幻灯片 1第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature 返回目录 高中英语 必修3 ---- 幻灯片 2第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature  汶川大地震以来,经过全国人民的大力支援以及当地人们的艰苦奋斗,灾区发生了巨变。请根据以下图片提示,以“Great Changes”为题,用英语写一篇短文应征。 返回目录 ---- 幻灯片 3第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature 返回目录 ---- 幻灯片 4第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature  内容要点如下: 1.某中学灾后这几年来的变化,如教学与活动场所,以及师生精神面貌等; 2.发生变化的原因; 3.你的感想。 注意: 1.短文标题与开头已给出,不计入总词数; 2.可根据图片提示适当发挥; 3.词数:120左右。 返回目录 ---- 幻灯片 5—— 精 彩 美 文 —— Great Changes I_am_deeply_impressed_by_the_great_changes_that_have_taken_place_in_the_school_over_the_past_few_years. On May 12, 2008, a severe earthquake destroyed almost everything in the school, leaving badly­damaged buildings. However, if you go into our school today, you may be amazed at what you are seeing. Many tall and strong buildings, such as classrooms, laboratory buildings and a big library, have been put up. 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 6 There is also a newly­built standard playground. In the new environment, teachers and students are living happily and working hard. It is really amazing that the once­ruined place has now been turned into a beautiful school, full of life. Obviously, without the help of the whole society, there would be no new school today. It is love and concern that have brought about the great changes. Many hands make light work. We can work wonders if we unite as a family, caring for each other and helping those in need. Union is strength. 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 7—— 名 师 点 睛 —— 1.行文逻辑:描述变化→解释原因→发表感想。 2.词汇短语:运用了较高难度的词汇和短语。如:take place,over the past few years,destroy,be turned into, bring about,work wonders,care for, in need等。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 8  3.句式句法:运用了多样化的句式和句法结构。如:定语从句that have taken place…。主语从句It is really amazing that…。强调句结构It is love and concern that…。状语从句if we unite as a family。非谓语动词leaving badly­damaged buildings。there be句型There is also a newly­built standard playground;there would be no new school today。 同时,被动语态、各种时态的灵活使用以及谚语“Many hands make light work.”的引用有画龙点睛之效,大大提高了文章的表达效果。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 9Ⅰ.单词荟萃 1.experience n. 经验;经历 v. 经历, 体验→ ___________adj. 有经验的 2.________adj. 暴力的 → violence n. 暴力 3.eruption n. 喷发 →________v. 喷发 4.__________n. 可能 → possible adj. 可能的 → ________adv. 可能地→____________adj. 不可能的 5.___________adj. 令人可怕的 → terrify v. 使害怕 → ________adj. 害怕的 6.________adv. 幸运地 → lucky adj. 幸运的 → ________n. 幸运 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature experienced  violent erupt possibility possibly impossible terrifying terrified luckily luck ---- 幻灯片 107.active adj. 积极的 →________adv. 积极地 → ________n. 热闹状况, 活动 8.occur v. 发生→________ (过去式)→ ________(过去分词)→occurrence n. 发生的事情;发生, 出现 9.strike v. 袭击, 敲击;打动;使突然想到 n.罢工→________(过去式)→ ________(过去分词) 10.________adv. 满怀希望地, 有希望地→ hopeful adj. 满怀希望的 11.________adv. 伤心地, 难过地→ sad adj. 伤心的, 难过的→ ________n. 伤心, 难过 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature actively activity   occurred occurred struck hopefully struck sadly sadness ---- 幻灯片 11Ⅱ.短语检测 1.拿起;拾起;搭载;学会;收听___________________ 2.平均 _________________________ 3.有史以来 _________________________ 4.到……时为止 _________________________ 5.结束;告终 _________________________ 6.扑灭 _________________________ 7.放火烧…… _________________________ 8.总共 _________________________ 9.带来损害 _________________________ 10.使某人无家可归 ______________________ 11.发生 _________________________ 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature pick up on (an/the) average of all time by the time end up put out set fire to in all do/cause damage make sb homeless take place ---- 幻灯片 12Ⅲ.佳句再现 1.They can destroy houses, but________the furniture inside exactly______________. 它们(龙卷风)能够毁坏房子, 但是房子里的家具却留在原地。 2.The worst tornado ___________________ in 1925, ________ three US states: Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. 历史上最严重的龙卷风发生于1925年, 影响了美国三个州:密苏里州、伊利诺伊州和印第安纳州。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature leave where it was of all time occurred affecting ---- 幻灯片 133.____________ it ended, more than 700 people ____________________ and 2,700 ____________________. 等到风停时, 已有700多人死亡, 2700多人受伤。 4.The fires burned for three days, ___________ a total of 25,000 buildings. 大火持续了三天, 烧毁了2.5万座建筑。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature By the time had been killed had been injured destroying ---- 幻灯片 14Ⅳ.单元语法 The past perfect passive;Indirect speech 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 15◇ 单词点睛 ◇ 1 experience  n. 经验;经历v. 经历;遭受 (1)experienced adj. 有经验的;熟练的 (2)from/by experience 凭经验;从经验中(得出) be experienced in 在……方面有经验 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 16温馨提示 experience作“经验”讲是不可数名词, 作“经历”讲是可数名词。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 17【活学活用】 (1)[2012•福建卷•阅读E] Holidays are really important.Many of us will have childhood memories of summer holidays where we were taken away from home to experience new environments and learn in different ways. 假期确实很重要。我们许多人都有过关于暑假的童年记忆:被带到远离家乡的地方去体验新的环境和用不同的方法学习。 (2)Mr Brown has________________in teaching. 布朗先生有丰富的教学经验。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature a lot of experience  ---- 幻灯片 18(3)Yesterday afternoon I had____________________. 昨天下午, 我遭遇了一次可怕的经历。 (4)Everyone__________________________at some time in their lives. 每个人在人生的某个阶段都经历这些问题。 (5)We learned ___________________ that practice makes perfect. 我们从实际经验中认识到熟能生巧。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature a terrible experience  experiences these problems   by actual experience  ---- 幻灯片 192 cause n. 原因, 起因;事业 v. 引起, 导致 (1)for a good cause 为了正义的事业 (2)cause sb to do sth 促使某人做某事 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 20【易混辨析】cause和reason (1)cause 指“导致某事发生的原因或起因”, 常跟of搭配。如: We do not yet know the cause of the accident. 我们尚不清楚事故的原因。 (2)reason 指“做某事的理由”, 常跟for或why引导的定语从句搭配。如: He has given no reasons for his decision. 他并未说明他决定的理由。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 21【活学活用】 (1)[2012•全国卷Ⅱ•阅读C] It often causes confusion across cultures. 它常常导致文化间的困惑。 (2)Tell me________________you were so late this morning. 告诉我今天上午你来这么晚的原因。 (3)________________________ was carelessness. 火灾的起因是粗心。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature the reason why  The cause of the fire   ---- 幻灯片 22(4)According to the recent research, heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessarily ________ and effect. A. reason B. impact C. fact D. cause [解析] D 句意:根据近来的研究,喝浓咖啡与心脏病突发间没有必然的因果关系。与effect对应表示“原因”,用名词cause。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 233 occur v. 发生;[(of an idea or a thought) to come into one's mind](想法、念头等)出现 (1)occurrence n. 发生的事情/事件;发生;出现 (2)sth occur(s) to sb 某事浮现在某人的脑海中;某人想到某事 It occurs to sb that/It occurs to sb to do… 某人想到…… 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 24【易混辨析】take place, happen, occur, come about和break out 以上词或短语都含有“发生”的意思, 区别如下: (1)take place表示“发生, 举行, 举办”, 一般指非偶然性事件的发生, 即这种事件的发生是由于某种原因或按照事先的安排。 (2)happen作“发生”讲, 一般用于偶然或突发性事件。另外还可以表示“碰巧”。常用于:happen to do sth/It happens that… 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 25(3)occur作“发生”讲, 其意义相当于happen, 但它还可以表示“想到, 突然想起”。 (4)come about表示“发生, 产生”, 多指事情已经发生了, 但还不知道为什么, 常用于疑问句和否定句。可以构成句型:How did it come about that…?……是怎么发生的? (5)break out意为“发生, 爆发”, 常指战争、灾难、疾病或者争吵等事件的发生, 也可以表示突然大声叫喊等。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 26温馨提示 上面表示“发生”的五个词或短语都是不及物动词(短语),其主语都是事情、事件等。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 27【活学活用】 (1)[2012•辽宁卷•阅读A] A thought suddenly occurred to Annika.“Did you…You recognized the man in the car, didn't you?” 安妮卡突然想到:“你认出车里的人了,是吗?” (2)用occur, break out, happen, come about和take place填空 ①The 30th Olympic Games____________in London in 2012. 第三十届奥运会2012年在伦敦举行。 ②How did it____________that he knew where we were? 他是怎么知道我们在什么地方的呢? 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature took place come about   ---- 幻灯片 28③Should another world war____________, what would become of human beings? 万一另一次世界大战爆发, 人类将会发生什么事? ④I___________________on my way home. =__________________ I saw him on my way home. 我碰巧在回家的路上见到了他。 ⑤____________________that you may be wrong? 你有没有想到过你有可能是错的? 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature break out   happened to see him   It happened that   Did it occur to you  ---- 幻灯片 294 ruin v. (使)破产;(使)堕落;毁灭n. 毁灭;废墟 in ruins  成为废墟 go/fall/come to ruin 毁灭;崩溃;破坏掉 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 30【易混辨析】ruin, damage, destroy和harm (1)ruin 一般指对物体或生命彻底的破坏, 但往往是非暴力的, 也往往不是一次性打击的结果, 常指对美好的或希望中的事物的破坏。 (2)damage 一般指对物体或生命的局部损伤, 使整体的价值或作用降低或变得无价值、 无作用。它既可作名词, 也可作动词。作名词时常构成搭配: cause/do damage (to…)(对……)造成损害。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 31(3)destroy 往往指对某物体进行完全的毁坏, 使之无法恢复。 (4)harm 一般指伤害有生命的东西, 常指伤及人的健康、 权利、 事业等。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 32【活学活用】 (1)Sure, it's great to write about a tourist attraction, but you'd better get the local museum hours correct or you could really ruin someone's vacation. 的确,能够写写旅游景点的话很好,不过你最好要弄清楚当地的博物馆的开放时间,否则你会搞砸游客的假期的。 (2)We wanted to have a look at ____________ Pompeii. 我们想看一下庞贝城的废墟。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature the ruins of  ---- 幻灯片 33(3)用ruin, damage,harm和destroy的适当形式填空 ①The rain caused great________to the crops. ②The building was completely_________in the fire. ③She poured water all over my painting, and________ it. ④It wouldn't do him any ________ to work a bit harder. 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature damage  destroyed   ruined   harm  ---- 幻灯片 345 strike v. 打;碰撞; (突然)袭击;突然想到;让(某人)觉得, 留下……印象;擦(火柴);敲响钟 n. 罢工 It strikes me that… 某人突然想到/意识到…… be deeply struck 被深深打动 strike sb as… 让某人觉得…… be on strike 在罢工 go on strike 举行罢工 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 35【巧学助记】 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 36【易混辨析】strike, hit和beat (1)strike指用力地“打击”, 表示短暂的动作, 有“急速的或突然的一次性的殴打、打击或敲击”的含义, 是普通用词, 有时与hit通用, 并用于比喻意义。 (2)hit 指“打”时, 侧重于对某一点“打中, 击中”, 或有目的地打, 表结果。 (3)beat 指“连续殴打, 击败”, 也指心脏的“跳动”。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 37【活学活用】 (1)It always struck me that when you're looking at a big challenge from the outside it looks huge, but when you're in the midst of it, it just seems normal. 我意识到当你从外部看时,会感觉到挑战很艰难,但是身处其中时会觉得(它)很平常的。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 38(2)根据语境判断strike在下列句中的含义 ①The plan strikes me as ridiculous.________ ②His knee struck against the chair.________ ③It was dark in the room so he struck a match.________ ④An earthquake struck this area last year. __________________________ ⑤A good idea struck me and I decided to go abroad. ______________ 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature 让(某人)觉得  碰撞  划(火柴)   (灾难等)突然侵袭,发生  突然想到  ---- 幻灯片 39(3)用beat, hit或strike的适当形式填空 ①When she heard the bad news, her heart________fast. ②They left the house when the clock________ twelve. ③I was deeply ________ by the beauty of the country. ④It________ me that there was no one at home. ⑤A bullet________ him on the leg. 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature beat   struck   struck   struck   hit ---- 幻灯片 40◇ 短语储存 ◇ 1 set fire to  放火烧……;使……燃烧 set… on fire 放火烧;使燃烧 catch fire 着火;起火 be on fire 燃烧着;着火 make a fire 生火 put out fire 扑火;灭火 play with fire 冒大风险;玩火 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 41【活学活用】 (1)Anyone who sets fire to the building can't escape punishment. 无论是谁纵火烧这座大厦都难逃惩罚。 (2)On the other hand, soft words spoken at a normal sound level can _______________before it explodes out of control. 另一方面,以正常的音量轻轻地讲话能够在失控爆发前扑灭火气。 (3)It seems that something________________ (已经着火). (4)The house___________ (在燃烧). 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature put out the fire  has caught fire    is on fire  ---- 幻灯片 422 take place 发生;举行 take sb's place/take the place of 代替;接替 in place of 代替 in place 在正确的位置;适当 out of place 在不适当的位置 in sb's place 处于某人的位置 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 43【活学活用】 (1)[2012•江苏卷•阅读B] The country's farmers are getting older, and there are fewer people standing in line to take their place. 这个国家的农民日趋老龄化,而愿意去接替他们的人却越来越少。 (2)Money is being used ___________something more direct. 金钱正在被更直接地用来取代某种东西。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature in place of ---- 幻灯片 44(3)The contest____________ every four years. 该赛事每四年举行一次。 (4)Try to put yourself ____________ and think how you would feel. 把你自己放在我的位置上, 想想你会有什么感觉。 (5)Some of these files seem to be____________. 有些档案似乎没放对地方。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature takes place in my place out of place ---- 幻灯片 453 end up  结果为……;以……结束 (1)put an end to sth 使某事结束, 终止 bring sth to an end 使某事结束, 终止 come to an end 结束;终止 (2)on end 连续地;竖着;直立地 in the end 最后;终于 at the end of 在……结束时 by the end of 到……结束时为止 make ends meet 使收支相抵 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 46温馨提示 end up往往指意料之外的结果, 后面可以加动名词、介词短语或形容词等。如: If you continue to steal, you'll end up in prison. 你要是继续行窃, 终归得进监狱。 We were going to go out, but ended up staying at home. 我们原计划外出, 但结果却待在家里了。 If he carries on driving like that, he'll end up dead. 如果他继续照那样开车, 早晚得死于非命。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 47【活学活用】 (1)At first he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended up apologizing. 最初他拒不承认有任何责任, 到头来还是道了歉。 (2)I hope this research will ____________ to advocating strictly timed baby feeding practices. 我希望这项研究能结束对婴儿进行严格按时喂养的主张。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature put an end ---- 幻灯片 48(3)What did the teacher say____________her lecture? 在上课结束时老师说了什么? (4)He had to give up____________. 他最终不得不放弃。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature at the end of  in the end ---- 幻灯片 49◇ 句型透视 ◇ 1 (1)On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1, 500 injuries. 平均来说, 美国每年发生800次龙卷风, 造成大约80人死亡, 1500人受伤。 (2)The worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925, affecting three US states: Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. 历史上最严重的龙卷风发生于1925年, 影响了美国三个州:密苏里州、伊利诺伊州和印第安纳州。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 50【句式点拨】 这两个句子都是现在分词作结果状语,表示意料之中的结果, 起补充说明的作用。而不定式作结果状语则表示意料之外的结果。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 51【活学活用】 (1)[2012•山东卷•阅读A] Then whaling ships and other traders began to visit, bringing guns and alcohol. 后来捕鲸船和其他的商人开始到来,带来了枪支和酒。 (2)He dropped the glass,________it into a hundred pieces. 他把玻璃杯掉地上了, 摔成了很多碎片。 (3)He got well prepared for the interview,________________ that the interview was cancelled. 他为面试做好了准备, 结果却被告知, 面试取消了。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature breaking only to be told ---- 幻灯片 52Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The fire r________the books in the library. 2.There is a__________ (可能性) of rain tonight. 3.An earthquake sometimes causes great d________ . 4.She's over 80, but is still very a________in many things. 5.It's known that smoking can c________lung cancer. 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature uined   possibility   amage    ctive ause ---- 幻灯片 53Ⅱ.选词填空 1.____________you arrive, I will have left. 2.____________, I spend two hours doing my homework every day. 3.Sorry, I have to go to____________my son from school. 4.How much money does he owe you____________? 5.Have the police found out who____________ the building? 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature By the time On average   pick up in all set fire to ---- 幻灯片 54Ⅲ.单项填空 1.________, I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end. A. Hopefully B.Normally C. Thankfully D.Conveniently [解析] C 考查副词辨析。hopefully怀有希望地;normally通常地;thankfully感激地,感谢地;conveniently方便地。句意:谢天谢地,我最终成功地完成了比赛,所受的痛苦都是值得的。根据句意,C为正确答案。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 552.It ________ that she was out when we called. A.struck B.came about C.occurred D.happened [解析] D It happens that…碰巧发生某事。句意:我们打电话时她碰巧出去了。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 563.When Lin Dan won the third round; the crowd ________, because it meant Lin Dan had won the champion. A. explored B. erupted C. expanded D. exploited [解析] B erupt爆发,喷发;explore勘探,探索; expand扩展,扩张,膨胀;exploit开发,利用。句意:当林丹赢了第三轮比赛时,观众欢声雷动,因为这意味着林丹已经赢得了冠军。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 57 4.Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to ________ them too hard. A.draw B.strike C.rush D.push [解析] D 考查动词辨析。句意:鼓励你的孩子去尝试新事物,但不要把他们逼得太紧了。push 推,挤,逼迫;strike 打,罢工,划(火柴);rush 冲进,仓促行事,催;draw 拉,拖,挨近,提取,画,绘制。根据句意,应选D。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ---- 幻灯片 58 5.The flood this summer caused serious ________ to the crops in Northeast China. A.damage B.harm C.hurt D.injury [解析] A damage意为“损坏,毁坏”;harm指精神上或物质上的危害;hurt多指精神或感情方面的伤害; injury着重指偶然事故对人的“损害”。cause damage to… “对……造成损害”,符合句意。 返回目录 第15讲 Module 3 The Violence of Nature ----
