幻灯片 1Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 21.experience n. [C]经历;[U]经验 vt.经历,体验;感受 ---- 幻灯片 3①Our country has experienced great changes in the past 60 years. 我国在过去60年经历了巨大变化。 ②He had many interesting experiences while travelling in Africa.他在非洲旅行时,有许多有趣的经历。 ③Emily is a 10­year­old girl who has experienced some difficulties being accepted by her schoolmates at school。艾米丽是个十岁的女孩儿,在被学校的同学接受的过程中,也体验了一些困难。 ---- 幻灯片 42.cause vt.引起;导致n.原因,起因;理由;事业;目标 ---- 幻灯片 5①The police have been looking into the cause of the man's death.警方一直在调查该男子的死因。 ②Red can cause a person's blood pressure to rise and increase people's appetites(食欲).红色能使人血压升高,增加人的食欲。 ③Animal welfare campaigners raised £70,000 for their cause last year. 动物保护主义者去年为保护动物募集了7万英镑。 ---- 幻灯片 6---- 幻灯片 73.occur vi.发生,出现;(想法、念头等)想起,浮现 ---- 幻灯片 8①Apart from that,there were all sorts of disasters that used to occur on the way to and from work.除了那件事之外,在上下班路上发生了有各种各样的灾祸。 ②It didn't occur to him that she would refuse his invitation.他没有想到她会拒绝他的邀请。 ③It never occurred_to me to meet my first teacher in the small town.我从来没想到会在这座小镇上见到我的启蒙老师。 ---- 幻灯片 9---- 幻灯片 104.bury vt.埋葬;埋藏;用……覆盖 ①The cemetery where Coghlan was buried was destroyed by the hurricane and Coghlan's coffin ended up in the sea.掩埋科格伦的公墓被飓风所摧毁,他的棺材最后被卷入了大海。 ---- 幻灯片 11②She buried her face in her hands and cried. 她双手捂着脸哭了起来。 ③After the divorce,she buried herself in her work. 离婚后,她全心扑在工作上。 ④He turned away,burying his face in the pillow. 他转过身,把脸埋在枕头底下。 ---- 幻灯片 125.strike vt.(雷电、暴风雨等)袭击;击打,打动;(打击时钟)敲响(报时);使突然想起(想法,主意)n.罢工;打击 ---- 幻灯片 13①The girl struck a match to light a cigarette. 那女孩划火柴点燃一根烟。 ②By the late 1890s,he had moved to Galveston,where he died in 1899,a year before the hurricane struck. 到19世纪90年代末他已搬到了Galveston,并于1899年,就是飓风袭击的前一年在这里去世。 ③Floods struck Thailand this year,affecting the normal life of the people. 今年洪水袭击了泰国,影响了人们的正常生活。 ---- 幻灯片 146.damage n.损失;损害,破坏 vt.使……受损 ①Fires caused by the California Earthquake did the most damage. 加利福尼亚地震引起的火灾造成了最严重的损失。 ②My mother is right:don't damage your health for a slim and attractive figure.我妈妈说得对:不要为了苗条动人的身材毁了自己的健康。 ③Food chains have been seriously damaged because of weather.食物链因天气原因而受到严重的损害。 ---- 幻灯片 15---- 幻灯片 167.end up以……结束,以……而告终 ---- 幻灯片 17①If you don't know what you want,you might end up getting something you don't want. 如果你不知道你想要什么,结果你可能会得到自己不想要的东西。 ②Every time they went dancing,they ended up in a bad mood. 每次他们去跳舞,结果心情总是很糟糕。 ③If he carries on driving like that,he'll end_up dead. 他如果继续照那样开车的话,早晚得死于非命。 ---- 幻灯片 188.on average平均起来 ---- 幻灯片 19①400 people a year die of this disease on average. 平均每年有400人死于这种疾病。 ②Susie's school work is well above average. 苏西的学习成绩远远高于平均水平。 ③And this may explain why women on_average live longer than men.并且这可能是女子的平均寿命比男子大的原因。 ---- 幻灯片 209.take off去掉,减去;脱下;(飞机)起飞;突然开始成功;休假 ---- 幻灯片 21①As the plane was taking off,he remembered he hadn't turned the light off. 飞机起飞时,他才想起他没有关上灯。 ②I'm taking Thursday off to do some Christmas shopping.我星期四要休假,去买一些圣诞礼物。 ③The new magazine has really taken off. 这份新杂志真是大受欢迎。 ④In Korea,you should take_off your shoes when entering a house.在韩国,进入房间时,你应该摘下你的帽子。 ---- 幻灯片 221.(2013年潍坊模拟)—I'm sorry I stepped outside for a smoke.I was very tired. —There is no ________ for this while you are on duty. A.reason         B.excuse C.cause D.explanation 解析:根据句意可知回答者对解释原因的人很不满意,因此要用“借口(excuse)”表达不相信或陈述内容不客观。 答案:B ---- 幻灯片 232.Why are you so anxious?It isn't your problem ________. A.on purpose B.in all C.on time D.after all 解析:句意:你为什么如此担心?毕竟,那不是你的问题。after all“毕竟”;on purpose“故意地”;in all“总共,共计”;on time“准时”。 答案:D ---- 幻灯片 243.The flood this summer caused serious ________ to the crops in Northeast China. A.damage B.harm C.hurt D.injury 解析:B、C、D三项主要指肉体或心灵方面的伤害,所以该题应选damage表示“损失”。 答案:A ---- 幻灯片 254.(2012年高考四川卷)It's surprising that your brother ________ Russian so quickly-he hasn't lived there very long. A.picked up B.looked up C.put up D.made up 解析:句意:你的弟弟学习俄语学得如此快,真是令人惊讶——他还没在那儿住多长时间。本题考查动词短语辨析。pick up学会;look up查阅;put up建造,张贴;make up弥补,化妆,编造。根据句意可知答案为A。 答案:A ---- 幻灯片 265.(2012年高考安徽卷)The athlete's years of hard training ________ when she finally won the Olympic gold medal. A.went on B.got through C.paid off D.ended up 解析:句意:当这名运动员最后夺得奥运金牌的时候,她多年的刻苦训练得到了回报。考查动词词组辨析。pay off:(尤指冒风险的政策、做法等)带来好结果,成功,行得通;得到回报;A:继续;B:通过,度过,接通电话;D:结束。根据语境可知C项正确。 答案:C ---- 幻灯片 276.-Miss Brown is very busy,isn't she? -So she is.She has ________ greater responsibilities since she was promoted. A.taken off B.taken after C.taken in D.taken on 解析:考查动词短语辨析。take off起飞,脱;take after与……相像;take in参加,领会,理解;take on承担。 答案:D ---- 幻灯片 287.In the after­class activities,the students had plenty of ________ and gained a lot of practical ________. A.exercises;experiences B.practices;experience C.practice;experience D.exercise;experiences 解析:第一个空表示“学生们在课外活动中得到充分的锻炼”,可用exercise或practice,但不能为复数形式;第二个空表示“获得许多实际的经验”,experience表示“经验”时为不可数名词。 答案:C ---- 幻灯片 298.It ________ me that I should treat myself a dinner after such an exhausting examination. A.happened B.struck C.occurred D.took 解析:句意:我突然想到,经过了这样一次令人疲惫不堪的考试后,我应当让自己好好吃一顿。此句要用It struck me that...句式表示“突然想起……”,occurred后面要接介词to。 答案:B ---- 幻灯片 309.According to the report,the income of the poorest families in this part of the country has increased by 9.6 percent in the first three quarters of this year,that is,0.4 percent above the ________ increase in rural areas. A.average B.adequate C.traditional D.approximate 解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:根据这份报告,今年前三个季度,该国的这个地区最贫穷家庭的收入增长了9.6%,也就是说,比农村地区的平均增长量要高0.4%。从语意的连贯判断选A,表示“平均的”。B“足够的”,C“传统的”,D“大约的”,都不符合语意。 答案:A ---- 幻灯片 3110.All the students in our class buried themselves ________ studies,________ the coming exam. A.in;preparing B.in;preparing for C.for;prepared D.for;prepared for 解析:句意:我们班所有的学生都埋头于学习,为即将到来的考试做准备。bury oneself in埋头于……;prepare作伴随状语,故用v.­ing形式,“为……作准备”要用prepare for。 答案:B ---- 幻灯片 3211.Several rounds of air and ground attacks from the allied force left the whole city ________. A.in pieces B.in ruins C.in part D.in place 解析:in ruins意为“成为废墟”。in pieces意为“成为碎片”;in part意为“部分地”;in place意为“在适当的位置”。 答案:B ---- 幻灯片 3312.It is possible that one day we will ________ disability,so we shouldn't look down upon the disabled. A.end up with B.put up with C.come up with D.catch up with 解析:句意:有可能某一天我们会成为残疾人,因此我们不应该歧视残疾人。end up with 以……结束;put up with忍受,忍耐;come up with提出;catch up with赶上。 答案:A ---- 幻灯片 341.By the time it ended,more than 700 people had been killed and 2,700 had been injured.等到龙卷风停时,已有700多人死亡,2 700多人受伤。 [知识提炼] by the time可以引导一个从句。当其从句时态为过去时态时,主句的时态常用过去完成时。 [句式仿写] 爱因斯坦14岁时已自学完了高等数学。 By_the_time_he_was_14,Einstein_had_learned_advanced_mathematics_all_by_himself. ---- 幻灯片 352.When the lava reached the sea,there was the possibility of a huge tidal wave which could flood half the island.当岩浆到达大海时,有可能引起巨大浪潮,它会淹没半个岛屿。 [知识提炼] 本句中出现了there is/was the possibility of结构,表示“有……的可能性”,另外,there is/was the/a possibility后面跟that引导的同位语从句,表示possibility的内容。 [句式仿写] 很可能他们会在下一次选举中取得胜利。 There_is_a_strong_possibility_that_they_will_win_the_next_election. ---- 幻灯片 363.Fires caused by the California Earthquake did the most damage.由加利福尼亚地震引起的火灾造成的损失最大。 [知识提炼] caused by the California Earthquake在句中做定语,修饰fires。 [句式仿写] 你参加昨天举行的会议了吗? Did_you_attend_the_meeting_held_yesterday? 4.Have you been told what to do if there was an earthquake? 有人告诉你地震了该怎么办吗? [知识提炼] what to do属于“疑问词+不定式”结构,该结构在句中可作主语、表语等,作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。 [句式仿写] 怎么做还未定下来。 How_to_do_it_is_not_decided. ---- 幻灯片 371.They can destroy houses,but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.他们能破坏房子,而把家具完全留在原处。 本句属于“leave sb./sth.+宾补”结构,表示“使……处于某种状态”。inside为形容词作后置定语,修饰the furniture,where it was为地点状语作leave的宾补。 ---- 幻灯片 38①Leave the door open and you will breathe fresh air. 让门开着你就会呼吸到新鲜的空气。 ②Don't leave the water running while you brush your teeth.刷牙的时候不要开着水龙头。 ③If a person is badly injured in an accident,you'd better leave him where he is. 如果一个人在事故中伤得很重,你最好让他呆在原地不要动他。 ---- 幻灯片 39(1)leave+宾语+with/to sb.表示“把……留给/交给某人”,一般与介词with或to搭配。如: Leave it with/to me and I'll see what I can do. 把它交给我,我看看能做什么。 (2)leave+宾语+地点状语,leave作“留下”、“丢下”、“落下”讲,常表示“将某物/某人落在/忘在某地”。leave sth./sb.at home把某物遗忘在家/把某人留在家;leave sth./sb.behind将……留下/遗落。如: Better take off your shoes and leave them outside. 最好把鞋脱掉,放在外面。 (3)There is something/nothing left...这儿有东西/没有东西剩下。leave的过去分词形式left常用作后置定语,表示“剩下的”(remaining也可表示“剩余的”,它只能作前置定语)。如: Is there any water left in the bottle? 瓶子里还有水吗? ---- 幻灯片 402.On average,there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year,causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.平均来说,美国每年发生800次龙卷风,造成大约80人死亡,1 500人受伤。 句中causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries为现在分词短语做状语,表示结果。 ---- 幻灯片 41①European football is played in more than 80 countries,making it the most popular sport in the world. 80多个国家都踢欧式足球,这使它成为世界上最流行的运动。 ②The old man went back home late,only to find the door open. 老人回家很晚,结果却发现门开着。 ---- 幻灯片 421.The Spanish football team won the South Africa World Cup on July 13th,________ it the 8th country to have won the World Cup. A.made        B.making C.to make D.to have made 解析:考查现在分词的用法。此处现在分词短语作结果状语。句意:西班牙足球队赢得了7月13日的南非世界杯,致使西班牙成为第八个赢得世界杯的国家。 答案:B ---- 幻灯片 432.(2012年高考全国Ⅱ卷)Tony lent me the money,________ that I'd do as much for him. A.hoping B.to hope C.hoped D.having hoped 解析:句意:托尼借钱给我,希望我为他多做些事。本题考查非谓语动词作状语。首先排除C项,如选C项,需在设空处前加and。根据上下文可知设空处作伴随状语,故答案为A项。B项常作目的状语,故被排除。D项having hoped表示该动作先于lent这一动作发生,不符合句意要求,故也被排除。 答案:A ---- 幻灯片 443.Mao Xinyu,the grandson of Mao Zedong,was promoted to the rank of major general,________ him the youngest person in the PLA to hold that presently. A.to make B.making C.made D.makes 解析:考查非谓语动词。making在此处作伴随状语。 答案:B ---- 幻灯片 454.(2012年高考天津卷)He got up late and hurried to his office,________ the breakfast untouched. A.left B.to leave C.leaving D.having left 解析:句意:他起晚了,然后匆忙赶到办公室,早饭根本没动。考查非谓语动词作状语。根据句子结构可知此处用现在分词leaving作结果状语。A项改为and left才正确;B项表目的及将来含义;D项表示该动作先于谓语动词动作发生。 答案:C ---- 幻灯片 465.(2012年高考山东卷)George returned after the war,only ________ that his wife had left him. A.to be told B.telling C.being told D.told 解析:句意:乔治战后返家,结果被告知他的妻子已经离开了他。本题考查非谓语动词作状语。由题干中的only可知要用不定式构成结果状语,故选A。 答案:A ---- 幻灯片 47本小节结束 请按ESC键返回 ----
