Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇及短语 alien, amateur, astronomer, autograph, delighted, fan, politician, belief, disbelief, evidence, spaceship, a big surprise, at the start of a five-day visit to China b. 重点句式 P48 There are probably aliens... Yes, it’s quite... Well, the writer is absolutely sure... You don’t believe in... I can’t believe... You must be joking! You can’t be serious! That’s a crazy thing to say. 2. Ability goals能力目标 Enable the Ss to express themselves, talk about their interest in news and reports and show belief and disbelief. 3. Learning ability goals学能目标 Help the Ss learn how to show belief and disbelief. Teaching important points 教学重点 Get the Ss to give their opinions about the interviews they like. Show belief and disbelief properly. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 How to encourage the Ss to talk freely and actively about their personal favorite interviews. Learn to recognize and use the ways of showing belief and disbelief. Teaching methods教学方法 Cooperative learning and task-based activity. Teaching aids 教具准备 A tape recorder, a projector and some slides. Teaching procedures& ways教学过程与方式 Step I Revision Task 1 T: I’d like to know how well you have mastered the words and phrases we learned last class. Let’s have a dictation. Ask 3 students to come to the front to have a dictation. And the rest write down what they hear at their seats. The dictation phrases are as follows: 1. make orbits of the earth 2. a great moment in the history 3. a complete success 4. take photographs of planet earth 5. the third nation to sent a man into space 6. in total 7. send messages of congratulations 8. a step forward for the whole world Task 2 Report the news T: Good! You’ve done a good job. Now I’d like you to report the news of “Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth!”. Any volunteer? S: I’d like to have a try. China’s first taikonaut Yang Liwei landed safely on the morning of October 16th, 2003, who was in space for twenty-one and a half hours, made 14 orbits of the earth and took photographs of planet earth. Therefore, China became the third nation to send a man into space. The flight was a complete success, so it won praise and congratulations at home and abroad. While he was in space, Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station. United Nations Secretary — General Kofi Annan called the flight “a step forward for the whole world”. If time permits, ask 2 or 3 students to report the news with their books closed. Task 3 Reading T: Have you previewed the passage on Page 45? Ss: Of course. Check the answers to Activity 2. ... T: Great! I’d like to remind you of some important phrases in the three reports. Read your books and find out them when I read them in Chinese. Are you ready? Ss: Yes. T: The first one: What’s the English for “用望远镜”? Ss: Through a telescope. T: Yes. Please underline it. What’s the English for “他大吃一惊”? Ss: He got a big surprise. T: You are right. Pay attention that surprise is used as a countable noun here. What’s the English for “ 开始了对中国为期五天的访问”? Ss: At the start of a five-day visit to China. T: OK. The last one: What’s the English for “我希望再来很多次”? Ss: I hope I can come many more times. Step II Pronunciation This part is designed to let the Ss learn to mark a paragraph step by step. 1. Play Paragraph A for the Ss to follow and ask them to pay special attention to where the speaker pauses. 2. Play Paragraph B for the Ss to follow and ask them to mark “/” to show where the speaker pauses. Play the tape again for the students to follow and check. And get them to try to draw a conclusion where to pause. 3. Ask the Ss to read Paragraph C carefully and try to mark a “/” where they think necessary. Three minutes later, play the tape for the students to listen to and check their results. Play it once more if necessary. Step III Listening T: OK. Boys and girls, let’s listen to the three reports and then you are to answer the questions on Page 45. Before listening, please read through and understand the questions completely. One minute for you to read them. One minute later. T: Are you ready? Ss: Yes! Play the tape for the first time for the Ss to get the answers. And then play it again for them to get more information. After that, check the answers. Step IV Listening and Speaking Task 1 Let the Ss listen to an interview with an actor and make notes of the answers to the questions in Activity 2 on Page 47. Then play the tape another time for the Ss. And then check the answers to the questions in Activity 3. Task 2 Discussion T: OK. We have heard an interview with an actor. Do you like reading or hearing interviews with film stars and other celebrities? S1: Frankly speaking, I like watching interviews on TV, for it’s more vivid and interesting, just like Talking Face to Face. Another important advantage of TV interview is that I can see my favorite pop star clearly. If impossible, I prefer hearing to reading, because as you know, I’m very, very tired of reading all day. I’d like to relax for a while. S2: But I think that depends. If in holidays, I’d like to read some famous interviews with VIPs. That’s because they’re not limited by time and I can read very carefully, even make notes if I like, so in this way, I can learn a lot from them. T: What you said sounds very reasonable. Another question: Who are more interesting to listen to or read, pop stars, politicians, film stars or sports stars? S3: Pop stars, of course, such as Sun Nan, Ren Xianqi, Dao Lang, Sun Yue, A Du ect. I think their songs are very beautiful and they are so cool. I’m crazy about them. S4: I think most boys will agree with me: sports stars are more interesting. They always play for the hope and glory of the whole nation, so I think they are brave and hardworking. S5: I prefer film stars. I think they present different lifestyles for us and bring much fun to our everyday life. Some of them are pretty and handsome while some of them are honest and kind-hearted. S6: I myself like reading about politicians. Because most of them were born in poor family, and had little schooling, they taught themselves and became learned. Their work is very important and tiring, so they usually make important decisions with their wisdom. We should learn form them in different aspects. T: Wonderful! So much for the discussion. You all did a good job. Task 3 Listening and Speaking (WORKBOOK) Let the Ss listen to a conversation between two journalists and then deal with Exercises 14 & 15 on Page 95. ... T: We have listened to a conversation between two journalists. Now please work in pairs to discuss the two questions in Exercise 16. Six minutes later, I will ask some of you to answer them. Six minutes later. T: OK! Time’s up. Who’d like to answer the first question? S1: Let me have a try. I think I believe the story of the journalist in Bad News. Nowadays more and more newspapers have appeared. To gain a large sale, some newspapers make up news to draw the readers’ attention. In my opinion, what they do is immoral and illegal. T: Good. Then do you believe in aliens? Ss: We don’t believe in aliens. Because no one has seen aliens for himself. Though we have heard about many people in the world announced they saw aliens for themselves, we don’t believe them fully. Perhaps some day in the future, when we see aliens ourselves, we can believe. Step V Function and Everyday English T: There is a conversation on Page 48. It is also about aliens. Please read the conversation and underline the sentences showing belief or disbelief. 2 minutes later, collect the sentences on the blackboard for the Ss to practice later. ... T: Practice the sentences and then work in pairs to complete a similar conversation in Activity 2 by using them. 2 minutes later, ask some pairs to present their by answers, which can be different. Step VI Homework T: Time is up. Homework for today: 1. Go over what you have learned in this class. 2. Pick out the sentences with adverbial clause of time in the passage on Page 43 and Page 45.
