1. To review the text 2. To learn the grammar-- adverbial clause Teaching procedures 教学活动 Activities 设计意图 Intentions 互动模式&时间 IP&time  Revision  Step 1 T asks Ss to retell Kong ’s experience with the help of the key word board. [PPT2] 通过根据关键词复述课文主要内容来帮助学生回顾第一课时所学内容 GW 6’  Language Study  Step 2 Ss read the sentences in Ex 5 on P27 and decide which is an adverbial clause of cause, result or purpose. [PPT4-7] 体验不同的状语从句在语境中的不同功能 WC 4’  Step 3 T checks the answers and leads Ss to discuss about the reasons for choices. T asks Ss to underline the conjunctions [PPT 8] 通过挑出引导词,深入理解从句的功能区别 IW CW 5’  Step 5 Ss complete Ex 6 (P 27) T leads Ss to summarize the differences between the conjunctions. [PPT 9-12] 鼓励学生自己发现语法规则,培养其学习能力,提高学习的主动性和兴趣 IW CW 10’  Step 6 Ss complete Ex 7,8 and 9 帮助学生熟练掌握三种条件句 IW WC 7’  Language in use  Step 8 Ss work in pairs and tell each other: 1) when you listen to music, 2) what kind of music you listen to and why. Use the following words: classical, folk, jazz, traditional, pop, rock, because, because of, so that, so/such…that, as, since [PPT 13] 学生此时对三种状语从句应该已经掌握,学生用它来讨论Lesson 3的主话题音乐,练习了语法,也进一步巩固了本课话题。词汇 PW CW 8’  Homework   Ex 3,4 on P 70.   版权所有:高考资源网(www.ks5u.com)
