2013高考英语二轮(文章题)训练(8)及答案 According to a report by the China News Weekly, Chinese white collars are becoming fully occupied in the office. They pursue many of their activities in the office building, eating, doing exercise, resting, playing games or even dating. In large cities such as Shenzhen, Shanghai and Beijing, where economy is developing at a fast speed, office workers face an increasing work pressure day by day and many of them have begun to make office their home. As the young generation in society, most of them are aged between 25 and 45. In the eyes of outsiders, they enjoy a comfortable life: they lead the fashion trend in the city and earn a high salary; they enjoy a flexible working schedule and a very good working environment; having a good education background, they don’t have to worry that one day they will lose their jobs. However, only the white collars themselves know what others see as a good life is in fact a boring life. They often work extra hours, suffer from loss of creative ability and have little time to make friends. When they go off from work late at night, sometimes they might think of asking for a leave the next day and having a holiday somewhere. However, when a new day begins, they find everything back to normal and themselves pushed by new tasks. In fact, even if they don’t work extra hours in the office, they have no place to go. Many of the young people are fresh from college, or have come to work in large cities from their hometowns. As newcomers, they haven’t established a social network. They have few friends to go dating. Meanwhile, many of them face a great pressure for earning money to buy a house or a car. If they cannot afford to buy these, they still have to work to pay for high apartment rents and communication fares. 33. The underlined sentence probably means __________. A. Chinese white collars are not allowed to get out of the office B. the office is crowded with Chinese white collars C. Chinese white collars make the office filled with odds and ends D. Chinese white collars spend most of their time in the office 34. The following are all reasons why white collars want to have a rest EXCEPT that __________. A. they have to continue to stay at office after work B. they feel more and more difficult to think up a good idea C. they have no interest in anything D. they have little time to make friends 35. The main idea of the third paragraph is that _________. A. white collars are admired by other people B. white collars needn’t worry about losing jobs C. white collars can earn high salary and work freely D. white collars are in the lead in the way of behaving 36. From the passage, we can infer that _______ . A. white collars are all workaholics who regard the office as home B. white collars suffer from material and mental pressure in life C. white collars are the models of young people in society D. people have a good understanding of what white collars’ life is 【文章大意】文章主要讲述白领人待在办公室时间长的原因。 33. 【解析】选D。语意猜测题。从第一段第二句They pursue many of their activities in the office building可知。occupied 已占用的;不空闲的, be occupied in无暇;忙碌。 34.【解析】选C。细节理解题。从第四段的第二句They often work extra hours, suffer from loss of creative ability and have little time to make friends. 可知,A、B、D三项都是白领阶层想休息的原因而C项未在文章中体现。 35.【解析】选A。主旨大意题。从第三段的第二句In the eyes of outsiders, they enjoy a comfortable life可知,白领阶层受到人们的羡慕。 36.【解析】选B。推理判断题。从第四段They. . . suffer from loss of creative ability. . . 和最后一段中many of them face a great pressure for earning money. . . 可推知。 *******************************************************结束                    (一) I've been married for seven years to an extraordinary woman,actress Catherine Zeta-Jones.We have two children,a daughter,4,and a son,7.My life is __1__ around my family's schedule.Our daughter just __2__ kindergarten and our son began the second __3__ last week.They are at a precious age,and I don't want to miss a minute of it. __4__ all parents,I labor to keep them on schedule,and try to teach them __5__ to think positively and to work through daily life.I also try hard to be sure they have __6__.I read with my kids every night.That has become a __7__ for me. We've moved to the island of Bermuda,where I spent a lot of time as a(n) __8__ (my mother is in Bermuda and still has a large family there).I __9__ my schedule to my wife's,since she is in the prime(全盛期) of her __10__.The school year tells us when we are going to travel.The kids know what Mommy does for a living, __11__ they have never seen Daddy's movies (they're too young),so Mommy makes __12__ and Daddy makes pancakes! I don't really __13__ ,but I am the take-out and home-delivery expert.I enjoy it.It's all given me great __14__.Don't get me wrong.I still go to work,but now only on projects I really care about.I have a new movie __15__ called King of California.We __16__ it in only 31 days,not like some of the 90-day shooting schedules of the __17__. There is so much to learn in __18__ a family.Basically,you want to try to leave this earth having given more to it than having taken __19__.That makes you a good citizen of the planet.If I can __20__ this on from generation to generation,that's as close to immortality(永久)as I can hope to get. 1.A.fixed B.centered C.gone D.spread 2.A.started B.offered C.supplied D.gave 3.A.class B.school C.grade D.term 4.A.Like B.As C.For D.With 5.A.when B.what C.where D.how 6.A.horror B.fun C.game D.honor 7.A.success B.failure C.favorite D.struggle 8.A.kid B.adult C.merchant D.waiter 9.A.adopt B.arouse C.arise D.adjust 10.A.business B.career C.crisis D.affair 11.A.however B.so C.but D.and 12.A.movies B.pancakes C.food D.dish 13.A.work B.care C.wait D.cook 14.A.trouble B.satisfaction C.pain D.terror 15.A.coming out B.coming up C.coming across D.coming over 16.A.watched B.saw C.filmed D.observed 17.A.former B.latter C.next D.past 18.A.bringing B.raising C.taking D.leaving 19.A.away B.up C.off D.on 20.A.leave B.give C.pass D.hand (二) When your kids were six or seven, you sent them to school. Did you ever wonder what goes through a teacher's __1__ as he or she tries to teach your kids? Did you ever wonder what the teacher __2__ from you,the parents? Parents can be __3__ or suspicious. They can be of great help to the teacher __4__ be in need of help themselves. Some teachers think parents are too __5__ on their children. Here is __6__ one teacher puts it. “I usually have the __7__ of parents coming in and __8__ me how much they care about the kids' education and how they really __9__ their kids. They tell me they stand and __10__ them closely when they do their homework. Sometimes they __11__ offer help with the kids' lessons as if they were teachers. They check their school work, and are too sensitive to __12__.They blame the kids on everything having to do __13__ school. When a parent asks me how his or her kid is getting on in my class, my answer usually is ‘Well, you know,he is __14__ a good kid. He is fine in my class. Maybe you don't have to be so __15__ with your kid.’” Teachers want parents to know that they are professionals at __16__ with children. They have __17__ many children and even parents. Because of this, teachers can be __18__ at educating children. Teachers are __19__ that parents want their children to do well, but they know more about what children should be able to do at different ages and __20__. 1.A.heart B.mind C.soul D.spirit 2.A.reflects B.results C.benefits D.expects 3.A.effective B.attentive C.supportive D.positive 4.A.but B.or C.thus D.as 5.A.hard B.keen C.dependent D.crazy 6.A.where B.how C.when D.why 7.A.problems B.contracts C.accidents D.agreements 8.A.advising B.examining C.telling D.instructing 9.A.do with B.deal with C.make up D.give up 10.A.connect B.guide C.watch D.inspire 11.A.even B.already C.still D.merely 12.A.marks B.efforts C.pains D.words 13.A.at B.beyond C.in D.with 14.A.nearly B.really C.seldom D.hardly 15.A.satisfied B.careful C.strict D.cautious 16.A.working B.playing C.staying D.joking 17.A.fed B.observed C.attended D.greeted 18.A.pleased B.worried C.disappointed D.experienced 19.A.content B.doubtful C.aware D.suspicious 20.A.stages B.classes C.schools D.projects ******************************************************结束
