牛津高中英语教学设计  Thoughts on the design: 在完成了welcome板块的学习后,阅读一名从中国到英国的交换生的介绍文章。让学生在阅读过程中使用skimming理解文章大意,用scanning 获取细节信息,之后再对文章作综合回顾。然后,引导学生换个角度,从英国学生的角度来看待中国的学校生活,模仿课文,从不同的方面介绍中国的校园生活。 Teaching objectives: 1. to help the Ss master the reading skills of skimming and scanning. 2. to guide the Ss to understand the passage and learn about more details of school life in the UK. 3. to encourage the Ss to learn to view our school life in a different perspective. Step 1. Lead-in 1. [Teacher] We’ve learned a little about the difference between schools in China and in the UK. 2. [Brainstorming] If you were an exchange student in a UK school, what would you enjoy most? 3. Collect answers from a few students. 4. [Teacher] Today we’ll read an article from a school magazine, written by Wei Hua, who studied in the UK for one year. Let’s find out what she finds enjoyable. [设计思路]:从上一课时涉及的中英学校生活差异谈起,问学生什么是他们心目中英国校园生活最让人喜欢的部分,从而引出课文的enjoyable experience。 Step 2. Reading for general ideas 1. Introduce the reading skill: skimming. 2. Teacher can start with the title and the first paragraph so that the Ss know how to work out the general idea of each paragraph. 3. [pairwork] Ask the Ss to work in pairs. Go through the passage quickly to find out the main idea of each paragraph.Check answers one by one paragraph. [设计思路]:教师示范skimming的运用,让学生学会在快速浏览的情况下,抓住文章的要点。 Step 3. Reading for details 1. Introduce the reading skill: scanning. 2. Teacher can do Q1, Q2 in Part A first. 3. [Individual work]Ask Ss to do Q3 in Part A and questions in C1 individually. Check answers with the Ss. 4. [Listening and reading] Ask Ss to go through the questions in C2. Then listen and read after the recording. Ask Ss to answer the questions using their own words. [设计思路]: 示范传授scanning的运用,并辅以相关练习,让学生在阅读中掌握阅读方法。 Step 4. Consolidation 1. [Task-based reading] Ask the Ss to do the task-based reading and check answers. Aspects Details  General impression It was a different but exciting and enjoyable 1. ______________  Assembly Students should attend it on the first day and the 2. ____________ Will tell the rules of the school during that period.  Class Our class is of the 3._______ size; we would never study in a fixed classroom.  Subjects English I practiced it every day, so it got 4. ________ a lot.   French I had an 5. _______ French class on Tuesday evenings.   Cooking I learned a lot and could make delicious cakes.   Selective ones Students can 6. _______ studying some subjects if they don’t like them.  7. _________ It was not heavy but a bit 8. ______________  Spare time I played football with others, 9. _______ under a tree and went to the Computer Club where I could send e-mails to my family and friends 10. _________ of charge.  Keys: 1-5 expericenced headmaster average improved extra 6-10 stop Homework challenging relaxed free [设计思路:通过任务型阅读填空的形式,帮助同学进一步巩固课文内容并再次理清文章概要] Step 5. Discussion [groupwork] Suppose you were Daniel, a UK student in China on a student exchange programme, write a passage for him entitled “School life in China”. Discuss what will be covered in the passage. Draw the outline and present. [设计思路]:了解了中国学生在英国的感受,让学生换个角度,谈一谈英国学生在中国学习的感受。一方面让学生创设了情境,让学生运用学到的语言,同时,也促使学生以新的视角来看待自己周围的学习、生活。 Step 6. Homework Revise the text and do part E. Prepare for an interview with Wei Hua. 版权所有:高考资源网(www.ks5u.com)
