2013年高考第二轮复习英语湖北版 专题升级训练十八 完成句子(一) (一) (2012华中师大一附中五月适应) 1.______________ a heavy traffic jam while you are hurrying to the airport is quite an unpleasant experience.(catch) 赶往机场时,遭遇交通堵塞是很不快的经历。 2.In our class there are 50 students,two thirds of them ______________ Wuhan or living near Wuhan.(come) 我们班有50名学生,三分之二来自武汉或武汉周边。 3.The hottest topic of this month is the 76episode drama series “Legend of Zhen Huan”______________ a novel of the same name by Liu Lianzi .(adapt) 本月最热门的话题是根据流潋紫同名小说改编的76集电视连续剧《甄嬛传》。 4.As the College Entrance Examination is in sight,we teachers feel ______________ you students.(relax) 高考临近,我们老师并不比你们学生感到轻松。 5.______________ you have set foot on the Great Wall that you can consider yourself a truly brave man.(until) 不到长城非好汉。 6.______________ it is that Wuhan Happy Valley has been open to the public since April 29th!(inspire) 武汉欢乐谷自4月29日开始对公众开放,这是多么激动人心的消息啊! 7.A growing number of people express a strong desire ______________ another job to get more money to support their family.(take) 越来越多的人表达了想从事另外的工作以赚取更多的钱来补贴家用的强烈愿望。 8.Teachers are trying to make ______________ the importance of a deep breath and a balanced mind in face of exams.(aware) 老师们正努力让学生了解面临考试时深呼吸以及保持一种平常心的重要性。 9.Luckily,the accident didn't result in any death,nor ______________ any injuries.(cause) 幸运的是这场事故没有造成死亡也没有造成伤害。 10.Our boss ______________ a raise in salary for ages,but nothing has happened yet.(promise) 我们老板一直许诺加薪好些年了,可到现在什么动静也没有。 (二) (2012武汉二月调研) 1.Seldom ______________ each other any more though we studied and lived in the same town.(see) 即使我们生活、学习在同一城市,我们也很少碰面。 2.Could you possible let us know ______________?(as) 你一决定了,请尽快告诉我们好吗? 3.______________,and you can see Mt.Baker hard against the Canadian border.(look) 朝另一方向看,你可以看到紧靠着加拿大边界的贝克山。 4.In space the astronauts will have to face the circumstances ______________ on the earth.(train) 在太空,航天员将不得不面对他们在地球上训练时的情形。 5.“I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that ______________ just the length of it.I want to have lived the width of it as well.” (live) “我不想在生命终结的时候才发现我只活了生命的长度,我也想要一并活出生命的宽度。” 6.“If China saw social and economic confusion,then ______________ a disaster for the world,” said Wen Jiabao.(be) “如果中国经济和社会出现问题,将会给世界带来灾难。”温家宝说。 7.By May 2008,the World Bank was estimating that 100 million people ______________ subsistence poverty due to food inflation in the first quarter of that year.(push) 世界银行估计到2008年第一季度由于粮食价格的飞涨,有1亿人口陷入勉强维持生存的贫困。 8.I tell you in winter when there's no baseball,I stare out the window,______________.(wait) 告诉你吧,在没有棒球的冬天,我就盯着窗外,等待春天的到来。 9.Kelly was born in China and grew up there.______________ she knows so much about China!(wonder) 凯莉在中国出生长大。难怪她对中国知道得这么多! 10.______________ in face of danger matters much in case of emergency.(stay) 在紧急情况下,面对危险我们应该保持镇静,这点至关重要。 (三) 1.Make a comparison and you will find that the same shirt in this clothing store ______________ as in that shopping mall.(cost) 比较一下你就会发现,同样的衬衫在这家服装店比那家购物中心的贵两倍。 2. ______________ many times,cultivating diverse interests is of great importance to your career development in the future.(stress) 培养多种兴趣对你们今后的职业发展非常重要,这一点已强调过多次。 3.He knows so much about this problem!He ______________ a lot of books.(refer) 他对于这个问题知道得这么多,他一定是翻阅了大量的书。 4.Jack was so worried about the drowning dog that the dived into the lake ______________.(stop) 杰克非常担心那条溺水的狗,还没等人来得及拦住他,就纵身跃入湖中。 5.Meteorologists were trying to find out ____________ contributed to bitter cold weather in Europe at the beginning of 2012.(it) 气象学家正努力弄清到底是什么造成了2012年年初欧洲的严寒天气。 6.With ______________,we should take relative measures immediately to ensure that our goals can be achieved successfully.(clarify) 形势已澄清,我们应当立即采取相应的措施来确保我们的目标能够成功实现。 7.The newly-built hospital is reported ____________the latest instruments made in the USA.(equip) 据报道新建的医院配备了美国生产的最新设备。 8.Though a lot of difficulties are awaiting me,I wish I ______________ the new environment as soon as possible.(adapt) 尽管我面临许多困难,我还是希望能够尽快适应新环境。 9.Honestly speaking,I have no idea ______________ the driving test at the first attempt.(pass) 说实话,我不知道我是否能够在驾驶考试中一次过关。 10.Only when he thought of his lovely daughter ______________ a little relieved during the hard days.(feel) 在那艰苦的岁月里,只有想到他那可爱的女儿,他才感到些许欣慰。 (四) 1.Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours ______________ a decision.(reach) 在讨论这个问题几个小时后他们才作出一个决定。 2.Although he has got a doctor's degree,____________ whether he is equal to the job.(remain) 尽管他获得了博士学位,但他是否胜任这个工作还有待观察。 3.It was ______________ this morning that made the boss so angry.(come) 是因为他今天早上来晚了才使老板如此生气。 4.Alex was listening attentively to the lecture by professor Smith,all his attention ______________.(fix) 艾利克斯在专心致志听史密斯教授的演讲,他所有的注意力都集中在上面。 5.The products produced by Apple,especially iPhone 4,______________ in the US and have a good market internationally.(sell) 苹果公司生产的产品尤其是iPhone 4在美国很畅销,在国际上有良好的市场。 6. ______________ is that China is playing a more and more important role in the world.(know) 众所周知,中国在世界上正扮演着越来越重要的角色。 7.Had it not been for the fact ______________,I wouldn't have won the first prize in the English Writing Competition.(help) 要不是我的老师帮我,我就不会再在英语作文竞赛中获一等奖。 8.The 30th Olympic Games has been held in London,from July 27 to August 12,2012,______________ all athletes competed for medals.(during) 第三十届奥运会已于2012年7月27日至8月12日在伦敦举行,在此期间所有的运动员都为奖牌而战。 9.Frank insisted that ______________ although I had great difficulty in waking him up.(fall) 尽管我很费力才把他弄醒,弗兰克坚持说没睡着。 10.(2012武汉统招适应)I believed then,and I believe now,that the agreement ______________.(work) 我当时相信,至今仍然相信,这个协定本来是可行的。 (五) (2012湖北八校二次联考) 1.We had a very pleasant chat yesterday,reviewing those young and innocent days spent together.You know,we ______________ for nearly 20 years.(meet) 昨天我们相谈甚欢,回顾了一起度过的青葱岁月。要知道,我们几乎20年没见面了。 2.Jenny happened ______________ my phone number in the directory when I dropped in at her house.(look) 当我偶然到珍妮家串门时,她正巧在电话簿上查我的号码。 3.You can hardly imagine ______________ he has made in such a short time!(progress) 你简直难以想象他在这么短的时间内取得了多么大的进步! 4.The number of people infected with HIV may reach 50 million by 2020 ______________ to prevent the spread of the disease.(measure) 除非采取有效措施来遏制传播,否则到2020年,感染艾滋病病毒的人数可能达到五千万。 5.We treasured very much the chance of ____________ by the GM face to face.(interview) 我们非常珍惜这次由总经理亲自面试的机会。 6.The better prepared you are for the performance,____________ for you to suffer from a stage fright.(possible) 你为表演准备得越充分,怯场的可能就会越小。 7.You needn't ______________ all the calculations!We have a computer to do that sort of things.(do) 你本不必做这些计算。我们可以用电脑来做。 8.From the point of experts,it is not advertising's use of the housewife role ______________ women,but the way it is handled.(bother) 从专家的角度看,令女性不快的不是广告使用了家庭主妇这一角色,而是对待这一角色的方式。 9.This grand theater,part of ______________ a field hospital for 3 years during the war,is expected to be restored to its original splendor.(serve) 这座大剧院有望得以修复,重塑昔日风华。它的一部分在战争期间还曾做过三年的战地医院呢。 10. ______________ a red card,which reads “For Your 18th Birthday”.(attach) 附在盒子上的是一张红色卡片,写着“祝贺你18岁生日”。 (六) (2012武汉供题二) 1.As reliable parents,they never ______________ give their son what he is promised.(fail) 作为可信赖的父母,他们从不食言给儿子他们已经答应过的东西。 2.You can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had ______________ her children.(bring) 你几乎想象不到那位妇女在养育孩子时所遇到的艰辛。 3.I arrived late and missed the flight.I ______________ the traffic to be so heavy.(expect) 我到达晚了,错过了航班。我没有想到交通会如此拥挤。 4.Professor Smith keeps telling his students that the future ______________ the well-educated.(belong) 史密斯教授不断地告诉他的学生,未来属于那些受过良好教育的人。 5.Everyone wants to live in a beautiful,comfortable and “livable” place,but not all know ________________.(where) 大家都想住在一个优美、舒适并适宜居住的地方,但并非所有人都知道它在哪里。 6. ______________ is nothing but an interesting book,one that can kill the time tonight.(need) 我需要的只是一本有趣的书,一本今晚可以消磨时间的书。 7.People who seldom do sports or ______________ in fat will put on weight quickly.(diet) 很少进行体育活动或其饮食中脂肪含量高的人会很快增加体重。 8.Kate is now wearing a satisfied look.She ________________the speech successfully.(deliver) 此刻凯特一脸的满足,她的演讲肯定成功了。 9.I finally got the job I dreamed about.Never in all my life ______________ so happy.(feel) 我最终找到了我梦想的工作。我一生从来没有这样高兴过。 10.It was because he would get the chance to travel ______________ work as a tour guide.(want) 就是因为能有机会去旅行,他才想当导游的。 参考答案 专题升级训练十八 完成句子(一) (一) 1.Being caught in 2.coming from 3.(which/that is) adapted from 4.no more relaxed than 5.It is not until 6.What (a piece of ) inspiring news 7.that they (should) take (up)/to take (up) 8.students aware of 9.did it cause 10.has been promising (us) (二) 1.did we see 2.as soon as you decide 3.Look in another direction 4.under/in which they are/have been trained 5.I have lived 6.it would be 7.had been pushed into 8.waiting for spring 9.(It's) No wonder 10.That we should stay clam (三) 1.costs twice as much 2.As has been stressed 3.must have referred to 4.before anyone could stop him 5.what it was that 6.the situation clarified 7.to have been equipped with 8.could adapt to 9.whether I can pass 10.did he feel (四) 1.did they reach 2.it remains to be seen 3.his coming late或that he came late 4.fixed on/upon it 5.sell very well 6.What is known to us all或What we all know 7.that my teacher helped me 8.during which time 9.he hadn't fallen asleep 10.would/could have worked (五) 1.hadn't met (each other) 2.to be looking up 3.what great progress 4.unless effective measures are taken 或 if effective measures are not taken 5.being interviewed 6.the less possible it will be 7.have done 8.that bothers 9.which served as 10.Attached to the box is (六) 1.fail to 2.bringing up 3.hadn't expected 4.belongs to 5.where it is 6.What I need 7.whose diet is high 8.must have delivered 9.had I felt 10.that he wanted to 高考资源网 w。w-w*k&s%5¥u 高考资源网 w。w-w*k&s%5¥u
