2013高考英语(书面表达)限时训练(9)开放式作文写作三要素 1 今年年初我国政府对法定节假日作出如下调整: 1. 五一节由3天调整为1天. 2. 清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day )、端午节(Dragon Boat Festival )、中秋节增设为国家法定节假日(legal holidays). 假如你是王平,是江苏省南京市育才中学高三8班学生。最近,你班举行了一个班会,对此法定节假日调整进行了一次热烈的讨论,讨论结果如下: 75% 学生支持 25%学生反对  理由: 1.作为一个有着五千多年悠久历史的古国,我们的传统节日是中华民族文化遗产的一部分; 2. 每个传统节日都有着它的特定的含义。如每年农历五月初五端午节之际,人们以包粽子、赛龙舟的方式纪念古代大诗人屈原。清明节,人们以不同方式祭祖或向已故亲人好友和英雄寄托哀思、表达崇敬之情。 理由: 1. 五一黄金周的取消使很多人尤其是年轻人不能去长途旅游;三天时间度假不够尽兴。 2. 黄金周的取消对于旅游业是个不小的损失。  今天是6月8日,正好是端午节, 你的美国笔友Jack想了解有关中国节假日方面的情况,请根据以上内容,用英语给他写一封完整的英文信,向他介绍我国节假日的调整情况及你们班学生对此的不同意见,并就此调整谈谈你自己的看法.(至少两点) 参考词汇: 粽子: zongzi; 黄金周: golden week;取消:cancellation n. (注:本篇字数已大大超过了高考要求,内容仅供同学们做写作时参考。另外,提醒同学们注意完整的书信格式。) Class 8, Senior 3 , Yucai High School Nanjing ,Jiangsu China June 8,2008 Dear Jack, I’m writing to tell you something about the adjustment of our legal holidays . The new holiday plan cuts May Day holiday from three days to one day and for the first time adds a day each ---the Tomb-sweeping Day , the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival to the list of legal holidays. Recently our class has held a heated discussion about the adjustment . Three quarters of the students are in favour of it . Their reasons are as follows. Firstly , as an ancient country with a history of over 5,000 years, traditional festivals represent part of the Chinese nation’s culture heritage. Secondly , every traditional festival has its special meaning. Take Dragon Boat Festival for example , people show great honor and respect for our ancient poet, Quyuan, in forms of wrapping and eating zongzi and holding dragon boat races. Another traditional festival ,Tomb-sweeping Day also provides people with a chance to show mourning or respect to their ancestors ,late friends, relatives or heroes . However , one fifth of the students in our class don’t think it necessary to make such an arrangement . In their opinion, the cancel of May Day Golden Week has made them unable to take a long travel . And people especially young people can’t enjoy themselves thoroughly in the short three-day holiday. Besides , the tourism industry has suffered a great loss as a result of the cancellation of the golden week. As far as I’m concerned , the first adjustment is necessary . Although long holidays can contribute to the development of tourism , it causes all kinds of problems such as traffic jam and pollution. This new plan may solve these problems perfectly. For my part , the second adjustment is much more meaningful than the first one. The three holidays are not only some traditions but also an important part of ancient Chinese cultures ,therefore, making these traditional festivals legal holidays will help protect folk customs and contribute to keeping them alive in the modern society where they are always forgotten. Best wishes ! Yours , Wang Ping *****************************************************结束 2 请根据表格中所提供的信息,写一篇介绍中国第一位航天英雄杨利伟的短文。 要求:要有适当的题目; 短文连贯,逻辑清楚,包含表格中全部要点; 词数:120词左右。 姓名 杨利伟 出生时间 1965年 出生地 辽宁省   飞 行 情 况  1987年加入中国空军,空中飞行时间为1350小时; 2003年10月15日9时乘坐“神舟五号”飞船进入太空,环绕地球飞行14圈,在太空中度过了21小时,于次日早晨6时23分成功返回地面; 进入太空前,他花了5年时间训练。在太空中他记录下了他看到的一切,并向电视机前的观众展示了中国国旗和联合国的旗帜。  China’s First Spaceman---Yang Liwei Yang Liwei was born in an ordinary family in Liaoning Province in 1965. He became a pilot in Chinese Air Force in 1987, spending 1,350 hours in the air. He has spent 5 years training to become a spaceman. Yang Liwei was sent into space at 9 a.m on October 15th by China’s Shenzhou V spacecraft, which orbited the earth 14 times. He landed safely at 6:23 a.m the next day, making China the third country successfully sending a person into space after the former Soviet Union and the USA. Yang Liwei came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space. In space Yang recorded everything he saw and showed China’s national flag and the United Nations’ flag to the people watching on TV at home. All of the Chinese are proud of our first spaceman---Yang Liwei. ***************************************************结束 北京市春季高考和夏季高考英语试卷率先增加了开放式作文,占15分。开放式作文已经成为今后高考书面表达的一种趋势。开放式作文可以给学生提供更多自由发挥的空间,从而充分考查学生的语言表达能力,这就拉开了考生分数档次,便于高校分层次选拔人才。这种形式的书面表达代表着高考命题的发展方向,一定会极大地促进英语写作教学。一个全国性中学师生重视开放式作文写作训练的时期已经到来。 纵观全国及各省、市高考试卷,有很大程度上选用了开放式作文的模式,因此对高中学生进行开放式作文写作指导已显得非常重要,本文以北京卷拟谈开放式作文写作要素。 一、分析提供情景,落实开放之处 开放之处即放开之处,就是书面表达可放开来让考生发挥性写作的地方。要弄清书面表达的开放之处,必须认真分析材料提供情景,落实已知信息与所求信息。 请先看2003年北京市高考英语开放式作文: 根据下面提供的情景,写一段连续文字。词数不少于30。 You are talking with one of your close friends about your plans for the summer vacation. You say to him, "I'm going to enjoy myself in the vacation." He asks, "What exactly are you going to do to have fun?" You tell him what you want to do to make your vacation great fun. Be sure to use one or more examples to show what you mean. 参考范文: I'll go to a beach to see the seabirds flying in the dark-blue sky and drive a motorboat, sailing through clear water toward the rising sun. Then I'll surf the "nba.com" website, play games on "FreeEnglish.com", or chat with friends online about hot movies like "The Lord of the Rings" and "Harry Potter." 认真分析所提供的材料,我们可以弄清下表所示的信息。 参与人物? I,- a certain person?  人物关系 close friends?  人物关系意义? 相互关系融洽,表达自由随意?  事件主题? How to have fun in the summer vacation.?  主题已知内容 I can use one or more examples.?  可自由发挥内容? The deatils of the examples?  由上表可清楚地看出,举一、二个例子来说明你将如何在暑假中获得乐趣,就是该书面表达的开放之处,也是作文的主要写作要点。 二、思考材料给定特点,确定写作人称、体裁和写作特点 认真分析所给材料,不难发现材料所提的几个You / you应表达为I,这样文章就有了准确的人称。由写作材料中的"You tell him what you want to do to make your vacation great fun."可知,计划描绘性说明文是本文的写作体裁。显然,文章应说明将参与哪些活动,从而获得暑假乐趣,这样,文章一般将来时的时态特点和以时间为顺序的叙述特点就十分清晰了。 2003年北京高考英语试题参考范文清楚地说明了这一点,文章运用第一人称,以时间为线索清楚说明了我的暑期有趣的计划,全文显得条理清楚,层次清晰,脉络分明。 三、运用高级表达方式,提高文章的档次 北京市高考英语开放式作文评分标准规定考生应正确使用比较复杂的句型和词汇,从而增强语言的表达效果,提高作文的表达档次。考生应学会使用一些表达档次高、使用范围广的高级表达方式,如强调句、感叹句、主从复合句、非谓语动词句型、with+名词+介词短语句型、Such be总结句型等。 认真阅读北京市高考英语开放式作文参考范文不难发现,该文成功运用了现在分词作宾语补足语、现在分词作状语和现在分词作定语等高级表达方式,给文章增添了一道亮丽的风景,提高了文章的表达档次。文章还准确使用surf, online等高级词汇,这些词汇富有浓厚的生活气息和鲜明的时代感,使读者眼前为之一亮,精神为之一振,具有较强的感染力。 北京市高考英语开放式作文评分标准还规定考生应正确使用过渡性词汇,从而提高文章的连贯性、逻辑性和可读性。显然,考生应增强过渡性词汇使用意识,并将过渡性词汇进行分类汇总,以便有选择地使用。表时间顺序的过渡性词汇有first, second, then, finally, at last, immediately, suddenly, soon;表空间顺序的过渡性词汇有here, there, on one side... on the other side, in front of, at the back of, next to;表对称关系的过渡性词汇有for one thing, for the other thing, on the one hand, on the other hand;表并列关系的过渡性词汇有or, and, also, too, as well (as);表转折关系的过渡性词汇有but, however, while, though, otherwise;表因果关系的过渡性词汇有because, since, as, thanks to, as a result (of);表条件关系的过渡性词汇有as long as, so long as, on condition that, if, unless;表让步关系的过渡性词汇有though, as, even if, even though, whether, who(what、when、 where)ever;表递进关系的过渡性词汇有what's more, besides, to make the matter worse;表过渡的插入语有I think, I'm afraid, you know, As we all know。 另外,北京市高考英语开放式作文参考范文准确贴切地使用了and, then, or等过渡性词汇,增加了文章的连贯性、逻辑性和可读性。 2003年北京市高考英语开放式作文评分标准还规定考生应尽可能使用较多的表达方式,从而提高文章的醒目性,其参考范文中运用了go to a beach, dark-blue sky, drive a motor-boat, sail through clear water, play games, chat with sb. about sth.等众多短语,增强了语言表达效果,提高了文章的品位。 ***********************************************************************结束
