2013高考英语考前50天(单项选择)训练秘笈(6)及答案 【创新预测】 11. This Monday morning I was informed I _______ as one of the three exchange students from our college. A. had been choosing B. was chosen C. had been chosen D. was choosing 12. Because of the Russian gas limit to Europe, attempts to use botanical fuel as a new source of power _______. A. have made B. having made C. are being made D. will be making 13. The headmaster of the famous university says that all the construction work for the new campus _______ by the year 2014. A. has been completed B. has completed C. will have been completed D. will have completed 14. Scientists predict that if present trends _______, women in 400 years will be 2 cm shorter and have healthier hearts. A. will continue B. continue C. are continued D. will be continued 15.— Do you know our city of Xi’an at all? — No, not at all. You see, this is the first time I _______ here. A. came B. am coming C. was D. have been 16. It’s the first time that a Chinese team _______ a prize at the annual Apple Design Awards, since the awards began in 1996. A. has won B. won C. had won D. wins 17. —Hi, Susan, where were you at lunch time? I _______ a seat for you in the coffee shop. —Oh, sorry to miss you. My political science class ran longer than usual. A. am saving B. was saving C. had saved D. have saved 18. —She speaks German well because she stayed in Germany. —Really? How long _______ there? A. does she stay B. is she staying C. has she stayed D. did she stay 19. For some time now, Chinese people, under the leadership of CPC, _______ the contents of the Scientific Development Theory in the course of practicing socialism. A. had been improving B. have been improving C. were improving D. improved 20. No one is sure who the dictionary _______. A. belonging to B. belongs to C. is belonged to D. is belonging to 答案解析 11.【解析】选C。考查时态和语态。choose的动作发生在was informed之前,即过去的过去,应用过去完成时。此处又表示被动,故用过去完成时的被动语态。 12.【解析】选C。 考查时态和语态。句意:由于俄罗斯限制向欧洲出口天然气,他们正在努力用植物燃料来作为一种新的能源。此处的make和attempts之间是动宾关系,故用现在进行时的被动语态。 13.【解析】选C。考查时态和语态。句意:这所著名大学的校长说,所有新校区的建设工程都将于2014年完工。题干中明显的时间状语by the year 2014是一个将来的时间。短语“by+将来的时间”和将来完成时连用,同时construction work和complete之间是被动关系,故用将来完成时的被动语态形式。 14.【解析】选B。考查时态。句意:科学家们预测,如果目前的种种趋势继续的话,400年后女性会矮两厘米,心脏会更加健康。if后的条件状语从句中,用一般现在时代替将来时。 15.【解析】选D。考查时态。It/This is the first/last time(that) sb. have/has done sth. 为固定句型。 16.【解析】选A。句意:这是自1996年苹果年度设计大奖开设以来,中国团队首次得奖。It is the first/ second/. . . time that. . . “这是第……次……”,that从句中需用现在完成时;若is 改为was, 则that 从句中需用过去完成时。 17.【解析】选B。 考查时态。根据语境判断,吃饭是过去发生的事情,强调在吃饭的过程中“一直为对方留着位子”,应该用过去进行时。 18.【解析】选D。考查时态。结合上一句中stayed可知说话人问的是过去一段时间所处的状态,因此用一般过去时。 19.【解析】选B。考查时态。句意:一段时间以来,中国人民在中国共产党的领导下,在实践中国社会主义的进程中,一直在丰富和发展“科学发展观”的思想。由句中的时间状语“For some time now”可知,这里要用现在完成进行时。现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某一时间一直持续到现在,还有可能继续持续下去。 20.【解析】选B。考查语态。句意:没有人能确定那本词典是谁的。从句缺谓语,belong to不可用于进行时和被动语态,故选B。 *******************************************************结束 26.Things go back to ______ since we paid off all our debts. A. formal B. regular C. common D. normal 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:词义辨析。formal(学校教育或培训)正规的;regular 有规律的;common普通的;normal正常的,正规的。句意是我们付清债务以后一切都回到了正常。 考点:考查形容词词义辨析。 点评:词义辨析题是常考题,关键是弄清题意,根据语境选择合适的选项,要求考生平时对单词多记忆和理解。 27.—Betty told me the last mountainous bike you preferred to yesterday was bought by John. —Oh, my! How I regret that I didn’t buy ______. A. that B. such C. one D. it 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:代词辨析。that(指较远的人或事物/已知的人或事物)那,那个;such这样的事物或人;one一个人,任何人;it(指物体,动物或上文已提及的事物)它。根据句意他喜欢的最后一辆山地车被约翰买走了,他很后悔没有买它。it指前文提到的the last mountainous bike,故选D。 考点:考查指示代词的用法。 点评:此题考查指示代词的辨析,主要考查代词是指同一个事物,还是同类事物,关键是理解题意。 28.— I would never go to that supermarket again. The quality of the goods there is too poor. — _______. A. Nor am I B. Neither would I C. So do I D. The same with me 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:nor 和neither都可用语否定陈述之后,引出另一否定陈述表示也不,前后时态一致; so do I我也是/ the same with me和我一样,都表示肯定。根据第一句中would never go可知选B。 考点:考查连词。 点评:此题主要考查否定连词nor和neither的用法,以及英语的用语习惯。 29.Because natural disasters occur at random times, it is difficult to warn people _______. A. at present B. at last C. on time D. in advance 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:at present目前,现在;at last最后;on time准时;in advance事先,预先。句意是因为自然灾害是随时发生的,很难预先警告人们。故选D。 考点:短语辨析。 点评:此题较易,主要考查介词短语的意思,根据上下文的意思进行选择。要求考生平时多积累,多记忆。 30.People who have studied ancient instruments are hoping to learn more about the culture that ______ this ancient flute. A. produce B. produced C. is producing D. was produced 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:考查定语从句。that引导以the culture为先行词的定语从句,that在从句中做主语,动作发生在过去所以用一般过去式。句意是研究古乐器的人希望了解更多的有关生产这种古长笛的文化。故选B。 考点:定语从句。 点评:定语从句是必考题,此题的关键是正确划分句子成分和确定句子的时态,考生平时要加强这方面的练习。 31.As they ______ their way through the desert the sun beat down upon them with more fierceness. A. went B. took C. came D. made 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:固定搭配,make one’s way前进,行走。句意是他们行走在沙漠中,太阳毒辣辣的照在他们身上。 考点:固定搭配。 点评:此题考查动词的固定搭配,关键是理解题意,然后根据具体语境进行选择,要求考生平时对这些搭配多记忆,多理解,多积累。 32.The children had only _______ slight temperature, but the doctor regarded the illness as serious enough for ________ hospital treatment. A. a; 不填 B. 不填; the C. a; the D. 不填; a 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:temperature发烧,可数名词,故用冠词a修饰;hospital treatment住院治疗不可数名词所以不用冠词修饰。故选A。 考点:考查冠词。 点评:冠词的考查是常考题,此题主要考查的是不定冠词a和零冠词,要求考生熟记和理解所有冠词的用法,并正确运用。 33.The old man has a son and two daughters, ______ treat him well, _______ made him very sad. A. and none of whom; as B. neither of them; which C. and none of whom; what D. none of whom; which 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:考查的定语从句,第一空是先行词是a son and two daughters由none of修饰,前面有逗号所以不用连词and,neither指两者都不。第二空的先行词是前面的整个句子故用关系词which,所以选D。 考点:考查定语从句。 点评:定语从句的关键是划分句子成分,根据句意选择关系词,要求平时考生要加强这方面的练习。 34.China is the world’s largest cigarette market, _______ over 30% of the total world consumption. A. accounting for B. adding up to C. consisting of D. contributing to 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:accounting for 数量等占...adding up to 达到;consisting of 组成;contributing to贡献,句意是中国是世界上最大的烟草市场,超过世界总消费量的30%。故选A。 考点:词组辨析。 点评:此题较易,只要弄清题干的意思,并且知道所有选项的意思就可作出正确选择。要求考生平时对词组多记忆,多积累。 35.We consider it necessary that a plan _______ before doing the work. A. is made B. will be made C. should be made D. made 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:is made是一般现在式;will be made是将来时态;should be made表示应该;made是一般过去式。Should是情态动词,(表示义务,责任)意思是应该,计划被制定所以用被动式。句意是我们考虑到做工作前应该先制定计划是必要的。故选C. 考点:考查时态和情态动词。 点评:情态动词should的意思有很多,此题主要考查should表示应该时的用法。考生要牢记这些用法,根据具体的语境进行选择。 ********************************************************结束
