幻灯片 1Unit 1 Advertising Section Ⅲ Welcome to the unit & Reading – Task 语言点一 语言点二 语言点三 识记掌握 理解拓展 应用落实 识记掌握 识记掌握 理解拓展 理解拓展 应用落实 应用落实 课 时 跟 踪 检 测 ---- 幻灯片 2---- 幻灯片 3---- 幻灯片 4---- 幻灯片 5---- 幻灯片 6(一)词义配对 1.bonus      A. to buy something, especially something big or expensive 2.recommend B.a large bussiness company 3.purchase C.money added to someone's wages, especially as a reward for good work 4.tip D. to advise someone to do something, especially because you have special knowledge of a situation or subject 5.corporation E.a small amount of additional money that you give to someone 答案:1.C 2.D 3.A 4.E 5.B ---- 幻灯片 7(二)根据所给词性和汉语意思写出单词 6. vi. &vt. 成倍增加,迅速增加;乘,乘以 7. vt. & n. 更新;提供最新信息;使现代化 8. n. 年轻人,青年;青年时期;青春,朝气 9. n. 方面;层面 10. n. 便宜货;协议   vi. 讨价还价 multiply update youth aspect bargain ---- 幻灯片 811. adj. 精致的;绚丽的;奢华的   n. 空想,幻想;爱好,迷恋   vt. 想象;猜想 12. adj.大为惊奇→ adj.令人惊诧的 → vt.使大为惊奇 13. adj.(高中或大学)毕业年级的;级别(或地位)高的n. 高年级学生,毕业班学生;上司;年纪较长的人;级别 较高的人→ adj.初级的,资历较浅的n.资历较浅的 人 14. vt.&n.设计→ n.设计者,设计师 fancy amazed amazing amaze senior junior design designer ---- 幻灯片 9---- 幻灯片 10amazed adj.大为惊奇 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)You will be amazed by his unique way of thinking and skilful writing. 你会对他独特的思考方式和娴熟的写作手法感到惊讶。 (鲜活例句)Frankly, I was amazed that he was interested in cooking. 坦率地说,他对厨艺感兴趣让我很吃惊。 1. ---- 幻灯片 11(二)归纳拓展全析考点 (2)amaze vt.          使吃惊 amazing adj. 令人吃惊的 (3)amazement n. 惊讶 to one's amazement 令某人惊奇的是 ①We are amazed to hear that she has passed the test without much difficulty. 听说她轻而易举地通过了考试,我们都很惊奇。 ---- 幻灯片 12②He was so amazed at the result that he stood there motionless. 这个结果让他很吃惊,以至于他站在那儿一动不动。 ③ , she can speak five languages though she is only ten. 令我惊讶的是,他仅十岁就会说五种语言。 [点津] amazed“对……感到惊讶的”,指人的感受,常用来修饰人;amazing指事物本身的特点、性质令人惊奇的,常用来修饰物。 ④The progress he made is . 他的进步令人吃惊。 To my amazement amazing ---- 幻灯片 13recommend vt.推荐;建议,劝告;介绍 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)Yesterday I came across an interesting new book, which I would like to recommend here. 昨天我偶然发现了一本非常有趣的新书,在这儿我想推荐这本书。 (鲜活例句)Can you recommend a good grammar book to me? 你能推荐一本好的语法书给我吗? (鲜活例句)I recommend you not to go to the island alone. 我劝你不要孤身一人去那个岛。 2. ---- 幻灯片 14(二)归纳拓展全析考点 recommend sb. sth.=recommend sth.to sb.              向某人推荐某物 recommend sb.for sth. 推荐某人做某事 recommend sb.as sth. 推荐某人担任某职位 recommend sb.to do sth. 建议某人做某事 recommend doing sth. 建议做某事 recommend that ... 建议…… ---- 幻灯片 15①She was recommended for the post by a colleague. 她获得一个同事推荐得到这个岗位。 ②He recommended before seeing the movie. 他建议先去看这本书,再去看那部电影。 ③The doctor recommended her to take a long rest. 医生建议她长期休养。 [点津] recommend作“建议,劝告”讲,后接宾语从句时,从句应用虚拟语气,即从句谓语形式为“(should+)动词原形”。 ④Mr.Li recommended that we more in order to improve our reading ability. 李先生建议我们多读书以便提高我们的阅读能力。 reading the book (should) read ---- 幻灯片 16senior adj.(高中或大学)毕业年级的;级别(或地位)高的n.高年级学生,毕业班学生;上司;年纪较长的人 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)I believe Voyage to an Amazing Kingdom would be a good choice for senior high students. 我认为对于高中生来说,《令人惊叹的王国之旅》是一个不错的选择。 (鲜活例句)He is a senior member of the committee. 他是委员会中的资深委员。 3. ---- 幻灯片 17(二)归纳拓展全析考点 be senior to sb.     比某人年长;比某人地位高 be ... years one's senior 比某人年长……岁 ①My brother is my senior by three years. =My brother is three years my senior. 我哥哥比我大三岁。 ---- 幻灯片 18②She is senior to me, because she joined the firm before me. 她比我资格老,因为她加入公司比我早。 [点津] senior无比较级,表示比某人年长或地位高时,与介词to搭配使用,而不能用than。 ③Though she is ten years senior me, we are best friends. 尽管她比我年长十岁,但我们是最好的朋友。 to ---- 幻灯片 19design vt. & n.设计;意欲 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)That is why we are considering designing a new package for our chocolate bar as well. 那就是我们正在考虑也要为我们的巧克力棒设计一款新包装的原因。 (鲜活例句)This course is designed as an introduction to the subject. 这门课程是作为该科目的入门课而设计的。 4. ---- 幻灯片 20(鲜活例句)The magazine will appear in a new design from next month. 从下月起这本杂志将以新的设计面世。 (二)归纳拓展全析考点 be designed for ...   打算给……用的,目的是…… be designed to do... 打算做……,目的是做…… by design=on purpose 有意地,故意地 ---- 幻灯片 21①These exercises are designed to develop and strengthen muscles. 这些练习是为了增强肌肉力量而设计的。 ②The house being built is designed a reading room. 正在建造的这座房子用作阅览室。 ③Did you do this by design or by accident? 你是故意还是偶然这样做的? for ---- 幻灯片 22bargain n.[C]便宜货;协议vi.讨价还价 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)Our sandwiches are a bargain at only ¥5 each. 我们的三明治很便宜,仅卖5元钱一个。 (鲜活例句)We've made a bargain that he'll do the shopping and I'll cook. 我们已商量好了,他去购物我来做饭。 5. ---- 幻灯片 23(二)归纳拓展全析考点 make/ reach a bargain with sb. 与某人达成协议 bargain with sb.about/ over/for sth. 就……与某人讨价还价 ①Let's make a bargain-if you help me today, I'll help you tomorrow. 我们说定了——要是今天你帮助我,明天我就帮助你。 ②If you bargain them about it, they might reduce the price. 如果你就此和他们讨价还价的话,他们可能会降价。 with ---- 幻灯片 24fancy (1)adj.精致的;绚丽的;奢华的 ①We stayed at some fancy hotel in the centre of London. 我们住在伦敦市中心的某家豪华饭店里。 (2)n.空想,幻想;爱好,迷恋 ②Did I really hear a voice or was it only my fancy? 我是真的听到了声音还是这只是我的幻觉? ③I don't know he has a fancy for fishing. 我不知道他爱吃鱼。 6. take a fancy to       喜欢上/爱上 have a fancy for 爱好;喜欢 ---- 幻灯片 25(3)vt.想象;猜想;喜欢 fancy (doing) sth.      喜欢(做)某事 fancy that... 想象…… ④Do you fancy for a picnic with me this weekend? 周末你想不想和我一起外出吃野餐? ⑤I fancy that the couple are pretty happy. 我想这一对过得很幸福。 going out ---- 幻灯片 26---- 幻灯片 27Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The teacher (推荐) some good books to the students. 2.This jacket is a real (便宜货) at such a low price. 3.We looked at several different (设计) for the new bridge. 4.It's about time we (更新) our software. recommended bargain designs updated ---- 幻灯片 285. In his (青年时期), he travelled and saw much of the world. 6. Visitors are often (惊奇的) to discover great changes have taken place here. 7.Tickets may be (购买) in advance from the box office. 8.If you (乘) ten by seven, you get seventy. youth amazed purchased multiply ---- 幻灯片 29Ⅱ.完成句子 1.他建议我们读一读那部小说。(recommend) He that we . 2.他们开始后悔不该买这么大的房子。(purchase) They began to regret such a large house. 3.我不喜欢在这样的坏天气里一直这么走着。(fancy) I don't all that way in such bad weather. recommended (should) read the novel purchasing/the purchase of fancy going ---- 幻灯片 304.虽然他比我年轻,但他地位比我高。(senior) He me, though he is younger. 5.据报道实验的目的是试验新药。(design) It is reported that the experiment the new drug. is senior to is designed to test ---- 幻灯片 31(2010·福建高考)Teachers recommend parents ________ their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety. A.not allow        B.do not allow C.mustn't allow D.couldn't allow 解析:选 。考查虚拟语气。recommend后跟宾语从句应用虚拟语气,其结构为“(should+)动词原形”,这里省略了should,故A正确。 1. A Ⅲ.单项填空 ---- 幻灯片 32He was very ________ at the ________ news. A.amazing; amazed B.amazed; amazing C.amazing; amazement D.amazed; amazed 解析:选 。句意:听到这令人吃惊的消息他感到很吃惊。amazed“吃惊的”,表示人的感受;amazing“令人吃惊的”。 2. B ---- 幻灯片 33My sister is senior ________ me by five years, but she looks younger. A.than B.to C.with D.on 解析:选 。句意:我姐姐比我大五岁,但她看起来更年轻。senior“年长的”,表示比较之意时,不用than而用to。 3. B ---- 幻灯片 34Fancy ________ you here! It's three years since we met last time. A.to meet B.meet C.meeting D.having been met 解析:选 。句意:真没想到在这儿遇到你!我们已经三年没见面了。fancy 后接动名词作宾语而不接不定式。 4. C ---- 幻灯片 35Whether by accident or by ________, he arrived too late to help us. A.purpose B.aim C.design D.chance 解析:选 。句意:无论是偶然还是故意,他来得太晚,未能帮上我们的忙。by design (=on purpose)“故意地”,符合句意。 5. C ---- 幻灯片 36They bargained ________ the manager ________ the level of wages. A.to; over B.to; with C.with; over D.with; with 解析:选 。bargain with sb. over sth. 是固定搭配,意为“就某物与某人讨价还价”。 6. C ---- 幻灯片 37---- 幻灯片 38---- 幻灯片 391.be tired          对……厌烦 2. sale 出售;减价出售 3.be popular 受欢迎 4. the face of 面对 5.come 偶然遇见 6.be satisfied 对……感到满意 7.make good use 充分利用 8.in order 为了,以便 9.be optimistic 对……感到乐观 10.think 重新考虑 11.up (数量、程度等)达到 12.be bored 对……感到厌倦 of on with in across with of to about twice to with ---- 幻灯片 40---- 幻灯片 41come across偶然发现,偶然遇见 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (鲜活例句)While reading, keep reading ahead even when you come across a new word. 阅读时,即使碰到生词也要继续往下读。 (鲜活例句)I come across one of my old friends in the street yesterday. 昨天我在街上偶然遇见了我的一位老朋友。 1. ---- 幻灯片 42(二)归纳拓展全析考点 meet with        偶然遇见;遭受 run into 偶遇;遭遇,陷入 ①We got a chance to meet with local musicians and listen to them play. 我们得到与当地音乐家见面的机会,并听了他们的演奏。 ②They have run trouble while designing the new machine. 他们在设计新机器时遇到了麻烦。 into ---- 幻灯片 43in order to为了,以便 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)We must update our packages in order to attract today's youth ... 我们更新包装是为了吸引当今的年轻人…… (鲜活例句)In order to keep healthy, you'd better do some exercise every day. 为了保持健康,你最好每天都锻炼。 2. ---- 幻灯片 44(二)归纳拓展全析考点 (1)in order to 短语与so as to 短语皆可在句中作目的 状语,但是in order to短语位置灵活,可位于句 首或句中,而so as to 短语不能位于句首。 (2)in order to 和in order that (=so that) 都表示“为 了……”,前者接动词原形,后者接句子且从句常 与may, might, can, could等情态动词连用。 ---- 幻灯片 45①He walked nearer so as to get a complete picture. =In order to get a complete picture, he walked nearer. (in order to 不能换成so as to) =He walked nearer in order that he could get a complete picture. 为了得到一张完整的图片,他走近了一些。 ②I'll give you all the facts you can judge for yourself. 我把所有事实都告诉你,使你能自己作出判断。 in order that/ so that ---- 幻灯片 46up to (教材原句)It allows you to take photographs without a break for up to 6 hours. 它能让你不间断地连续拍照长达6个小时。 (1)(数量、程度等)达到;至多有 ①I can take up to four people in my car. 我的汽车最多能坐四个人。 (2)直到 ②She continued to care for her grandfather up to the time of his death. 她一直照顾她的祖父直到他去世。 3. ---- 幻灯片 47(3)能胜任;能适合 ③I'm afraid Li Ping is not up to the job. 恐怕李平不能胜任这项工作。 (4)正在做,从事着(尤指坏事) ④Go and see what these naughty boys . 去看看这些顽皮的孩子在搞什么名堂。 are up to ---- 幻灯片 48(5)是……的职责;由……决定 ⑤—Where shall we go to spend the weekend? ——我们在哪儿度过这个周末呢? — . ——由你决定。 ⑥It's up to all of us to try to solve the problems in our neighbourhoods. 我们大家都有责任解决我们街区的问题。 It's up to you ---- 幻灯片 49be/ get bored with ...对……感到厌倦 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句)Are you bored with wearing the same blue jeans every day? 你厌倦每天都穿同样的蓝色牛仔裤吗? (鲜活例句)The boy quickly got bored with staying indoors. 那男孩很快就在屋里待够了。 4. ---- 幻灯片 50(二)归纳拓展全析考点 ①A lot of things happening made me fed up with myself. 发生的许多事情使我讨厌我自己。 ②He is tired working for only $ 10 per hour. 他厌烦了每小时仅赚10美元的工作。 of ---- 幻灯片 51---- 幻灯片 52Ⅰ.介、副词填空 1.Every day they spend up three hours watching TV. 2.I bought it when it was sale, so I saved a lot of money. 3.She is quite satisfied the result. 4.People are fed with all these traffic jams. 5.I came three children sleeping under the bridge. to on with up across ---- 幻灯片 53(2011·天津高考)She ______ an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store. A.turned down B.dealt with C.took after D.came across 解析:选 。考查动词词组辨析。句意:昨天在商场购物的时候她偶然碰见她的一个老朋友。come across“(偶然)遇见,碰见”,符合句意。turn down“拒绝”; deal with“处理”; take after“与……像,追赶”。 D 1. Ⅱ.单项填空 ---- 幻灯片 54—Whose advice do you think I should take? —________. A.You get it B.Up to you C.Anyone you like D.You speak 解析:选 。句意:“你认为我该采纳谁的建 议?”“由你决定。”Up to you 是It's up to you“由你来决定”的省略形式。 2. B ---- 幻灯片 55________ into the college, he had to work hard at all the subjects, some of which he didn't like. A.In order to admit B.In order to be admitted C.So as to admit D.So as to be admitted 解析:选 。so as to同in order to都可表示目的,但前者不能位于句首,故排除C、D两项。由题意知应使用被动语态,故选B。 3. B ---- 幻灯片 56---- 幻灯片 57---- 幻灯片 58[句型展示] Also important are the sales targets - the amount which they think they will sell in a future period. 同样重要的是销售目标——他们认为他们在未来一个时期内将销售的数量。 [典例背诵] Present at the conference were experts from all over the world. 出席会议的是来自世界各地的专家。 1. ---- 幻灯片 59[句型展示] According to the publisher, readers do seem to be interested in this new novel. 据出版商说,读者的确好像是对这本新小说感兴趣。 [典例背诵] Do write to me when you get there. 你到那儿后务必给我来信。 2. ---- 幻灯片 60[句型展示] Four times as many people used our product last year. 去年有4倍之多的人使用我们的产品。 [典例背诵] He has five times as many books as I have. 他拥有的书是我的5倍。 3. ---- 幻灯片 61[句型展示] That is why we are considering designing a new package for our chocolate bar as well. 那就是我们也考虑为我们的巧克力产品设计一种新包装的原因。 [典例背诵] That is why I am not in favour of the plan. 那是我不赞成这个计划的理由。 4. ---- 幻灯片 62---- 幻灯片 63Also important are the sales targets — the amount which they think they will sell in a future period. 同样重要的是销售目标——他们认为他们在未来一个时期内将销售的数量。 句子结构分析: 1. ---- 幻灯片 64①Present at the conference were those who had made great contributions to the project. 出席会议的是那些对此项计划作出巨大贡献的人。 ②Crowded was the bus in the front of which were sitting quite a few children. 公共汽车坐满了人,前面坐着许多孩子。 ③ when Chinese people were looked down upon. 中国人民受歧视的日子一去不复返了。 Gone are the days ---- 幻灯片 65According to the publisher, readers do seem to be interested in this new novel. 根据出版商的说法,读者的确好像是对这本新小说很感兴趣。 (1)do 用在谓语动词之前,起强调作用。“do/does/did+动词原形”只能用于一般现在时和一般过去时的肯定句中,译为“确实,的确”。 ①“I do watch NBA games on television when I have time,” said President Xi Jinping. “有空的时候我的确在电视上看NBA篮球比赛,”习近平主席说。 2. ---- 幻灯片 66②I did meet him here yesterday. 我昨天确实在这里遇到他了。 在肯定句的祈使句中,句首的do用来加强语气,可译成“务必,一定要,千万”。 ③ be careful when driving! 开车时务必要当心! Do (2) ---- 幻灯片 67Four times as many people used our product last year. 去年有4倍之多的人使用了我们的产品。 句中使用了倍数表达法。表示倍数的常用句型: 3. ---- 幻灯片 68①Your room is three times as big as mine. 你的房间是我房间的三倍大。 ②A plane runs at least five times faster than a train. 飞机的速度至少比火车快五倍。 ③The new factory is of the old one. 新厂的规模是旧厂的五倍。 ④He eats twice what I eat. 他的食量是我的两倍。 five times the size ---- 幻灯片 69---- 幻灯片 701.This table is three times as big as that one. →This table is that one. →This table is of that one. 2.You must remember to take an umbrella when you are out. → to take an umbrella when you are out. 3.The reason why I was absent yesterday was that I had a bad cold. →I had a bad cold. I was absent yesterday. Ⅰ.句型转换 twice bigger than three times the size Do remember That's why ---- 幻灯片 71Ⅱ.单项填空 1.(2012·新课标全国卷)This restaurant wasn't ________ that other restaurant we went to. A.half as good as      B.as half good as C.as good as half D.good as half as 解析:选 。考查倍数表达法。句意:这家餐馆还没有 我们去过的其他餐馆的一半好呢。本题为倍数表达法之 一:倍数+as+adj.(原级)+as+比较成分。 A ---- 幻灯片 72(2010·四川高考)If you have a job, ________ yourself to it and finally you'll succeed. A.do devote B.don't devote C.devoting D.not devoting 解析:选 。考查特殊句型。本句为“祈使句+and+陈述句”句型;do是对谓语动词devote的强调。 2. A ---- 幻灯片 73In the bookcase ________ some books written by Lu Xun. A.is B.are C.being D.was 解析:选 。考查倒装句。句意:书橱里有几本鲁迅写的书。当表示地点的介词短语置于句首,谓语动词为不及物动词(多为sit, come, stand)或be时,句子要全部倒装。句中some books是主语,因此谓语动词应用复数形式。 3. B ---- 幻灯片 74 点此进入 ----
