Period 3 Grammar 1; Grammar 2 整体设计 教材分析 本部分的内容是非限制性定语从句以及定语从句之间的区别。学生可以了解到限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区别并会做相关的练习题目来巩固所学的知识。 三维目标 1. 知识与技能 1)Make sure students mastered the grammatical items. 2)Consolidate their knowledge of non-defining attributive clauses. 2. 过程与方法 1)Motivate students’ enthusiasm in taking part in the class. 2)Help students to use the sentence patterns in communication. 3. 情感与价值 Through the study of this period students will surely know more about the basic meanings of some attributive clauses. 教学重点 1. The basic usage of the non-defining relative pronouns and adverbs and learn to use them in different situations. 2. How to use the sentence patterns in daily life. 教学难点 How to help students to learn the non-defining attributive clause efficiently. 教学方法 Deduction to present the usage of the non-defining relative pronouns and adverbs, and then some exercises to consolidate what we have learned. 教学过程 → Step 1 Revision 1. Check students’ homework. 2. Have a dictation of the words learnt in the text. The words for dictation: dream(v. ) energy generate harness historical narrow poem power station submerge suggest → Step 2 Grammar 1: Non-defining attributive clauses Activity 1 Read the sentences. (Show the following on the screen. ) a Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of “walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain”. b The Three Gorges Dam, which is the biggest construction project in China since the building of the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, has been built to control flooding. c Sun Yat-sen, who was the leader of the 1911 Revolution, first suggested the idea in 1919. d More than a million people who lived in the region have moved from their homes. Now answer these questions. 1 Which of the attributive clauses(in italics)contain essential information about the subject and which contain extra information? 2 If you take away the attributive clauses, do the sentences still make sense? Why or why not? 3 Which sentences have commas, the ones with essential information or the ones with extra information? Suggested answers: 1 a and d contain essential information; b and d contain extra information. 2 a and d don’t, b and c do because the meaning stands without the extra clause. 3 The ones with the extra information.  Activity 2 Read the sentences. Add commas if necessary. 1 Sun Yat-sen who became President of the Republic of China in 1912 died in 1925. 2 The building of the Grand Canal which is the world’s longest canal began in 486 BC. 3 The section of the canal which was built in the seventh century was mainly used for rice transportation. Suggested answers: 1 Sun Yat-sen, who became President of the Republic of China in 1912, died in 1925. 2 The building of the Grand Canal, which is the world’s longest canal, began in 486 BC. 3 The section of the canal, which was built in the seventh century, was mainly used for rice transportation. Activity 3 Add information to sentences 1-3, using extra information A-C. 1 The Yangtze River is the third longest river in the world. 2 The Three Gorges Dam is the biggest construction project in China. 3 Mao Zedong wrote a poem about a dam across the Yangtze River. A which is more than 6, 000 kilometres long B who is a great leader of China C which will generate a large amount of energy Suggested answers: 1 A: The Yangtze River, which is more than 6, 000 kilometres long, is the third longest river in the world. 2 C: The Three Gorges Dam, which will generate a large amount of energy, is the biggest construction project in China. 3 B: Mao Zedong, who is a great leader of China, wrote a poem about a dam across the Yangtze River. → Step 3 Grammar 2: Contraction of attributive clauses Activity 1 (Show the following on the screen. ) a I met a man my grandfather worked with thirty years ago. b I met a man who my grandfather worked with thirty years ago. c I wanted to visit the house that my grandparents lived in. d The bus which I took back to my birth place was full of visitors from other parts of China. Now answer these questions: 1 Do the first two sentences mean the same thing? 2 In the first two sentences, who is the subject of the verb work—the man or the grandfather? 3 Can the words that and which be removed from the third and fourth sentences without changing the meaning? Suggested answers: 1 Yes, they do. 2 The grandfather. 3 Yes, they can. Activity 2 Study the two sentences. Notice the words in brackets can be deleted without affecting the meaning of the sentence. The valley is now part of the reservoir(which was)created by the Three Gorges Dam. The people(who are)living in the village have moved to other places. Read out the two sentences with and then without the words in brackets. Ask students to comment on the difference it makes to the sentences. Comment: When with the words in brackets, they are attributive clauses; when without the words in brackets, sentence one is a past participle used as attribute and sentence two is a present participle used as attribute. Activity 3 Cross out the relative pronouns where possible. 1 They come from a village that was submerged in the reservoir. 2 There are many people who prefer to live in villages. 3 The dam that we saw in the film wasn’t the Three Gorges Dam. 4 I’ve got a book that has lots of information about Zigui County. 5 The students that I met near the reservoir were from Vietnam. 6 I received an email from my cousin who lives near the Three Gorges Dam. Suggested answers: 1 can’t remove “that” 2 can’t remove “who” 3 can remove “that” 4 can’t remove “that” 5 can remove “that” 6 can’t remove “who” Conclusion: 1 When the relative pronoun is used as the subject, it can’t be removed. 2 When in defining attributive clauses, the relative pronoun is used as the object, it can be removed. Activity 4 Make each pair of sentences into one sentence. Example: The mountain is the highest in the region. We climbed it. The mountain we climbed is the highest in the region. 1 The dam provides a large amount of power. They built it on the river. 2 The power station was very modern. We visited it. 3 The village is near the lake. My grandparents used to live in it. 4 The boat went from Wuhan to Zigui. I took it. Suggested answers: 1 The dam(which/that)they built on the river provides a large amount of power. 2 The power station(which/that)we visited was very modern. 3 The village(which/that)my grandparents used to live in is near the lake. 4 The boat(which/that)I took went from Wuhan to Zigui. → Step 4 Conclusion 限制性定语从句和非限制定语从句的区别: 定语从句就其先行词的关系而言, 可分为限制性和非限制性两种。 类别 意义 功能 形式 关系代词、副词  限制性定语从句 起限定作用。若省略, 原句意义不完整 修饰先行词 通常紧接先行词后, 无逗号 关系代词可由that 代替, 也可省略  非限制定语从句 起补充说明作用。若省去, 原句意义不受影响 既可修饰先行词, 也可修饰整个句子 有逗号与主句隔开 关系词不可有that 代替, 也不能省略   说明:1. 限制性定语从句修饰前面的先行词, 这类从句可以清楚表达所修饰的先行词的特征。如:  The man who told me this refused to give me his name. 告诉我这件事的那个人拒绝说出他的姓名。 The noise that he made woke everybody up. 他弄出的响声把大家都吵醒了。 The ladder on which I was standing began to slip. 我脚下的梯子开始向下滑动。 2. 非限制性定语从句位于确定的先行词之后, 因此它对先行词不作限定性描述, 仅对该词作进一步说明和补充。这类从句即使省略也不会引起意义上的混乱。 Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested stopping at the next town. 彼得开了整整一天车, 他建议在下一个城镇停留。 Tom, whom everyone suspected, turned out to be innocent. 大家都在怀疑的汤姆结果证明是无罪的。 She gave me this dictionary, which she had bought in the bookshop. 她送给我这本词典, 这是她在书店买的。 3. 试比较以下两个句子在意义上的不同: The college students who knew the truth left the small town. The college students, who knew the truth, left the small town. 前一句中有一个限制性定语从句, 它对名词的范围作了一定的限制。这个句子的意思是“只有那些知道事实真相的大学生离开了小镇”, 并暗示那些不知道事实真相的大学生仍然还留在小镇上。后一句中有一个非限制性定语从句, 它对前面的名词没有起到任何限制作用, 这句话暗含“大学生们都知道了事实真相并离开了小镇”。 再比较下面两个句子: He has a son who works in a hospital. (限制性定语从句) 他有一个在医院工作的儿子。(可能还有别的儿子, 不在医院工作) He has a son, who works in a hospital. (非限制性定语从句) 他有一个儿子, 在医院工作。 → Step 5 Consolidation 1. Answer the following questions according to attributive clauses. 1)John has just got a new jacket which is nice. What is nice? A. The jacket itself. B. Having a new jacket. 2)The villagers, who knew the way, guided us out of the forests. Who knew the way? A. Some of the villagers. B. All the villagers. 3)Chek Lapp Kok Airport, which is in Hong Kong, is designed to accommodate 80 million passengers yearly. Which is the main information? A. The airport is in Hong Kong. B. The airport is designed to accommodate 80 million passengers yearly. 4)The desks, which at first looked old and dirty, were very valuable. Which is the main information? A. The desks were old and dirty. B. The desks were very valuable. 5)He is the man who told me the news. Which understanding is right? A. “Who told me the news” is necessary information. B. “Who told me the news” is not necessary information. 2. Make sentences with non-defining attributive clauses. Example: story; interesting; too long The story, which was interesting, was too long. 1)man; two young sons; 56 _______________________________________ 2)place; call Weifang; sell kites _______________________________________ 3)plant; flowers are purple; rare _______________________________________ 4)jeans; new; blue _______________________________________ 5)the Great Wall; longest man-made structure; attracts thousands of foreigners _______________________________________ 3. Decide if the words that, who and which can be removed from these sentences. Check the sentences in which these words are removable. 1)The power station which we visited generates half the province’s energy. 2)He worked all his life in a power station which burned coal. 3)The power station burned coal which came from the northwest of the country. 4)The people who built the Aswan High Dam were from Russia. 5)He lived in a town that was submerged when they built the dam. 6)The temple that we visited first was Abu Simbel. 7)The woman who we met at the temple was an expert on Egyptian relics. 8)The carvings which we saw on the cliff are extremely ancient. Suggested answers: 1. 1)A 2)B 3)B 4)B 5)A 2. 1)The man who has two young sons is 56. 2)The place which is called Weifang sells kites. 3)The plant whose flowers are purple is rare. 4)The jeans which are new are blue. 5)The Great Wall which is the longest man-made structure, attracts thousands of foreigners. 3. 1)The power station(which)we visited generates half the province’s energy. 2)He worked all his life in a power station which burned coal. 3)The power station burned coal which came from the northwest of the country. 4)The people who built the Aswan High Dam were from Russia. 5)He lived in a town that was submerged when they built the dam. 6)The temple(that)we visited first was Abu Simbel. 7)The woman(who)we met at the temple was an expert on Egyptian relics. 8)The carvings(which)we saw on the cliff are extremely ancient. → Step 6 Summary and Homework In this period, we have learned about non-defining attributive clauses. We have also learned the differences between defining attributive clauses and non-defining attributive clauses. Some consolidation exercises were designed. Homework: Do some exercises on attributive clauses. 板书设计 Module 6 Old and New Period 3 Grammar 1; Grammar 2 Grammar 1: Non-defining attributive clauses 1 Sun Yat-sen, who became President of the Republic of China in 1912, died in 1925. 2 The building of the Grand Canal, which is the world’s longest canal, began in 486 BC. 3 The section of the canal, which was built in the seventh century, was mainly used for rice transportation. Grammar 2: Contraction of attributive clauses a I met a man my grandfather worked with thirty years ago. b I met a man who my grandfather worked with thirty years ago. c I wanted to visit the house that my grandparents lived in. d The bus which I took back to my birth place was full of visitors from other parts of China. 活动与探究 1. Presentation of the usage of different relative pronouns and adverbs. 2. Exercises to consolidate what they have learned about the attributive clause.
