信息匹配 The people below are all looking for a course on Chinese to study. Read the following information about the six courses. Decide which course would be the most suitable for the people mentioned in questions 1-5 . w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m ______1. Mathew majors in media and hopes to understand Chinese broadcasting and TV News and communicate with the Chinese people. ______ 2. Sarah is a learner of Chinese with a fairly good knowledge of basic Chinese grammar and a vocabulary of 2500, hoping to improve her Chinese ability in speaking, reading and writing. ______ 3. Lois majors in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language and hopes to improve her ability in translation. ______ 4. Dennis once has taught himself Chinese and can speak a little Chinese but with poor pronunciation and grammar, hoping to meet the needs of everyday life and study, and understand each other in basic communication through training. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m ______ 5. Georgia specializes in the Chinese language and culture at the average. He plans to have a tour in China. A. Comprehensive language skill training 100 lessons in total focusing on pronunciation, grammar and discourse (语段). To enable the learner to master the basic knowledge of the Chinese language, to have the basic ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, so that they are able to communicate with others and to meet the needs of everyday life, study and socialty. This will lay a foundation for further study of Chinese. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m B. Intermediate (中等) Chinese Comprehensive Course 40 lessons in all, focusing on the training of the comprehensive skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing of intermediate Chinese. To enable the students to recognize, understand and use the active and less active words, to improve their ability of expressing themselves in paragraphs and discourse, to master the new words, patterns, grammatical structures, paragraphs and discourse and means of connections so as to express the meaning of the texts correctly and fluently in paragraphs and discourse. C. News Listening w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m Based on frequently used words, typical sentences and information and concentrating on improving the ability of listening comprehension. To improve the ability of collecting information, to grasp the knowledge and skills they have learned and to understand the broadcasting and TV news of similar themes and relevant level of difficulty with the correctness of 80%. To build up the foundation for further study. D. Elementary English-Chinese Translation w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m 25 classes in total, including various styles such as poems, popular science, political comments and news, about every aspect of everyday life. The texts vary from easy to difficult and combine theory with practice as well as translation and interpretation. About 185 hours are needed. To familiarize the learner with the equivalent (对应的) Chinese expressions of English. To enable them to know usage of Chinese and English words and sentences, cultural differences and the background knowledge. E. Elementary Spoken Chinese in Business 24 units in all. Chinese words and expressions in business and trade are introduced in the form of vivid situational dialogues, notes and exercises. To enable the learner to master the words and expressions of elementary spoken business Chinese and to communicate with others in trade and business. F. Chinese Human Geography w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m Introduction to geographic environment and cultural phenomena in various parts of China, such as natural features, historical backgrounds, religious sites, ancient battle fields, dramas and arts, traditional products, and special food, etc. Through the introduction to historical and cultural sites and scenery, the learner will have a general view about Chinese geography, history, culture and regional features. Getting away for a short time always seems like a great idea — until you have to pack. But packing won’t be a problem if you keep in mind one simple rule. Whether you’ll be sleeping overnight at a friend’s house, or visiting a relative for a week, the rule is: pack light. Here are some tips to help you pack. 语法填空w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m A warm sun shone on Scammon Garden.. A crowd was gathered; they enjoyed the food, the music and the memories as __1__about their old school days. This was part of a reunion of the University of Chicago laboratory high school. The former classmates were in their __2__(sixty). Some were retired, __3___ were still working. But on that bright afternon, their thoughts returned to a time __4__ so much of their lives was still ahead. ?Ginger Spiegel Lane said there was feeling in the air of being teenagers again. The feeling was so strong ____5____ she could almost touch it. Yet something was different. She noticed that her former classmates talked __6__ openly than they would have ___7__ young people. Many high school reunions are centred on a dance, but the members of the classs of 1957 made __8__ different choice. They met for a discussion in one of their former classroom buildings. They talked about their good memories of high school. A former classmate told one woman she looked younger __9__her age. The woman smiled and explained __10__: the reunion, she said, had taken away fifty years. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m 基础写作 根据以下内容写一篇说明文,标题为“Australia”。 ?1)、澳大利亚位于太平洋的西侧,是大洋洲(Oceania)最大的国家,面积760万平方公里。2)、人口稀少,只有1,000多万,多数集中在东部沿海地区。 3)、首都堪培拉(Canberra)风景秀丽。 4)、悉尼(Sydney)是澳大利亚最大城市。有许多名胜,其中悉尼歌剧院(Opera House)闻名于世。2000年奥运会就是在悉尼举行的。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 【参考答案】w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m 信息匹配: 1 C Mathew 希望能听懂中文广播,C项的标题News Listening 正合其意。 2 B Sarah 希望提高汉语的读写和说的能力,B项“focusing on the training of the comprehensive skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing”。 3 D Lois希望提高翻译水平, D项的课程名为Elementary English-Chinese Translation,因此选D。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m 4 A Dennis需要学习汉语语法和发音,A 项课程的重点既为发音语法和语段,所以选A。 5 F Georgia打算在中国旅行,F项是介绍中国各地历史文化名胜,所以选F。 ? 语法填空: 1. talking?? 2. sixties?? 3. others?? 4. when?? 5. that??? 6. more?? 7. as?? 8. a?? 9. for?? 10. why ? 基础写作w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m Located on the west coast of the Pacific, Australia is the largest country in Oceania. Covering an area of 7.6 million square kilometers, Australia has a small population of over 10 million, most of whom live in the east of the country by the sea. Canberra, the capital of Australia, is a beautiful city . Sydney , the biggest city in Australia, where the 2000 Olympic Games were held ,has many places of interest. The Opera House is well known all over the world
