幻灯片 1Unit 1 School life 学校生活 ---- 幻灯片 2话题之一——校园学习 三年6考 [2011全国卷Ⅰ]假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需书面预约,请按下列要点写一封信:1.本人简介;2.求助内容; 3.约定时间;4.你的联系方式(Email:lihua @1236.com;Phone:12345678)。 注意:词数100左右。 ---- 幻灯片 3Dear Sir/Madam, I’m Li Hua, a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university. I’m writing to ask for help. I came here last month and found my courses interesting. But I have some difficulties with note-taking and I have no idea of how to use the library. I was told the Learning Center provides help for students. I’m anxious to get help from it. I have no class on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons. Please let me know which day is OK with you. You may email or phone me. Here ---- 幻灯片 4are my email address and phone number: lihua @1236. com; 12345678. Look forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua ---- 幻灯片 51. 文章首先作自我介绍并说明写信意图和动机。接下来说明求助内容和约定时间,最后介绍自己的联系方式。本文要点齐全,符合试题要求。 2. 文章用词得体地道,行文流畅。 ①高级短语:have some difficulties with, have no idea of, be anxious to do. . . ②语篇过渡语:but, and ③多样性表达:taking summer courses, I was told. . . ④语言地道得体: be OK with. . . ---- 幻灯片 6【佳作习得】一句多译 我记笔记有困难。 1. ______________________________ 2. ____________________________ 3. __________________________________ I have difficulty with note-taking. I have difficulty in taking notes. It takes me great trouble to take notes. ---- 幻灯片 7 基础知识的掌握是形成语言能力的源头。本栏目内容在高考时虽不直接考查,但考题无不由此而生。感觉简单未必掌握,认为掌握未必精准。化主干梳理为习题训练,变知识再现为能力提升。训练式梳理,创新记忆模式,提升复习效果!高考成败,根基在此,不可小觑! ---- 幻灯片 8Ⅰ. 单词盘点 根据词性和汉语意思写出词汇 1. ______(vt. ) 获得;赚,挣得 2. ________ (n. &vt. ) 尊敬,敬重 3. _________(n. ) 文学 4. ________(adj. ) 一般的,普通的;平均的 5. ________ (n. ) 难事;斗争;努力 (vi. ) 奋斗,努力;挣扎 earn respect literature average struggle ---- 幻灯片 96. _____ (adj. ) 额外的,外加的 7. _____ (adj. ) 喜爱的,喜欢的 8. _________(n. &vt. ) 交换; 交流 9. _____(n. ) (书的)名称;(文章的)题目,篇名 10. _________(adv. ) 不知为什么;不知怎么地 11. ________(vt. ) 通知,告知 12. _____(n. ) 主持人;主人,东道主 extra fond exchange title somehow inform host ---- 幻灯片 1013. _______(n. ) 负责,掌管 (vt. ) 使承担责任;收费 14. __________ (vt. &n. ) 广播,播放 15. ______(n. ) (重要)事件;社交活动;比赛项目 16. __________(n. &vt. ) 经历,体验→___________ (adj. )有经验的 17. ______(vt. )致力于;献身→________(adj. )专心的;献身……的→_________(n. )忠实;奉献 charge broadcast event experience experienced devote devoted devotion ---- 幻灯片 1118. ___________(n. )满意→________(vt. )使……满意→________(adj. )满意的→___________(adj. )令人满意的 19. _________(vi. )毕业;(n. )毕业生→___________(n. )毕业 20. _________(vt. &vi)批准,通过;赞成, 同意→__________(n. )批准;赞成 21. ____________(n. )准备,筹备→___________(v.)准备→__________(adj. )准备好的 22. _______ (vt. )选择,挑选→_________(n. )选择 satisfaction satisfy satisfied satisfactory graduate graduation approve approval preparation prepare prepared select selection ---- 幻灯片 12【品词自测】根据所给词的适当形式填空 ①I had a rather unpleasant ___________at the dentist’s, and clearly the dentist was not ____________. (experience) ②Few people are able to _______themselves fully to their career. Once they are ________to it, their ________ must bring them a big success. (devote) experience experienced devote devoted devotion ---- 幻灯片 13③Tom has just __________with first-class honours in psychology. I regret not attending his ____________ceremony. (graduate) ④The government __________the plan of building a park, but I opposed the __________. (approve) ⑤_________for the interview, I closed the book and went into the kitchen in ____________for dinner. (prepare) graduated graduation approved approval Prepared preparation ---- 幻灯片 14Ⅱ. 短语回放 1. 过去常常做 ___________ 2. 想起 _________ 3. 免费 ________ 4. 喜爱,喜欢 ___________ 5. 对……满意 _______________ 6. 和……相邻 __________ used to do think of for free be fond of be happy with next to ---- 幻灯片 157. 为……奉献…… ______________ 8. 在……结束时 ______________ 9. 回忆,回顾 _______________ 10. 平均 ____________ 11. 使想起 ____________ 12. 首先 _____________ 13. 利用 ____________ devote. . . to. . . at the end of look back (on) on average bring back for one thing make use of ---- 幻灯片 1614. 通知某人某事 ________________ 15. 开放时间 _______________ 16. 负责, 掌管 ____________ 17. 超过;不仅仅 ___________ 18. 确保 __________ 19. 提出,想出 _____________ inform sb. of sth. opening hours in charge of more than make sure come up with ---- 幻灯片 17Ⅲ. 句式扫描 1. I found that the homework was not _____________________ _____________________(不像我原来所在的学校那么重). 2. __________________________________(虽然它看上去并不很漂亮) when it was finished, I still liked it very much. 3. ________________________(一完成学业), he started travelling in China. as heavy as what I used to get in my old school Though it did not look very beautiful Upon finishing his studies ---- 幻灯片 184. The more choices you have, ___________________________ (你的决定就越好). 5. I was a little nervous at first, but everyone was so nice and friendly ___________________________(以至于我很快就不再担心了). the better your decisions will be that I soon stopped worrying ---- 幻灯片 19【仿句自测】根据下面句式仿写句子 ①as. . . as. . . 像……一样 仿写:自从他出院后,他不再像以前那么冷酷了。 He is not as cruel as what he was since he went out of hospital. ②upon (doing) sth. . . . 一(做)……就…… 仿写:一到那儿,我们就开始打扫卫生。 Upon arriving there, we began to do some cleaning. ---- 幻灯片 20③the +比较级,the +比较级 越……, 越…… 仿写:你学习越努力,你取得的进步就越大。 The harder you work at your study, the greater progress you will make. ④so. . . that. . . 如此……以至于…… 仿写:这儿的风景如此美,以至于我无法用言语来描述。 The scenery here is so beautiful that it is beyond description. ---- 幻灯片 21 重难点知识的解读与透析是决胜高考的必经之路。本栏目涵盖重要单词、短语和句型,高考点拨见解独到,易错要点分析透彻;知识学习以互动式呈现,梳理科学系统,例句典型新颖,习题类型多样。要点在握,才能高考无忧! ---- 幻灯片 22---- 幻灯片 231. experience n. &vt. 经历,体验 (1)by/from experience 凭经验/从经验中 have experience in (doing) sth. 在(做)某事方面有经验 quite an unforgettable experience 一次非常难忘的经历 (2)experienced adj. 经验丰富的,有经验的 be experienced in 在……方面有经验 ---- 幻灯片 24①He ___ ______ __________ ___teaching English. 他有丰富的英语教学经验。 ②We need a man of rich experience in driving a truck. 我们需要一个驾驶卡车经验丰富的人。 has much experience in ---- 幻灯片 25③Surviving the earthquake was quite an unusual experience for him. 在地震中幸免于难对他来说是一次不同寻常的经历。 ④The Japanese have experienced much difficulty as a result of the earthquake. 由于那场地震,日本人民经历了很多困难。 ---- 幻灯片 26【点津】experience作“经验”讲时,为不可数名词;作“经历”讲时,为可数名词。 ---- 幻灯片 272. respect vt. 尊敬,敬重 n. 尊敬,敬重;方面 (1)respect sb. for sth. 因某事尊敬某人 respect sb. as. . . 尊某人为…… (2)have/show respect for sb. 对某人表示尊敬 earn/gain/win one’s respect 赢得某人的敬重 out of respect for sb. 出于对某人的尊敬 ---- 幻灯片 28①All respect Premier Wen for his loyalty and diligence. 大家都因温总理的忠诚和勤奋而尊敬他。 ②The new teacher soon won the respect of his students. 这位新老师很快就赢得了学生们的尊重。 ③I ____ _____ _______ ____his ideas, although I don’t agree with them. 我非常尊重他的想法,虽然我不赞成它们。 have great respect for ---- 幻灯片 293. devote vt. 致力于;献身 devote oneself to (doing) sth. 献身于(做)某事;专心于 (做)某事 devote one’s time/energy to 在……花费时间/精力 be devoted to 献身于;专心于 ---- 幻灯片 30①She devoted herself to helping homeless children. 她致力于帮助无家可归的孩子们。 ②He devoted all his spare time to helping his students with their English. 他把所有的业余时间都用来帮助他的学生学英语。 ---- 幻灯片 31③Completely _______ ___the people, he gave his life in saving his patients. 他忠于人民, 把毕生精力用于挽救患者的生命。 【想一想】高考写作中经常出现“专注于做某事”的表达,你还能想到其他的同义短语吗? devoted to ---- 幻灯片 32【拓展延伸】 表示“专注于做某事”的同义短语有: apply oneself to; focus on; bury oneself in/be buried in; fix one’s attention on; be involved in; be absorbed in ---- 幻灯片 334. average adj. 一般的,普通的;平均的 n. 平均 v. 求(某事物的)平均数; 平均 an average of. . . ……的平均数 above/below average 在平均之上/下 on average 按平均值,平均说来,一般说来 ---- 幻灯片 34①____ ________the machine turns out one bottle every two seconds. 这台机器平均每两秒钟生产1只瓶子。 ②The average age of the students is 19. 学生们的平均年龄是19岁。 ③Each day an average of nearly one million copies of the book are sold. 每天这本书的平均销售量将近一百万册。 On average ---- 幻灯片 35【真题链接】 [2010江西,35]Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200, 000, a(n)______of 40, 000 per year. A. average B. number C. amount D. quantity 【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。句意:去年拿到驾照的毕业生数量达到了20万,平均每年4万。an average of. . . ……的平均数,符合句意。 ---- 幻灯片 365. struggle n. 难事;斗争,努力 vi. 奋斗;努力,挣扎 ①We must struggle against/with this prejudice for a more tolerant attitude to our beliefs. 我们必须努力克服这种偏见, 从而在信仰上采取更为宽容的态度。 ---- 幻灯片 37②John struggled to pass his final examination. 约翰努力拼搏以通过期末考试。 ③It was a struggle for her to make him understand. 使他明白对她来说真是件费劲的事。 ---- 幻灯片 38【归纳】struggle against/with. . . for. . . _____________________ struggle to do _______ a struggle ____________ 为了……和……作斗争 努力做 一件难事 ---- 幻灯片 396. inform vt. 通知,告知 (1)inform sb. of/about sth. 通知某人……,告诉某人…… inform sb. that/wh- 通知某人…… (2)informed adj. 有知识的,见闻广的;了解情况的 keep sb. informed of. . . 随时告知某人…… ---- 幻灯片 40①You ought to inform the police of/about that man who’s been hiding in the bushes outside your gate. 那人一直藏在你门外的灌木丛中, 你应该把这情况告诉警察。 ②Can you inform me when to begin our final examination? 你能告诉我什么时候开始我们的期末考试吗? ③Keep me ________ ________ what happens. 有事随时通知我。 informed of/about ---- 幻灯片 41【想一想】inform不可以直接带双宾语,而是借助介词of或about,再接直接宾语。你还知道哪些单词有类似用法? 【拓展延伸】 warn sb. of sth. 警告某人当心某事 rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人的某物 rid sb. of sth. 使某人摆脱某事 ---- 幻灯片 42cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人的疾病;矫正某人的不良行为 remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人想起某事 convince sb. of sth. 使某人确信某事 accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人某事 suspect sb. of sth. 怀疑某人某事 ---- 幻灯片 437. approve vt. &vi. 批准, 通过;赞成, 同意 (1)approve sth. 批准/通过某事 approve of sth. /doing sth. 赞成(做某事) (2)approval n. 批准;赞成 ---- 幻灯片 44①I _______ __ your earning some money, but please don’t neglect your studies. 我同意你去挣一些钱, 可是请不要误了功课。 ②The minister approved the building plan. 部长批准了该建筑计划。 ③She looked at her son in approval. 她赞同地看着她儿子。 approve of ---- 幻灯片 458. charge n. 负责,掌管 vt. 使承担责任;收费 (1)in charge of 负责……,管理…… in/under the charge of. . . /in sb. ’s charge 在……的掌管下,由……负责 take charge of 控制,掌管;承担责任 free of charge 免费 ---- 幻灯片 46(2)charge sb. (money)for sth. 为某事收取某人(费用) charge sb. with sth. 指控某人某事 ---- 幻灯片 47①How much do you charge me for the two books? 买这两本书你要价多少? 句型转换 ②He was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away. =The shop was left _______ ___ ______ __ him while the manager was away. 经理不在时, 他负责这个商店。 in/under the charge of ---- 幻灯片 48③She accused me of neglecting my duty. =She _______ __ ____ neglecting my duty. 她指控我玩忽职守。 charged me with ---- 幻灯片 49【熟词生义】根据语境选择最佳汉语意思 She drove the car round the block to charge its batteries. A. 收费   B. 给……充电   C. 购买 答案:B ---- 幻灯片 509. preparation n. 准备,筹备 be in preparation for sth. make preparations for sth. /to do sth. 为……做准备 (2)prepare vt. 准备,预备;筹备;调制; 为……做准备 prepare one’s lessons 准备功课 prepare for. . . 为……做准备 prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 (1) ---- 幻灯片 51(3)prepared adj. 准备好的;有所准备的 be (well)prepared for sth. /to do sth. 对(做)某事有(充分的)准备 ---- 幻灯片 52①The country is making preparations for war. 该国正进行备战。 ②They’ve sold their house and car in preparation for leaving the country. 他们卖掉了房子和汽车准备出国。 ---- 幻灯片 53③My mother was _________ ______ while my father was _________ __ _______ . 母亲正在做晚饭而父亲正在做吃晚饭的 准备工作。 preparing supper preparing for supper ---- 幻灯片 5410. used to do过去常常做 ①Life here is much easier than it used to be. 如今在此地生活比起从前可舒服多了。 ---- 幻灯片 55【辨析】理解下列区别并选词填空 指过去常常做某事(常暗指现在不做了)。 指习惯于做某事。 被动结构,意为“被用来做某事”。 ---- 幻灯片 56②I _______ go to bed very early, but now I stay up late often because I have ____________ working at night. ③The game _____________ teach students in the school now. used to been used to is being used to ---- 幻灯片 5711. look back (on) 回忆, 回顾 He looked back with regret on the serious mistakes he had made. 他回顾自己所犯的严重错误,深感悔恨。 ---- 幻灯片 58【拓展】补全下列look短语 look ____________ 瞧不起,轻视 look _________ 盼望,期待 look _____ 尊敬 look ____ 调查,研究 look ______ 小心 down on/upon forward to up to into out for ---- 幻灯片 5912. bring back使想起;归还;使恢复 ①The smell of the flower brings back her memories. 花香唤起了她对往事的回忆。 ②If you don’t like the dress you bought,you can always bring it back. 如果你不喜欢你买的衣服,你随时都可以退回来。 ---- 幻灯片 60【拓展】翻译以下短语 bring about ____________ bring up ____________ bring out _____________ 导致,造成 养育;提出 使显现;引起 ---- 幻灯片 6113. make sure确保,保证;搞清楚,弄明白 ①I will get to the airport as early as possible to make sure that I can meet Liu Xiang who will return home. 我要尽可能早地赶到机场以确保能见到将要回家的刘翔。 ---- 幻灯片 62【辨析】理解下列区别并选词填空 sb. be sure of /about sth. /that-clause 某人对……确信,有把握;sb. be sure to do sth. 某人肯定要做某事。 certain的用法和sure相同,但是在句型:It is certain that. . . 中一般用certain而不能用sure。 make sure 后跟that 从句或of短语。 ---- 幻灯片 63②_________ that our television is in good condition. The match of the Super Girl will be held tonight and I _______ of my idol’s success. ______ to tell Tom about the news who is also crazy about the match. Make sure am sure Be sure ---- 幻灯片 6414. come up with提出,想出(计划、方案等);拿出(一笔钱等) ①The teacher asked who could come up with a good solution to this problem. 老师问谁能想出一个解决这个问题的好办法。 ②How soon can you come up with the money? 你什么时候能拿出这笔钱? ---- 幻灯片 65【拓展】写出以下短语 __________ 发生,产生 __________ 遇见;偶然发现 __________ 来吧,赶快;开始 __________ 走近;升起;长出;被提出 come about come across come on come up ---- 幻灯片 6615. Though it did not look very beautiful when it was finished, I still liked it very much. 尽管完工之后它看上去并不很漂亮,但我仍然非常喜欢它。 本句though引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管,虽然”。 ---- 幻灯片 67(1)though作副词,意为“但是,然而”,常用于句末; (2)though作连词,引导让步状语从句,从句位于主句前后或句中;同although一样,though引导的从句不能与but,however连用,但可与yet,still连用; (3)though引导的从句可以用倒装结构,即把从句中的表语、状语或动词提前,相当于as引导让步状语从句时的用法; (4)though引导的从句的结构中若含有系动词be,且从句主语与主句主语一致,那么可以省略从句的主语和系动词。 ---- 幻灯片 68①He said he would come; he didn’t, though. 他说他要来,然而他却没来。 ②Young though she is, yet she is fit for the job. 她尽管年轻,却很适合这份工作。 ③Though he is alone, he is happy. (句型转换) =______ _____ , he is happy. 尽管独自一人,但他很幸福。 Though alone ---- 幻灯片 69【真题链接】 [2011全国卷Ⅱ, 19] It was a nice meal, ______ a little expensive. A. though   B. whether   C. as   D. since 【解析】选A。考查连词。句意:尽管有点贵,但这是一顿美餐。though表示转折,意为“尽管”;whether表示“是否”;as表示“当……时候”,“正如”等;since表示“自从……以来”。根据句意选择A项。 ---- 幻灯片 7016. Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China. 一完成学业,他就开始在中国旅行。 upon/on +n. /doing表示“一……就……”,相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句。 ---- 幻灯片 71“一……就……”的表达法归纳如下: upon/on +n. /doing; as soon as +从句; the moment/minute/second/instant +从句; immediately/instantly/directly +从句; no sooner. . . than. . . ; hardly. . . when. . . 。 ---- 幻灯片 72他一进入房间电话铃就响了。(判断正误) ①Hardly had he got into the room when the telephone rang. (  ) ②No sooner he had got into the room when the telephone rang. (  ) ③Upon getting into the room, he heard the telephone ringing. (  ) ④The moment he got into the room, and the telephone rang. (  ) √ × √ × ---- 幻灯片 7317. I was a little nervous at first, but everyone was so nice and friendly that I soon stopped worrying. 我开始有点紧张,但每一个人都如此善良和友好以至于我很快就不再担心了。 so/such. . . that. . . 引导结果状语从句,意为“如此……以至于……” ---- 幻灯片 74(1)so/such. . . that. . . 通常用来引导结果状语从句。此句型中,so后接形容词或副词;such后接可数名词或不可数名词。搭配如下: such +a/an +adj. +单数名词+that. . . so +adj. + a/an +单数名词+that. . . so many/few+复数名词+that. . . so much/little(少)+不可数名词+that. . . (2)当so/such. . . that结构中的so/such位于句首时,句子要部分倒装。 ---- 幻灯片 75①So clever is the boy that he could write when 3 years old. However, he spends so much of his time in front of TV that he hardly has enough time to study. 这个男孩如此聪明以至于3岁就能写字。但是他在电视机前花的时间太多,以至于他几乎没有足够的时间用来学习。 ②The Great Wall is ____ __ well-known tourist attraction ____ millions of people pour in every year. 长城是如此闻名的旅游胜地,以致每年有上百万的人慕名而来。 such a that ---- 幻灯片 76【点津】由于考生对so/such. . . that. . . 句型非常熟悉,往往受思维定势的影响落入命题人设置的陷阱中。注意此句型中的that句子表结果。如果不是表示结果,就不能用that。例如: [2008福建,28]Nancy enjoyed herself so much when she visited her friends in Sydney last year. 去年在悉尼拜访朋友时,南希玩得高兴极了。 [2009重庆,27]Peter was so excited when he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing. 当彼得收到朋友请他到重庆参观的邀请时,他非常兴奋。 ---- 幻灯片 77【想一想】so that句型可以引导结果状语从句,它也可以引导目的状语从句。能否举例说明两者的不同? ---- 幻灯片 78【拓展延伸】 (1) so that 可以引导目的状语从句,意为“以便,为了”,此时,可用 in order that 从句来替换。这种从句的谓语动词一般要和情态动词 can / could, may / might 等连用。例如: He worked hard so that he could finish his work in time. =He worked hard in order that he could finish his work in time. 他工作很努力,以便能及时完成工作。 ---- 幻灯片 79(2) so that引导结果状语从句时,意为“结果是……”,“以至于……”,一般不与情态动词连用,有时可用逗号与主句隔开,有时则不用。这种从句可用 so. . . that. . . 从句来转换。例如: It rained hard yesterday so that we had to stay at home. =It rained so hard yesterday that we had to stay at home. 昨天雨下得很大,以至于我们不得不待在家里。 ---- 幻灯片 80(3)so that引导的目的状语从句可以简化成“in order to 或 so as to + 动词原形”。例如: I went over what I had learnt again and again so that I wouldn’t make any mistakes in the exam. =I went over what I had learnt again and again in order not to(so as not to) make any mistakes in the exam. 我反复复习我所学过的知识,以便于在考试中不出错。 ---- 幻灯片 81(1)not a bit与not a little的区别 (2)more than的多种含义 (3)“the+比较级,the+比较级”的用法 (4)for one thing如何用来列举事实 ---- 幻灯片 821. I have already known their marriage, so I am ______ surprised at the news that they are married. A. not a little B. not a bit C. very much D. greatly 【解析】选B。考查短语。a bit意为“一点点”,not a bit意为“一点也不”,而not a little意为“许多,非常”。句意:我已经知道了他们的婚姻情况了。所以,听到他们结婚的消息我一点也不吃惊。 ---- 幻灯片 832. When people say no, you can just accept it and move on. Don’t make a “no” mean ______ it does. A. less than B. other than C. more than D. rather than 【解析】选C。考查短语辨析。句意:当人们说“不”的时候,你就只是接受它,继续前行。不要使得“不”的含义超出它应有的意思。more than多于,超出,符合句意。less than少于;other than除……以外,不同于;rather than而不是,均不合题意。 ---- 幻灯片 843. ______ you look at the painting, ______ you’ll like it. A. The long; the much B. The longer; the more C. The more long; the more D. The more long; the much 【解析】选B。考查“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构。句意:你看这幅画的时间越长,你就越喜欢它。 ---- 幻灯片 854. China is a great country. For one thing, she has a long history; ______ , she is developing rapidly in her own way. A. on the other B. the second C. for another D. for other thing 【解析】选C。考查连接词用法。for one thing. . . ; for another (thing), 一方面,……;另一方面,……,用来列举理由。 ---- 幻灯片 86---- 幻灯片 87基础指导(一)——五种基本句型   1. 主语(S)+谓语(不及物动词V)   此句型的共同特点为:句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思,这类动词叫做不及物动词, 后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等。   ①He went on holiday. 他去度假了。   ②The pen writes smoothly. 这支笔写起来很流畅。 ---- 幻灯片 88  2. 主语(S)+谓语(及物动词V)+宾语(O)   此句型的共同特点是:谓语动词都具有实义, 都是主语产生的动作, 但不能表达完整的意思, 必须跟有一个宾语, 即动作的承受者, 才能使意思完整,这类动词叫做及物动词。作宾语的可以为:名词、代词、动词不定式、疑问词+动词不定式、动词的-ing 形式和从句。   ①My sister is writing a letter at this moment.   我妹妹此刻正在写一封信。   ②Our teacher promised to see the movie with me.   我们老师答应和我去看电影。 ---- 幻灯片 89  3. 主语(S)+谓语(系动词V)+表语(P)   此句型的共同特点是:谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思, 必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语, 才能表达完整的意思,这类动词叫做系动词。除了be动词外,还有一些动词也可以用作系动词: ---- 幻灯片 90  (1)表感官的动词:feel, smell, taste, sound, look, appear等。   (2)表转变、变化的动词:become, get,grow, turn, go等。   (3)表延续的动词:remain, keep, hold, stay, rest 等。   (4)表瞬间的动词:come, fall, set, cut, occur 等。   ①This is an English-Chinese dictionary. 这是一本英汉词典。   ②The dinner smells good. 晚饭闻起来不错。 ---- 幻灯片 91  4. 主语(S)+谓语(及物动词V)+间接宾语(IO)+直接宾语(DO)     此句型的共同特点为:谓语动词必须跟有两个宾语才能表达完整的意思, 这两个宾语一个是动作的直接承受者, 另一个是动作的间接承受者,后接双宾语的动词有:   (1)do, give, hand, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, send, show, tell, wish, write等。   (2)buy, choose, fetch, bring, get, leave, make, order, play, save, sing, spare等。 ---- 幻灯片 92  ①He brought you a dictionary. 他给你买了一本词典。   ②She cooked her husband a delicious meal. 她为她丈夫做了一顿美味的饭。   ③I showed him my pictures. 我给他看了我的照片。   通常情况下间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后;有时也可把间接宾语置于直接宾语后,此时间接宾语前需加介词for或to。间接宾语后置与for连用的动词有buy, make, cook, get, choose, sing, find等。   间接宾语后置与to连用的动词有give, lend, teach, take, return, send, pass等。 ---- 幻灯片 93  5. 主语(S)+谓语(及物动词V)+宾语(O)+宾语补足语(OC)   此句型的共同特点是:动词虽然是及物动词, 但是只跟一个宾语还不能表达完整的意思, 必须加上一个补充成分来补足宾语, 才能使意思完整。可以作宾语补足语的为:名词、形容词、介词短语、动词不定式、分词、从句等。   ①I heard my name called. 我听见有人喊我的名字。   ②I felt something moving. 我感到有东西在动。 ---- 幻灯片 94Ⅰ. 请判断下列简单句的类型 1. He looked unhappy at that time. (    ) 2. He lost the money on his way home. (    ) 3. Mr Wang taught us English last year. (      ) 4. The time passed quickly. (  ) 5. We are making our country more and more beautiful. (      ) S+V+P S+V+O S+V+IO+DO S+V S+V+O+OC ---- 幻灯片 95Ⅱ. 请改正下列句子中的错误 1. Please speak louder so that everybody can listen you. (      ) 2. Great changes have been taken place in the city. (    ) 3. Listen! Someone knocking at the door. (          ) listen→hear 去掉been knocking→is knocking ---- 幻灯片 964. He told me don’t call him before 9 o’clock. (      ) 5. Do your parents allow you make your own decision? (       ) don’t→not to make→to make ---- 幻灯片 97Ⅲ. 翻译下列句子 1. 这故事听起来很有趣。 The story sounds very interesting. 2. 我们只能给你腾出一个房间。 We can only spare one room for you. 3. 在业余时间我喜欢听流行音乐和收集邮票。 In my spare time I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps. ---- 幻灯片 984. 在我14岁生日时,爸爸给我买了一辆新自行车。 On my 14th birthday, Father bought me a new bike. 5. 我注意到凯特在图书馆里看书。 I noticed Kate reading in the library. ---- 幻灯片 99----
