Quiz I: Retell the text by filling the following blanks. I began as a __________ ________ in France in 1642. In 1822 I was built as an _________ ________. Then in 1936 Alan Turing wrote a book and built a ________ ________. As the years have gone by, I have been made _______ and ________ but I became _________ and _________. In the early ______ they gave me a family connected by a ________. Now people call it the ________. I have been used in ______ and ______ since the 1970s. So I became PC. Since my _____ I have truly been built to serve the _______ ____. Quiz II: Multiple choice. In the lecture, I can only give you a purely ______ view of how we can live life to the full and make some suggestions about the future. (2010湖北) A. private B. personal C. unique D. different He seems to be giving the impression that he didn’t enjoy himself in Paris. ______, he had a wonderful time. (2012江西) A. Above all B. What’s more C. As a result D. On the contrary Quiz III: Fill in the blanks. 1. He tried to _______ (简化) the story for the younger audience. 2. The ____ (amount) of thirteen and eight is twenty-one. 3. Students need the ability to construct a ______ (opposite: illogical) argument. 4. Modern __________ (工艺) is amazing, isn't it? 5. It's the in_________ of her writing that impresses me. 6. Just calm down - shouting won't _____ (解决) anything! 7. Her childhood ambition became a ______ (= happened in fact) when she was made a judge. 8. The letter was marked ‘P_______. Strictly confidential.’ 9. We made £700 in _____ (altogether), over three days of trading. 10. The design has many ____________ (用途). 11. You need to speak to someone in the fi______ department. 12. The best way to _______ (discover) the countryside is on foot. 13. It may snow, but _______ (anyway) I will go to town. 14. Do you think I'll be able to achieve my ____ (aim) of losing 5 kilos before the summer? 15. Her eyes shone with __________ (joy). Quiz IV: Translation. 1. 那时在大学生中流行的是民间音乐。 ___________ folk music was popular among college students. 2. 从现在起你可以独自工作。 ____________ you can work on your own. 3. 不知你同不同意我的意见? _____________________________ my opinion. 4. 他不用功,结果考试不及格。 He didn't work hard, __________ he failed his exam. 5. 日程做了精心安排,以使每一讲都没有重复内容。 The programme has been ___________ ____ none of the talks overlap. 6. 随时光流逝我忘记很多童年时代的事情。 I forgot many things of childhood ______________. 7. 我高兴得不得了。她居然没有生我的气。 _______________________. She was not mad at me. 版权所有:高考资源网(www.ks5u.com)
