Ⅰ.品句填词 1.The fans ____________ (涌出) out of the stadium cheering wildly. 答案:poured 2.The new technology will be ____________(应用到) to the production. 答案:applied 3.If you come to the hospital,you will be ____________ (治疗) in a good service. 答案:treated 4.The blouse is too ____________ (紧的) and please change a larger size for me. 答案:tight 5.I don’t run on the street because it’s high-impact exercise.Every time I run,my knees ____________(肿). 答案:swollen 6.Now people have enough money to taste a rich ____________(种类) of foods. 答案:variety 7.The problem is so ____________(复杂的) that we should think about it carefully. 答案:complex 8.It makes the hand ____________ (流血) that uses it. 答案:bleed 9.The government saw the introduction of new technology as ____________(重要的). 答案:vital 10.In a direct ____________(液体的) system,city water circulates through the collector. 答案:liquid Ⅱ.选词填空  1.He ________________ after having been caught in the rain that time. 答案:fell ill 2.The teacher should tell us more advice on ________________. 答案:first aid 3.Try it ________________,and you will find that this matter easy to settle. 答案:over and over again 4.Your room is too messy and everything is ______________. 答案:not in its place 5.He never thought he would ________________so great on his education career. 答案:make a difference Ⅲ.根据汉语意思及所给提示翻译下列句子 1.不要太担心你的孩子,因为他只是轻微的发烧。(mild) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:Don’t be too worried about your child,for he only has a mild fever. 2.你回不回家休假对我来说无关紧要。(make no difference) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:It makes no difference to me whether you return home to spend the holidays or not. 3.如果你把屋子里的东西收拾整齐,屋子看起来就会大一些。(in place) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:If you put things in the room in place,the room will look bigger. 4.要是我们晚一分钟到汽车站的话,我们就坐不上车了。(省略) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:Had we arrived at the bus stop even one minute late,we would have missed the bus. Ⅳ.完形填空 (改编题)Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg,a __1__of about eighty miles.It was late and I was in a hurry.However,if anyone asked me how fast I was __2__,I’d say I was not over-speeding.Several times I got stuck behind a slow-moving truck on a narrow road,and I was holding my fists tightly with __3__. At one point along an open highway,I __4__a crossroad with a traffic light.I was alone on the road by now,but as I __5__the light,it turned red and I braked to a stop.I looked left,right and behind me.Nothing.No cars,no suggestion of headlights,but there I sat,waiting for the light to __6__,the only human being for at least a mile in any __7__. I started wondering why I refused to run the light.I was not afraid of being __8__,because there was obviously no policeman around,and there certainly would have been no __9__in going through it. Much later that night,after I met with a group of my friends in Lewisburg and climbed into bed near midnight,the question of why I’d stopped for that light __10__ me.I think I stopped because it’s part of a contract (合同) we all have with each other.It’s not only the __11__,but it’s an arrangement we have,and we trust each other to __12__it:we don’t go through red lights.Like most of us,I’m more likely to be __13__from doing something bad by the social convention that disapproves of it than by any law against it. It’s amazing that we ever trust each other to do the right thing,isn’t it? And we do,too.Trust is our __14__preference. I was so __15__of myself for stopping for the red light that night. 【解题导语】 作者迟到了,开着车匆匆忙忙地赶往目的地,但在经过一个四周无人的十字路口时,他却没有闯红灯。之后,作者对自己的这一行为进行了一番思考…… 1.A.flight          B.distance C.road D.length 解析:选B。Harrisburg和Lewisburg两个地方之间的“距离(distance)”大约是八十英里。D项表示“长度”,语意不恰当。 2.A.thinking B.driving C.complaining D.running 解析:选B。本段开头部分提到作者当时开车行驶在两地之间,所以此处描述的是“开车”的速度。 3.A.horror B.strength C.understanding D.impatience 解析:选D。根据本段第二句中的内容可知作者当时急于赶路,所以非常“不耐烦地”握紧了拳头。 4.A.ran off B.came to C.passed by D.left behind 解析:选B。在一条开阔的公路上,作者“来到(came to)”了一个有交通灯的十字路口。 5.A.passed B.watched C.approached D.found 解析:选C。当作者“靠近(approached)”交通灯时,灯变成了红色,作者于是踩了刹车。 6.A.stop B.change C.turn D.die 解析:选B。作者坐在那里,一直等待着交通灯“变成”绿色以便通行。 7.A.way B.side C.city D.direction 解析:选D。上文提到作者环顾左右和后面,但是空无一人,由此可知作者是至少一英里之内任何一个“方向”中唯一的一个人。 8.A.abused B.fined C.injured D.killed 解析:选B。作者不害怕被“罚款”,因为四周没有交警。fine表示“处……以罚金“,符合语境。 9.A.danger B.sign C.time D.record 解析:选A。由于当时周围没有人,闯红灯当然不会有“危险”。 10.A.turned out to B.came back to C.referred to D.occurred to 解析:选B。上一段的开头部分提到作者不知道自己为什么当时没有闯红灯,此时作者又“回想起”这个问题。 11.A.virtue B.suggestion C.law D.order 解析:选C。作者认为自己之所以停下来是因为这是我们所有人彼此之间的合同的一部分,它不仅仅是“法律”,而且是我们共同的一种安排。此外,第13空后面的law也是线索提示。 12.A.honor B.solve C.break D.judge 解析:选A。我们彼此信任对方会“执行”这种安排:我们不闯红灯。honor表示“信守,执行”,符合语境。 13.A.stopped B.protected C.rejected D.frightened 解析:选A。像我们中的大多数人一样,作者更可能“停止”做被社会常规认为是不好的事情。后三项分别表示“保护”“拒绝”“害怕”,均不符合语境。 14.A.only B.first C.lucky D.living 解析:选B。作者强调的是彼此之间应该互相信任,这是“首先”需要做到的事情。 15.A.sorry B.doubtful C.sure D.proud 解析:选D。作者通过深思感悟到当时的行为非常正确,因为那天晚上没有闯红灯感到无比“自豪”。 Ⅴ.阅读理解 If you see someone drowning,speed is very important.Once you get him out of the water,if he isn’t breathing,you have four minutes before his brain is completely destroyed.Support his neck,tilt(倾斜) his head back and press his chin upwards.This stops the tongue blocking the airway in the throat and is sometimes enough to get him breathing again.If that doesn’t work,start mouth-to-mouth breathing.Press his nostrils(鼻孔) together with your fingers.Open your mouth and take a deep breath.Blow into his lungs until his chest rises,then remove your mouth and watch his chest fall.Repeat twelve times a minute.Keep doing until help arrives. To bring a child to life,keep your lips around his mouth and nose and gently blow into his mouth.Give the first four breaths as quickly as possible to fill the blood with oxygen.If,in spite of your efforts,he starts turning a blue-grey colour,you can feel no pulse,then pressing is the last chance of saving his life. With arms straight,rock forwards,pressing down on the lower half of the breastbone.Don’t be too hard or you may break a rib.Check how effective you are seeing if his colour improves or his pulse becomes independent to your chest pressing.If this happens,stop the pressing.Otherwise continue until rescue arrives. 1.This passage is mainly about ________. A.how to save people out of the water B.how to give first aid to people who are drowning C.how to do mouth-to-mouth breathing D.how to save a child from a river 解析:选B。主旨大意题。由文中的内容可知,本文主要是讲述如何对那些溺水的人员进行急救。故选择B项。 2.Once you get a drowning man out of the water,if he isn’t breathing,you must first ________. A.get him breathing again B.take him to the nearest hospital as soon as possible C.find someone to help you D.call the First Aid Centre 解析:选A。细节理解题。由文中的第二段提到可知,A项是正确选择项。 3.In the last paragraph,the word “rescue” means ________. A.breath        B.help C.doctor D.pulse 解析:选B。词义猜测题。由原文语境可知,此处是“等到救援到来”,故rescue是“帮助;援救”之意;符合原文。 4.If the drowning boy has no pulse,________. A.pressing his chin upwards is enough to get him breathing B.blowing air into his mouth is sure to save his life C.pressing his nostrils together with your fingers can work D.pressing is the last chance of saving his life 解析:选D。细节理解题。文中第二段提到If,in spite of your efforts,he starts turning a blue grey colour,you can feel no pulse,then pressing is the last chance of saving his life.由此可知,按压是最后的挽救他的生命的机会了。 5.Which of the following statements is TRUE? A.If a man does not breathe for four minutes,his brain will be completely destroyed. B.If you see someone drowning,you must give him mouth-to-mouth breathing. C.Don’t stop pressing his chest,if the drowning man starts breathing again. D.When pressing,you can do it as hard as you can. 解析:选A。细节理解题。文中提到Once you get him out of the water,if he isn’t breathing,you have four minutes before his brain is completely destroyed.即,只有四分钟的时间可以阻止他的大脑被彻底的损坏。 版权所有:高考资源网(www.ks5u.com)
