2013高考英语黄冈市完形填空强化训练(12)及答案 (******) You may think there is only sand in the desert of the world, __1__ it is not true. In the desert, as we know, there is a little __2__, but it is not __3__ for most plants. Still we can see some plants __4__ in the desert. There is __5__ in some places in the desert. We __6__ these places oases. In the oases, there are villages and towns. People grow __7__ kinds of crops in the fields there. People __8__ live outside the oases. They have camels, sheep and other animals. These animals depend __9__ the desert plants for their food and do not need __10__ water. The __11__ are useful to the desert people in many ways. They eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals. They use the camels for carrying water, food, tents and something else. The people of the desert have to keep moving from place to place. They must always look 12 grass or desert plants for their animals. When there is no more food for their animals, they move to __13__ place. The desert people are __14__. No man in the desert would ever refuse __15__ the people in trouble and give them food and water. 1. A. and B. but C. or D. so 2. A. rain B. rains C. wind D. winds 3. A. good B. good enough C. enough good D. enough 4. A. live B. to live C. lives D. lived 5. A. stones B. plants C. wood D. water 6. A. say B. tell C. call D. find 7. A. every B. all C. a D. one 8. A. also B. too C. either D. still 9. A. with B. in C. on D. by 10. A. a little B. few C. much D. any 11. A. water B. plants C. crops D. animals 12. A. at B. for C. up D. after 13. A. other B. the other C. the others D. another 14. A. well B. friend C. friendly D. carefully 15. A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help 名师点评 本文讲述了人类是如何利用沙漠中的绿洲、动物,并依靠自身的努力而得以在沙漠中种植庄稼,从而生存下来。说明人定胜天的道理。 答案简析 1. B。空白部分两句构成转折关系,故选择并列连词but。 2. B。沙漠中风多雨少,rain一词为不可数名词,其复数形式rains表示雨水多,故应选rain。 3. D。这里讲沙漠中的一点点雨水,并不能满足大多数植物生长的需要,故选择enough。 4. A。see sb. do sth.意为“看见某人做某事”,这里应用省去to 的动词不定式。 5. D。沙漠之所以出现绿洲的根本原因是有了水,故选water。 6. C。call 在这里意为“将……称为……”为正确选项。 7. B。every, a和one 后面都应该接可数名词单数,不能放在kinds 前面。all kinds of 意为“各种各样的”。 8. A。表示“也”时,too 一般放在肯定句末,either放在否定句末,also 放在句中,在此为正确选项,而still 不合题意。 9. C。固定说法depend on意为“依靠”、“凭借”。 10. C。一些动物能在沙漠中生存下来,说明了他们适应了这里雨水稀少的气候,不像其他动物那样需要太多的水,故选择much。 11. D。通读本段不难发现,本段承上文接着讲述动物的用途,故选animals。 12. B。固定说法look for 意思为“寻找”。 13. D。other 后接可数名词时应用复数形式;the other 后接可数名词单数时表示两者中的另一个,不合文意。 14. C。根据下文沙漠里的人从不会拒绝帮助别人,说明他们彼此友好。 15. D。固定搭配refuse to do sth.意为“拒绝干某事”。 *******************************************************结束 完形填空 I was on my lunch break in the city, enjoying a salad at an outdoor cafe, when a disheveled(蓬头垢面) homeless lady came walking towards me. She was yelling and 26 everyone who walked past her for spare 27 and she looked like a mess. My 28 reaction was fear... to close off and hope she didn't come near me, but she did. I was on the phone and when she 29 yelling, I said, "I'm on the phone," in the nicest way I could, assuring(向……保证) myself what she needed was a lesson in 30 . She walked away, mumbling(自言自语), "I'm 31 you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll leave." And she turned the corner. 32 , I would feel relieved or satisfied, but something in me couldn't 33 . Without another thought, I looked in my 34 for the spare change I had. Even I started searching through my entire purse, the pockets, everything --- for all of the change I could 35 find to give. I got up and walked towards this lady and gave her all I 36 . She held my hand and said, "Thank you!" Her hand was 37 and dirty, but I didn't mind 38 her hand. I wanted to be there for her for some reason, when normally I would 39 the other way. She looked at me and said, "Will you touch my face?" And for some reason, I did. I put my hand on her cheek and she started to 40 . I could 41 it was as if she had not been touched by a loving, soft hand in ages, 42 , and so I held it there, trying to 43 her with my heart open. It was powerful. She thanked me and walked away quietly. And I walked away with an open heart, trying to 44 sense of what had just happened. It changed something in me and has made me want to be a 45 person to the people I meet during my day. 26. A. greeting B. praising C. applying D. begging 27. A. change B. room C. time D. food 28. A. usual B. instant C. soon D. general 29. A. came across B. came out C. came over D. came through 30. A. common B. trouble C. polite D. manners 31. A. calling B. hurting C. annoying D. abusing 32. A. Fortunately B. Normally C. Luckily D. Unfortunately 33. A. rest B. appear C. enjoy D. exist 34. A. car B. table C. wallet D. seat 35. A. necessarily B. possibly C. likely D. certainly 36. A. earned B. searched C. found D. made 37. A. soft B. rough C. large D. neat 38. A. washing B. waving C. wiping D. holding 39. A. lead B. set C. turn D. show 40. A. cry B. laugh C. yell D. shout 41. A. understand B. sense C. know D. learn 42. A. if necessary B. if any C. if so D. if ever 43. A. persuade B. comfort C. entertain D. receive 44. A. take B. get C. catch D. make 45. A. kinder B. richer C. wiser D. happier 参考答案 26-30 DABCD 31-35 CBACB 36-40 CBDCA 41-45 BDBDA *********************************************************结束
