ I’ m here.When I was but a mile away, I was so starved that I collapsed (晕倒).I would have died, but for a whole __16__ an old hunchback gave me.” As the mother heard those words, her face turned __17__.She leaned against the door for __18__ .Had she not burnt it in the fire, it would have __19__ her own son! It was then that she realized the __20__ of the words: “The evil you do remains with you.The good you do, comes back to you!” 【解题导语】 本文是一篇寓言故事。一位印度母亲每天在给家人煎饼时,都多煎一个,以便放在窗台让路过的饿着肚子的人吃。每天都是一个驼背老人来拿去吃了,吃后也没句感激之类的话,只是说:“恶有恶报,善有善报!”该妇女看后很是生气,第二天在给这人的饼里下了毒,但在其放到窗台时,手直发抖,故将毒饼扔进火中,再煎了一只饼。当晚其外出挣钱的儿子归来,告诉她,要不是一位驼背老人给了他一个完整的饼,他也许就没有力气走回家。 1.A.door B.roof C.stone D.window 解析:选D。door门;roof房顶;stone石头;window窗户。根据第三段和第五段两度出现的place it on the window可知,该妇女是将多煎的那块饼放在窗台上,故选D。 2.A.concern B.hope C.gratitude D.regret 解析:选C。concern关注,关心;hope希望;gratitude感激;regret遗憾,后悔。驼背每天到窗台上来拿饼吃,这是受人恩赐,应该心存“感激”,故选C。 3.A.annoyed B.delighted C.disappointed D.relieved 解析:选A。annoyed生气的,恼怒的;delighted欣喜的;disappointed失望的;relieved如释重负的。驼背老人每天拿走这块饼,没有说什么感恩的话语,而只是唠叨两句这位妇女不太明白的“恶有恶报,善有善报” 的话。根据语意可知,B和D可排除。根据下文,该妇女准备害死这位驼背老人,显然其远远不只是“失望”,而是“气愤”,故选A。 4.A.do away with B.get away with C.keep away from D.turn away from 解析:选A。do away with杀死,干掉;get away with偷携某物潜逃;keep away from远离,避开;turn away from拒之门外,不准进入。根据下句“She added poison to the cake she prepared for him!”可知选A。 5.A.ached B.burnt C.moved D.trembled 解析:选D。ach疼痛;burn发烧;move移动;tremble指“(因恐惧、愤怒、寒冷、体弱等)颤栗,发抖”。该妇女准备下毒,害死驼背老人。由于害怕,在将饼放到窗台时,手直“发抖”,故选D。 6.A.immediately B.fortunately C.purposely D.carefully 解析:选A。immediately立即,迅速;fortunately幸运地;purposely故意地;carefully认真地,小心地。根据下半句“prepared another one and put it on the window”可知,妇女由于害怕,打消了害死驼背人的念头,故是“立刻”将下毒的饼扔进火中烧掉,故选A。 7.A.checked up B.picked up C.swallowed up D.threw up 解析:选B。check up检查,核对;pick up捡起,拿起;swallow up吃掉,耗尽;throw up呕吐。驼背人像往常一样“拿起”窗台上的饼,故选B。 8.A.asking B.answering C.knowing D.wondering 解析:选C。ask问;answer回答;know知晓;wonder想知道。驼背人拿起饼后像往常一样赶路,丝毫不知这位妇女内心的斗争,故选C。 9.A.get B.have C.seek D.tell 解析:选C。get得到;have有;seek寻求;tell说。seek one’s fortune寻找发财的机会;tell one’s fortune算命。妇女的儿子显然是出远门挣钱去了,故选C。 10.A.greeting B.hello C.kiss D.prayer 解析:选D。greeting打招呼,问候;hello问候;kiss吻;prayer祈祷。根据下一句的prayed可知,妇女是为儿子“祈祷”,故选D。 11.A.double B.happy C.safe D.warm 解析:选C。double双的;happy快乐的;safe平安的;warm温暖的。母亲祈祷的自然是儿子的“平安”归来,故选C。 12.A.daughter B.husband C.relative D.son 解析:选D。daughter女儿;husband丈夫;relative亲戚;son儿子。根据上段可知,该妇女的儿子出远门挣钱去了,她是为儿子祈祷,归来的应该是她的“儿子”,故选D。 13.A.broken B.torn C.usual D.wet 解析:选B。broken破碎的;torn穿旧的,磨损的;usual正常的;wet湿的。儿子在外很长时间,衣服和鞋是“穿旧了、磨损的”,故选B。 14.A.strong B.free C.thirsty D.weak 解析:选D。strong强壮的;free自由的;thirsty口渴的;weak体弱的。根据本句的hungry,starved以及上上句“He had grown thin and lean”可知,儿子是“消瘦、体弱”,故选D。 15.A.event B.miracle C.mistake D.surprise 解析:选B。event重大事件;miracle奇迹;mistake错误;surprise惊讶。根据儿子接下来的话语可知,其认为自己能够平安归来是“奇迹”,险些饿死在路途中。 16.A.cake B.egg C.meal D.supply 解析:选A。cake饼,蛋糕;egg鸡蛋;meal一餐饭;supply供应。根据上下文多次出现的cake可知,驼背老人每天在妇女窗台上拿的就是“一块煎饼”,故选A。 17.A.black B.green C.pale D.yellow 解析:选C。black黑色;green绿色;pale苍白;yellow黄色。该母亲是被儿子的话吓得脸色“苍白”—— 一点血色都没有,故选C。 18.A.fear B.strength C.support D.weight 解析:选C。fear恐惧;strength力气;support支持,支撑;weight体重。要不是靠向墙,该妇女差点吓的晕倒在地上。该妇女靠着墙寻求“支撑”,故选C。 19.A.helped B.killed C.missed D.surrounded 解析:选B。help帮助;kill杀死;miss想念,错过(机会);surround包围。妇女要不是及时将下毒的饼扔进火中,毒死的将可能不是驼背老人,而是自己的儿子,因为驼背老人这天的饼给了归途中饥饿不堪的儿子。 20.A.value B.significance C.importance D.function 解析:选B。value价值;significance意义;importance重要性;function功能,作用。这位妇女通过这一有惊无险的惊吓终于明白了驼背老人常说的“恶有恶报,善有善报”的“意义”,故选B。
