幻灯片 1第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 返回目录 高中英语 选修8 ---- 幻灯片 21.________ adv.立即,马上→ instant adj.紧迫的;即可的;速食的 n.瞬间 2.fascination n.着迷,迷恋;吸引力→ fascinate v.迷住;强烈地吸引住;迷人→ ________adj.迷人的;极有吸引力的 3.complain v.抱怨;不满→________n.抱怨;怨言;不满;诉苦 4.________n.好奇心→curious adj. 好奇的;好求知的;稀奇古怪的→curiously adv.好奇地 5.tendency n.趋向;倾向→________v.照料,护理;走向,趋向,倾向 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? instantly    Ⅰ.单词荟萃 fascinating    complaint  curiosity     tend    ---- 幻灯片 36.disorganised adj.杂乱无章的→ ________ adj.有组织的,有条理的→ organise v.组织;安排→_______________n.组织;团体;有机组织→ organiser n.组织者 7.significance n.意义;含义→ __________adj.有意义的;意味深远的 8.________n.得罪;使伤感情→ offend v.冒犯;触怒;伤害……的感情 9.approval n.赞许;赞成→________v.批准;认可;通过;赞成 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? organised organiz(s)ation significant offence   approve   ---- 幻灯片 41.在这个意义上     _________________________ 2.把……区分开 _________________________ 3.在……达成一致 _________________________ 4.只要 _________________________ 5.确切地说 __________________________ 6.在于 _________________________ 7.以防万一;如果;假设 __________________________ 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? in this sense  tell…apart lie in agree on as long as or rather in case Ⅱ.短语检测 ---- 幻灯片 58.尤其是 _________________________ 9.到达;进入 _________________________ 10.总之 _________________________ 11.与……有关 _________________________ 12.开始(认真做)某事…… ______________________ 13.使某人失望 ________________________ 14.打算为…… _________________________ 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? find one's way to/into   in conclusion be meant for… be relevant to get down to (doing) sth.  let sb. down in particular ---- 幻灯片 61.Many students sat up watching the live broadcast of the football game,________________many of them fell asleep in class. 很多学生熬夜观看足球赛的现场直播,这就是很多人上课睡着的原因。 2.__________ in 1990, the HSK test was initially__________ those learners who regard Chinese as a second or foreign language. 中国汉语水平考试始于1990年,最初是为那些把汉语当作第二语言或外语的人设立的。 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? which was why Ⅲ.佳句再现 Established meant for ---- 幻灯片 73.Perhaps correctness doesn't matter —______________________________________ — it's communication that counts. 也许正确与否不要紧——只要说话的人互相明白就行——重要的是交流本身。 4.He had to walk____________run to the office. 他得走着——应该说是跑着——去上班。 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? as long as speakers can understand each other or rather ---- 幻灯片 8Ⅳ.单元语法 Review of adverbials; Review of adverbial clauses 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? ---- 幻灯片 91 matter n.事情,情况;麻烦事,毛病;事态,情势(pl.);物质[U] vi.重要,要紧,有关系 as a matter of fact 事实上;说真的; 其实 to make matters worse 使事情更糟的是 a matter of life and death 生死攸关的事情; 成败关键 no matter who/what/where, etc. (=whoever/whatever/wherever, etc.) 无论谁/什么/何处等 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? ◇ 单词点睛 ◇ ---- 幻灯片 10【经典句式】 What's the matter with…?……怎么了? Is anything the matter? 怎么了? There's nothing the matter with… ……没有问题。 It is no matter/doesn't matter (to sb) if/what etc.… 不要紧,无关紧要。 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? ---- 幻灯片 11【活学活用】 (1) [2012•陕西卷•阅读D] Others may say how to dress is a matter of personal freedom, but for businesses it is more ab out whether to make or lose money. 别人可能会说,怎么穿衣是个人自由问题,但对于商界来说,更是赚钱还是赔钱的问题。 (2)_________________________to me whether you arrive early or late. 你来早来晚我都无所谓。 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? It's no matter/doesn't matter   ---- 幻灯片 12(3)There's something_______________________. 这辆汽车有点毛病。 (4)—I can't do it. —___________________________.I'll do it myself. “我做不了。”“没关系, 我会自己做。” 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? the matter with this car No matter/It doesn't matter ---- 幻灯片 132 debate n.& v.讨论,争论,辩论 (1)hold a debate  举行辩论 under debate 辩论中 (2)debate with sb about/on sth 就某事与某人进行辩论 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? ---- 幻灯片 14【易混辨析】 debate,discuss和argue (1)debate意为“辩论”。比较正式的用词,表示不同观点的双方力求驳倒对方,说服对方。 (2)argue意为“争论”。普通用语,表示条理清晰地陈述赞成或反对的理由。 argue with/against sb about sth 为某事与某人争论 argue sb out of doing sth说服某人不要做某事 (3)discuss着重于交换意见而进行的讨论,不一定含不同意见的争辩。 discuss sth with sb和某人讨论某事 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? ---- 幻灯片 15【活学活用】 (1)[2011•浙江卷•信息匹配] Disagreements are natural and, in fact, debate and discussion should be encouraged. 意见有分歧是很自然的事情,实际上,应该鼓励辩论和讨论。               返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? ---- 幻灯片 16(2)We________ him out of going on such a dangerous journey. A.argued B.discussed C.debated D.disputed 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? [解析] A 句意:我们劝说他不要去进行这样危险的旅程。argue意为“辩论,议论”,argue sb.out of (into) doing sth.意为“说服某人不要做(要做)某事”;discuss意为“讨论”;debate意为“辩论”,为说明自己正确;dispute意为“就……发生争论/纠纷”。 ---- 幻灯片 173 oppose v. (to disagree strongly with sb's plan, policy, etc. and try to change it or prevent it from succeeding) 反对;抵制;阻挠 (1)opposed adj. 反对的;截然不同的 (2)be opposed to 反对 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? ---- 幻灯片 18【易错警示】 be opposed to 和object to 均表示“反对”,其中to是介词,后面加名词、代词或动名词。 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? ---- 幻灯片 19【活学活用】 (1)[2012•广东卷•阅读B] I have been consistently opposed to feeding a baby regularly. 我一直反对定时喂婴儿。 (2)He________________________________his daughter marrying the young man. 他反对女儿嫁给这个年轻人。 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? opposes/is opposed to/objects to ---- 幻灯片 204 convinced adj.(completely sure about sth)确信的,信服的 (1)convince v. 使相信,使确信;说服 convince sb (of…/that…) 使某人确信,使某人信服 convince sb to do sth 说服某人做某事 be convinced of sth/that… 相信,确信 (2)convincing adj. 有说服力的,使人信服的 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? ---- 幻灯片 21【活学活用】 (1)I was convinced that he knew the truth. 我确信他知道真相。 (2)I______________________ his honesty. 我对他的诚实深信不疑。 (3)The data we have collected is not enough to be ____________. 我们所收集的资料还不足以令人信服。 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? am convinced of convincing ---- 幻灯片 22  let sb/sth down  放下,降低;使失望 let go  放开,松手 let alone 不打扰,不惊动;更不用提,更别说 let out 泄露;发出,释放 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? ◇ 短语储存 ◇ ---- 幻灯片 23【活学活用】 (1)I am sorry to have let you down. 很抱歉让你失望了。 (2)At the sight of the snake,the girl __________ a scream. 看到那条蛇,小女孩尖叫了一声。 (3)I haven't decided on the menu yet,____________bought the food. 我还没决定吃什么菜呢, 更不必说买好了。 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? let out let alone  ---- 幻灯片 24Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.It doesn't matter where charities get their money from: what c________ is what they do with it. 2.Neighbours c__________ to the police about the dogs barking. 3.Just to satisfy my________ (好奇心),how much did you pay for your car? 4.The house is too small,and f___________ it's too far from the office. 5.There is a________ (倾向) towards regional cooperation. 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? ounts    curiosity   omplained   urthermore  tendency ---- 幻灯片 25Ⅱ.选词填空 1.At first he ________________ our suggestion, but we managed to bring him round. 2.His nationality isn't ____________ whether he's a good teacher. 3.The plan strikes me as ridiculous, but the others __________ it. 4.I _______________ her experience in it. 5.The whole meal was good but the wine _______________ was excellent. 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? was opposed to relevant to agree on am convinced of in particular ---- 幻灯片 26Ⅲ.单项填空 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 1.Scientists are convinced ________ the positive effect of laughter ________ physical and mental health. A.of; at  B.by; in  C.of; on  D.on; at [解析] C be convinced of 是固定短语,意为“使信服”;后面表示“对……的影响”,根据搭配,effect与介词on搭配。 ---- 幻灯片 27返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 2.It is not known yet how these huge stones were______ over a distance of 380 kilometers. A.removed B.transformed C.transmitted D.conveyed [解析] D 考查动词辨析。句意:目前还不能确切地知道,这些大石头是怎么从380公里之外的地方被运送过来的。remove移开,脱下,去掉,开除;transform改变,使改观;transmit发射,传播,传导;convey运输,表达。从语意的连贯性判断选D,convey此处表示“运送”。 ---- 幻灯片 28返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 3.—It seems that westerners seldom give their friends financial help. —Maybe. For them________friendship is mostly________matter of providing emotional support and spending time together. A./; the B.the; a C./; a D.a; the [解析] C 考查冠词的用法。friendship是抽象名词,所以前面不用冠词;a matter of…为固定用法。句意:对于他们来说,友谊主要是用来提供情感支持和共度时光的(事情)。 ---- 幻灯片 29返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 4.The criminal, as well as some ________ people, was arrested by the police yesterday. A.relevant B.skilled C.released D.lucky [解析] A relevant 相关的。句意:那名罪犯,连同一些相关的人员,昨天被警察逮捕了。 ---- 幻灯片 30返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 5.As a good teacher, he should use different ways to encourage all children to realize their full________and achieve their goals. A.possibility B.conception C.potential D.difference [解析] C 考查名词辨析。句意:作为一名优秀教师,他应该用不同的办法鼓励所有的孩子发挥自己的全部潜能,以实现自己的目标。与后面的“实现自己的目标”相呼应,这里表示意识到自己的潜能,因此选C表示“潜力,潜能”。A项表示“可能性”;B项表示“思想,观念,概念”;D项表示“区别,不同的地方”,都不符合句意。 ---- 幻灯片 31阅读写作(二十三) [阅读理解 技法指导之推理判断] 返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? ---- 幻灯片 32返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? ◇重视推理判断◇ 推理判断题属于高层次阅读理解题。这种题型包括判断题和推理题。这两类题常常相互依存,推理是为了得出正确的判断,正确的判断又依赖于合乎逻辑的推理。做好该题型要从整体上把握语篇内容,在语篇的表面意义与隐含意义、已知信息与未知信息间架起桥梁,透过字里行间去体会作者的“弦外之音”。推理判断题常常可以分为如下几类:1.细节推断。如时间、地点、人物关系等;2.逻辑推断。根据已知的结果推断导致结果产生的可能原因;3.目的、意图、态度推断。根据文章的论述,推断作者的写作目的以及作者的情感态度;4.预测想象推断。文章没有明确说明,要求根据语篇对文章可能涉及的内容进行预测判断。 ---- 幻灯片 33返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 一、推理判断主要的设题方式有: 1.It can be inferred from the passage(or the last paragraph)that… 2.It can be learned from the passage(or the last paragraph)that… 3.It can be concluded from the passage(or the last paragraph)that… 4.It implies that… 5.Where would you most probably find this passage? 6.What would the author most likely continue to talk about in the next paragraph(s)? ---- 幻灯片 34返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 二、推理判断主要的解题策略有: 1.根据不同文体,推断目的意图。不同的文章可能有不同的写作目的, 通常作者的写作目的有以下三种:(1)to entertain readers(娱乐读者,让人发笑),常见于故事类的文章。(2)to persuade readers(说服读者接受某种观点)常见于广告类的文章。(3)to inform readers(告知读者某些信息)多见于科普类﹑新闻报道类﹑文化类或社会类的文章。高考阅读试题涉及各类文章,而以议论文为主,文章的主题句、核心句往往会直接或间接地表明作者的态度立场;阅读理解中也有说明文、描述文。前者因为其体裁的客观性,所以作者的态度也往往采取中立。而后者因为其文章 ---- 幻灯片 35返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 观点往往不直接提出,而且作者写作时也常带有某种倾向性,所以,阅读时要善于根据文章的文体来推断作者的情感态度和目的。 2.根据用词风格,推断情感态度。一篇好的文章,其用词风格常常直接流露或蕴含作者的内心世界和情感态度。所以阅读时要善于捕捉表达或暗示情感态度的句子或短语,捕捉那些烘托气氛,渲染情感的词句,进而很好地洞察作者的思想倾向,是支持、反对抑或中立。对于选项而言,要分清选项中的褒义词、中性词和贬义词,以此对照全文。如:(1)表示褒义的词语:positive赞成的,supporting支持的,praising赞扬的,optimistic乐观的, ---- 幻灯片 36返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? admiring羡慕的,enthusiastic热情的等;(2)表示中性的词语:uninterested无兴趣的,不感兴趣的; neutral中立的;impersonal不带个人感情的;subjective主观的;objective客观的等;(3)表示贬义的词语:disgusted感到恶心的,厌恶的;critical批评的;negative 否定的,反对的;suspicious怀疑的;worried 担忧的等。 3.根据写作思路,推断段落发展。不同的文体,写作思路和写作手法也不尽相同。做题时,要善于体会作者的写作思路,揣摩作者的谋篇布局,从宏观上洞察文章的结构框架;同时,还要把握作者行文时所运用的修辞手段,如对比、排比等。通过梳理写作思路,领悟写作手法,即可对文章的发展作出比较科学合理的推断和预测。 ---- 幻灯片 37返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 4.根据事实细节,推断合理信息。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,作出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可能是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能作出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息作多步推理。也就是说,要做到判断有据, 推论有理, 忠实原文。切忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。 ---- 幻灯片 38返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 例  [2012•四川卷] On a hill 600 feet above the surrounding land, we watch the lines of rain move across the scene, the moon rise over the hills, and the stars appear in the sky. The views invite a long look from a comfortable chair in front of the wooden house. Every window in our wooden house has a view, and the forest and lakes seldom look the same as the hour before. Each look reminds us where we are. There is space for our three boys to play outside, to shoot arrows, collect tree seeds, build earth houses and climb trees. ---- 幻灯片 39返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? Our kids have learned the names of the trees, and with the names have come familiarity and appreciation. As they tell all who show even a passing interest, maple(枫树)makes the best fighting sticks and white pines are the best climbing trees. The air is clean and fresh. The water from the well has a pleasant taste, and it is perhaps the healthiest water our kids will ever drink. Though they have one glass a day of juice and the rest is water, they never say anything against that. ---- 幻灯片 40返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? The seasons change just outside the door. We watch the maples turn every shade of yellow and red in the fall and note the poplars'(杨树) putting out the first green leaves of spring. The rainbow smelt fills the local stream as the ice gradually disappears, and the wood frogs start to sing in pools after being frozen for the winter. A family of birds rules our skies and flies over the lake. 1.What can be learned from Paragraph 2? A.The scenes are colorful and changeable. B.There are many windows in the wooden house. C.The views remind us that we are in a wooden house. D.The lakes outside the windows are quite different in color. ---- 幻灯片 41返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 2.By mentioning the names of the trees, the author aims to show that ________. A.the kids like playing in trees B.the kids are very familiar with trees C.the kids have learned much knowledge D.the kids find trees useful learning tools 3.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean? A.The change of seasons is easily felt. B.The seasons make the scenes change. C.The weather often changes in the forest. D.The door is a good position to enjoy changing seasons. ---- 幻灯片 42返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 4.What is the main purpose of the author writing the text? A.To describe the beauty of the scene around the house. B.To introduce her children's happy life in the forest. C.To show that living in the forest is healthful. D.To share the joy of living in the nature. ---- 幻灯片 43返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 【点睛】本文为记叙文,描述了作者与家人身居大自然中的切身感受。文章主要展示了作者居住环境的优美和在此美景中生活的惬意。 1.A 推理判断题。本段中提到,每面窗户都会有一幅不同的风景,森林和湖泊与一小时之前所见到的都不一样。据此可知,作者身居的环境是多彩和变化的。故选A。 2.C 推理判断题。根据第四段话中“Our kids have learned the names of the trees…As they tell all…white pines are the best climbing trees.”可知孩子们已经了解了周围环境包括树在内的很多知识。故答案选C。 ---- 幻灯片 44返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 3.A 推理判断题。根据本段对于周围大自然的变化的描述可知,作者身处此地,能够很容易地感觉到季节的变换。故答案为A。 4.D 推理判断题。此题推测文章的写作目的。通读全文,不难了解,作者是与读者分享身居大自然中的快乐生活。故答案为D。 ---- 幻灯片 45返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 【活学活用】 A In the more and more competitive service industry,it is no longer enough to promise customer satisfaction.Today,customer “delight” is what companies are trying to achieve in order to keep and increase market share. It is accepted in the marketing industry,and confirmed by a number of researches,that customers receiving good service will promote business by telling up to 12 other people;those treated badly will tell their tales of woe to up to 20 people. ---- 幻灯片 46返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? Interestingly,80 percent of people who feel their complaints are handled fairly will stay loyal. New challenges for customer care have come when people can obtain goods and services through telephone call centers and the Internet.For example,many companies now have to invest (投资)a lot of money in information technology and staff training in order to cope with the “phone_rage”—caused by delays in answering calls,being cut off in mid­conversation or left waiting for long periods. ---- 幻灯片 47返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? “Many people do not like talking to machines,”says Dr.Storey,Senior Lecturer in Marketing at City University Business School.“Banks,for example,encourage staff at call centers to use customer data to establish instant and good relationship with them.The aim is to make the customers feel they know you and that you can trust them—the sort of comfortable feelings people have during face­to­face chats with their local branch manager.” Recommended ways of creating customer delight include:under­promising and over­delivering (saying that a repair will be carried out within five hours, ---- 幻灯片 48返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? but getting it done within two); replacing a faulty product immediately; throwing in a gift voucher (购物礼券)as an unexpected “thank you” to regular customers;and always returning calls,even when they are complaints. Aiming for customer delight is all very well,but if services do not reach the high level promised,disappointment or worse will be the result.This can be eased by offering an apology and an explanation of why the service did not meet usual standards with empathy (for example,“I know how you must feel”),and possible solutions (replacement,compensation or whatever fairness suggests best meets the case). ---- 幻灯片 49返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? Airlines face some of the toughest challenges over customer care.Fierce competition has convinced them that delighting passengers is an important marketing tool,while there is great potential for customer anger over delays caused by weather, unclaimed luggage and technical problems. For British Airways staff,a winning telephone style is considered vital in handling the large volume of calls about bookings and flight times.They are trained to answer quickly,with their name,job title and a “we are here to help” attitude.The company has invested heavily in information technology to make sure that information is available instantly on screen. ---- 幻灯片 50返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? British Airways also says its customer care policies are applied within the company and staff are taught to regard each other as customers requiring the highest standards of service. Customer care is obviously here to stay and it would be a foolish company that used slogans such as “we do as we please”.On the other hand,the more customers are promised,the greater the risk of disappointment. ---- 幻灯片 51返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 1.The writer mentions“phone rage”(Paragraph 3)to show that ________. A.customers often use phones to express their anger B.people still prefer to buy goods online C.customer care becomes more demanding D.customers rely on their phones to obtain services 2.If a manager should show his empathy (Paragraph 6),what would he probably say? A.“I know how upset you must be.” B.“I appreciate your understanding.” C.“I’m sorry for the delay.” D.“I know it’s our fault.” ---- 幻灯片 52返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 3.Customer delight is important for airlines because ________. A.their telephone style remains unchanged B.they are more likely to meet with complaints C.the services cost them a lot of money D.the policies can be applied to their staff ---- 幻灯片 53返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 4.Which of the following is conveyed in this article? A.Face­to­face service creates comfortable feelings among customers. B.Companies that promise more will naturally attract more customers. C.A company should promise less but do more in a competitive market. D.Customer delight is more important for airlines than for banks. ---- 幻灯片 54返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 【点睛】随着竞争的越来越激烈,对于消费者的争夺很多时候将会决定着一个企业的兴衰荣辱,那么如何搞好与消费者的关系呢?面对口味各异的顾客,作为企业又应该如何对待呢?文章围绕这一话题一步步展开。 1.C 逻辑推理题。文章第三段提到随着人们从电话或网络中买到商品、得到服务,很多公司在信息技术和员工培训上投入大量资金,来应对消费者的投诉,由此可知,现在对商家而言如何处理消费者日益增多的投诉是非常必要和紧急的。 2.A 推理判断题。从文章第六段This can be eased by offering an apology…with empathy (for example, “I know how you must feel”)…可知。 ---- 幻灯片 55返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 3.B 推理判断题。从文章第七段Airlines face some of the toughest…while there is great potential for customers…可知,航空业由于各种原因面临的消费者投诉更多,所以对航空业而言,让消费者满意对于本行业来说有着无可替代的重要性,由此可知选B。 4.C 推理判断题。从文章最后一段…and it would be a foolish company that used slogans such as…可推断出,聪明的企业往往不会喊空口号,而是注重实际行动。 ---- 幻灯片 56返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? B George Prochnik would like the world to put a sock in it. He makes his case in a new book,Listening for Meaning in a World of Noise.Here he explains himself (using his indoor voice): “We've become so accustomed to noise, there's almost a deep prejudice against the idea that silence might be beneficial.If you tell someone to be quiet,you sound like an old man. But it’s never been more important to find continuing quiet.Silence focuses us,improves our health,and is a key to lasting peace and satisfaction.” ---- 幻灯片 57返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? “We need to excite people about the sounds you start to hear if you merely quiet things down a little.During a Japanese tea ceremony,the smallest sounds become a kind of art—the spoons making a light ringing sound on a bowl; the edges of a kimono(和服)brushing against the floor.” “Deaf people are very attentive(专注的) in almost every aspect of life. If two deaf people are walking together,using sign language, they constantly watch out for each other and protect each other by paying steady attention to the other. They are connected yet also fully ---- 幻灯片 58返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? aware of their surroundings. Even deaf teenagers! We in the hearing world can learn from them.If we remove the powerful blasts(一阵阵)of noise, we will become aware of an extraordinarily rich world around us—of little soft sounds and the sound of footsteps,of bird songs and ice cracking(开裂声).It’s astonishing how beautiful things sound when you can really listen.” ---- 幻灯片 59返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 5.What does Prochnik say about us? A.We are used to quietness. B.We have to put up with noise. C.We do not think silence to be beneficial. D.We do not believe lasting peace to be available. 6.Which of the following is true according to Prochnik? A.We need more sounds in our lives. B.There is nothing to be learned from the deaf. C.We are not aware how rich the world around us is. D.There is too much noise at a Japanese tea ceremony. ---- 幻灯片 60返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 7.It can be inferred from the text that ________. A.we can benefit a lot from old people B.it is a good idea to use sign language C.there is no escape from the world of sound D.it is possible to find how beautiful things sound ---- 幻灯片 61返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 【点睛】本文主要论述没有噪音的美好世界。George Prochnik认为,没有噪音,我们会专注生活中各种美好的声音,如鸟儿的鸣唱、脚步的声音等。并以日本茶道和聋人的交流为例进行说明。 5.C 推理判断题。根据第二段的第一、二两句可知我们对安静对我们有利这种观点持否定态度,故答案选C。 ---- 幻灯片 62返回目录 第46讲 Module 4 Which English? 6.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段,George Prochnik认为如果没有噪音,我们就能够意识到我们这个世界非凡、丰富的声音,言外之意现在我们并没有意识到。 7.D 推理判断题。我们之所以没有注意到非凡、丰富、美妙的声音,就是因为噪音的存在,那么只要我们去除噪音,就有可能欣赏到各种美妙的声音。 ----
