2013高考英语(完形填空)倒计时冲刺50天(4)及答案 完形填空能力考查的主要体现 1)句子层次 (2012·湖南高考) She nodded and turned away.I was left wondering if people __38__ me and saw only gappy teeth. 38.A.heard of B.thought of C.talked about D.looked at 解析:句子层次属于完形填空最简单的设题方式。考查的通常是一些固定搭配,或根据所在的句子就能得出正确答案。38.答案D:她点了点头然后走开了,把作者扔下独自思索是不是人们只看到作者的有着大缝隙的牙齿。根据句中的“saw only gappy teeth”可知此处表示“看,打量”。其他选项hear of“听说”;think of“想到,想起”和talk about“谈论”均与题意不符。 2)句组层次 (2012·湖南高考) “What's it like to have a gap between your teeth?” a girl asked me one day. Nobody had ever __36__ before.My hand unconsciously rose to cover my mouth.But,as she looked at me,sincerely waiting for __37__,I realized she was not trying to be rude. 36.A.faced B.guessed  C.asked D.imagined 37.A.an offer B.an answer  C.a suggestion D.a result 解析:句组层次比句子层次从难度上提高了。因为仅仅根据所在句子往往解决不了问题,必须联系上下句,甚至更多的句子才能得出答案。36.答案C:根据第一句中的“a girl asked me”可知,此处作者主要想表达以前没有人“问”过自己这个问题。37.答案B:作者的手无意中抬了起来盖住了嘴巴,但是她却看着作者,诚心盼着给予答复,根据下文的“I truthfully replied”可知,此处表示“一个答案”,所以B项正确。 3)语篇层次 (2012·湖南高考) When I refused to listen,she told me I could get the surgery to close the gap if it was that important.“Let's be __42__,though,” she said.“If everyone got surgeries to become pretty,everyone would be exactly the same.There is beauty in differences.” 42.A.friendly B.lovely C.honest D.helpful 解析:语篇层次是完形填空题命题的较高层次,这个层次的题难度较大,做题时需要具备很强的阅读理解能力以及逻辑推理、判断分析的能力。这类试题所占的比例有逐步增加的趋势。42.答案C。承接上文可知,母亲劝说作者,如果感觉这很重要可以进行手术以改变现状,但是还是希望作者活得真实一点。根据上下文,如果通过手术都能达到美的效果,那么每个人都是一模一样的了。美在于与众不同。由此可知C项正确。 4)词汇辨析能力(词的基本用法、词的搭配和习惯用语、同义词/近义词/形似词的区分)。 完形填空的考查角度是在文章理解基础上的词义辨析,近几年湖南卷的完形填空用到了多种词义辨析手段,如利用构词法中的派生法辨析词义等,这对今后的词汇学习是有启示的。 (二) How long have you been busy,rushing around all day?We are always on,talking,emailing,sending and reading messages.There is just no__1__for stillness. And when we are__2__to be still because we're in line for something,or waiting for a bus or train,we often __3__ something to do.Some will play with mobile devices;others will read something.Being still isn't something we're __4__. This comes at a __5__:we lose time for __6__,for observing and listening.We lose peace.And worse yet:sometimes too much action is worse than no action at all.You can run around crazily,but get__7__ done. Take a moment to think about how you spend your days.Are you constantly rushing around?Are you constantly reading and answering __8__?Are you always__9__through your schedule? Is this how you want to spend your__10__?If so,peace is with you.If not,take a moment to be __11__.Then after a minute of doing that,consider your life,and how you'd like it to be.See your life with less movement,more stillness and more __12__. Then be that vision. It's pretty simple:all you have to do is to sit still for a little bit each day.Breathe when you feel yourself moving too__13__.Slow down;find happiness now,at this moment,instead of __14__for it. __15__the stillness.It's a treasure,and it's available to us,always. 1.A.place B.idea C.freedom D.time 2.A.forced B.reminded C.invited D.told 3.A.have B.find C.buy D.get 4.A.familiar with B.curious about C.used to D.interested in 5.A.cost B.risk C.loss D.danger 6.A.play B.food C.sleep D.consideration 7.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something 8.A.questions B.problems C.phones D.messages 9.A.walking B.rushing C.stepping D.going 10.A.study B.youth C.work D.life 11.A.silent B.patient C.still D.quiet 12.A.activity B.research C.study D.peace 13.A.frequently B.slowly C.fast D.quickly 14.A.asking B.sending C.calling D.waiting 15.A.Value B.Hold C.Search D.Find (二) 1.D place意为“地方,空间”;idea意为“主意”;freedom意为“自由”;time意为“时间”。根据前文可知,我们时刻忙碌着,没有时间安静下来。故选D项。 2.A force意为“强迫”;remind意为“提醒”;invite意为“邀请”;tell意为“告诉”。根据上下文语境可知,此处表示“即使因为排队或等车而被迫安静下来,我们也会做一些其他的事情”,故选A项。 3.B 根据上下文可知,人们在排队或等车的时候,为了打发时间,也会想办法找一些事情来做。故选用find。 4.C be familiar with意为“对……熟悉”;be curious about意为“对……好奇”;be used to意为“习惯于,对……适应”;be interested in意为“对……感兴趣”。根据上下文语境可知,人们已经习惯了忙碌,不太适应安静,故选C项。 5.A cost意为“费用,代价”;risk意为“冒险”;loss意为“损失”;at a loss意为“不知所措”;danger意为“危险”。根据上下文语境可知,我们平时很忙碌,很少有安静的时候,但这是有一定代价的。所以本题应该选择A项。 6.D 根据下文“...for observing and listening.”可知,此处应填抽象名词。consideration意为“考虑”,符合语境。 7.C 根据but可知前后两句表示转折关系,所以用nothing。句意为:你可能四处奔波,但是却什么也没有做好。 8.D 根据第二段中的倒数第二句话“Some will play with mobile devices;others will read something.”可知此处应选D项。 9.B 根据文章第一句“How long have you been busy,rushing around all day?”可知应选B项。 10.D 根据下文“...consider your life...”的提示可知选D项。spend one's life,意为“度过某人一生”。 11.C 根据下文“See your life with less movement,more stillness...”可知应选C项。 12.D activity意为“活动”;research意为“调查”;study意为“学习,研究”;peace意为“和平,安宁”。根据上文可知,所填词应该与stillness意义相近,故选D项。 13.C frequently意为“频繁地”;slowly意为“慢”;fast意为“快”;quickly意为“迅速地”。根据下文slow down可排除A、B两项;fast一般指速度快,而quickly侧重“用的时间短”。由此可知,C项符合文意。 14.D 句意为:慢下来,此时此刻应去寻找快乐,而不是等待。故选D项,其他选项不符合句意。 15.A value意为“珍惜”;hold意为“持有,保持”;search意为“搜寻”;find意为“找到,发现”。根据下文的treasure可知此处应用value,表示“请珍惜宁静,这是一种财富”。 ******************************************************结束
