幻灯片 1 Unit 5 The power of nature Warming up ---- 幻灯片 2Warming up Remember what happened on Dec 26, 2004? Tsunami hits Indonesia ---- 幻灯片 3Tsunami ---- 幻灯片 4Do you know any other natural disasters ? ---- 幻灯片 5 natural disasters sandstorm typhoon flood hurricane tornado earthquake tsunami landslide snowstorm drought ---- 幻灯片 6China suffered massive flooding concentrated in three areas during the 1998 summer. ---- 幻灯片 71976年7月28日凌晨3时42分,河北省冀东地区的唐山、丰南 一带突然发生7.8级强地震,新兴的重工业城市唐山蒙受惨重灾难,被夷为一片废墟。 ---- 幻灯片 8hurricane ---- 幻灯片 9typhoon disaster ---- 幻灯片 10drought ---- 幻灯片 11landslide ---- 幻灯片 12sandstorm ---- 幻灯片 13Heavy snowstorm hits Shandong Peninsula 21 Dec 2005 snowstorm ---- 幻灯片 14Have you ever seen a volcano ? ---- 幻灯片 15volcano-eruption ---- 幻灯片 16---- 幻灯片 17公元79年维苏威火山的爆发掩埋了一座城市! 虽然地球史上每一次火山爆发无不令地貌沧海桑田,但公元79年维苏威火山的爆发 却的确令一座城市获得了永生--庞贝无法躲过火山的劫难,但它被掩埋封存在渐渐冷却、凝固、变硬的火山灰中,最终竟躲过了上千年岁月的侵蚀。 ---- 幻灯片 18Vesuvius entered the history of volcanology with the eruption of 79 AD, described by Pliny the Younger. The eruption destroyed Pompeii, Herculaneum, Oplonti and Stabiae and caused the death of Pliny the Elder among many other people. ---- 幻灯片 19Have you ever considered how weak humans are compared with a volcano, hurricane or earthquake? ---- 幻灯片 20What do you know about volcano? Do you know how a volcano erupts? ---- 幻灯片 21---- 幻灯片 22How is a volcano formed? The rocks under the earth become hotter and hotter and erupt from the mountain. ---- 幻灯片 23an extinct volcano an active volcano types of volcanoes a dormant volcano ---- 幻灯片 24Where is most possible for a volcano to erupt? Near the oceans. ---- 幻灯片 25imagine Would you like to be a volcanologist to observe and study volcanoes? ---- 幻灯片 26Preview new words in this unit and the passage on P34. Homework ---- 幻灯片 27See you next time ! ----
