幻灯片 1Module 3 Literature ---- 幻灯片 21.feed v.喂养,饲养,养活,提供 ①The data is then fed into a computer. 数据随后被输入电脑。 ②What do you feed your dog on? 你用什么喂你的狗? ③I'm fed_up_with this dull life! 我受够了这种枯燥的生活! ---- 幻灯片 3---- 幻灯片 42.serve vt.端上(饭菜等);为……服务vi.服役,供职 ①Most of the meals can serve two people and are under $10,so not only is it affordable but practical as well. 大部分饭菜可够两个人享用而且不到10美元,因此不仅大家吃得起而且很实惠。 ---- 幻灯片 5②I'm at your service. 我随时为您效劳。 ③The old couch had to serve_as a guest bed. 这张旧的长沙发只好用作客人的床了。 serve意为“服务,供应,上(饭菜等)”时,是及物动词,而意为“服役,供职”时是不及物动词。如: Serve the tea hot.上热茶。 He serves in a bookstore in the evening. 他晚上在一家书店上班。 ---- 幻灯片 63.reward n.酬谢;奖赏;赏金v.酬谢;奖励 ①She got no reward for all the hard work she did. 她并没有因为她所做的一切艰辛的工作而得到酬谢。 ②He will sooner or later be rewarded for his wicked conduct. 他的恶行迟早会受到报应。 ---- 幻灯片 7③He received a medal in_reward for his bravery. 他因表现勇敢而获得了一枚奖章。 ---- 幻灯片 84.intend v.打算;意欲;想要 ---- 幻灯片 9①(2012年高考浙江卷)Peter had intended to take a job in business,but abandoned that plan after the unpleasant experience in Canada in 2010. 皮特本打算在公司里找一份工作。但是,2010年在加拿大那次不愉快的经历后他放弃了自己的计划。 ②I had intended to give you a hand,but I was busy then. 我本来打算帮助你的,但我当时很忙。 ③These books are_intended_for the young. 这是专供年轻人阅读的书籍。 ---- 幻灯片 105.concern n.关心;担心v.关系到;使关心,使担心 ---- 幻灯片 11①(2012年高考山东卷)The manager was concerned to hear that two of his trusted workers were leaving. 听说两个他信任的工人要离开,经理很忧虑。 ②There's no need to concern yourself with this matter; we're dealing with it. 你不用管这事了,我们正在处理。 ③The letter is chiefly concerned_with export commodities. 这封信主要是关于出口商品的。 ---- 幻灯片 126.hang v.绞死;吊死;悬挂 ①Hang out with people that make you feel good about yourself. 应和使你感觉良好的人在一起。 ②A photograph of a handsome soldier hung on the wall. 墙上挂着一个英俊军人的一幅照片。 ③The murderer was_hanged last week. 那个杀人犯上周被绞死了。 ---- 幻灯片 13[关键一点] hang作为不同的意义时,其过去式和过去分词不相同。 ---- 幻灯片 147. in astonishment惊讶地;吃惊地 ---- 幻灯片 15①She stared at him in astonishment. 她吃惊地盯着他。 ②To our astonishment,they arrived on time. 使我们惊讶的是,他们准时到了。 ③I was_astonished_at the news of his escape. 听到他逃之夭夭的消息,我感到惊讶。 in+n.作方式状语,其含义相当于in后面的名词的副词形式,修饰动词或整个句子。 ---- 幻灯片 168.a huge amount of大量的 ---- 幻灯片 17①(2011年高考湖北卷)Even if recycling targets are met,there will still be a large amount of rubbish to be burnt up. 即便达到循环的目标,还会有大量的垃圾要焚烧。 ②Many a strong man has weakened before such a challenge. 很多坚强的人面对这种困难都动摇了。 ③Large quantities of water have been polluted with the development of industry. 随着工业的发展,许多水被污染了。 the number of虽与a number of只有一词之差,但它表示“……的数量”,作主语时谓语动词用单数。 ---- 幻灯片 189. as a result of由于 ①Your hands and arms can suffer as a result of working too long. 你的手和双臂会因工作太久而难受。 ②I was late, with the result that I missed my train. 我迟到了,没能赶上火车。 ③The accident resulted_in the death of two passengers. 这起事故导致两名乘客丧生。 ---- 幻灯片 191.-Why do you look pale today? -I was very ________ my mother's illness.I stayed awake last night. A.concern about        B.concerned with C.concerned about D.concerned 解析:be concerned about...“关心……;担心……”;be concerned with sth.“与某物有牵连”。这儿应该是“担心”妈妈的疾病,所以C项正确。 答案:C ---- 幻灯片 202.The music,________ which the active elderly were dancing,sounded a bit familiar ________ me. A.to;to B.from;with C.to;with D.at;to 解析:考查介词的习惯搭配。第一个空要用to构成dance to music短语,表示“跟着音乐跳舞”。第二个空用to构成familiar to sb.短语,意为“为某人所熟悉”。 答案:A ---- 幻灯片 213.________his carelessness, he didn't pass the examination. A.As a result B.As a result of C.Because D.Since 解析:“as a result of ”是短语介词,后面必须接名词,才能形成介词短语。“as a result”是短语副词,在句中作状语。because是连词,后接从句;because of是介词,后面可接名词。选项C如为Because of亦可成为正确答案。since用作介词时,意为“自从”,其短语不是原因状语。 答案:B ---- 幻灯片 224.Dinner is ________ from six to nine in that restaurant.For twenty years this practice has ________ unchanged. A.eaten;lasted B.served;remained C.given;kept D.ordered;developed 解析:句意:那家饭店从六点到九点提供晚餐。长达二十年了,这种习惯一直没有改变。第一个空用serve的被动语态形式,表示“(饭菜)被提供”。第二个空用remained作系动词用,表示“保持”,unchanged作表语。 答案:B ---- 幻灯片 235.It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to ________. A.rewards B.prizes C.awards D.results 解析:句意:人们普遍认为婴儿学会做事情是因为某些行为有奖励。此处reward表示“奖励;回报”。后三项分别表示“奖品”、“奖赏”、“结果”。 答案:A ---- 幻灯片 246.-Mum,where is my raincoat? -Oh,I forgot to tell you.It ________ behind the kitchen door. A.would hang B.has hung C.is hanging D.hung 解析:答语意为:我忘了告诉你,你的雨衣挂在厨房的门后边。hang意为“悬挂”,用于进行时态表示“短时间的状态”。 答案:C ---- 幻灯片 257.Before the boy's dead body was buried, the soldiers stood ________silence. A.on B.in C.at D.under 解析:句意:在孩子的尸体被埋之前,战士们静静地站在那里。介词in+名词,表示状态,表示“……地”,in silence表示“安静地”,因此选B。 答案:B ---- 幻灯片 268.None of the criminals would escape ________. A.to be punished B.being punished C.punishing D.to punish 解析:escape后面需接动名词形式作宾语,而不接不定式。根据句意判断此处应用punish的被动式,表示“受到惩罚”。 答案:B ---- 幻灯片 279.I was not ________ that I had cut myself until I saw the blood all over my hand. A.astonished B.annoyed C.conscious D.afraid 解析:句意:直到看到满手的血,我才意识到我割伤自己了。astonished对……感到惊讶的;annoyed烦恼的;conscious有意识的;afraid害怕的,担心的。 答案:C ---- 幻灯片 2810.To prevent A/H1N1, ________money is needed to do research work and buy drugs and devices. A.a large amount of B.a number of C.a great many D.the number of 解析:B、C、D后面都接可数名词复数,只有a large amount of后接不可数名词money,因此选A。 答案:A ---- 幻灯片 2911.Jack would love to go to the cinema with his dad,but the film is ________ for adults only. A.admitted B.intended C.promised D.permitted 解析:句意:杰克想与他的父亲一起去看电影,但是这部电影仅供成年人观看。be intended for“专供某人使用”。admit允许;promise许诺;permit允许。 答案:B ---- 幻灯片 3012.Do you know what such deer ________ mainly ________? A.feeds;on B.feed;on C.feeds;with D.feed;with 解析:句意:你知道这样的鹿主要以什么为食吗?feed on sth.意为“以某物为主食”,题中的what作介词on的宾语。 答案:B ---- 幻灯片 311.The bowls never needed washing,as the boys cleaned them with their spoons,trying to eat every bit of soup.粥碗从来用不着洗,孩子们非用汤匙把碗刮得明光锃亮了才住手,试图吃掉每一点粥。 [知识提炼] need doing=need to be done“某事需要被做”。 [句式仿写] 我五年前买的那辆车该修理了。 The_car(that/which)I_bought_5_years_ago_needs_repairing/to_be_repaired. ---- 幻灯片 322.When they had cleaned their bowls in this way,they would sit staring at the pot with eager eyes,as if they wanted to eat it. 他们这样把碗刮干净以后,就坐在那儿,眼巴巴地瞅着汤锅,似乎要把它吞进肚子。 [知识提炼] as if引导方式状语从句。 [句式仿写] 他表现得若无其事。 He_behaved_as_if_nothing_had_happened. 3.It was Oliver Twist who was chosen.选中的是奥利佛。 [知识提炼] 句子结构:It is/was +被强调部分+that/who+... [句式仿写] 直到上周五,他才读完这本书。 It_was_not_until_last_Friday_that_he_finished_reading_the_book. ---- 幻灯片 334.Not until at least thirty seconds had passed,was the man able to speak.至少过了30秒他才说出话来。 [知识提炼] Not until +从句/表时间的词+助动词/情态动词/系动词 +主语 +谓语 +... [句式仿写] 他直到16岁才开始上学。 Not_until_he_was_sixteen_did_he_go_to_school. 5.No sooner had the boy spoken these words than the warden hit him on the head with soup spoon.孩子的话刚一出口,大师傅就操起勺子狠狠地敲他的脑袋。 [知识提炼] No sooner had sb.done sth.than sb.did sth.某人一做某事就……(hardly...when...) [句式仿写] 我刚做完那件事就知道是个错误。 No_sooner_had_I_done_it_than_I_knew_it_was_a_mistake. ---- 幻灯片 341. The room in which the boys were fed was a large stone hall, with a large pot at one end.孩子们进餐的场所是一间宽敞的大石厅,一口大锅放在大厅的一侧。 句子中含有with的复合结构,即with+宾语+宾补(介词短语)在句中用作状语,介词短语作宾补表示宾语所处的状态。with+名词/代词+介词短语/形容词/副词/不定式/分词构成独立主格结构,在句中一般用作状语(有时可作定语),表示谓语动词发生的伴随情况、时间、原因、方式和条件等。 ---- 幻灯片 35①He fell asleep with the machine working. 机器还开着他就睡着了。 ②I sat in my room for a few minutes with my eyes fixed on the ceiling. 我在房间坐了一会儿,眼睛盯着天花板。 ③With a lot of work to do, he wasn't allowed to go out. 因为还有很多工作要做,他没有被允许外出。 ---- 幻灯片 362. Only then did Oliver understand his situation.只有在那时,奥利弗才明白自己的处境。 only修饰状语放在句首时,句子要倒装。其中的状语可以是副词、介词短语或从句。 ①Only then did I realize that I was wrong. 只是到了那时我才意识到是我错了。 ②Only in this way can you succeed. 只有用这种方式你才能成功。 ③ Only when one loses freedom does one know its value. 一个人只有在失去自由后才知道自由的可贵。 当only 引导主语放句首时,句子不倒装。 Only you can solve the problem. 只有你才能解决这个问题。 ---- 幻灯片 371.________ had they left the train ________ they realized they had left their bag in the train. A.Hardly;when B.Hardly;than C.No sooner;when D.No sooner;that 解析:根据句型结构hardly...when.../no sooner...than...得出答案。 答案:A ---- 幻灯片 382.He looked as if he________the answer,but he didn't. A.knows B.knew C.had known D.has known 解析:由looked及but he didn't可知,as if从句表示的与过去事实不符,从句用过去完成时,故选C。 答案:C ---- 幻灯片 393.The pencil is too dull.It needs ________. A.to sharpen B.being sharpened C.sharpening D.sharpened 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:铅笔用起来很钝。它需要削尖。need表示“需要”时,后面接动名词,主动形式表被动意义或接to be done的形式。 答案:C ---- 幻灯片 404.Not until we have had a chance to discuss it thoroughly ________ perfectly. A.the problem has been settled B.has the problem been settled C.will the problem be settled D.the problem was settled 解析:句意:直到我们有机会充分讨论这个问题,它才能被圆满解决。not until置于句首,主句用部分倒装:助动词置于主语前;由until引导的时间状语从句用的是现在完成时(表即将完成的动作)可知,主句用一般将来时。 答案:C ---- 幻灯片 415.Only those who follow their dreams________achieve the final success. A.do they B.can they C.they can D.can 解析:句意:只有那些追求梦想的人才能获得最后的成功。本题中only修饰主语those,主句不需倒装,故选D。 答案:D ---- 幻灯片 42本小节结束 请按ESC键返回 ----
