幻灯片 1Module 5 A lesson in a Lab Cultural corner ---- 幻灯片 2Cultural Corner ---- 幻灯片 3Chinese physics history chemistry English geography math biology politics P.E. music art…zx xk ---- 幻灯片 4Discussion ---- 幻灯片 51. What subjects are you interested in? 2. Are you always interested in it/them? 3. How did you become interested init/them? 4. Why are you interested in it/them? 5. What do you think of science ? ---- 幻灯片 6---- 幻灯片 7America's Great Inventor He had a major effect on the lives of people around the world. Thomas Edison is remembered most for the electric light, his phonograph and his work with motion pictures. Zx xk ---- 幻灯片 8---- 幻灯片 9 ? ---- 幻灯片 10Language points ---- 幻灯片 11Used to 过去(常常)… 两种否定形式和疑问形式: 直接使用used, 借助于助动词did 否定形式:used not to do (usedn’t to do) did not use to do (didn’t use to do) 疑问形式:Used+主语+to+动词原形? Did+主语+use+to+动词原形? ---- 幻灯片 121.Mother used to tell us stories at bedtime when we were children. 2.You will soon be/get used to living here. 3.This room is used to store rice. ---- 幻灯片 13used to do sth 表示过去常常做某事(但现在不做了) be used to (doing) sth 习惯于(to为介词) be used to do sth 被用来做某事(被动语态) ---- 幻灯片 14The science facilities are very good, with laboratories that have all the latest equipment. 这些科研设备非常好,实验室配有最新的设备。 with在此句中意为“带有……”, 其引导的短语对句子作附加说明。 that have all the latest equipment 为定语从句, 修饰laboratories. xk ---- 幻灯片 15lecture n.演讲 讲课 v.作演讲 讲课 lecturer 例句:I noted down the lecture. 我记下演讲内容. I am going to lecture to my students today. 今天我要给学生们讲课. ---- 幻灯片 16attend/have a lecture 听讲座 give a lecture 作讲座 Lecture on sth 作关于…的演讲 ---- 幻灯片 171.She lectures on modern art. 她讲授现代艺术. 2.He attended/had a lecture on American literature yesterday. 他昨天去听了一场有关美国文学的讲座. 3.She gave a very interesting lecture on art. 她以艺术为题发表了一场有趣的演说. ---- 幻灯片 18The fact is, Canada has many first-class scientists. 事实是加拿大有许多一流的科学家。 first-class为形容词, 意为“第一流; 最好的; 最优秀的”。 如: They can afford to eat at first-class restaurants. She got first-class results in her exams. ---- 幻灯片 19The Nobel Prize is the highest prize there is, so we should be very proud of that. 诺贝尔奖是目前科学方面的最高奖, 因此我们感到骄傲。 there is为定语从句, 在句中修饰prize ---- 幻灯片 20be proud of 意为“为……感到骄傲” take pride in (pride是名词) proud作形容词, “骄傲的,自豪的” ,后接不定式,还可以与of连用,或接that从句zx xk ---- 幻灯片 211.I’m proud to be your friend 我为是你的朋友而自豪. 2.We are proud of our great motherland. 我们为我们伟大的祖国而自豪. 3.We are proud that we have won every game this year. 我们为今年我们赢得了每一场比赛而自豪. ---- 幻灯片 22the Nobel Prize 诺贝尔奖  诺贝尔奖 (Nobel Prize) 创立于1901年,它是根据瑞典著名化学家、炸药发明人阿尔弗雷德·贝恩哈德·诺贝尔 的遗嘱以其部分遗产作为基金创立的 . 诺贝尔奖自1901年颁发以来,陆续有华人获得诺贝尔科学奖,他们分别是李政道、杨振宁、丁肇中等. ---- 幻灯片 23短语:be supposed to 应当,理应 例句:Customers are not supposed to smoke here. 顾客不可以在这里抽烟. ---- 幻灯片 24 You are supposed to pay the bill by Friday. 你最晚在星期五结清这笔帐。 ---- 幻灯片 25Department n.(大学的)科,系, 部门 He is a professor in our department. 他是我们系的一位教授. She works in the sales department.她在销售部工作. ---- 幻灯片 26astonished adj.吃惊的 常以人作主语 astonishing adj.令人惊讶的 常以事物作主语  astonish vt. 使十分惊讶 ---- 幻灯片 27搭配: be astonished to do sth 对做某事感到惊讶 be astonished by/at      对..感到惊讶 ---- 幻灯片 28例句:Iwas astonished to see him here. 看到他在这里我感到很吃惊. I was astonished by/at the great progress that he had made. Zx xk 我对他取得的进步感到很惊讶.     ---- 幻灯片 29----
