牛津高中英语教学设计  Thoughts on the design: 本节课是以读引写的写作课。在孩子的成长过程中,他们或多或少总有这样那样的痛苦和烦恼,尤其是当他们从孩童进入青春期之后,这种感觉更加普遍和明显。Project里的文章极好的讲述了成长的烦恼这一情况,因为是青春期无法避免的情况,所以学生很容易理解文章的内容,也很容易产生共鸣。利用这篇文章培养学生快速寻找有用信息的能力并进行相关讨论,提高学生口语表达及合作解决问题的能力。由于这堂课的重点是以读引写,写报告,因此要指导学生如何分配任务,如何大家一起合作完成报告,并在更好地理解文章内容的基础上,参照自己的经历并查找相关资料,写出关于成长的烦恼的报告。 Teaching aims: After learning this part, the students will be expected to improve their ability to find useful information quickly from a passage. At the same time, it is expected that they will have a better understanding of growing pains. Students will also be able to cooperate with others to write a report on a certain kind of growing pains they are interested in. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in (ppt. 5-8) 1. Do you love your parents? Do you think you show respect for your parents? 2. Do you sometimes quarrel with your parents? Can you describe an experience with your parents that was not pleasant? 3. Besides unpleasant experiences with parents, what other kinds of growing pains have you experience? 1) often quarrel with your parents because they forbid listening to foreign music / chatting online / going out with friends / … 2) have too much homework and no time to relax 3) sometimes feel lonely and feel no one else can understand you 4) have to depend on your parents and can’t make your own choices 5) etc. 4. Some new words in Growing pains adolescence: the time of life between child and adult misunderstand: not able to understand correctly (misunderstood, misunderstood) normal: usual, not surprising, not strange confused: being unable to understand or think clearly physical: changes: changes inside one’s body psychological changes: changes in one’s mind [Explanation] 对于处于青春期的学生来说,成长的烦恼是一个普遍的问题。他们很容易理解,也很容易引起共鸣。从与父母之间的代沟问题,到其它让他们感到烦恼的事情,学生可以讨论的话题很多。 Step 2 Skimming (ppt. 9) Go through the text and try to answer the following question: What different kinds of growing pains are talked in the article? Kinds of growing pains: physical changes—physical psychological changes—psychological how to fit in society—social [Explanation] 帮助学生迅速了解文章的大概内容。 Step 3 Scanning (ppt. 10-16) 1. Listen to the tape and read with the tape. Find out: How many parts can this article be divided into? What is the main point for each part? Three parts: Part 1 (Paragraphs 1&2) Part 2 (Paragraphs 3-5) Part 3 (Paragraph 6) The main point of each part: Part 1: Many teenagers feel lonely and are going through many changes. These change are part of adolescence. Part 2: Physical changes and psychological changes happen inside teenagers. They become confused and want to know how to fit in society. Part 3: Growing pains do not last long. [Explanation] 提高学生快速寻找有用信息的能力。 Step 4 Writing a report on growing pains (ppt. 18-19) Planning ● Discuss the following questions in your group: Which kind of growing pain causes teenagers the most anxiety? Why? Which kind of growing pain is the least understood by teenagers? Which kind of growing pain most interests your group? Are there any other things that can be called growing pains? ● Decide which kind of growing pain your group whishes to do a report on. ● Assign roles to each group member and write their names beside the tasks below. Research ________________ Write an outline of the report _____________ Write the report ___________ Provide art work for the report _____________ Preparing ● Members doing research need to look to these resources for information books in the library magazines the Internet experts (health teachers, doctors, etc) ● Those writing the outline need to make a draft of the outlines of the report and have it approved by the other group members. ● Those providing art work need to decide what kind of art work they can use to help explain the information in the report. Producing ● Those who are writing the report should finish the report based on the outline and proofread it. ● Those providing the art work need to either find art work that can be used or produce it themselves. ● All members need to check the draft before the writers can make a final version. The final version has to be approved by the whole group. Presenting ● Choose one member to read the report in front of the class. ● Answer any questions your classmates may have about your report. ● Put your report on the wall of the classroom for your classmates to read. [Explanation] 让学生开动脑筋,提高其分析问题、解决问题的能力,加强其口语表达能力,培养学生的团体合作精神。 Step 5 Homework (ppt.29) Finish Ex B1, B2 on Page 95 and D1 on Page 97 in the Workbook. Write a report on growing pains. 版权所有:高考资源网(www.ks5u.com)
