英语选修8人教版新课标Unit 2阅读教案 英语 学科教案 授课题目 Unit 2 Cloning: Where is it leading us?  授课教师  所在学校   职称或称号 中教一级 授课类型 阅读课   教学 目标 Be able to get familiar with some reading strategies: paragraphing, skimming and scanning. Let students get aware of both cloning’s benefits to us and its disadvantages. Reflection to clone technology.  重点 难点 Apply the reading strategies efficiently to the reading. Get the students involved in the class activities.  教学方法 创新点 Learner-centered, task-based, group work, discussion  教具 Computer, students’ page, blackboard   Teaching Procedures   Teacher’s Activity (What and How) objectives  Step 1. Lead-in Ask some questions related to the content of the movie 《The Clone Island》. Let students get interested in today’s topic by a video  Step 2. Presentation & Prediction Show the picture of Dolly to get simple information of clone and come into the text. Learn to predict information from the title and illustration  Step 3. Skimming Find out the main sentence of each paragraph. Learn to read quickly  Step 4 Scanning  Para 1&2 Main idea:The definition of clone and its work procedure. Qs: What is cloning? In what creatures does this technology happen? What major uses does cloning have? What is it that make clone dream achieved? Para 3 Main idea: There are some problems of cloned Dolly. Qs: What two contradictory news do the scientists get? What illness does Dolly suffer from? What does the word “fate” refer to? C. P12 Para 4&5 Main idea: The impact of Dolly raises great concern among different group who give their attitudes towards cloning. Qs: Can you guess the word “controversial”? How do evil leaders want to use clone? What groups does this part mention and find out their attitude towards cloning?  Learn to get detailed information A press conference  Step 4: Discussion What are the advantages and disadvantages of cloning? Learn to give attitudes  Step 5: Homework Humancloning raised arguments and scientists are not sure about its future. Your opinions. Practise writing
