幻灯片 1Unit 2 Sports events Section Ⅲ Word power, Grammar and usage & Task 语言点一 语言点二 语言点三 识记掌握 理解拓展 应用落实 识记掌握 识记掌握 理解拓展 理解拓展 应用落实 应用落实 课 时 跟 踪 检测 ---- 幻灯片 2---- 幻灯片 3---- 幻灯片 4---- 幻灯片 5---- 幻灯片 6(一)词义配对 1.transport  A.clothes that you wear under other clothes and next to the skin 2.citizen B.the normal order and way in which you regularly do things 3.routine C.a system for carrying passengers or goods from one place to another 4.otherwise D.usual and not done for any special reason ---- 幻灯片 75.underwear E.a word meaning “if not” 6.routine F.someone who lives in a particular town, country, or state and has rights and responsibilities there 答案:1.C 2.F 3.D 4.E 5.A 6.B ---- 幻灯片 8(二)根据所给词性和汉语意思写出单词 7. n.协会,社团;关联;联想→ vt.把……联系在一起 8. n.起源,起因;出身→ adj.起初的 9. adv.往户外,在户外→ (反义词)在室内;往室内 10. adj.频繁的,经常发生的→ adv.频繁地 11. n.技术,工艺,技巧→ n.技术人员 association associate origin original outdoors indoors frequent frequently technique technician ---- 幻灯片 9---- 幻灯片 101.transport n. [U]交通运输系统;交通工具;运输vt.运 输,运送 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)Public transport ought to be convenient. 公共交通应该是方便的。 (鲜活例句)It is easier to travel if you have your own transport. 如果有自己的交通工具,旅行就方便多了。 ---- 幻灯片 11(二)归纳拓展全析考点 (1)public transport    公共交通工具 air/water/ocean/rail transport 空运/水运/海运/铁路运输 (2)transport ... (from ...) to ... 把……(从……)运到…… (3)transportation n. 运输 ---- 幻灯片 12①Five basic modes of transportation are water transport, rail transport, truck transport, air transport and pipeline transport. 五种基本的运输方式是水路运输、铁路运输、汽车运输、航空运输和管道运输。 ②The Sudanese army found 17 Chinese workers later and a safe place. 苏丹军方后来找到了17名中国工人并把他们转移到安全地带。 transported them to ---- 幻灯片 13(三)明辨易混失误防范 比较 transport, traffic 用transport和traffic填空 ③We ran out of gas right in the middle of the main street and blocked . ④My husband is using my car, so I have no means of . traffic transport ---- 幻灯片 142.otherwise adv.& conj.否则,不然 (教材原句)Otherwise, you may hurt yourself. 否则,你可能会伤着你自己。 (鲜活例句)Do it now.Otherwise, it will be too late. 现在就动手做。要不然就会太迟了。(用作副词) (鲜活例句)Seize the chance, otherwise you will regret it. 抓住这个机会,否则你会后悔的。(用作连词) ---- 幻灯片 15[点津] (1)otherwise用作连词时,可以与or互换。 (2)otherwise可表示虚拟条件,这时,其后的句子中使用虚拟语气。 They(must have) liked the apartment, otherwise/or they so long. 他们(一定)喜欢这个公寓,不然他们不会待这么久。 wouldn't have stayed ---- 幻灯片 163.association n.协会,社团;关联;联想 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)Read these leaflets from the Sports Association, and compare them with his/her daily routine. 阅读这些来自运动协会的传单,把它们与他/她的日 常生活作一下比较。 (鲜活例句)Scotland has all kinds of happy associations for me. 苏格兰给我各种各样愉快的联想。 ---- 幻灯片 17(二)归纳拓展全析考点 (1)in association with   与……有关联,与……联合 association with ... 和……的关联/交往;……的联想 (2)associate vt. 联想,联系     n. 同事 associate ... with ... 把……和……联系起来 (3)associated adj. 有关联的,相关的 be associated with ... 和……有联系 ---- 幻灯片 18①This event was organized in association with the Sports Club. 这件赛事是和体育俱乐部合作举办的。 ②I benefited much from my . 我和他结交受益匪浅。 ③They always associate China with the Great Wall. 他们总是把中国与长城联系在一起。 association with him ---- 幻灯片 194.routine n.&.adj.常规(的);例行公事(的) (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (鲜活例句)We must introduce some systems into our office routine. 我们必须在我们的日常公务中建立一些制度。 ---- 幻灯片 20(1)daily routine        日常生活;例行公事 as a matter of routine 定期 break the routine 打破常规 (2)routine tasks 日常工作 a routine test/check/examinations 常规检测/检查/体检 (二)归纳拓展全析考点 ---- 幻灯片 21①We clean and repair machines as a matter of routine. 我们定期清洗和修理机器。 ②This is just , nothing to worry about. 这只是个常规体检,没什么可担心的。 a routine medical examination ---- 幻灯片 225.origin n.(又作origins)起源,起因;出身 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)The exact origin of table tennis is not known. 乒乓球运动的确切起源还不清楚。 (鲜活例句)Two thirds of the pupils in the summer camp are of Asian origin. 夏令营中三分之二的学生是亚洲人。 ---- 幻灯片 23(二)归纳拓展全析考点 (1)have one's origin(s) in ...  起源于…… (be) of (+adj.+)origin 出身(……),来源(……) by origin 出身,籍贯 (2)original adj. 原来的;原始的 ---- 幻灯片 24①This particular custom has its origins in Wales. 这一特殊风俗起源于威尔士。 ②He is said to be a German . 据说他原籍是德国。 ③She had to change the original plan for lack of money. 由于缺钱,她不得不改变原来的计划。 by origin ---- 幻灯片 25---- 幻灯片 26Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The artist combines different (技巧) in the same painting. 2.AIDS became widespread in the 1980s, but no one is certain of its (起源). 3.The children played (在户外) until it started to rain. 4.Production in the factories stopped because of (频繁的) power failures. techniques origin outdoors frequent ---- 幻灯片 275.Liu Jiao ran all the way to school; (不然) she'd have been late. 6. It shouldn't take too long to get back to our old (惯例). 7.We should teach our children to be good (公 民). 8.It's easier to get to the college if you have your own (交通工具). otherwise routine citizens transport ---- 幻灯片 28Ⅱ.完成句子 1.穿上外套,不然你会感冒的。 Put your coat on; . 2.这本书是与英国传统出版社联合出版的。 The book was published British Heritage. 3.在一次常规检查中发现了一个重大的电路故障。 A major electrical fault was found during . otherwise you'll catch a cold in association with a routine check ---- 幻灯片 294.许多问题起源于战后的欧洲。 Many of the problems post­war Europe. 5.一辆公共汽车把我们从飞机场送到城里。 A bus the airport the city. had their origins in transported us from to ---- 幻灯片 30Ⅲ.单项填空 1.—What ________ do you have with the color green? —Life. A.association        B.organization C.consideration D.examination 解析:选 。句意:“绿色会使你产生什么联想?” “生命”。association“联想”; organization“组织”; consideration“考虑周到”; examination“考试”。 A ---- 幻灯片 312.Do make full use of your time, ________ you'll be regretful about it. A.otherwise B.therefore C.however D.so 解析:选 。句意:一定要充分利用你的时间, 否则你将会后悔的。otherwise“否则,要不然”符 合句意; therefore“因而,所以”; however“然 而”; so“因此”。 A ---- 幻灯片 323.It is reported that the volunteers ________ to the island by boat next week. A.will transport B.were transported C.will be transported D.would transport 解析:选 。句意:据报道下周这些志愿者将由小船 送往该岛。主语与transport之间为被动关系,再根 据时间状语可知应用一般将来时的被动语态。 C ---- 幻灯片 334.When he arrived in America, he was surprised to learn that the mayor of the city was Chinese by ________. A.nature         B.resource C.origin D.source 解析:选 。句意:当他到达美国时,他惊讶地 得知这个城市的市长竟然是华人。by origin“出 身,血统”,符合句意。 C ---- 幻灯片 345.My morning ________ includes jogging in the park and reading newspapers over breakfast. A.drill B.action C.regulation D.routine 解析:选 。drill“钻头,训练”; action“行为,动 作”; regulation“规则,规章”; routine“惯例,常 规”。由语境可知“在公园里慢跑和早餐时看报纸”应 该是早晨的惯例,故选D。 D ---- 幻灯片 35---- 幻灯片 36---- 幻灯片 371.come up        想出,提出 2.plenty 许多,大量 3. sb.'s advice 采纳某人的建议 4.be similar 与……类似 5. the 1890s 在19世纪90年代 6.be popular 受……欢迎 7.stare sb. 盯着某人 8.play a role 在……中发挥作 用;在……中扮演角色 9.knock 弄倒;撞倒 10.be shaped 外形像…… with of follow to in with at in over like ---- 幻灯片 38---- 幻灯片 391.come up with想出,提出(主意、计划、回答等) (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)When you have finished, try to come up with two more events for each category. 当你完成后,每一种类尽量再提出两个项目。 (鲜活例句)Is that the best excuse you can come up with? 那就是你能想出的最好借口吗? ---- 幻灯片 40(二)归纳拓展全析考点 come about     发生 come across (偶然)遇见/发现 come up 被提出;出现;长出地面 come true 成为现实,实现 come out 出来;长出;出版;结果是 come to 共计;达成;苏醒 ---- 幻灯片 41①I want to know if the subject came up in their conversation. 我想知道这个计划是否在他们的谈话中被提及。 ②I'm sure it will all all right in the end. 我敢肯定最后结局会很好。 come out ---- 幻灯片 422.plenty of许多,大量 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)The chosen city should also have plenty of good hotels and must have an international airport nearby. 被选中的城市应该有大量的好旅馆,附近必须有国际 机场。 (鲜活例句)There is plenty of room for luggage behind the seats. 座位后面有足够的空间来装行李。 [点津] plenty of既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰 不可数名词。修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词的数要与 被修饰名词保持一致。 ---- 幻灯片 43(二)归纳拓展全析考点 “许多”的表达法: (1)只修饰可数名词的有: many (of the), a great/good many (of the), a large/big/great number of, large/big/great numbers of, many a (2)只修饰不可数名词的有: much (of the), a great/good deal of, a great/good amount of (3)既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词的有: a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large quantity of, (large) quantities of ---- 幻灯片 44①A great number of college graduates prefer to seek for jobs in big cities. 许多大学毕业生更愿意在大城市找工作。 ②A large amount of damage was done in a very short time. 短时间内造成了大量的损失。 ---- 幻灯片 453.play a role in 在……中起作用或扮演角色 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)Today, players from China, South Korea and Germany among others play leading roles in international table tennis competitions. 现在,来自中国、韩国和德国的运动员在国际乒乓球 比赛中起着主导作用。 (鲜活例句)The UN plays an important role in international relations. 联合国在国际关系方面起着重要的作用。 ---- 幻灯片 46(二)归纳拓展全析考点 play a leading/key/major role in 在……中起着最重要/关键/主要的作用 play the role/ part of  扮演……角色 play a part in 在……中起作用或扮演角色 ①In my opinion, learning ability plays a key role in one's life. 我认为学习能力在一个人的生活中起着关键的作用。 ②Zhou Lei the old king in our school play. 周雷在我们的校园剧中扮演老国王的角色。 played the role of ---- 幻灯片 47---- 幻灯片 48Ⅰ.选词填空 plenty of, come up with, be popular with, stare at, be similar to, knock over 1. It's rude to others. 2.Over 100 people on Britain's roads every day. 3.My opinions on the matter Kay's. 4.Make sure she eats well and gets fresh air. 5.Video games children. 6.You are asked to a good idea in five minutes. stare at are knocked over are similar to plenty of are popular with come up with ---- 幻灯片 49Ⅱ.单项填空 1.She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role ________ in making the earth a better place to live in. A.to have played      B.to play C.to be played D.to be playing ---- 幻灯片 50解析:选 。句意:她会告诉我们她为什么强烈地感觉到在使地球成为更好的居住地这一方面,我们每个人都将起到一定的作用。这里的不定式作定语,修饰a role。当动词不定式与所修饰的名词之间为动宾关系,同时与句子主语之间为主谓关系时,动词不定式用其主动形式表示被动意义,故可排除C项;A项表示动作已完成;D项表示正在进行,均不合题意。 B ---- 幻灯片 512.Taking ________ exercise every day will do great good to your health. A.a great many B.plenty of C.a great deal D.a great number of 解析:选 。句意:每天进行大量的锻炼对你的健康非常 有益。选项A、D只能修饰可数名词复数,C项后面加上 介词of才可以修饰名词。plenty of既可以修饰可数名词复 数,也可以修饰不可数名词。 B ---- 幻灯片 523.—Have you ________ some new ideas for solving this problem? —Yeah. I'll tell you later. A.come about B.come across C.come up with D.come up 解析:选 。句意:“你想出解决此问题的新主意了 吗?”“是的,我过会儿告诉你。”come up with“想出”,符 合句意。come about“发生”;come across“遇见”;come up“被提出”。 C ---- 幻灯片 53---- 幻灯片 54---- 幻灯片 551. [句型展示] Guess what? I finally booked my trip to Greece! 你知道吗?我终于订了票去希腊旅行了! [典例背诵] Guess what? I won a trip to Beijing. 你知道吗?我赢得了去北京旅行的大奖。 ---- 幻灯片 562.[句型展示] I hope this information will be of use to you. 我希望此信息将会对你有用。 [典例背诵] This book will be of great value to him in his study. 这本书将对他的研究有很大价值。 ---- 幻灯片 573.[句型展示] Many players believe table tennis is not only a physical game but a psychological game as well. 许多运动员认为,乒乓球运动不仅是一项体能运动, 而且也是一项精神运动。 [典例背诵] Not only girls but (also) boys like to run after popular stars. 不仅女孩喜欢追星,男孩也一样喜欢。 ---- 幻灯片 58---- 幻灯片 591.Guess what?I finally booked my trip to Greece! 你知道吗?我终于订票去希腊旅行了! Guess what?常用于交际用语中。当你要叙述一件 会令人感到惊讶的事情时, 你可以在句首加上 “Guess what?”或是 “You know what?”来加强语气。 当然, “Guess what?”从字面上来看是“猜猜看,发 生了什么事”的意思, 但实际上并非真的让人家去猜 发生了什么事, 只想给听者一个惊喜。 ①Guess what? He's asked me out! 你猜怎么着?他约我出去! ---- 幻灯片 60What if ... ?     倘使……将会怎样? 即使……又有什么要紧? So what? 那又如何? What for? 为何(目的)? How come ... ? 怎么会? Why not? 为什么不呢?(表示建议) ② he forgets to come? 要是他忘了来该怎么办? ③How come Dave's at home?Isn't he feeling well? 戴夫怎么会在家呢?他不舒服吗? What if ---- 幻灯片 612.Many players believe table tennis is not only a physical game but a psychological game as well. 许多运动员认为,乒乓球运动不仅是一项体能运 动,而且也是一项精神运动。 not only ... but (also) ...表示“不但……而且……”, 这是一个连词词组,用来连接两个并列的成分, 如主语、宾语或谓语等。此句型中,but also可用 but ... as well代替。 ---- 幻灯片 62①Television is not only boring, but it also wastes a lot of time. 电视不仅乏味,而且还浪费许多时间。 ②Not only the students but also the teacher has gone to the cinema. 老师和学生都去看电影了。 ③Such a change would improve not only his social image but his health as well. 这样的变化不仅会提高他的社会形象,而且会改善他的健康。 ---- 幻灯片 63[点津] (1)not only ... but (also) ... 连接两个并列主语时,遵循“就近原则”,即谓语形式与离其最近的主语保持一致。 (2)not only ... but (also) ... 连接两个并列句,且not only置于句首时,前一个分句倒装,后一个不倒装。 ④Not only you but also she to attend the ceremony. 不仅你而且她也得参加典礼。 ⑤Not only has the poor man been fined, but also he has been sent to prison. 这个可怜的人不仅被罚款,而且他还被送进了监狱。 has ---- 幻灯片 64---- 幻灯片 65Ⅰ.完成句子 1.就算没有一个人赞成我的意见,那又怎么样? if nobody else agrees with me? 2.这家超市的货物质量上乘。 The goods in this supermarket are . 3.不仅我而且我父母都喜爱旅游。 are fond of travelling around. So what of high quality Not only I but also my parents ---- 幻灯片 66Ⅱ.单项填空 1.________ read newspapers for pleasure, but also to improve their minds. A.Not only old men    B.Not only old men do C.Not only do old men D.Old men not only do 解析:选 。考查倒装语序。not only位于句首(不是修饰主 语),它所在的句子用部分倒装语序,所以C项正确。 C ---- 幻灯片 672.(2011·陕西高考)—Jack, you seem in high spirits. —______We won the match 4:0. A.Guess what?      B.So what? C.No wonder. D.No doubt. 解析:选 。考查情景交际用语。句意:“杰克, 你的 情绪似乎很高呀。”“你猜怎么着?我们这场球赛以4比 0获胜了。”So what?“那又如何?与我又有何相干?”; No wonder. “难怪”; No doubt. “毫无疑问”。 A ---- 幻灯片 68 点此进入 ----
