2013届高三英语星级阶梯阅读练习 三星级 11 A When a dirty and untidy orange cat showed up in the prison yard,I was one of the first to go out there and pet it.I hadn’t touched a cat or a dog in over 20 years.I spent at least 20 minutes,knelt down behind the kitchen as the cat rolled around,relaxed.What he was expressing outwardly, I was feeling inwardly.It was an amazing bit of grace to feel him under my hand and note that I was reaching a life or another creature with something as simple as my care. Over the next few days,there were other prisoners responding to the cat.Every yard period,a group of prisoners gathered there.They stood around talking and taking turns petting the cat.These were guys you wouldn’t usually find talking to each other.Several times I saw an officer in the group,not chasing people away, but just watching and seeming to enjoy along with the prisoners.Bowls of milk and water appeared along with bread, wisely placed under the edge of the dustbin to keep the birds from getting it. The cat was obviously homeless and in pretty bad shape.People said that the cat came to the right place.He's getting treated like a king.This was true.but as 1 watched 1 was also thinking about what the cat was doing for us.There was a lot of talk about what's wrong with prisons in America.We need more programs.We need more psychologists or treatment of various kinds.Some may even talk about making prisons more kind.But I think what we really need is a chance to practise our own kindness.Not receive it,but give it.After more than two decades here,I know kindness is not a value that's encouraged.It's often seen as a weakness. Instead,the culture encourages keeping your head down,minding your own business,and never letting yourself be weak. The cat did my heart good to see the effect he had on me and the men here.By simply saying,”I need some help here”,he did something important for us.He needed us.And we needed to be needed.I believe we all do. 56.From the passage,we can learn that the author was . A.an animal protector B.the cat owner C.a prison officer D.a prisoner 57.Which of the following statements is true? A.The cat was dirty because it was kept in prison. B.The officer in the prison enjoyed petting the cat. C.The prisoners prepared food for both the cat and birds. D.The author realized the importance of practising kindness. 58.We can infer from the third paragraph that . A.showing love to others can make prisoners strong B.the American prison culture will be improved C.the author is not content with the prison culture D.caring for others is encouraged in American prisons 59.What is the best title for the passage? A.Caring Makes Us Human. B.Prison Culture is Important. C.Animals Need Care. D.Everyone Needs to be Cared for. 60.In Paragraph 2,the author mentioned that“Several times I saw all officer in the group,not chasing people away, but just watching and seeming to enjoy along with the prisoners.”to A.show us the officer and prisoners get along well with each other B.show us the American prison culture does need improvement · C.show us the officer and prisoners all like cat D.show us the American prison culture is great B People say time is relative.But relative to what.I do know that sometimes time“seems”to be moving slower.Remember Christmas Eve when you were a child? It was the longest night of the year.It lasted forever! And now it seems like I just paid my bill yesterday...and it’s due again! People tell me all too frequently…I need more time! Oh ,really?…Mother Teresa, Michelangelo,and Helen Keller all had 24 hours a day.Look what they did with their time! Is it that we need to manage our time better…or our priorities(重点)?You’ve heard the expression“first things first.”The first step in understanding the power of time is to understand that it is limited.Why is it then that some people get a lot more done? We know the answer.They use their time smartly. One day an expert on time management was speaking to a group of students and announced a quiz.He pulls out a wide-mouthed jar.Next,he places about a dozen fist-sized rocks,one at a time , into the jat, until no more will fit.“Is it full?”he asks.”Yes,”responds the class.”Oh really?”he asks.So he takes out a bucket of gravel(砂砾)。which he manages to work down into the spaces between the larger rocks.“Is it full now?”he asks. Wising up,one answered,‘'Probably not.”Sure enough。he takes out a bucket of sand,which he pours into the empty spaces.”Is it full now?”he asks.”N0 1”reply the students confidently.So he takes a glass of water and fills it in.Then he asks,“What is my point?’’ One said,‘'No matter how full your schedule is,if you try really hard,you can always fit some more things into it!” “No,”the speaker replied,“It tells us if you don’t put the big rocks in first, you’ll never get them in at all.’’ What are the big rocks? The things you should put in to your jar first. The rich don’t get 25 hours and the poor don’t get 23…we all get the same.Let’s use them wisely! Invest your time wisely! 61.The text is written mainly A.to explain the origin of the expression“first things first” B.to call on us to use our time in a smart manner C.to introduce a meaningful class given by an expert D.to tell us about the relativity and the power of time 62.What do“the big rocks”in this passage refer to? A.Difficult points. B.Advantages C.Minor things D.Focuses 63.The underlined phrase“Wising up”in the passage is closest in meaning to“ ”. A.Becoming aware B.Telling the truth C.Rising to his feet D.Raising her hand 64.How is the passage mainly developed? A.By inferring. B.By comparing. C.By listing examples. D.By giving facts. 65.What does the point of the quiz lie in? A.How to put more things into ajar. B.How well the students learn the lesson. C.How.to get more done in limited time D.The skill and order is very important. C Due to the increasing number of violence acts produced in schools all over the world, more and more parents prefer to have their children educated at home rather than at school. This way they can assure their safety and well-being,although teachers and school representatives are trying to improve the situation in schools by increasing the number of the persons in charge with the safety of the students. The main reason for violence acts are the films and cartoons that fill the children’s time.They want to do everything.they watch on TV and never think at the consequences,and they may hurt a classmate or a teacher. On the other hand, parents are not fully satisfied with the children’s results obtained in classes and they consider private classes would have better results. When a teacher has to watch 30 students in class he can’t probably see what each of them is doing,how he is writing,or if he understands the explanations.At home the teacher can explain in details everything the child doesn’t understand as many times as he considers proper. And many times.the child grows fond of the teacher at home,who becomes his best friend,and who helps him whenever he needs someone to talk to. However, the best solution would be a mixture between the education received at school and that at home,because school makes children communicate and socialize.Keeping a child at home for fear there might happen something bad to him.only makes the child’s character weak and prevents him from knowing what real life is.Staying in a crystal ball only does harm to the child. All in all.schools have been created to help children,not to harm them,so it’s best to keep children in these special places,where they learn,laugh,have fun and make new friends. 66.The writer’s purpose in writing the text is to . A.teach parents the ways to keep theft children safe B.show solutions to developing children’s character C.explain the main reason for violence acts in schools D.analyze an education problem and give opinions 67.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage? A.Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Classes B.Who is to Blame.Parents or Schools? C.which is Better, School Study or Home Study D.The Relationship between Teachers and Children 68.Parents prefer to have their children educated at home because the following EXCEPT that A.More and more violence acts occur in schools B.Parents want to improve their Children's grades C.Parents are concerned about their children’s safety D.The education system is far from satisfactory 69.What does“a crystal ball”in the passage refer to? A.A toy that can be used for entertainment. B.A safe and comfortable environment. C.An object that is made of crystal. D.A setback that is hard to overcome. 70.We call infer from the passage that . A.violence TV programs have bad effects on children’s behavior B.the teacher at home is more patient than the teacher at school C.children today are weak from lack of sense of right and wrong D.there ale too many students in class for a teacher to teach D Who’s in control of your life? Who is pulling your string? For the majority of us,it’s other people-society, colleagues,friends,family or our religious community.We learned this way of operating when we were very young,of course.We were brainwashed.We discovered that feeling important and feeling accepted was a nice experience and so we learned to do everything we could to make other people like us.As Oscar Wilde puts it,”Most people are other people.Their thought are someone else’s opinions,their lives a mimicry(模仿),their passions a quotation.” So when people tell us how wonderful we ale,it makes us feel good.We long for this good feeling like a drug—we are addicted to it and seek it out wherever we can.Therefore,we are so eager for the approval of others that we live unhappy and limited lives.failing to do the things we really want to.Just as drug addicts and alcoholics live worsened lives to keep getting their fix(一剂毒品),we worsen our own existence to get our own constant fix of approval. But,just as with any drug,there is a price to pay.The price of the approval drug is freedom—the freedom to be ourselves.The truth is that we cannot control what other people think.People have their own agenda,and they come with their own baggage and,in the end, they're more interested in themselves than in you.Furthermore,if we try to live by the opinions of others,we will build our life on sinking sand.Everyone has a different way of thinking,and people change their opinions all the time.The person who tries to please everyone will only end up getting exhausted and probably pleasing no one in the process. So how can we take back control? I think there’s only one way—make a conscious decision to stop caring what other people think.We should guide ourselves by means of a set of values——not values imposed from the outside by others,but innate values which come from within.If we are driven by these values and not by the changing opinions and value systems of others,we will live a more authentic,effective,purposeful and happy life. 71.In order to live a happy, effective and purposeful life,we should . A.care others’opinions and change opinions all the time B.guide ourselves by means of values from the outside C.be driven by innate values from within D.persuade others to accept our opinions 72.What Oscar Wilde says implies that A.we have thoughts similar to those of others B.most people have a variety of thoughts C.other people’s thoughts are more important D.most people’s thoughts are controlled by others 73.What does the author try to argue in the third paragraph ? A.Changing opinions may cost us our freedom. B.We may lose ourselves to please others. C.We need to pay for what we want to get. D.The price of taking the drug is freedom. 74.It can be concluded from the passage that A.it’s better to do what we like B.we shouldn’t care what others think C.we shouldn't change our own opinions D.it's important to accept others’opinions 75.The author tries to persuade the readers to accept his arguments mainly by . A.analyzing causes and effects B.providing examples and facts C.discussing questions D.making suggestions 56-60 DDCAB 61-65BDADC 66—70 DCl)BA 71-75 CDBBA 版权所有:高考资源网(www.ks5u.com)
