幻灯片 1第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood 返回目录 高中英语 必修1 ---- 幻灯片 2Ⅰ.单词荟萃 1.__________n. 四邻, 街坊→ neighbor n. 邻居 2.________adj. 有吸引力的→ attract vt.吸引,引起……的好感→ _________n.吸引, 吸引力 3.fortunate adj.幸运的→__________adv. 幸运地 _______n.运气, 财富→ ___________adj.不幸的→___________adv. 不幸地 4.________n. 游客→ tour n. &v. 旅游, 巡回演出→ ________n. 旅游业 5.________vi. 饿死→ starvation n. 挨饿→ ________adj. 饥饿的 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood attractive attraction fortunately fortune unfortunate neighborhood tourist tourism starve starving unfortunately  ---- 幻灯片 36.___________adj.失业的→ ________v. 雇用→employee n.雇工→ employer n. 雇主→ employment n. 就业, 工作, 职业 7._________adj.专业的→ profession n. 职业→__________n.教授 8.__________adj. 迷人的→ fascinate v.迷住→ _________adj. 着迷的 9._________vi. 幸存, 死里逃生→ ________n.幸存→ survivor n.幸存者 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood unemployed employ professional professor fascinating fascinated survive survival ---- 幻灯片 4Ⅱ.短语检测 1.一座五层的公寓大楼  _________________________ 2.建造;张贴   _________________________ 3.到目前为止     _________________________ 4.……的意思是 _________________________ 5.摆脱, 离开, 去度假 _______________________ 6.许多;大量      _________________________ 7.做成某事;取得成功 _______________________ 8.上升  _________________________ 9.赚钱 _________________________ 10.没有钱/时间做某事 _________________________ 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood a five­storey(ed) apartment block put up  so far/up to now/till now mean by… get away (from…)  a large number of/a great many make it  go up make money can't afford to do sth ---- 幻灯片 5Ⅲ.佳句再现 1.__________________________ we last saw each other. 我们有六年没见面了。 2.And this is the first time____________your hometown. 这是我第一次到你的家乡来。 3.I've seen quite a lot of China and____________ some beautiful cities, but this is one of the most attractive places__________________. 我经常来中国, 去过不少美丽的城市, 但这里是我去过的最有吸引力的城市之一。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood It has been/is six years since I've visited I've visited I've been to ---- 幻灯片 64.The cities are never beautiful ________________ the countryside is beautiful. 城市从来没有乡村的那种美。 5.____________________ I need to get out into the countryside and________________ the noise, the dirt and the people.  有时候,我需要进入乡村,远离(城市的)噪音、肮脏和人群。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood in the way that There are times when get away from ---- 幻灯片 7Ⅳ.单元语法 Present perfect tense 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 8◇ 单词点睛 ◇ 1 pretty adv. (fairly or more than a little, very) 相当, 非常 adj. 漂亮的 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 9【易混辨析】 fairly, quite, rather和pretty (1)只有rather一词能和比较级及too连用, 如:rather warmer, rather too cold。 (2)注意这几个程度副词与名词的搭配顺序: 可以说a rather/fairly/pretty/quite long road, 也可以说rather/quite a long road;quite还可以直接修饰名词, 如:quite a lot 相当多。 (3)一些“没有程度差别”的词, 如:perfect, impossible, 不能与fairly, rather, pretty连用, 但可以和quite连用, 表示completely或absolutely的意思。如:quite right完全正确, quite possible完全可能。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 10【活学活用】 (1)[2012•江西卷•阅读C] I was pretty sure there was something wrong with me. 我非常确信我遇到问题了。 (2)This hotel is________ more expensive than that. 这家旅馆的收费比那家贵得多。 (3)What a________girl! 好漂亮的女孩子! 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood rather pretty   ---- 幻灯片 11(4)He told us__________ a sad story. 他给我们讲了个相当令人难过的故事。 (5)It will take me________a time to get used to the life here. 要适应这里的生活得花我相当长的一段时间。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood quite/rather quite ---- 幻灯片 122 sound linking verb. 听起来 v. (使)发出声音 n. 声音adj. 完好的, 健康的;(睡眠等)充分的 adv. (睡眠等)充分地 (1)sound OK/good/tired etc. 听起来还行/很好/很疲倦等 (2)sound like 听起来像  sound (to sb) as if/though… 听起来似乎…… (3)be sound asleep 熟睡  safe and sound 安然无恙 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 13温馨提示 (1)sound作系动词时, 后面常加形容词, 此时要注意sound没有被动语态。 (2)sound as if/though后面加句子, 而sound like中like为介词, 后面一般加名词、代词或动名词, 但在非正式语言中sound like后面有时也会加句子。如: I hope I don't sound as if/as though I'm criticizing you. You sounded just like your father when you said that.   返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 14【活学活用】 (1)[2012•陕西卷•信息匹配] It makes the speaker sound uncertain and unprepared, and it can leave listeners so annoyed that they can't pay attention. 这使演讲者听起来没有把握,而且准备不足,会让听众生气以至于无法集中注意力。 (2)Please________________in case of fire. 万一起火, 请拉响警报。 (3)Rescuers brought the climbers back____________. 救援人员把登山的人都平安地救了回来。   返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood sound the alarm safe and sound ---- 幻灯片 153 bother v. (to make the effort to do sth)麻烦, 费心;(to make sb feel slightly worried, upset, or annoyed)烦扰, 打扰, 使烦恼n. 麻烦, 烦扰 bother sb about/with sth   打扰或烦扰某人;给某人添麻烦 bother to do/doing sth  费工夫做某事(常用于否定和疑问句) 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 16【经典句式】 It bothers me that………让我烦心。 What bothers me is that…让我烦心的是…… It is no bother. 没关系, 不费事。 【活学活用】 (1)[2012•江苏卷•任务型阅读] In this kind of high­pressure situation, many leaders bother their assistants with frequent meetings or flood their in­boxes with urgent demands. 在这种高压状况下,很多领导频繁地开会让他们的助手烦恼不堪,或者往他们的邮箱里不断地发送紧急的命令和要求。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 17(2)______________________ he'd forgotten my birthday. 他把我的生日忘了, 这让我心里很不痛快。 (3)Since you are not interested, why______________? 既然你不感兴趣, 为什么还要费口舌问呢? (4)—Thanks for your help.  —It was____________. “谢谢你的帮助。”“没什么。” 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood It really bothered me that  bother asking/to ask  no bother ---- 幻灯片 184 approach  n. 接近;通路;(a method of doing sth or dealing with a problem)方法v. (to come near or nearer in space or time)接近, 靠近 (1)approachable adj. 可接近的, 可到达的;和蔼可亲的 (2)at the approach of… 在……快到的时候 (3)adopt/take an approach 采用某种方法 approach to (doing) sth 做某事的方法 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 19【活学活用】 (1)On approaching them, we saw it was a mother whale with her baby. 一靠近它们,我们看清这是一头母鲸和它的幼鲸。 (2)They are trying a new approach____________ a second language. 他们正尝试新的方法学习第二外语。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood to learning ---- 幻灯片 205 exchange n. & v. (giving one thing or person in return for another)交换; 调换;交流 (1)exchangeable adj.  可交换的;可兑换的 (2)in exchange for 作为……的交换 exchange A for B 用A和B交换/交易 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 21【活学活用】 (1)[2012•北京卷•阅读A] If the course fails to provide complete satisfaction to you, you can easily exchange it for any other course that we offer. 如果这个课程不能让你完全满意,你可以很容易地更换成我们提供的任何其他课程。 (2)We____________________about the event at the meeting. 在会上, 我们就此事交换了意见。 (3)I have offered to paint the kitchen______________a week's accommodation. 我提出愿意粉刷厨房, 条件是让我免费住宿一周。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood exchanged our opinions  in exchange for  ---- 幻灯片 226 afford  vt. (to have enough money or time for sth or to do sth) 花费得起, 抽得出(时间), 担负得起 (损失、后果等) (常与can, could, be able to 连用);(to provide or give sth)提供, 给予 (1)afford (to do) sth 担负得起;有时间做某事 (2)afford sb sth/afford sth to sb 提供给某人某物 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 23【活学活用】 (1)I was concerned that he might have no money and not be able to afford something to eat. 我担心他可能没有钱,买不起吃的东西。 (2)I can‘t_____________though I really need a holiday. 尽管我的确需要休假, 但抽不出时间来。 (3)We__________________any longer or we‘ll miss the plane. 我们不能再等了, 否则会误了飞机。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood afford the time  can't afford to wait  ---- 幻灯片 247 contact n. & vt. (communication;to write to or telephone sb)联系, 联络;接触, 触碰 (1)make contact with sb 和某人取得联系 lose contact with sb 和某人失去联系 keep in contact with sb 和某人保持联系 (2)get in touch with sb 和某人取得联系 lose touch with sb 和某人失去联系 keep in touch with sb 和某人保持联系 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 25【活学活用】 (1)[2012•安徽卷•任务型阅读] In both countries, eye contact is avoided as a sign of respect. 在这两个国家,都避免眼神接触,以示对别人的尊敬。 (2)I finally ______________________________________ her in Paris. 我终于在巴黎同她取得了联系。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood contacted/made contact with/got in touch with ---- 幻灯片 26◇ 短语储存 ◇ 1 make it  取得成功;赶上, 及时赶到(make it to…);出席, 到场 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 27【活学活用】 (1)[2012•上海卷•阅读A] This part of the trip was slow, hard work and depressing, but he made it in the end. 这部分旅行缓慢、辛苦而且令人压抑,但他最终还是成功了。 (2)—We have only just 20 minutes to get to the station. —All right.________________________. “我们只有20分钟的时间去车站。” “好吧, 我认为我们能赶到。” 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood I think we can make it  ---- 幻灯片 28(3)With blood pouring from his leg, he__________ a nearby house. 腿上流着血, 他挣扎着来到了附近的一所房子里。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood made it to  ---- 幻灯片 292 put up 建造;张贴;提高(价格);举起;让(某人)留宿 put up with 容忍,忍受 put aside 把……搁一边;存钱 put down 写下,记下 put off 推迟 put forward 提出(建议等) put out 扑灭;熄灭 put away 放好;储存……备用 put on 穿上;增加;演出 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 30【活学活用】 (1)Protesters have been putting up barricades across a number of major intersections. 抗议者们在许多主要的十字路口设置了路障。 (2)根据语境用put短语的适当形式填空 ①My landlord's threatening to ____________ the rent________ by 100 yuan a week. ②We can________ all of you________ for the night. ③She's got a few thousand pounds____________ for her retirement. 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood put up put up put away/aside ---- 幻灯片 31④I will not____________ your bad behaviour any longer. ⑤She keeps____________ going to the dentist. ⑥—It seems I am____________ weight. —You are. You should watch your weight. ⑦They____________ a number of suggestions at the meeting. 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood put up with putting off   putting on put forward ---- 幻灯片 323 mean by  ……的意思是 (1)mean to do sth  打算做某事 mean doing 意味着, 意思是 be meant for… 意图是给……, 本意用来…… (2)mean no harm 并非有意伤害 mean it/what one says 说话算话 mean sth (a lot/nothing etc.)(to sb) (对某人)(不)重要, (对某人)(没)有价值 (3)by all means (表示同意)当然可以, 没问题 by this(that) means/by means of sth 用这种(那种)办法,借助于 by no means 绝不; 一点都不 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 33【活学活用】 (1)What do you mean by saying that? 你那样说是什么意思? (2)The book________________children. 这本书是给孩子们看的。 (3)Being late______________another hour. 迟到意味着再等一个小时。 (4)Money________________ me. 钱对我来说没什么用处。 (5)The broken car was lifted____________a crane. 借助于起重机把那辆破损的汽车吊了起来。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood is meant for means waiting means nothing to by means of ---- 幻灯片 34(6)—Can I use your car? Mine is being repaired. — ________, but you'd better get it back before 5 o'clock. A.By no means B.By all means C.Certainly not D.Go on [解析] B 根据语境判断应是同意借车,by all means“当然可以”,表示同意。by no means“绝不”;go on“继续”,如果同意借车,可以用go ahead回答。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 35◇ 句型透视 ◇ 1 It's been six years since we last saw each other.  我们有六年没见面了。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 36句型公式   It has been/is+时间段+since…表示“自从……以来已经……”。  温馨提示本句型中since从句的动词若是延续性动词, 则表示“有多长时间没做某事了”。如: It is years since I worked here. 我已经好几年没在这儿工作了。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 37【巧学助记】 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 38【活学活用】 (1)It is/has been ten years since he graduated from school. 他毕业已经10年了。 (2)It has been years since________in the village. 我已多年不在那个村子住了。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood I lived ---- 幻灯片 39(3)As it reported, it is 100 years ________ Qinghua University was founded. A.when B.before C.after D.since [解析] D 考查固定句型。It+ is +时间段+since+从句,表示“自从……以来已经有多长时间了”。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 402 And this is the first time I‘ve visited your hometown.  这是我第一次到你的家乡来。 句型公式  表示“这是某人第一/……次做某事”: This is the first/…time that+现在完成时 This was the first/…time that+过去完成时  【相关拓展】 for the first time“初次, 首次”, 用作时间状语。 the first time可引导时间状语从句, 表示“当第一次做……时”。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 41【活学活用】 (1)This is the first time I have taken pictures with my own camera. 这是我第一次用我自己的照相机拍照。 (2)That ____________________ that I had flown kites with Grandpa. 那是我第一次同祖父一起放风筝。 (3)________________ I saw the West Lake, I was struck by its beauty. 第一次见到西湖, 我就被它的美丽迷住了。 (4)When I traveled in Paris, I saw the Eiffel Tower________________________. 到巴黎旅游时, 我第一次见到了埃菲尔铁塔。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood was the first time The first time for the first time ---- 幻灯片 42Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.My hometown is an________ (吸引人的) town. 2.The lawyer helped________(组织) a group of parents who took action for their children. 3.Just eight passengers________ (幸存) the plane crash. 4.I don't want to b________her with my problems at the moment. 5.He was held up by heavy t________. 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood attractive   organize survived other raffic ---- 幻灯片 43Ⅱ.选词填空 1.We're hoping to____________for a few days at Easter. 2.Unemployment in the country has____________by a million. 3.I believe I have the talent to____________. 4.Many high­rise buildings have____________________in the business district by them. 5.He has had five books published____________. 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood get away gone up make it been put up so far ---- 幻灯片 44Ⅲ.单项填空 1.I don't want ________ like I'm speaking ill of anybody, but the manager's plan is unfair. A.to sound B.to be sounded C.sounding D.to have sounded [解析] A 表示“想要做某事”时want 后只能接to do sth,排除C项;sound like 中sound是系动词,属于不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,排除B项;sound 发生在want后,故不用完成时,排除D项。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 452.It really ________ me that my friends went to the cinema without me. A.worried B.bothered C.interrupted D.concerned [解析] B 考查动词词义辨析。从句意看,说话者因为朋友们看电影没有叫他(她)而感到烦恼(bother),而不是“担心(worry)”、“担忧(concern)”或“打岔,中断(interrupt)”。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 463.I can't annoy my boss because I can't ________ to lose my job. A.allow B.risk C.afford D.Accept [解析] C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不能惹恼我的老板,因为我丢不起这份工作。can't afford to do 表示“担负不起 (损失、后果等)”;risk 后接doing的形式,表示“不能冒险做(某事)”。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 47 4.Fortunately, most of the people ________ the earthquake, though many of the buildings were destroyed. A.survived from B.survived C.lived from D.kept alive [解析] B survive表示“经历过某种灾难等而活下来”,live from无此搭配,keep alive 后面不能直接加宾语。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 48 5.A new ________ to teaching English is being used in this school, and it has proved to be very helpful to the students. A.way B.means C.approach D.method [解析] C 考查名词词义辨析。approach表示“方法”的时候,后面的to为介词。其他表示“方法”的名词搭配为:the way to do/the means of doing/the method of doing。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 49阅读写作(二)  应用文写作之申请信 返回目录 ---- 幻灯片 50◇ 写作点拨 ◇ 申请信有很多种,有求职申请信、加入某组织的申请信、报考申请信、申请学位或留学申请信等等。写申请信时要注意语言言简意赅,语气诚恳礼貌。要避免不符合事实的浮夸。如果是留学申请和奖学金申请,要注意提供以下信息:写明申请学校和专业,简介个人履历,索取对方学校相关信息,附上个人经历等材料。 申请信一般都包括这样几个部分:申请的原因,具备的条件,恳请申请单位考虑自己的申请并表示谢意,期望回复。具体为: 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 51 第一段:说明写信的目的,介绍自己是谁,对所申请职位或学位的单位或院校的了解以及自己将会为对方所做的贡献,信息的来源等,这一段要写得简短而又能吸引收信人的注意力。 第二段:介绍自己的学历或工作经历,本人的个性,已经取得的成绩,说明你为何对这一职位或学校感兴趣以及你对未来的打算等等。 第三段:表示感谢和期待对方优先考虑自己的申请,以求得面试等机会。这段尤其要注意语气应礼貌而又自信。 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 52◇ 词句模板 ◇ 1.说明应聘原因常用语: (1)I learned from sb./ the newspaper that your company wanted to hire… (2)I was told that… (3)I have just read in the newspaper that… (4)I am writing to inquire opportunities for… 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 53 (8)I am currently studying… (9)I would be interested in doing sth. (10)My main specialization is… 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 54 3.表示感谢,请求答复并提供联系方式常用语: (1)Thank you very much. (2)Thank you for your consideration of my application. (3)If you agree with me,I'll work hard and try to be a… (4)I am available for an interview… (5)I look forward to hearing from you. (6)If you agree with me,please write a letter to me or phone me. I live at… (7)My telephone number is… 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 55 4.申请信格式模板: Dear Sir/Madam, I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in ________ (报纸名称)of ________ (广告发布时间). I am ________ from ________.As a/an ________,I have been ________.Besides,I won ________ in ________.If you consider me appropriate for the job, please call me at ________. 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 56 I will appreciate it very much if you could give me an early reply./Thank you for considering my application, and I am looking forward to meeting you. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 57【活学活用】 假设你是晨光中学的高中生李华。你校拟选拔一批优秀学生,利用暑期到晨曦希望小学为学生辅导英语。你希望参加此活动。请根据以下提示,用英语给校评选组写一封申请信: ● 对此活动的认识(如对本人、……的益处等) ● 个人优势 ● 你的计划 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 58注意: 1.词数不少于100; 2.可适当增加细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯; 3.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:晨曦希望小学 Chenxi Hope Primary School Dear Sir/Madam, I am Li Hua from Class One, Senior Two.________ _______________________________________________ Yours Sincerely, Li Hua 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 59One possible version: Dear_Sir/Madam, I_am_Li_Hua_from_Class_One,_Senior_Two. I am writing to apply for the opportunity to help the students in Chenxi Hope Primary School with their English. Thus they can improve their English during the summer vacation. Meanwhile, I can learn how to get along well with the students. 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 60 I think that I am qualified for the position. I'm kind, easy­going and always ready to help others. I wash clothes and make the bed by myself to develop independence. English is my favorite subject and I have won several prizes in English contests. 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ---- 幻灯片 61 I plan to communicate with students first to know what they need. Besides, I'll try to get them more interested in English by telling stories, singing songs, playing games and so on. I'd appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity. Yours_Sincerely, Li_Hua 返回目录 第4讲 Module 4 A Social Survey—My Neighbourhood ----
