2013高考英语108所名校试题中(阅读表达)汇编(1)(答案) 山东省济宁市2013届高三3月第一次模拟考试英语试题 第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;第小题3分,满分l5分) 阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意问题后的词数要求)。 [1]The following is a teenager’s problem and the help he gets from an expert. [2]Problem:My parents drive me crazy! They don’t “get” me. It’s a like we’re opposites. I try to talk to them, but they don’t want to hear it. If something bad happened to me, I bet they wouldn’t care. All I want is for them to understand me and be there for me, but they always want to make decisions for me without talking about it first.It’s so discouraging! [3]Advice:It’s normal as it teen to feel like you have nothing in common with your parents, like they’re trying to lead you in a direction that you don’t want to go. But about it? You can’t change the way they feel,and you certainly don’t want to change your own personality. You’ll eventually get to a point where you and your parents can coexist with love and understanding, but probably not till you’re older. Until then, here’s the best you can do: [4] First, learn to share your differences of opinion in a mature, respectful way. [5]Second,pick your battles.Not everything needs to turn into an argument.In fact, you’ll be a lot happier in the long ran if you cool off and walk away. [6]Third,remember that even though you have your differences, your parents still love you and would be extremely sad if anything bad happened to you.Seriously.You can act like that isn’t true, but deep down,I think you know it is. [7]Fourth,whenever your parents are stressing you out, keep in mind that in a compels of years this will all fade away(淡化)and you’ll be able to make decisions for yourself. You’ll not be trapped in this forever. Be patient. 76.What does the teenager wish his parents would do when try to make decisions for him?( more than 6 words) 77.Fill in the blank in paragraph 3 with proper words(no more than 5 words) 78.Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?. Believe me, I’m not joking. 79. What should the teenager do if there’s no way out at present?(no more than 2 words) 80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese. 【参考答案】 76. Talk with him about it first. / Discuss it with him first./ Have a talk with him first. (3分) Talking about it first.(2分) 77. what can you do (3分) what should(must/would) you do (2.5分) 78. Seriously. 79. Be patient./ Just wait. / Just relax. / Let be. 80. 终有一天你会与你父母共处于爱和理解中,但恐怕要等你再大几岁方能实现。 山东淄博一中2012—2013学年度第一学期期末 第一节 阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) ⑴ Every language has its own special words and expressions. And a story can be told about each of them. Hot is a simple, easily understood word. So are most of the expressions made with the word hot. But not always, as we shall see. ⑵ The words hot potato, for example, give you no idea at all to the meaning of the expression, hot potato. The potato is popular and many Americans like baked potatoes. Imagine trying to carry a hot potato in your hand. It would be difficult, even painful, to do so. Some publicly argued problems are highly emotional. The problems must be treated carefully, or they will be difficult and painful if an elected official has to deal with them. One such hot potato is taxes. Calling for higher taxes can mean defeat for a politician. And yet, if taxes are not raised, some very popular government programs could be cut. And that also can make a politician very unpopular. The questions must be dealt with carefully, the same way you would handle any other hot potato. ⑶ Another expression is not so hot. If you ask someone how she feels, she may answer “not so hot”. What she means is she does not feel well. Not so hot also is a way of saying you do not really like something. You may tell a friend that the new play you saw last night is not so hot. That means ____________________________. ⑷ A hot shot is a person, often a young person, who thinks he can do anything. He is very sure he can succeed. But often he fails. The expression was born in the military forces. A hot shot was a soldier who fired without aiming carefully. ⑸ Hot is a word that is often used to talk about anger. A person who becomes angry easily is called a hothead. An angry person’s neck often becomes red. We say he is hot under the collar. 76. What is the text mainly about? (no more than 8 words) _______________________________________________________________ 77. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence. ( no more than 8 words) __________________________________________________________________ Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one? As you would deal with other difficult problems, you must be careful with these ones. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 79. List three situations where “hot” expressions can be used according to the text. (no more than 30 words) ①________________________________________________________________ ②________________________________________________________________ ③________________________________________________________________ 80. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案: 76. The expressions of hot. 77. you don’t consider it a success/you don’t like(enjoy) it 78. The questions must be dealt with carefully, the same way you would handle any other hot potato. 79. ① when you mean something difficult and painful to deal with ② when you don’t really like something ③ when you mean a person who becomes angry easily 80. 这些问题必须认真对待,否则,当选官员处理起来会很棘手。 2.山东省枣庄三中2013届高三上学期1月阶段测试 第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分45分) 阅读表达(共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答案卡相应的位置上(请注意76至80四个小题后面的词数要求)。 【1】BEIJING --- The breaking news of Mo Yan’s Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday evening soon aroused public curiosity of the 57-year-old Chinese writer: Why was it he that was favored by the Swedish Academy? 【2】Chinese media seemed to be stunned as some journalists were reported to be _____________ overnight to Gaomi City of East China’s Shandong province, Mo’s birthplace where he stayed with his family. 【3】Born in 1955 into a rural family, Mo dropped out of school and became a farmer when he was a teenager. He joined the military and devoted himself to writing after the "Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)". 【4】For more than a century, Nobel Prize has been regarded by the world as recognition to an individual or even a nation’s cultural and scientific advances. 【5】Despite an economic miracle in the past few decades, scientists and experts in physics, chemistry and medicine have so far been deemed hopeless by the Chinese public to win Nobel Prizes in sciences. 【6】Chinese scientists’ failure to win a Nobel Prize has been blamed on the lack of originality, creativity and being exocentric. However, Mo’s novels, although believed by some to be too rough, are labeled as realistic portrayals of contemporary Chinese people. 【7】Yet Mo, whose novels were translated into several languages, was honored the prize, beating his major Japanese competitor who is more popular in China, Haruki Murakami. 76. Fill in the blank with proper words. (no more than 5 words) 77. What does Paragraph 3 tell us? (no more than 5 words) 78. Please explain the underlined word “deemed” in English. (no more than 2 words) 79. What do you know about Haruki Murakami? (no more than 8 words) 80. What do you think caused our Chinese to fail to win a Nobel Prize? (no more than 10 words) 参考答案: 76. on the way/ on their way 77. Mo’s life experiences 78. regarded/ considered 79. He is a Japanese writer 80. Lack of originality, creativity and being exocentric.
