英语必修5译林牛津版Unit 3第5课时表格教案 主备人  执教人  授课日期  班级   总课题 M5U3 总课时  分课时  1 课型 复习  课题 M5U3 Task 2  教学目标 choose proper contents for a formal letter. develop key words into good sentences. develop good beginning and ending paragraphs. keep in mind the format of a formal letter. have a general view of what is a piece of good writing through cross-check.  教学重点 Words , phrases and sentence patterns  教学难点 Practical usage  教具 Blackboard , slides and handouts   教学内容 教法学法  Teaching procedures: Step 1 Task to complete (PPT4-5) Retell students what they are going to write again. [Explanation] 在课堂的一开始重申写作的内容,可以帮助他们回忆上节课所学,并进一步明确学习目标。 Step 2 What to contain in the letter (PPT5-7) 1.Students work in groups to decide what information to be contained in the letter. Key words only. And do oral reports. The teacher can give some suggestions. 2.Students work individually to develop these key words into complete sentences. 3.Students work in groups to compare and improve their sentences. 4.Ask some students to read their sentences aloud and the teacher can make some comments so that to make it clear to students what kind of sentences are better wanted. [Explanation] 经过上一课时的学习,学生对于克隆食品已经具有了相当的知识积累,因而他们已经具备了初步的判断力,在信中可以写或者应该写些什么内容,以小组的形式让他们进行讨论,充分发挥他们的主体性,然后教师可以提出一些建议进行增删。让学生独立完成句子的构造,给他们以思考的空间,然后同组之间进行句子修改以及在课堂上当场交流所写的句子可以让学生突破小范围思维的局限,精益求精。 Step 3 Structure of the letter (PPT8-12) 1.Introduce the format of a letter. Ask students to keep something while changing the job title. 2.Reread the letter on P56 and focus on the beginning and ending paragraphs. 3.Introduce more phrases to start and end a letter. 4.Students work in groups to develop their own beginning and ending paragraphs. If they find it a bit tough, they may start from copying—just make small changes to the original paragraphs. [Explanation] 正式书信的格式很重要,但也很刻板,所以只需要给学生出示一份样例即可。重点放在正文的构成上。开头和结尾比较格式化,参照书第56页提供的信以及其他可用的表达方式,对中心内容加以明确就可以了。 Step 4 Write the body part of the letter (PPT13) Students need to do this part separately. Since they have got almost all sentences ready, what they need to do is simply to organize them into different paragraphs. [Explanation] 有了第二步以构造完整的句子,这一步就很简单了。让学生把想表达的和需要表达的按照顺序串联起来,加上适当的连词、过渡词即可。 Step 5 Cross check (PPT14) Give every student an evaluation sheet. Still in groups, students will exchange their writing and do cross check, focusing on the format, beginning, ending, whether opinions are fully expressed while minor grammatical mistakes can be ignored. [Explanation] 让学生重新以组为单位进行互查。给每位学生发一张评价表,评价表上的内容可以分为格式、开头、结尾、观点等,主要是看学生格式是否正确,开头是不是明确写信目的,结尾是不是点题(即希望超市读了这封信后怎么操作等)以及观点是否比较明确表达是否清楚等。因为学生写作文过程中难免出现语法错误,这不是一朝一夕能够纠正的,在此可以忽略,否则会有喧宾夺主之感。 Step 6 Summary (PPT15) Restate what to pay attention to while writing a formal letter. [Explanation] 经过一节课的练习,学生应该已经比较明确正式书信的写作要求了,在此可以总结一下有用的词汇和句型或对学生的表现进行以表扬为主的评价,为学生创造一种成就感。   教后记:   高考链接—拓展阅读 Did you ever think someone was scary because they looked different or ate strange food? Well, they might think the same about you! One of the things we all need to do is to celebrate variety. We shouldn't think badly of people from other cultures because they are different from our own. Sometimes we judge people from other countries unfairly, because one person from that culture did something bad. Well, has your class ever been punished just because a few kids were causing trouble? Has your whole family ever been blamed for something your little sister did? It doesn't seem fair, does it? It's just asunfair to blame a whole culture for what two or three people do. So here are some things that you can do to help yourself understand other cultures: 1. Find common ground! Remember that even though some people look different on the outside, it doesn't change what they look on the inside. They still have the same feelings! 2. Don't blame everyone because of one! 'So let's-say someone from another culture is being mean and you decide to avoid everyone from that culture. Well, think about it Why are you blaming them for something they didn't have anything to do with? Put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel? Trying, to understand how a person thinks can be a very good way to understand why they are acting that way. Remember, other people may not think the same way. 3. Try to make friends with people from other cultures. You could ask them what they know about their culture, or what it was like in their country. Try foods from that culture, or ask them if they know any words in that language. You might be surprised at how pure other cultures can be! You call have great discussions and have lots of fun doing new things. 4. Know that people always judge other people. If you know what you are thinking then you can help make things easier. Pay attention to what you think about other people. It helps! 1. What is mainly discussed in this passage? A. Why there are differences between people. B. What to do to understand other cultures. C. How people feel when they meet people from other cultures. D. Where differences between people lie. 答案:B 指导:主旨大意题。本文第一段总起提出面对文化差异人们所产生的错误认识的问题,然后就此提出建议。 2. In the author' s opinion, one mistake about how we treat cultural differences is that we_________. A. cannot see and share what people have in common B. believe that other people may certainly thin badly of us C. don't want to learn anything valuable in other cultures D. try to find the reason for the differences 答案:B 指导:细节理解题。作者在第四段建议我们要find common ground.可见他认为不能做到这一点是人们的错误所在。故选A 3. The underlined word "celebrate" here most probably means_________. A. to feel proud of B. to express ideas to C. to praise and enjoy D. to pay attention to 答案:C 指导:词义猜测题。celebrate通常的意义是“庆祝”,但这里应是“赞赏”之意。celebrate variety意即要把文化的差异看作是一件好事。 4. By saying "... then you can help make things easier. "the author means you will_________. A. make more friends B. know more about the world C. have more fun in life D. find fewer differences between you and others 答案:D 指导:猜测句意题。从作者的总体论述中不难看出,他的观点是“只要我们能换位思考,有文化包容心理,那么一切事情都好办”,换言之,“你就会发现不同文化间无所谓有什么差别了。”
