1. To read the text for general and specific information; 2. To know the importance of paper art in Chinese culture. Teaching procedure Lead-in  Step 1 T asks Ss to think about the title of the unit and the topic of lesson 1, and then naturally shows them the pictures of paper cuts and shows the teaching objectives. [PPT 1-2] 回顾和激活已有知识,自然过渡到本课话题。 CW 3’  Pre-reading  Step 2 T asks Ss to work in pairs talking about the paper cuts on the textbooks. 通过讨论这些图片帮助学生熟悉话题和相关词汇。 PW 5’  While-reading  Step 3 Ss skim the passage quickly to get the general main aspects of the passage. 第一遍阅读:通过略读找出文章中的主要话题,培养学生略读找大意的能力。 IW 3’  Step 4 Ss scan the passage quickly to answer several specific questions and learn some important words in the context. 第二遍阅读:通过查读找出文章主要时间和相关信息并在语境中处理重要词汇。 IW 5’  Step 5 Ss read the passage carefully to get some detailed information and learn some other key words in the context. 第三遍阅读:通过细读获得文章细节信息,了解详细内容,帮助学生通过上下文猜测理解词义。 PW 10’  Post-reading  Step 6 Ss work in groups to talk about which kind of paper cuts they would like to try. 帮助学生内化有关剪纸的已学知识及词汇,并在已学知识基础上表达自己的观点。 GW 10’  Step 7 T summarizes what has been learned in this lesson and Ss have a brief review about the text. 帮助学生总结回顾本节课内容,进一步巩固已学知识。 CW 3’  Step 8 Ss talk about the important position of paper cuts in Chinese traditional culture. 通过讨论剪纸在中国传统文化中的地位升华学生对剪纸文化的认识。 PW 6’  Homework  1. Read the passage carefully and underline all relative clauses in it. 2. Finish the handout of relative clauses.   版权所有:高考资源网(www.ks5u.com)
