Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 addictive, cannabis, crack cocaine, danger, drug addict, drug dealer, heart attack, heart rate, inject, needle, powerful, reduce, break into, nearby b.重点句式 I used to be ... P12 He offered me ... P12 Users who ... are also in more danger if they ...P12 Users become addicted to crack cocaine much more easily if they ... P13 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the Ss to talk about the harm of drugs. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the Ss learn how to express their feelings and opinions. Teaching important points教学重点 Let the Ss gain more information about the harm of drugs. Teaching difficult points教学难点 Let the Ss realize that they must keep away from drugs forever. Teaching methods教学方法 Fast reading, intensive reading and discussion. Teaching aids教具准备 A projector, a computer and a recorder. Teaching procedures& ways教学过程与方式 Step I Warming up T: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls. Yesterday we talked about the disadvantages of smoking. Among those smokers there are many young men. Why is cigarette so attractive? S: Because in the cigarette there is a substance called cocaine. This kind of thing can make people addicted to it. T: You are right. Then do you know more about cocaine? S: It is a powerfully addictive drug and can make people feel energetic for a short period of time. T: How do you know this? S: I have ever read a passage introducing cocaine in a newspaper. T: Good. I think all of you have heard about the harm done by cocaine to people. The most serious result is that it can cause people to die. Around you are there any people using drugs? S: No, we haven’t seen such people ourselves. We only see people using drugs on TV and in the newspaper. T: I’m very glad to hear that. We should keep away from drugs. Now please open your books and turn to page 12. Look at the words. I will give you five minutes to discuss the meanings of them. After five minutes, make sure the Ss have mastered these words. Then give them two minutes to finish Activity 3 by themselves. Step II Pre-reading T: Now look at the picture. From the expression of the man can you tell me what’s the matter with him? S: He is unhappy. T: Do you know why he is unhappy? S: Perhaps he is addicted to the drugs. T: Very good. In fact he is really addicted to the drugs. Are you eager to know about his experiences of becoming a drug addict and what happened to him later? S: Yes. T: Well. Now let’s look at Activity 2. Above the passage there are three topics, I will give you three minutes to look through Article 1 and find the topic of this passage. After three minutes, ask some students to share their answers. T: OK, time’s up. Have you finished? Who’d like to share your answers? S: I choose the first one. T: Do you agree with him/her? Ss: Yes. T: Very good. Since you have known what Article 1 talks about, I will give you 10 minutes to look through Activity 4 and find which parts in Activity 4 belong to Article 1. After 10 minutes, check the answers. ... T: Now, look through Article 2 and choose a best topic for it from the two topics left. Then read through Activity 4 again and decide which parts belong to Article 2. A few minutes later, check the answers. T: Quite right. Since you have known the relation between Article 1, Article 2 and the parts in Activity 4, I will give you six minutes to read Article 1 and Parts 2, 3, 5 && 6 and then Article 2 and Parts 1 && 4. After six minutes, ask the Ss to finish Activities 5 & 6, then check the answers. Step III Reading Text analyzing T: OK, you’ve done well. Now I will give you six minutes to read Article 1 again. After you finish, I will ask some of you to retell the story. Six minutes later, ask some students to retell the story. A sample version: Adam Rouse used to be a drug addict. He is now giving a description of his past experiences. He started using drugs at the age of 15. He continued for about 6 months. Before long he became addicted to drugs. He was in such terrible pain that one day he broke into a house for money. In the end he was taken to the police station. A doctor came to treat him. He took the doctor’s advice and stopped taking drugs immediately. Now he works in a center for drug addicts, helping others to stop taking drugs. T: You are excellent. Next, please read the whole text. Then I will ask you several questions about the writing characteristics. A few minutes later. T: Time’s up. Who would like to tell me the structure of the text? S: Let me have a try. The whole text is a brief introduction of the harm of smoking. The text can be divided into two parts. One part uses an example of a drug addict to give a live instruction of the influence of the cocaine. The other part introduces cocaine and its harmful influence. T: Very good. Then what is the main idea of the text? S: The text is about the harm of cocaine. Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug. Once you are addicted to it, you can’t live without it. Adam Rouse, a 19-year-old boy, used to be a drug addict. In order to buy drugs, he broke into house for money and was arrested by police. At last, he stopped using drugs and helped others stop taking drugs. T: You have done a good job. The last question: What is the writer’s purpose of writing this text? S: Through a brief description of a 19-year-old boy’s smoking experiences and a short introduction of cocaine and its harmful influence, the writer warns the students not to smoke and keep away from drugs. Language points T: Now let’s deal with some difficult language points. 1. danger: chance of suffering damage e.g. His life was in danger. 2. share: n. part or portion of a large amount of which is divided among several or many people e.g. Your share of the cost is 10$. v. give a share of something to others e.g. Please share 100$ between 5 people. There is only one bedroom, so we’ll have to share 3. break into: enter by force e.g. His house was broken into last week. Step IV Post-reading T: What can you learn from the text? Ss: From the text, we have known that drugs are very harmful to our health. We should keep away from drugs and live a healthy life. The most important thing is that not only should we ourselves keep away from cigarettes and drugs but also we should help others not smoke and use drugs. T: Your answer is perfect, thank you. Step V Homework Memorize the important sentences in the text.
