2013高考英语二轮(文章题)训练(22)及答案 Our everyday lives are essentially killing the environment. There are certainly important changes that need to be made at every level—statewide, nationwide, and even worldwide—that can help preserve the Earth. That doesn’t mean, though, that there’s nothing that can be done on an individual level. We spoke to eight of the country’s leading environmentalists and asked them this question: Their individual answers varied, but the point they truly wanted to stress did not: One person can make a difference. The other common idea was that they had a difficult time limiting it to only one tip. Matt Petersen, president of Global Green USA, recommended that, in the long run, we rebuild our buildings so that they are green. Dr. Brent Blackwelder, president of Friends of the Earth, emphasizes the importance of the state and federal tax code on the energy choices we make, and feels this is a widely overlooked issue. One example cited is the “gas-guzzler(耗油量极大的汽车)tax, ” as it is often referred to. This loophole(漏洞) has encouraged automakers to focus their production and advertising efforts on the products that end up being the biggest gas-guzzlers and polluters. Equally the carbon footprint, measured in carbon dioxide units, calculates the impact human beings have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouses gases produced. Both our direct emissions(排放)of carbon dioxide, like the burning of fossil fuels and the indirect emissions of carbon dioxide as a result of the manufacture and breakdown of everyday products are calculated into the carbon footprint measurement. Commonplace activities like eating red meat and drinking bottled water are slowly but surely contributing to the devastation of our environment. So take our experts’ tips into consideration. This Earth Day, give Mother Nature the day off. Take public transportation, turn out your lights, and try not to print every one of your e-mails. It’s the little things that really can make a difference. 37. According to the passage, eight environmentalists _______. A. didn’t agree with each other at all B. had the same suggestions C. all thought each person could play a part in environment protection D. came from different countries 38. Dr. Brent Blackwelder held the view that _______. A. we should build more green buildings B. drivers using gas-guzzlers should pay higher tax C. federal government had paid much attention to the problem caused by gas-guzzlers D. gas-guzzlers produced less pollution than expected 39. The underlined word “devastation” probably means _______. A. damage B. protection C. education D. change 40. What is mainly discussed in this passage? A. Carbon footprint. B. Gas-guzzler tax. C. Celebration of the Earth Day. D. Saving our earth. 答案解析 【文章大意】保护地球环境人人有责,人人都能起一份作用。 37.【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“One person can make a difference. ”可知虽然这8位环境学家对普通人如何做才能拯救环境有不同的观点,但有一点却是相同的,即每个人在拯救环境上都会产生影响。 38.【解析】选B。推理判断题。从原文第四段可知Brent Blackwelder认为对耗油量极大的汽车要征收高额税,以便减少这些车的使用。而A项是Matt Petersen的观点,C项联邦政府并未注意此问题,才导致Brent Blackwelder提出的,D项明显不对。 39.【解析】选A。词义猜测题。根据原文倒数第三段可知“碳足迹”是指一个人的能源意识和行为对自然界产生的影响。人类每天吃穿用住,无时无刻不在消耗资源,无处不在排放二氧化碳。有的是直接排放,比如开车、乘车,有的是间接排放,比如购买、使用工业品。这些都会留下碳足迹。所以我们即使是饮用瓶装水也会留下碳足迹,对环境造成破坏。 40.【解析】选D。主旨大意题。文章在开头就提到我们的日常生活影响了环境,号召大家行动起来保护环境。接着从环境学家的谈话中指出我们每个人在环境改变方面都可以尽自己的一份力,作一份贡献,接着在最后一段号召在“地球日”来临时应该如何去做,故D项正确。A、B项只是作者为了说明问题所涉及的两个细节,C项也不是本文重点,本文并未讲如何庆祝今年的地球日。 ****************************************************结束 (五) Up to 90% of school leavers in major Asian cities are suffering short-sightedness, a study suggests.The study was led by Professor Ian Morgan, from the Australian National University. “1.________ we've done suggests that something extraordinary has happened in East Asia in the last two generations,” he told BBC News.“They've gone 2.________ something like 20% short-sightedness in the population to well over 80%, heading 3.________ 90% in young adults.It certainly causes a major health problem.” Eye experts say short-sightedness is often caused by an elongation(拉伸) of the eyeball 4.________ happens when people are young.According to the research, the “extraordinary rise” in the problem is being caused by students working very hard in school 5.________ missing out on outdoor light. Cultural factors also seem to play a part.Across many parts of Southeast Asia, children often have 6.________ lunchtime nap.According to Professor Morgan, 7.________, they're missing out on prime light to prevent short-sightedness.“As a result of great educational pressures and the construction of a child's day, the amount of time 8.________ spend outside in bright light is reduced.” says Professor Morgan. (六) Dorothy Kamenshek was considered one of the best female players in American baseball history.At seventeen, Kamenshek was chosen to be on the Rockford Peaches team.Known as “Dottie” 1.________ her fans, she became a huge success. She would jump over a meter in the air to catch the ball at the first base position.She was 2.________ a great hitter(击球员).Kamenshek played for the All-American Girls League for ten seasons.She was chosen to be on the All-Star team seven times in 3.________ career. Her life influenced 4.________ role played by Geena Davis in the 1992 movie “A League of Their Own”. Dorothy Kamenshek was 5.________ a skillful player that a men's minor league team from Florida once tried to buy her contract, 6.________ she refused the offer. Kamenshek retired from baseball in 1953.She earned a degree 7.________ physical therapy.She later worked for the Crippled Children's Services Department in Los Angeles, California. Dorothy Kamenshek died in May, 2010 8.________ she was eighty-four. (七) How can we learn about life? One of the best ways to learn about life is to study the lives of remarkable people.Find those 1.________ live great lives and learn how they do it.And the way to do that is reading their biographies.There are many benefits of reading biographies. Firstly, reading biographies can teach you about 2.________ made great people fail in the past so that you can avoid them in the first place.3.________ you can't always avoid failure, yet at least you can save yourself much time.4.________, it teaches you about how to respond to failure.Thirdly, reading the story of how something with 5.________ small beginning grows big and changes the world will open your mindabout what is possible and will inspire you to dream big. Lastly, 6.________ extraordinary people are extraordinary principles.They live by 7.________ and that's why they become extraordinary.The principles set them apart and make them stand 8.________ in the crowd.Reading their biographies can teach you about these extraordinary principles. (八) Dear Patrick, I was an only child who had everything I wanted, but sometimes I felt lonely.So when Mom told me I would have 1.________ brother, I was excited.I imagined 2.________ wonderful you would be.When you were born, I looked at your small hands and feet and felt happy —you were so beautiful. We took you home and I proudly showed you to my friends.3.________ touched you, but you never reacted.4.________ you were five months old, some things began to bother Mom.You seemed so quiet, and your cry sounded strange.So we brought you to the doctor. The doctor looked at us 5.________ pity and said, “He'll never walk 6.________ talk.” Mom was greatly surprised and I was angry.I thought it was unfair. When we went home, Mom took you in her arms and cried.But Mom 7.________ gave up on you, and then one day you proved that the doctor was 8.________ —you crawled(爬行)! Then one day Mom saw you pull yourself up and walk! *************************************************************结束
