2013高考英语二轮(文章题)训练(10)及答案 (E) As is known, healthy foods can help save your life. Now, here is a list of healthy foods that can save your memory. It is best that every person knows what he eats, as he takes in, can make or break himself, in terms of health. Fish is helpful in regaining the kind of memory that a person once has. Eating fish can help you save the trouble of forgetfulness. Vegetables rich in fiber and other dark and green leafy kinds are very suitable for people who want to avoid mental blocks. These foods contain high units of vitamin E. Another food that is considered having different effects on preventing this brain deficiency(缺陷) is avocado(鳄梨), which is also rich in vitamins E and C. It is really good to know these healthy foods that can save your memory are always at hand so as to help you in your fight against diseases. Sunflower seeds are regarded as Vitamin C-powered seeds and also give you enough energy. As for red wine, do not over consume it, as it is said to have to be taken in moderate amounts in order to help the body. Over-drinking can cause illness and like anything else. This is considered as one of the healthy foods that can save your memory; alcohol can otherwise lose it. It is better to consume colored bread, rice and whole grain for you to get the best out of fiber. These foods can lower the body’s risk of being infected with Alzheimer’s disease. Knowing the healthy foods that can save your memory is living the life that you have longed and desired. Among the others, the best, of course, is exercise. Taking in different kinds of exercises, physical activities or sports can keep both your body and mind healthy. 37. If you suffer from loss of memory, you _______ . A. should eat cucumbers and cabbages B. had better take in fish in your meals C. can drink as much wine as possible D. may as well take more Vitamin C 38. How many healthy foods does the author mention in the passage? A. Six. B. Seven. C. Eight. D. Nine. 39. To discourage mental disease from happening, _______ . A. people are advised to take avocados B. it is better to eat vegetables high in fiber C. it is better to have more sunflower seeds D. red wine is the first and best choice 40. Which of the following is most suitable for the passage? (①=Para.1 ②=Para.2 ③=Para.3 ④=Para.4 ⑤=Para.5 ⑥=Para.6)  【知识积累】 It is best that every person knows what he eats, as he takes in, can make or break himself, in terms of health. (阅读理解·E)正如人们理解的那样,他们最好能够知道饮食能够在健康方面成就他们或者毁坏他们。It是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句,在主语从句中what he eats can make or break himself作knows的宾语。as he takes in是非限制性定语从句,as意为“正如”。 【文章大意】本文介绍一些对我们大脑记忆恢复有帮助的食品。 37.【解析】选B。细节理解题。文中有关能使记忆恢复的食品有:fish, avocado, red wine,因此根据选项给出的答案,只有B项符合文意。 38.【解析】选B。推理判断题。在文中作者在饮食方面提出了七种,即:fish,vegetable,avocado,sunflower seeds,colored bread, rice,grain。 39.【解析】选B。细节理解题。在文章的第二段提到了to avoid mental blocks(为了避免精神障碍),由此可知,粗纤维和深绿叶蔬菜对避免精神障碍有帮助。 40.【解析】选A。结构判断题。本文是总分总结构,所以选择A答案。 *****************************************结束 Ⅰ. 完形填空 Volunteering is often so meaningful to people who try it that they are inspired to share their experiences with others. Read the personal 1 below to see how people who volunteer, are people 2 you. I’ve been singing and 3 poetry for four years. I’ve 4 since I was eight. I 5 to sing for my mother’s friends, and then I started singing for charity galas(义演) 6 by church groups, women’s clubs, the Lions Club, and stuff like that. I have three books of poetry and songs. A fourth is in 7 . I 8 all of the money from the books to children’s charities. Money from my first book went to a school for deaf and blind kids in Great Falls, Montana, and to the Lions Club. They did a 9 called Sight First to help the blind. Money from the second book went to Home on the Range, a 10 for abused children and to the Feed,the Children Fund for orphans in Bosnia. I 11 people at a local nursing home. I 12 the women’s hair and they ask me to come by on Sundays and perform for them. I also sing for homebound hospice(临终安养院) 13 . I visit them and sing for them. I guess that’s what’s really 14 to me, when I sing to someone who is 15 , someone who is really sick, and who isn’t 16 of much of what’s happening, 17 when I’ve done these there’s a smile on that person’s face. I find that everyone needs love, everyone can give love, and that love is 18 everyone wants. Love is a 19 of giving. You change when you get older, but love is 20 . Love is the same when you are 7, 13, or 102. 1. A. feelings B. tales C. reflections D. actions 2. A. like B. for C. to D. with 3. A. writing B. reciting C. learning D. performing 4. A. attempted B. volunteered C. succeeded D. managed 5. A. hated B. preferred C. used D. stopped 6. A. put on B. put off C. put up D. put down 7. A. place B. use C. practice D. production 8. A. make B. donate C. earn D. collect 9. A. war B. fight C. battle D. campaign 10. A. shelter B. room C. house D. factory 11. A. find B. see C. visit D. notice 12. A. sell B. do C. play D. make 13. A. visitors B. patients C. companions D. volunteers 14. A. fulfilling B. amusing C. exciting D. embarrassing 15. A. anxious B. eager C. worried D. dying 16. A. afraid B. tired C. aware D. fond 17. A. so B. and C. but D. otherwise 18. A. what B. that C. which D. where 19. A. collection B. chain C. combination D. union 20. A. endless B. temporary C. contemporary D. ageless 【文章大意】作者是一个志愿者,小的时候为母亲的朋友等人唱歌,后来在教堂为教众唱歌,而自己的一部分收入也捐了出去。作者还去附近的私人疗养院护理老人并为老人唱歌。在做志愿者的工作中,作者体会到了“爱”的真谛。 1.【解析】选C。本文主要讲述“我”做志愿者的经历和对“爱”的思考。reflection反思,考虑,符合语境。tales(充满惊险的但不一定真实的)故事;feeling感觉;action行动。 2.【解析】选A。根据上下文,此处表示“像”你一样的人们。 3.【解析】选D。从下文可知,此处表示作者给他人唱歌或表演诗歌,故应该选用performing。 4.【解析】选B。从下文看,此处表示“我”开始从事志愿者活动,故选用volunteered。 5.【解析】选C。此处文意为“我”由过去给母亲的朋友唱歌,慢慢地转向给别人或其他组织或团体唱歌。used to do表示“过去习惯/常常”。 6.【解析】选A。charity gala表示“义演”,从搭配角度考虑,此处使用put on(上演)。 7.【解析】选D。四个选项均可与in搭配,从意义上看使用production。in production表示“在生产中”,意即还未出版。in place在位;in practice在实践中;in use在使用中。 8.【解析】选B。此处表示“我”把卖书得来的资金全部捐给儿童慈善机构。 9.【解析】选D。war战争;fight打斗,打架;battle战役。此处campaign意为“(为社会、商业或政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的)运动”,符合语境。 10.【解析】选A。根据后面的abused知此处选用shelter,表示为受到虐待的儿童找到一个收容所(庇护所)。 11.【解析】选C。从13空后面的一句 I visit them and sing for them. 可以推断此处使用visit。 12.【解析】选B。do one’s hair表示“梳头,整理头发”。 13.【解析】选B。根据hospice和15空后面的sick可知此处使用patients。 14.【解析】选A。fulfilling表示“让人感觉有意义的;令人满足的;有成就感的”。根据后面的I’ve done these there’s a smile on that person’s face知,作者对自己做的事情感到很满意,故fulfilling符合语境。 15.【解析】选D。根据hospice和15空后面的sick可知此处使用dying,表示一些即将离世的或危重的病人。 16.【解析】选C。此处表示一些危重病人的情况,根据前面的sick可知,此处使用aware,表示对外界发生的事情没有多少意识的病人。 17.【解析】选C。前面提到病人的情况很不好,此处使用but表示转折,“我”给他们唱完歌以后,他们的脸上露出了微笑。 18.【解析】选A。分析句子成分可以看出,此处使用what引导一个表语从句,what在从句中作wants的宾语。 19.【解析】选B。根据前面的 I find that everyone needs love, everyone can give love可知,此处表示作者把love比喻成一个“链条”,总有人不断地付出爱,这种方式会持续下去。 20.【解析】选D。endless无休止的,无穷尽的;temporary临时的,暂时的;contemporary当代的,同时代的;ageless青春永驻的,永恒的。根据前面的 You change when you get older可以推知,此处文意为随着时间推移爱是永恒的,所以选D。 *****************************************************结束
