2013高考英语考前50天(完形填空)训练秘笈(4)及答案 (******) Peter Fern was crazy about mountains. Climbing was the 1 of his life. Church towers,seaside cliffs, rock faces, ice mountains,anything “If it is there” , he used to say, “then I want to climb it.” So the news of his marriage gave me a 2 . I’d never known him to take much interest in 3 . Well,Peter Fern a married man! I couldn't 4 it. I 5 whether his wife would try to stop some of his risky 6 . She was French perhaps--from that place 7 he usually spent his holidays. Chamonix,wasn’t it? From Chamonix he'd climbed Mount Blanc on his seventeenth birthday, and another one the day after! That was it, then: She was French,from a mountaineering family. No 8 . No other explanation. A month later I met them 9 in town. Anna surprised me—because she was English. She was a dancer in the 10. “I have 11 climbed more than sixty steps in my life,” she told me. “Peter has his 12 , and I’ve got mine. No 13 ”. “None at all,”Peter said, smiling. “Where did you spend your 14 ?” I askeD.Somewhere far 15 theatres and mountains,was it? “We had a week's holiday,” Anna said, “I flew to New York to see Dirke Dancers on Broadway. A wonderful 16 !” Peter said, “I didn’t want to 17 the good weather. So I went to Switzerland and climbed the north 18 of the Eiger with Allen Dunlop. Great 19 , the Eiger. Grand place for a honeymoon! I’ll show you the 20 we took one day.” 1. A.purpose B.love C.answer D.even 2. A.joy B.thought C.lesson D.shock 3.A.mountains B.churches C.faces D.girls 4.A.accept B.understand? C.bear D.tell 5. A.believed B.knew C.wondered D.realized 6. A.jobs B.words C.adventures D.deeds 7. A.where B.when C.which D.how 8. A.one B.reason C.sign D.doubt 9. A.all B.two C.both D.double 10.A.family  B.mountain C.theatre D.holiday 11.A.ever B.even C.never D.almost 12.A.interests B.life C.room D.car 13.A.wonder B.way C.time D.problems 14.A.days B.honeymoon C.childhood D.rest of life 15.A.away B.as C.by D.from 16.A.show B.sight C.scene D.game 17.A.miss B.escape C.break D.forget 18.A.position B.face C.point D.line 19.A.programme B.progress C.fun D.invention 20.A.photographs B.roles C.sports D.pains 参考答案及解析 1—5 BDDBC 6—10 CADCC 11—15 CADBD 16—20 AABCA 1.B 本句意思是peter 热衷于爬山,爬山是他的爱好,喜好.love=hobby 故排除A、C、D。   2.D 上文说到他好冒险好爬山,当作者听说他要结婚这事时使他感到非常吃惊。shock 时非常吃惊,震惊之意。   3.D 作者的意思是“从没想到对冒险感兴趣的人,对女孩会感兴趣,而且是爱艺术的跳舞的演员。” 4.B 根据上下文的语境,应是理解understand。但学生易选A.accept 意为接受。但本句所表达的意思是“我不能理解Peter 要结婚之事”。Peter 结婚与作者无任何关系。无所谓接受不接受。   5.C 此句是作者很想知道是不是他的妻子要设法阻止他的冒险生涯。   6.C 从上句可知.   7.A 本句是指猜想他妻子是法国人,他常常在法国度假。这里的where 引导定语从句指地点。   8.D 固定结构,意思为 “毫无疑问”。   9.C them both ,both 为代词作宾补。   10.C 前面是dancer ,只能选theatre,指在影剧院。   11.C 因为妻子是跳舞的,因此她说,从没有爬过六十多个台阶。   12.A 语意应是有他自己的兴趣。   13.D 根据语意,此句是在说尽管两人的爱好不同,但也没有令他们俩困惑的事。   14.B 作者在问他们俩在哪里度的蜜月。   15.D far from 意为远离。   16.A show 意为表演。   17.A peter 不想错过好天气.尽管是在度蜜月,但是两个人都各自做着各自爱好的事。   18.B 指Peter去了瑞士爬Eiger 这座山的北面。   19.C Great fun 指爬山这件事非常有乐趣。   20.A show sB.sth.意为向某人展示某物.这里肯定是照片。这里肯定是在向作者展示他们的照片。 [双向细目表] 重点词汇: love; both; show sB.sth.; far from *************************************************结束 词数:323 体裁:夹叙夹议 难度:4 Tears clouded my eyes as I stood in our washing room, holding Brett’s jeans and full of burn holes. Tired and defeated, I 21 to the floor. The clothes were just one more thing Brett had 22 .He often got almost everything in the house out of 23 .Many windows in our house needed repair due to his breaking 24 to steal money when he chose to live on the street. Yet none of this could compare to the emotional 25 Brett had done to our once quiet home. Brett came to live with us when he was 12 years old. During the next few years I had dealt with Brett a 26 as possible, but inside I was shouting.“I don’t want him in my house another day, Lord! I just can’t 27 him!” Having wiped my tears, I continued 28 him as before. When Brett was nearly 18, he landed again in Juvenile Hall(少管所).After that, my husband and I had to send Brett to a boarding school for helping 29 teens. At the 30 ceremony, each graduate held a white rose to give to the person who had 31 the most to him or her. Brett spoke 32 to his parents and then spoke to me, “You did so much. You were always there, no matter 33 .My mom and dad, I was their kid. But you, 34 troubled enough by me, always 35 me such love. And I want you to know I love you for it.” 36 , I stood as Brett placed the white rose in my hand and hugged me 37 . At that moment, tears 38 in my eyes again, this time not for disappointment but for 39 . Although I had struggled with silent 40 toward my stepson, Brett had seen only my actions. Love is action. We may not always have positive feelings about certain people in our lives, but we can love them. 21. A. sat B. sank C. bent D. dropped 22. A. ruined B. lost C. torn D. broken 23. A. danger B. place C. trouble D. order 24. A. off B. in C. up D. away 25. A. pain B. injury C. damage D. harm 26. A. patiently B. willingly C. strictly D. rudely 27. A. forgive B. educate C. stand D. control 28. A. parenting B. pardoning C. comforting D. feeding 29. A. lazy B. troublesome C. disappointing D. careless 30. A. opening B. official C. victory D. graduation 31. A. afforded B. meant C. supplied D. owed 32. A. lovingly B. sadly C. proudly D. nervously 33. A. where B. how C. what D. who 34. A. unless B. although C. because D. when 35. A. cost B. lent C. taught D. showed 36. A. Astonished B. Puzzled C. Encouraged D. Interested 37. A. surely B. roughly C. tightly D. fiercely 38. A. fell B. flowed C. moved D. gathered 39. A. pity B. happiness C. luck D. success 40. A. love B. anxiety C. anger D. care 【文章大意】孩子的行为给作者带来了无尽的折磨,作者常常以泪洗面,但是她把愤怒无声地埋在心底,一如既往地履行母亲的责任。毕业典礼上,当孩子把玫瑰送给她时,她情不能已,流出了幸福的眼泪。 21.B 第一段提到作者在洗手间泪流满面,再结合本句前半句中的内容可知作者“倒”在地上。sink to the floor表示“倒在地上”。 22.A 根据句意可知Brett经常“毁坏,糟蹋”东西。Lost丢失;torn 撕碎; broken打破。 23.D 根据句意可知他经常把房间里的所有的东西搞得乱七八糟。此处out of danger 表示“脱离危险”;out of place表示“不合适”; out of trouble表示“脱离困境”;out of order表示“杂乱,不整洁”。 24.B 房子的窗户需要修理,因为他从窗户“闯入”房子去偷钱。 25.C然而,所有这一切都不能和Brett对我们曾经安静的家造成的情感“伤害”相比。Emotional damage意为:情感伤害。 26.A 根据文意可推测在随后的几年中,作者尽可能耐心的对待他。 27.C 本句中的but表示的是转折意义,且从I don’t want him in my house another day可知,作者在内心深处无法忍受他。 28.A 作者把满腹心酸和愤怒埋在心底,擦干眼泪,像昔日一样一如既往地对他尽到父母的责任。此处parent用作动词。 29.B 他再次进入少管所表明他经常招惹是非,作者和丈夫把他送往帮助这些令人烦恼的青少年寄宿学校。 30.D 上文提到Brett被送到寄宿学校,可知这里是在毕业典礼上。 31.B 每一个毕业生都把一支白色的玫瑰送给对自己来说最重要的人。此处mean意为:意味着。 32.A 根据下文他所说的话可知他深情地和亲生父母和作者说话。 33.C 他所要表达的意思是无论发生什么事情,你总是在我身边。后半句可理解为no matter what happened。 34.B 虽然我给你添了许多麻烦,但是你总是无微不至的关怀我。此处是although you were troubled enough by me的省略形式。 35.D Brett认为自己给养母添了不少麻烦,但是她始终对他表现出至诚的关爱。 36.A 作者完全没有想到他竟然把玫瑰送给了自己,并且说出了这样的话,所以感到无比震惊。 37.C Brett是在表达自己内心的感激,发自肺腑,所以“紧紧地”拥抱作者。 38.D 在那一刻,作者非常感动,眼中的泪水越来越多。此处gather表示:聚集。 39.B 此时此刻,作者流出的不是失望的泪水,而是因为“幸福”而流出。 40.C此处与第三段中间的部分内容相呼应,表明作者过去在心里对他表示过无声的愤怒。 **********************************************************结束
