2013高考英语阅读理解(4月)训练(01)及答案 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Until I was twelve years old, I thought everyone in the world knew about the grinnies, if I thought about the term at all — which is unlikely. After all, everyone in my family used the word quite naturally, and we understood each other. So far as I knew, it was a word like any other word — like bath, or chocolate, or homework. But it was my homework which led to my discovery that grinnies was a word not known outside my family. My last report card had said that I was a “C” student in English, and my parents, both teachers, decided that no child of theirs would be just an average student of anything. So nightly I spelled words aloud and answered questions about the fine points of grammar. I wrote and rewrote and rewrote every composition until I convinced my mother that I could make no more improvements. And the hard work paid off. One day the teacher returned compositions, and there it was — a big fat, bright red “A” on the top of my paper. Naturally, I was delighted, but I didn’t know I was attracting attention until the teacher spoke sharply, “Helen, what are you doing?” Called suddenly out of my happy thoughts, I said “Oh, I’ve got the grinnies!” The teacher and my classmates burst into laughter, and then I understood that grinnies were used inside my family. Other people were not so lucky. And it is really lucky to have the grinnies, an uncontrollable, natural state of great pleasure. Grinnies are shown on the outside by sparkling eyes and a wide, wide smile — not just any smile, but one that shows the teeth and stretches the mouth to its limits. A person experiencing the grinnies appears to be all mouth. On the inside grinnies are characterized by a feeling of joyful anxiety. Grinnies usually last just a few seconds, but they can come and go. Sometimes, when life seems just perfect, I have occasional attacks of the grinnies for a whole day. The term originated in my mother’s family. Her younger sister, Rose, who had deep dimples (酒窝), often expressed her pleasure with such a grin that the dimples appeared to become permanent. When Rose was about four, she started explaining her funny look by saying, “I have the grinnies”. The term caught on, and it has been an important word in our family now for two generations. The occasion doesn’t matter. Anything can bring on the grinnies — just so long as one feels great delight. When my brother finally rode his bicycle — without training wheels — from our house to the corner and back, he came home with the grinnies. When I was little, my mother’s announcement that we would have homemade ice cream for dessert always gave me the grinnies. My father had the grinnies when I was chosen to make a speech at the end-of-school-year ceremony. Grinnies can be brought on by a good meal, a sense of pride, a new friend, a telephone call from someone special, an achievement. Or sometimes one gets the grinnies for no reason at all: just a sudden sense of happiness can bring on a case. Whatever brings them on, an attack of the grinnies is among life’s greatest pleasures. In fact, now that I look back on the experience, I feel sorry for my seventh-grade teacher. I think it’s a pity that she didn’t know the word grinnies. It’s such a useful term for saying, “I’m really, really pleased!” 1. After the writer was twelve years old, she ______. A. thought everyone knew the meaning of “grinnies” B. equaled “grinnies” to bath or chocolate in meaning C. got to know “grinnies” was used only inside her family D. discovered the word “grinnies” through her mother 2. When her English teacher called her name, the writer was ______. A. looking at the big “A” on the top of her paper B. listening to her English teacher attentively C. too happy to notice what’s happening around her D. busy rewriting and improving her compositions 3. According to the writer, the word “grinnies” originates from______. A. her mother B. her aunt C. her brother D. her father 4. The writer feels sorry for her seventh-grade teacher because the teacher______. A. has no pity on her studentsK] B. should not have laughed at her C. doesn’t have any luck to meet her parent D. has no idea of what “grinnies” is 5. What method does the writer use to explain “grinnies”? A. Cause and effect. B. Examples. C. Comparison and contrast. D. Process. 参考答案1. C 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B ********************************************************结束 B Below is a page from The World Almanac(年鉴)and Book of Facts 2008. 6. Which park has 365 miles of explored underground passages? A. Arches, UT . B. Cuyahoga Valley, OH. C. Acadia, ME. D. Mammoth Cave, KY. 7. In which year was Channel Islands first authorized as a protection site for sea lions, sea birds and unique plants? A. 1929. B. 1938. C. 1978. D. 1980. 8. The world’s tallest trees are found in _______. A. Redwood, CA B. Gates of the Arctic, AK C. Canyonlands, UT D. Kings Canyon, CA 9. In 1917, the national park Denali was named as _______. A. Black Canyon of the Gunnison B. Mount Desert Isl. C. Mt. McKinley National Park D. Rocky Mountain 参考答案6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C *******************************************************结束 1.(2011·山东卷)A Arthur Miller(1915-2005)is universally recognized as one of the greatest dramatists of the 20th century. Miller` s father had moved to the USA from Austria Hungary,drawn like so many others by the“ Great American Dream”. However, he experienced severe financial hardship when his family business was ruined in the Great Depression of the early l930s. Millers' s most famous play, Death of a Salesman , is a powerful attack on the American system ,with its aggressive way of doing business and its insistence on money and social status as indicators of worth. In Willy Loman , the hero of the play, we see a man who has got into trouble with his worth. Willy is “burnt out” and in the cruel world of business there is no room for sentiment : if he can't do the work, then he is no good to his employer, the Wagner Company, and he must go. Willy is painfully aware of this, and at loss as to what to do with his lack of success. He refuses to face the fact that he has failed and kills himself in the end. When it was first staged in 1949 ,the play was greeted with enthusiastic reviews ,and it won the Tony Award for Best Play, the New York Drama Critics` Circle Award, and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama. It was the first play to win all three of these major awards. Miller died of heart failure at his home in Roxbury, Connecticut ,on the evening of February 10,2005,the 56th anniversary of the first performance of Death of a Salesman on Broadway.56. Why did Arthur Miller' s father move to the USA? A. He suffered from severe hunger in his home country. B. He was attracted by the "Great American Dream. C. He hoped to make his son a dramatist. D. His family business failed. 57. The play Death of a Salesman A. exposes the cruelty of the American business world B. discusses the ways to get promoted in a company C. talks about the business career of Arthur Miller D. focuses on the skills in doing business 58. What can we learn about Willy Loman? A. He treats his employer badly. B. He runs the Wagner Company. C. He is a victim of the American system. D. He is regarded as a hero by his colleagues. 59. After it was first staged, Death of a Salesman A. achieved huge success B. won the first Tony Award C. was warmly welcomed by salesmen D. was severely attacked by dramatists 60. What is the text mainly about? A. Arthur Miller and his family. B. The awards Arthur Miller won. C. The hardship Arthur Miller experienced. D. Arthur Miller and his best-known play. 【解析】:56-60:BACAD 【语篇解读】本文是讲述了阿瑟.密勒的生平经历及他的代表作Death of a Salesman的内容及评价。 B。细节题。从第一段第二句话可知米勒的父亲已经从奥地利迁往美国,是和许多其他人一样受“伟大的美国梦”的驱使。 A。细节推断题。从第二段第一句话可知米勒写《推销员之死》的目的是对美国制度的攻击,因为美国商业制度的侵犯性和坚持将金钱和社会地位作为价值的显示。A 指出了, 暴露了美国商业世界的残酷。下文也提到了,in the cruel world of business。 C.推理判断题。从上文介绍情节中得知Willy Loman是戏剧中一个角色,而这个角色最终因为在这个制度中屡遭失败自杀身亡,因此推断他是美国制度的受害者。 A.细节推断题。从第三段得知一上映便赢得许多奖项,因此获得巨大成功。 D。主旨大意题。A没有提及,BC都是片面的。 *************************************************************结束
