2013届高考英语短文改错精选预测押题 记叙文1 【押题依据】记叙文是中学生短文改错的重要文体,可考查时态、语态变化,上下文一致等,2013年高考这种体裁的出现率极高。在复习备考过程中,要高度重视! [押题一] A special way of thanks One day some people on the shore listened shouts 1._________ for help. They ran up to the sea. A soldier jumped 2._________ into the water and ran to the man. He was a good3 3._________ swimmer and soon pulled the man back the shore. Now 4._________ everyone saw that what the man was a very rich man. 5._________ He went to the soldier, taking out a shilling(先令) 6._________ and gave it to him. And the soldier refused to take 7._________ it and went far away. The people there were very 8._________ angry with the young man. And an old woman said 9._________ laughing, "I’m sure that the rich man knows how much 10._________ his life is worth!" Everyone there agreed with the woman and laughed too. 命题思路 考点 解题关键  1 考查动词 listen to和hear 的区别 listen to强调动作;hear强调结果。"一天岸上的一些人听见呼救声",表示结果  2 考查副词 up和down的用法区别及根据文章语境灵活运用词语的能力 down表示由高向低,由北向南, 文章意思是"由岸上向海滩跑去",表示由高处向低处  3 考查语言运用能力 根据语境判断常识能力 由上句跳入水中可推断是向落水者游去,而不是跑  4 考查动词短语的搭配 pull...back to 向岸边拉为"pull...back to",类似结构go back to  5 考查复合句的连词 解决连词重复问题 此句为宾语从句,用that引导,无词义,what多余  6 考查语法一致 并列谓语时态一致问题 由and可知took应与went,gave时态一致  7 考查连词 根据语境判断逻辑关系 根据文意"富人想回报救命恩人,但是遭到拒绝",是转折关系,应用But  8 考查动词短语 go away 固定搭配 go away表示"离去",far 在此短语中起干扰作用  9 考查通篇理解能力 理解全文内容,综合判断用词错误 孤立地看这一句是没有错误的,但是通读全文可知应是"富人"而不是"年轻人"  10 综合分析判断能力 there ,too 是干扰点 通读全文,综合分析可知此行正确   答案:1.listened→heard2.up→down3.ran→swam4.back后加to5.去掉what6.taking→took7.And→But8.去掉far9. young→rich10.√
