2013高考英语(昆明市)阅读理解(1)(答案) 1 When I was a child,I often dreamed of the time when I could leave home and escape to the city.We lived on a farm and,in the winter especially,we were quite cut off from the outside world.As soon as I left school, I packed my bags and moved to the capital. However,I soon discovered that city life has its problems too. One big disadvantage is money—it costs so much to go out,not to mention basics like food and housing. Another disadvantage is pollution.I suffer from asthma(哮喘),and at times the air is so bad that I am afraid to go outside. Then there is the problem of traveling round. Although I have a car,I seldom use it because of the traffic jams.One choice is to go by bicycle,but that can be quite dangerous. Of course there are advantages.First,there is so much to do in the city,whatever your tastes in culture or entertainment(娱乐活动).Besides,there are wonderful jobs and greater chances of moving to a more important job or position.Finally,if you like shopping,the variety of goods is very surprising—and,what is more,shops are often only a short walk away. Is life better then, in the city? Perhaps it is,when you are in your teens(十几岁)or twenties. However,as you get older,and especially if you have small children,the peace of the countryside may seem preferable. I certainly hope to move back there soon. 56.What was the writer always thinking about when he was a child? A.Staying on the farm. B.Moving to the countryside. C.Leaving home for the city. D.Running away from the school. 57.Which of the following is true about the writer? A.He is very old now. B.He is in good health. C.He prefers driving a car. D.He lives in the city now. 58.In the passage,the writer tries to____. A.express his opinions about way of life B.describe his life in the countryside C.show an interest in the outside world D.persuade the reader to live in the city 59.How is the passage mainly developed? A.By inferring. B.By comparing. C.By listing examples. D.By giving explanations. 1. 答案 56.C 57.D 58.A 59.B *****************************************************结束 “Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him,and let him know that you trust him.” These words are from the black American educator,Booker Washington. He was saying that,“If you want people to grow up,you have to stop treating them like children.” In America,families are close but children are encouraged to be independent,to make their own decisions,even at a very early age. It’s not unusual for a child of seven to be given an allowance(津贴)every week. The child is encouraged to save some of the money but he or she can spend it on whatever they choose,for example,buying clothes,school supplies or CDs. Some teenagers even have their own credit cards! That’s a big responsibility since even adults are tempted to overspend when they have credit cards. From an early age,American children are asked for their opinions and they are included in family decision—making. At the dinner table,teenagers will be listened to on any topic,from politics to buying a new family car or where the family will go on vacation. In this way,teenagers are getting practice in becoming individuals:they are learning how to stand on their own two feet. Many Chinese young people are becoming almost as interested as American teens in searching for independence. They want to express those qualities that make them unique human beings. You can see this in the way they dress, the music they listen to and the friends they choose. “Super Girl” Li Yuchun caught the imagination of Chinese teenagers on the “Super Girl” television contest. She was not the traditional “nice,young Chinese girl”.With her short,spiky hair and boy—like clothes,she was telling everyone that she was different. She had the courage to be her own person and to stand on her own two feet...and she won! There is an old saying,“Everyone should carefully observe which way his heart draws him and then choose that way with all his strength.” If you do this,step by step,over a period of time,you may find that you have become the person you always wanted to be. 17.The passage is intended to encourage the youth to? ___________. A.save money for useful things B.become independent C.express their great ambitions D.make important decisions 18.A child of seven is given an allowance so that he can _________. A.be accepted as a popular guy B.learn to decide how to use money C.overspend money without care D.have school supplies of his own 19.The author implies that many Chinese children? ___________. A.are more independent than Americans B.should become interested in America C.are happy with their present situation D.are not satisfied to be nice,quiet ones 20.The main idea of the last paragraph is? ___________. A.that we should do things step by step B.why we should understand our desires C.what we should plan for our own life D.how we can manage to realize our dreams 参考答案 17-20 BBDD *****************************************************结束 2 People believe that climbing can do good to health. Where can you learn the skill of climbing then? If you think that you have to go to the mountains to learn how to climb,you’re wrong. Many Americans are learning to climb in city gyms(体育馆). Here,people are learning on special climbing walls.The climbing wall goes straight up and has small holding places for hands and feet. How do people climb the wall? To climb,you need special shoes and a harness(保护带)around your chest to hold you.There are ropes(绳索)tied to your harness.The ropes hold you in place so that you don’t fall.A beginner’s wall is usually about 15 feet high,and you climb straight up.There are small pieces of metal that stick out for you to stand on and hold on to.Sometimes it’s easy to see the new piece of metal.Sometimes, it’s not.The most difficult part is to control your fear. It’s normal for humans to be afraid of falling, so it’s difficult not to feel fear. But when you move away from the wall,the harness and the ropes hold you,and you begin to feel safe.You move slowly until you reach the top. Climbing attracts people because it’s good exercise for almost everyone. You use your whole body,especially your arms and legs. This sport gives your body a complete workout. When you climb,both your mind and your body can become stronger. 64.What can we infer from the passage? A.People are fairly interested in climbing nowadays. B.It is impossible to build up one’s body by climbing. C.People can only learn the skill of climbing outdoors. D.It is always easy to see holding places in climbing. 65.The most difficult thing to do in wall climbing is . A.to tie ropes to your harness B.to control your fear C.to move away from the wall D.to climb straight up 66.The word“workout”underlined in the last paragraph most probably means . A.settlement B.exercise C.excitement D.tiredness 67.Why does the author write this passage? A.To tell people where to find gyms. B.To prove the basic need for climbing. C.To encourage people to climb mountains. D.To introduce the sport of wall climbing. 2. 答案 64.A 65.B 66.B 67.D ******************************************************结束 3 The small number of newborn babies, which has been caused by high prices and the changing social situation of women, is one of the most serious problems in Asia.When people talk about it,you can hear a word invented in Japan,“DINKS”,which means Double Income No Kids(小孩). In many major Asian cities like Seoul,Singapore,and Tokyo,the cost of a house is extremely high.A young couple who want to buy their own house may have to pay about $300,000(though prices have fallen).For a flat with one bedroom,one dining-room,a kitchen,and a bathroom,the couple will pay about $900 a month. What’s more,if they want to have a child,the child’s education is very expensive. For example, most kindergarten charges are at least $5,000 a year.In such a situation,it’s difficult to afford children. The number of married women who want to continue working increases rapidly because they enjoy their jobs. However,if they want to have children,they immediately have serious problems. Though most companies allow women to leave their jobs for a short time to have a baby,they expect women with babies to give up their jobs.In short,if they want to bring up children properly,both parents have to work,but it is hard for mothers to work.Indeed,women who want to continue working have to choose between having children or keeping their jobs. In a word,Asian governments must take steps to improve the present situation as soon as possible. 72.What is the main problem being discussed in the passage? A.The small number of newborn babies. B.The changing social situation of women. C.The high prices of houses and education. D.The necessary steps of Asian governments. 73.According to the passage,which of the following is true? A.It is easy for a couple to afford a child in Asia B.The prices of houses in Asia are quite low now. C.Fewer and fewer married women want to have a job. D.The word“DINKS”first appeared in an Asian country. 74.To buy a flat and send a child to kindergarten,how much will a couple pay each year? A.$5,000. B.$5,900. C.$10,800. D.$15,800. 75.The writer seems to believe that Asian governments should___. A.let women stay at home and have a baby B.allow only one of the parents to go out to work C. care for the growing needs of women for jobs D. punish the companies that permit women to leave 3. 答案 72.A 73.D 74.D 75.C *******************************************************结束
