Teaching procedure Lead-in  Step 1 T shows Ss the pictures of an apartment and house to introduce the topic of the lesson. [PPT 1-3] 回顾和激活已有知识,自然过渡到本课话题。 CW 3’  Step 2 T shows four pictures and asks Ss to think about the difference between house and apartment in order to define these two types of housing 通过讨论图片,区别房屋和公寓来引起学生的思考。 PW 3’  Pre-reading  Step 3 Ss discuss different aspects of house through brainstorming and learn about new words in a familiar context.  学生进行头脑风暴,分组讨论关于居住各个方面的问题,并进行词汇整理,在语境中理解词汇 6’  While-reading  Step 4 Ss scan the passage quickly to get the main aspects of the passage. 第一遍阅读:通过略读找出文章中的主要话题,培养学生略读找大意的能力。 IW 5’  Step 4 Ss read the passage for detailed information to fill in the information in some specific questions 第二遍阅读:通过细读找出文章主要时间和相关信息. IW 8’  Step 5 Ss read the passage carefully to get some detailed information and learn some other key words in the context. 第三遍阅读:在前两遍阅读的基础上对文章有一个更加通彻的理解。 PW 5’  Post-reading  Step 6 Ss work in pairs to do an interview to know about each other’s apartment. 帮助学生内化有关房屋的已学知识及词汇,并在已学知识基础上表达自己的观点。 GW 10’  Homework   Page 84 Exercise 1 and 3 for vocabulary review Write down the key sentences that have been used in the interview.   版权所有:高考资源网(www.ks5u.com)
