第二课时 Second period 教学目标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 提取、整理新闻London Wins中的信息; 了解新闻结构; 谈论新闻内容; 练习使用被动语态。 教学过程 注: IP=Interactive Pattern; T=Teacher; Ss=Students; CW=Class Work; IW=Individual Work; PW= Pair Work; GW=Group Work 步骤 Steps 教学活动 Activities 设计意图 Intentions 互动模式和时间 IP & Time  Review  Step 1 T provides a short paragraph with some blanks for the Ss to go over what they learned in the first period. T checks the answers after the Ss’ discussion. (PPT 3-4) 帮助学生使用上节课所学词汇和获得的信息,以及被动语态,完成段落。 CW 4’  Lead-in  Step 2 T says to Ss, “The news about Africa on G8 agenda was reported on July 5, 2005. On the following day, July 6, do you know what happened?” Then T shows a picture and asks Ss what they can get from the picture. (PPT 5) 引出话题,激活学生的背景知识,为后面的阅读做准备。 CW 3’  Pre-reading  Step 3 T shows some pictures and elicits from Ss the following words: announce, celebrate, crowds, cheering people, look forward to. If necessary, T gives hints to help Ss guess the words. (PPT 6-8) While eliciting the expressions, T demonstrates the pronunciations and Ss practice reading them aloud after T. T goes over the pictures again and asks Ss to say the words from their memory. 在语境中呈现单词,帮助学生理解、记忆生词, 为阅读做好准备。 在语境中再现生词,强化学生的瞬时记忆。 渗透词汇学习策略:根据图片、按照动词短语或搭配学习、记忆词汇。 CW 3’  While-reading  Step 4 First reading: Ss read the news “London wins” and match the headings with the paragraphs. T shows the structure of the news. (PPT 9-13) 了解段落大意以及新闻的结构。 IW – CW 5’  Step 5 Second reading: T asks Ss to read the news quickly with the questions 6, 7 & 8 in Ex. 2. Ss find out the answers and check the information they get from the news. (PPT 14-16) T checks the answers with the whole class. 提取和整理课文信息。 IW – PW – CW 5’  Step 6 Third reading: Ss read the news to find out the problems and try to deal with them in groups. T walks around and then gives instructions to the whole class. (PPT 17-20) 1. 在语境中学习词汇。 2. 先让学生自己找问题,然后在小组中解决,培养学生自主学习的意识和习惯。 IW – GW – CW 8’  Post-reading  Step 7 Grammar review: T asks Ss to pick out all the sentences with the Passive Voice and put them into the suitable place in the table. (PPT 21) 让学生自己总结、归纳被动语态在各个时态中的结构,培养他们的自主学习能力。 IW – PW – CW 5’  Step 8 Ss listen to the tape and read aloud after the tape. 有声输入,整体感知,培养学生语感。 CW 2’  Step 9 Practice: Ss rewrite the newspaper report using the Passive where possible. (Ex. 6) (PPT 22-23) Or: Ss write the news they have prepared in English. Then each of them exchanges the news with the partner and rewrites the sentences using the Passive where possible. T collects several Ss’ handouts and shows them to the whole class. Ss evaluate the writing. 尝试在语境中正确使用被动语态。 IW – CW 10’  Homework  Do Ex. 5 on p. 23.
